Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 629: Master Zhao smiled bitterly, and his heart was even more bitter

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Chapter Chapter Zhao Master smiles bitterly, and his heart is even more bitter

"It's only a thousand, and a thousand, and that's too—ah!"

"My family doesn't have so much cash anymore, what should I do?"

"Our money didn't come from the strong wind, the county magistrate is too much!"

"Oh, what to do then?"

As soon as these words came out, all kinds of sighs and complaints came to an abrupt end.

Everyone looked at Master Zhao and asked him.

After all, he is one of the richest households, and the Zhao family is closer to the county magistrate's family.

Master Zhao smiled bitterly, feeling even more bitter in his heart.

Before everyone's family took one thousand taels, his family took one thousand five hundred taels.

It's better now. Others will take one thousand taels. According to the master, let him take two thousand taels.

He almost vomited blood!

"What can be done about this? Who is...that is the parental official? Besides, he just said to borrow..."

Someone sneered: "Let's just listen to this, everyone knows that the money is impossible to return."

"Yes, but who dares to say that?"

The crowd was speechless.

Master Zhao sighed: "You guys should go back and collect this money and give it to your lord. There is a saying that the people don't fight with officials, and take a step back to see the sky. I don't think Master Qiao has done this in all these years. Come to think of it, he really has something to worry about."

This is true.

Everyone nodded, each sighed, and bowed their heads in dejection.

In any case, no one dared not give this money.

Mr. Qiao is not a domineering and greedy local official in a fishy village, but he is by no means a good person. Since he has opened his mouth, who dares not to give it?

Master Zhao quickly collected two thousand silver to send it.

Others followed one after another, and some even sent people to quietly go to the provincial capital to sell a few valuable items, and they finally collected a thousand cash.

Several were asked for for the first time. Seeing that everyone else had given it, they did not dare not to give it.

Master Qiao immediately counted, and quickly sent his confidants to Beijing to seek employment.

A stone fell to the ground in my heart, and I was so happy.

"It's still the way Madam thinks! It's settled like this!"

Mrs. Qiao also breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "It is natural for me to be a concubine if I can contribute to the master."

Mr. Qiao said affectionately: "With such a virtuous inner helper as Mrs., why not have a prosperous family business! In the future, this official will definitely earn a letter for his wife and come back!"

Mrs. Qiao loved to hear this, and suddenly smiled: "The concubine can thank the master first!"

"Hahaha, this is what Madam deserves!"

Mr. Zhao was afraid that Master Qiao would borrow it again. As soon as the money was sent out, he immediately went out to visit friends, and he would never come back after a few months and a half.

As long as he is not in the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ family, the son can't make up his mind, and he can always prevaricate.

The Zhao family has gained a lot of convenience from Master Qiao in the past few years, but he took 3,500 silver from himself, not counting the filial piety on the birthday, so he still lost a lot of money!

Mr. Zhao didn't know what it was like in his heart.

When the others saw that Master Zhao had slipped away, those who realized it immediately opened their way and ran away.

The Zhao family, several masters all know that Master Qiao asked for money from their own family, and the family is not very happy.

They have always felt that Mr. Qiao treats him differently and is very friendly, and they are proud of it in their daily entertainment.

Alright now, slap in the face.

Mr. Qiao asked their family for much more money than others!

Zhao Ming was particularly angry.

Thanks to her kindness to Qiao Wei, she even helped Qiao Wei to inquire about Qiao Xuan secretly, but now, she doesn't want to tell Qiao Wei.

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