Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 752: he doesn't know anything

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Shao Yunyun briefly explained the cause and effect indifferently, and before he finished speaking, Shao Liulang changed his face and interrupted him: "This is impossible!"

"You can go out and ask at will."

Shao Liulang was dumbfounded.

In his heart, he still didn't want to believe it, but he knew better that Shao Yunyun would not lie to him. There is no need for Shao Yunyun to lie to him about this kind of thing.

"This, could this be, what misunderstanding happened..."

Shao Yunyun sneered: "The sixth cousin will not forget, why did Zhao Guanghua transfer back from the provincial academy, right?"

Shao Liulang choked and blurted out, "That's because someone wronged him..."

Shao Yunyun felt that this person's ability to pretend to be asleep and refused to wake up was not small.

"If you don't believe it, why don't you go to Yangjia Village and go to Lizheng and the clan elders to inquire? Don't the sixth cousin think that everyone has wronged Zhao Guanghua?"

Shao Liulang didn't speak, but obviously, he had this kind of thought. At least, he wasn't entirely convinced.

Shao Yunyun was too lazy to talk to him, but told him decisively that there was no discussion on this matter! It had nothing to do with him, he had better leave it alone, otherwise, it would be his right for Saburo to beat him.

Thinking of Shao Saburo's merciless and merciless fist, Shao Liulang shivered slightly and changed color, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

He opened the page, but he tried to persuade Shao Yunyun, what kind of enemies should be resolved and not knotted, what kind of people should stay on the line, so that they can meet in the future, and what's not good for his face, let's reconcile with the Zhao family. ......

This reason was a little strange and inexplicable, which caused Shao Yunyun to look at him a few more times.

Shao Liulang simply "speaking the truth" and told Shao Yunyun that he and Zhao Ming are in love with each other, and Zhao Ming will be the daughter-in-law of the Shao family and his own person in the future, so what can't be accommodated?

Shao Yunyun was taken aback.

Only when I asked, did I realize that Zhao Ming was actually in the second room!

It was only then that he understood why Shao Liulang rushed to the big room to question him.

Zhao family, really shameless!

"It's impossible for the Zhao family to marry your daughter, so give up! If the Zhao family really wanted to marry you, they wouldn't let Miss Zhao come to you at this juncture. Which family did that?"

Which family is not a matchmaker's word for parents' life? Instead, let the girl come to the door in person, and there are no parents or matchmakers?

Shao Liulang is fascinated by ghosts, where can he listen?

Shao Liulang was so embarrassed that he became angry, stomped his feet and sneered: "I know you guys don't like me! I don't want to marry a good wife! I won't compromise on this matter, hum! No one wants to ruin my good marriage! "

Shao Liulang's blood was on his head, and he left in a rage.

Shao Yunyun hurriedly explained to his mother and third brother.

He is not afraid that they will misunderstand Shao Liulang, but he does not want them to feel sad.

Sure enough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Shi, Shao Sanlang, Yang Xiaoni, etc. heard that Shao Liulang knew nothing about this, but they were provoked by Zhao Ming, the eldest lady of the Zhao family. some.

Otherwise, it would be so frustrating!

"That's an idiot, the third one, Mr. Yang, don't take it to heart!"

Shao Sanlang hummed: "The sixth is still so out of tune, this study has gone into the belly of a dog!"

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "So third brother, you beat him well! Such a person deserves to be beaten!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh and say yes!

Shao Liulang left the big room and stopped.

On impulse, how would he explain to Zhao Ming?

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