Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 841: Why is she here at night

Latest website: When she said this, Mrs. Fang felt a little uneasy, and felt that she was vigilant just now, thinking that her cousin would be entangled, who would know that her cousin would be so reasonable.

The two cousins ​​and nieces looked at them, their temperament was quiet, they were kind and well-behaved, and their appearance was not bad. In fact, it was not that they couldn't think about it.

Mr. Fang had already made up his mind at that time, and he would go back and ask again. If there was no problem and Xiao Qi was happy, then they would be settled.

I don't want to, the distant cousin said one thing, and did another thing, so that the eldest girl who was two years older than Xiaoqi tried to make a "skin kiss, innocence destroyed" drama with Xiaoqi, To force the Shao family to marry.

This girl came to the Shao family and saw the big house, the big yard, the bright and spacious house, the Shao family's clothes are so good, Taotao and the others even have jade bracelets and silver jewelry. The white rice or pasta that is not mixed with miscellaneous grains has meat every day, and I have long been envious of it.

Originally thought that this marriage could be done as soon as it was said, but who knew Fang Shi would not agree to it, why is she not in a hurry?

When her mother came up with a bad idea, although she was a little nervous and scared, she quickly overcame the difficulties and agreed.

Originally, their mother and daughter discussed to let the girl pretend to wrestle and fall on Xiao Qi, but later they felt that this was not enough "iron proof".

Mr. Fang made it clear that he looked down on them and was unwilling, but the result was just a fall. It can be said that he didn't recognize them by accident. If they really made trouble, it was his own family who suffered.

Only the real ruined innocence counts.

So that night, after dinner, the girl used the excuse of going back to the guest room to rest, but in fact sneaked into Xiao Qi's yard and entered Xiao Qi's room.

Xiaoqi and others have their own small yards, but they usually don't close the courtyard door, let alone during the day, not necessarily at night.

The girl wanted to hide in easily.

It was a coincidence that Fang Shi just took Xiao Qi's quilt out to dry during the day. When he put it away, he put it in the main room and forgot to send it back.

Xiao Qi took the quilt back with her, and Mrs. Fang held the lamp for him and sent him off.

As a result, after entering the house, as soon as the light was on, the mother and son saw the shadow of the person reflected on the wall.

The two were stunned at first, and then both startled!

Xiao Qi is worthy of the daring art master, and has rich experience in hunting and walking in the mountains, especially good at dealing with various emergencies.

He stepped forward lightly and grabbed the person violently.

How did the girl think this would happen? Unexpectedly, I screamed and screamed!

This call ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ scared Fang Shi and Xiao Qi!

When I saw it was her, I was even more frightened!

This, this big night, how could she be here! !

When he came back to his senses, Fang was furious, and Xiaoqi blushed, embarrassed and angry...

What's not clear about this? This girl took the initiative to drill into the unmarried man's house and hid there secretly, what else could she want to do? All the fools thought about it.

Besides, the distant cousin has been a little nervous since she made an appointment with her daughter to act tonight, and her spirit has been concentrated.

The yard of the Shao family's big house is very big, but it is still different from those of the real estates of the rich and powerful, and it is limited in size.

At the very least, someone screaming, everyone else can definitely hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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