Latest website: Not only did she fail to bring back benefits to her parents' family, but instead, her precious son was beaten, and Zhang's family was taken back from the Shao family, and she had to eat the family's food.

Mrs. Zhang couldn't get over her anger, so she naturally beat and scolded her. She asked her to get up before dawn. She was asked to do all the housework and the nearby fields, but she was not allowed to eat enough.

Only half a bowl is given for each meal. As for the vegetables, I will give her a bowl of rotten green vegetables with a lack of salt and oil. While eating, she will be called a waste, a useless, useless thing. Don't work hard for the sake of your mother's family...

Zhang Shi was very sad and very guilty.

She also felt that she was sorry for her family.

So at the beginning, being treated like this by her own mother, although she was not used to and worked hard in every way, she still endured it silently, thinking that she was atonement for her sins like crazy.

Instead of complaining in her heart, she worked harder.

It seems that only in this way can I atone for my sins and allow my mother to forgive me.

But she was not hard-hitting, and soon fell ill from exhaustion and hunger.

She thought she fell ill because she was working for this family, and her mother would definitely care about her, forgive her, and cook her something delicious.

I didn't want to, but I was full of hope in exchange for Mrs. Zhang's more furious scolding.

It was intentional to scold her, to be sick on purpose, to be lazy, to bring bad luck to the family, to be vicious, to lose one's conscience...

There is no concern, no nervousness, no delicious food, and there is only a strong disgust and disgust in his eyes.

It was as if a sharp sword had stabbed into Zhang's heart.

Zhang Shi was stunned at the time, and his hope was broken.

She also had a hard life. With no one to take care of her and no medicine, she had to endure it for three or four days, and she slowly got better.

After that, she still works every day, but she doesn't have the same drive and enthusiasm as before.

On the contrary, from time to time, he would stop and be in a daze, and his eyes would suddenly turn red and weep secretly.

In exchange, Mrs. Zhang was beaten, scolded and tortured even more severely.

The old lady Zhang really hated her, she was useless, useless, and she had to stay at her mother's house to eat her mother's food. She raised her for nothing.

Zhang was so sad and sad that he washed his face with tears every day.

A few days ago, I finally couldn't bear it anymore, and ran out of Zhangjia Village at night, crying while running, and ran to Shaoding Village.

As a result, Mr. Niu opened the courtyard door the next morning and saw a person rolling down the door in the cold wind and rain. He was so frightened that he screamed and almost fell!

Later, I found out that it was Mrs. Zhang, what can I do? Can she let such a comatose ex-daughter-in-law die at the gate of her house?

No matter how careful and greedy Niu is, he can't do such a thing.

In such a cold day, she fainted from the rain, and had a fever. If you ignore her, she will die.

Mr. Niu secretly said that he was while scolding, he called Mrs. Yan to help, brought people into the house to clean up, and boiled a bowl of **** soup for her to drink.

When Shao Erlang came back from work in the evening, he was startled, and hurriedly went to ask a doctor.

The couple hugged and cried.

I don't know if the Zhang family really regretted it, but Shao Erlang really softened.

He didn't expect that Zhang's life was so miserable in his parents' home. In the winter, the clothes were shabby and thin, and the person was too thin, and his hands were full of scars...

When the two children saw their mother's appearance, they also cried out "mother" and cried.

?? Don't worry, she's almost finished



(End of this chapter)

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