Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 490: I haven't been in the mountains for a long time, it makes people feel friendly

Remember for a second【】

"..." Shao Yunyun couldn't help laughing and laughing, and said, "Sister-in-law Sitang is pretty good in my opinion. It's a good thing that there is such a sensible person in the second room, who can also hold back a little bit."

Qiao Xuan nodded in agreement, and said casually, "No, no matter what happens in the future, there is someone who can say a few words clearly!"

The second uncle and the second aunt are afraid that they will be very angry! Just thinking about it, Qiao Xuan admires Sitang's sister-in-law.

Anyway, if she has such parents-in-law, she thinks that she may only have to run away...

Early the next morning, Mrs Yan really came over.

Because we have to go out, the big house wraps the buns and steams them the night before, so that they can be stored in such weather, and they can be eaten by steaming them in the morning.

I made two kinds of stuffed sauerkraut, winter bamboo shoots, bacon, and vermicelli with egg. I also steamed some rolls with chopped green onion, and steamed bread with white noodles. I can eat some at noon.

Yan Shi and everyone ate breakfast together, and set off shortly after dawn.

I haven't been in the mountains for a long time, and everything feels cordial.

In this cold spring, the mountains are still green, the deciduous trees have not yet grown leaves, and the dead grass has not yet grown new leaves.

However, the bare branches are already densely covered with bud bags covered with a layer of cuticle, gently poke the withered grass, and you can see a tiny yellow bud with a sharp point. As long as a few days later, the spring breeze blows, and one night In between is another look full of vitality and greenery.

The wood-type power in Qiao Xuan's body sensed the outside world, and she became a little bit eager to move, as if she was accumulating strength, ready to burst out.

Everyone walked and laughed.

There is not much mountain goods to pick in this season, at most dig some yam.

Mainly to watch Xiaoqi hunting.

Xiao Qi is also unequivocal, he shoots arrows with a bow, and he never misses his shot.

Yang Xiaoni, Taotao, and Shao Saburo cheered and ran forward to retrieve their prey with great enthusiasm.

It was the first time Mr. Yan saw such a scene, and he was stunned.

Xiao Qi's ability to draw a bow and shoot arrows is too powerful! Don't say anything else, just rely on Xiao Qi's ability, in a few years, the life of the big room will not be bad.

What's more, Shao Yunyun is also a scholar, and Qiao Xuan is the daughter of the county magistrate.

Yan shi greatly exclaimed and praised Xiao Qi, and felt more and more that her parents-in-law were simply flooded with water.

When she goes back, she has to tell her man well again. She can't be rude to the big house in the future, and she can't even think about scheming others...

After half a day of hard work, everyone has gained a lot.

Pheasants, hares, grouse, wild pigeons, etc. hunted about twenty.

Qiao Xuan deliberately brought the seasoning out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was just in time to roast pheasant and hare at noon.

The sun shines warmly on the body, and the mountain wind blows occasionally, and there is no biting icy chill in the wind. When the fire rises, it feels even warmer.

The group of people built a fire near the water source, and it was easy to remove the hair and wash it, and it was done quickly. The pheasants and hares were strung together with bamboo, and they were roasted on the fire.

Estimating the roasting heat, salt, homemade five-spice powder, sprinkle some on top at a time, smeared honey twice in the middle, and finally sprinkle with chili powder. , the skin is crispy and the meat is tender and delicious.

Yan Shi is not a greedy person, and he can't help but covet.

Yang Xiaoni and Shao Sanlang were already rubbing their hands together.

When it is hot, it is really crispy and delicious, and the roast is very delicious, making people want to stop.

Spring in Nongmen: There is a happy wife at home

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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