Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 749: Mrs. Zhao's Mother and Daughter's Bad Ideas

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And don't worry about their revenge again. It's hard to say whether Master Zhao and Zhao Guanghua would do such a thing.

The next day, Shao Yunyun went to the county town again, and Qiao Xuan did not go into the mountain, but went to the flower field for a turn.

No one knows what Shao Yunyun and Qiao County magistrate said, but the Zhao family's case was soon cleared.

Several bitter masters who sued the Zhao family have received generous compensation and the Zhao family's apology, and they are grateful.

As a result of the crooked fight, Mr. Qiao's official reputation actually increased, and he was called a few times, "Master Qingtian!"

As for the Zhao family, they have committed so many cases, and of course they were fined and confiscated. For the sake of their voluntary confession and compensation, they will not be imprisoned or exiled. They just beat Zhao Guanghua 30 big boards and ordered their family to leave Heshan County. , and are not allowed to come back to harm the people in the future.

In this regard, the people of course applauded!

The Zhao family is abominable, especially the second son of the Zhao family, who does a lot of bullying.

The county magistrate Qiao watched closely, the Zhao family had no chance to clean up their belongings at all, and they said that all their property was confiscated, and they would not let them take anything away.

In the end, only Mrs. Zhao took a bag, which contained jewelry, and drove two carriages. When it was dark, the family left in a hurry.

Here's a little snippet.

The Zhao family was sentenced to have all their property confiscated, and the family left Heshan County and could never return.

No one wants to leave their homeland.

That would make people nervous and hopeless.

All the peace and steadfastness in my heart that I have in my homeland can't be compared anywhere else.

They have not been arrested in the yamen, nor have they faced the county magistrate Qiao, they do not know how serious the matter is, and they always want to fight for it.

Zhao Ming thought of Shao Liulang.

Mrs. Zhao was also panicked and panicked. Even if it was a life-saving straw, she tried to grab it. What if the life-saving straw really turned things around?

Mrs. Zhao sent someone to accompany Zhao Ming to find Shao Liulang.

Who knew that Shao Liulang was not in the academy now, so Zhao Ming was so anxious that he simply went to Shaoding Village.

Shao Liulang felt that everyone in the academy compared him with Shao Yunyun, and everyone laughed at him behind his back, so he simply didn't go to the academy.

He knows everything he needs to learn, and he can review his homework at home.

The big deal is that it's New Year's Eve. In the coming year, Shanglin County will find another academy to stay.

Since the day he got Uncle Shao's promise, he has been waiting for Shao Yun to come to the door.

He had already thought about it, he couldn't give Shao Yunyun a good face so easily~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was only after Shao Yunyun's good words that he asked him.

Don't want to, he waited left and right, and didn't wait for Shao Yun to come.

Shao Liulang was very angry.

Ma was distressed, and he also fought for his son, and ran to the big room angrily, trying to accuse Shao Yun.

As a result, he was scolded by Mr. Fang, and he came back angrily.

Shao Liulang scolded "the villain is successful!", "the dog's eyes are low!" and so on, his heart was ruthless, he must pass the examination as a scholar, a high-ranking person, and a jinshi. .

Let him regret his arrogance today!

As for Uncle Shao, Shao Liulang felt that he was tricked by him!

He just deliberately teased himself perfunctorily, and he respected him as a senior, but he didn't deserve it at all!

He will never believe his words again.

(End of this chapter)

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