The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Chapter Dejected

Zhu Kuai is not willing to leave yet, so he asked for a reply.

Qu Shan said with a smile: "Our third son has his own opinion on this matter, he never likes to write letters, you know, as our third son, it is very taboo for things written by hand to be left out, which can easily cause unnecessary Trouble. The third son has never written a letter to your uncle! If you have any problems, you will send messages to the people below.

Zhu Kuai was helpless, so he had to leave and rush back to resume his life.

The master of the third son of Lezheng, he can't do it.

What's more, what this little brother Qushan said does have some truth. The Lezheng family is so rich, how could the elders and sons of the Lezheng family spread their handwriting casually?

The arrest did not dare to delay, and returned to the county office before noon the next day.

Mr. Qiao, who was restless after waiting, immediately passed on him.

"What about the reply? Submit it soon!"

The catcher froze for a moment, hesitating: "Returning to your lord, the third son of Lezheng didn't, didn't reply..."


"The third son of Lezheng said that he already knew about this matter. He had already made arrangements and planned to send someone to deal with the matter later. It would be fine if it was earlier. The people from the third son of Lezheng should meet in the next two days. Come here, he said that he will explain the matter to the adults in person..."

Mr. Qiao's mind was empty, and there was no response for a while.

He had a vague premonition that he was not very good, and questioned the details of the arrest.

However, how much do you know about the catch? He only met the third son of Lezheng, and he didn't say a word.

Mr. Qiao didn't get any valuable news, and became more and more upset. He angered and scolded Zhao Kuai a few words, "Useless things, this little thing can't be done well!" Waiting, he ordered him to retire.

Catch fast and relieved.

"how so......"

Mr. Qiao was dejected like an eggplant beaten by frost, and ran to Mrs. Qiao to complain.

Mrs. Qiao also frowned, but her first reaction was: "Master, are you sure that Shao Yunyun honestly wrote the letter according to Master's intention? Did he write anything that shouldn't be written? Could it be that he caused trouble? "

Master Qiao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"This is impossible. The letter was written by the master and copied by Shao Yunyun, and then checked by the master himself. Moreover, when the Japanese official sent someone to send the letter to the provincial capital, even if Shao Yunyun wanted to make trouble, he would send it to the third son of Lezheng. A letter, it is impossible to rush in front of this official."

"Besides, hmph, I don't believe that he has such courage! The third son of Lezheng may not believe him either."

Madam Qiao thought about it too.

Who is the third son of Lezheng? Who is Shao Yunyun?

The fundamental difference between clouds and mud!

Just relying on Shao if he wants to provoke, people will listen to him? Just a joke!

"Master's proposal is beneficial and harmless to the third son of Lezheng. It is reasonable to say that the third son of Lezheng will not refuse. It can only be said... It's a coincidence that he really has other arrangements."

"There's no way this can be done..."

Mrs. Qiao sighed, also a little depressed.

There are still more than 20,000 taels of silver. For nearly a year, the entire family has been smashed to the capital one after another, and they have been hollowed out.

She didn't make any new clothes this spring. She used to cut several sets every season.

This year, she saved it, and only made two sets for her daughter, which is such a big opinion.

As for jewelry? Can't add more!

Even rouge gouache should be used sparingly.

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