Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 901: how can this be

Latest website: From her, he could not see the slightest bit of meanness, arrogance, ignorance, pride, etc. in her mother's mouth.

Instead, she brightened his eyes.

Calm and calm, unassuming and generous, with outstanding temperament, bright and radiant.

He could see that Mrs. Qiao's mother and daughter, and the people of Qiao's family were excluding her and isolating her intentionally or not, but she did not appear cowardly, timid, embarrassed, or resentful when she walked among them.

In other words, they tried to suppress her and ridicule her, but they couldn't overwhelm her in aura.

She is better than walking in the courtyard, calm, and the self-confidence and strength inadvertently revealed between her eyebrows made Yang County Magistrate feel that she did not take Mrs. Qiao and the others in her eyes at all.

In other words, those people were nothing but clowns in her eyes.

At that time, his heart skipped a beat, and it was difficult to accept.

What made his chest even more stuffy was that she also saw him, but when she looked at him, her eyes were calm and indifferent, and there was not even a trace of ripples in her eyes.

As if he, like anyone else, was nothing but a stranger in her eyes.

How can this be so?

He was her ex-fiancé, and their engagement was cancelled because of her fault, and she was a prostitute, and it was her great blessing to marry him, but she missed the marriage because of her own fault, When she saw him, she didn't hesitate.

She only glanced at him and then looked away lightly.

He was so... insignificant in her eyes.

This made Magistrate Yang, who has always been arrogant and thought that Qiao Xuan would definitely regret losing this marriage, and was inexplicably very unhappy.

As if being humiliated in some way.

This feeling lingered in his heart, and it made him more and more unhappy and uncomfortable. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore. When he saw her in the temple, he almost didn't think about it, and subconsciously walked towards her.

He felt that he wanted to talk to her, although he didn't know what he wanted to talk to her.

What he didn't expect was that Qiao Xuan's attitude was so calm and calm, and she even called a little master to stand by as a witness.

In addition to being stunned, the county magistrate Yang felt greatly humiliated.

Who does Miss Qiao take him to be?

Is it possible that he still thinks that he will pester her and have plans for her?

What a joke!

The county magistrate Yang suppressed the inexplicable resentment and sour dissatisfaction in his heart, smiled indifferently, and glanced at Qiao Xuan: "Miss Qiao Er seems to be doing well now."

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "It's not bad to have all the hardships come to fruition."

Qiao Xuan's four words "to end the hardships and joys" couldn't be more realistic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although she is not the original owner, but the days before the original owner can only be written in one word of bitterness?

Qiao Xuan didn't want to make Mrs. Qiao cheap, she chose to tell the truth.

However, Magistrate Yang, who was not very happy in the first place, changed his face slightly.

He felt like he was being included.

What Qiao Xuan means is that she had a marriage contract in the past, so she felt bitter, but now she is married to that Shao Xiucai, is she willing to come?

Saying this in front of him, oh, how confident she is!

The tone of the county magistrate Yang was not very good, "Aren't Miss Qiao's words afraid of being misunderstood? Others don't know it, and I think Miss Qiao has complained about her parents' family!"

Qiao Xuan: "...Master Yang, I am a prostitute who has lost my mother. How well does Master Yang think I can live in my parents' house?"

(End of this chapter)

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