He didn't care about Shao Yunyun's bad attitude, he just thought that he was in a bad mood and could be forgiven.

Shao Liulang didn't doubt the truth of this statement at all. After all, Shao Yunyun was kicked out of Minghua Academy. Without his teacher's guidance, he couldn't discuss and communicate with others.

Under this premise, what qualifications does he have to participate in the autumn festival?

Even if you go, it is only a matter of making up the number, and it is impossible to pass the test.

What a waste of money, why?

Although Shao Liulang left with satisfaction, Shao Yunyun still didn't dare to take it lightly. He still had to explain what should be explained, and what should be kept secret must be kept secret.

He solemnly said to Uncle Shao: "Dad, I am going to the provincial capital to participate in the autumn festival, you must not mention a word to anyone in the second and third rooms. Many people in the academy are jealous of me, if they know that I am going to participate. Qiu Wei, I can't guarantee that there will be no trouble, I have not asked my father for anything, just this time, please don't say anything!"

Uncle Shao was a little disapproving, "You said so, I'm sure I won't tell anyone else, but do I have to hide it from my family? Just let them not tell it, my family won't hurt you!"

"Father," Shao Yunyun knew that his father would be like this, and his voice was cold: "I'm not joking with you. There are many people who know it, so the secret is no longer a secret! Does my father want to harm me or our family?"

Uncle Shao's face was ugly: "You—are you that serious?"

"Yes. It's even more serious than this, you don't understand these things!"

A viper and scorpion woman like Mrs. Qiao, relying on the fact that she is a local parent and an official, who would she take in the eyes of Heshan County?

Mr. Fang was annoyed, "What's wrong with you? It's not a serious matter. Duan'er would say that? I don't know why, but I'll believe it when Duan'er says it! Do you believe it? If you don't tell them about this, will it have any effect on them or will it be harmful? Duan'er is going to participate in the autumn festival. At this time, you have to fight against your son? I tell you, if it's because of your talkativeness If something goes wrong, we'll leave! I won't let you go! The children are all grown up, so why don't you just leave the family early, and the old lady will be alone!"

Anyway, her sons wouldn't leave her alone.

Uncle Shao was a little embarrassed by her robbing, "It's alright, don't say it, don't say it, it's really that serious..."

Uncle Shao left angrily.

Fang said to Shao Yunyun: "Don't pay attention to him, don't worry, I will keep an eye on him and never let him talk nonsense."

Shao Yunyun nodded: "It's hard work!"

The Shao family's big house is very large, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun have their own yard, and they don't show up in front of the village people very often. The two of them left quietly and no one noticed.

The fact that Shao Yunyun did not participate in the autumn festival quickly spread in the village.

There are those who gloat over the misfortune, those who laugh at them, those who have all kinds of absurd conjectures, those who are sure that Shao Yunyun will not pass the exam so they did not take the exam, and there are those who sincerely care and regret.

Some people even came to ask about it, and they were very curious.

This is not a glorious thing, and Fang's face is not too good-looking, and he does not seem to want to answer too much, so most of the people who came to ask said three or five sentences, and persuaded a few words "think about it!", "" If you are ready, you can take the test later!", "It's a pity!" and so on, and he left.

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