Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 906: Shao Yunyun is here

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Shao Yunyun had to talk to Magistrate Qiao and Magistrate Yang, but Mrs. Tang was upset and didn't want to see Qiao Xuan again. She said she was tired and went back to the guest room.

She could not admit it in her mouth, but her intuitive feeling couldn't deceive anyone.

This Shao Yunyun, even if it is not as good as her son, is not much worse.

What she was depressed about was that after Qiao Xuan broke up with her son, she should wash her face in tears and live in remorse all day long. How could she still live so comfortably? This simply doesn't make sense.

What annoyed Madam Tang the most was that the woman beside her blurted out an emotion: "I didn't expect Miss Qiao Er to be such a fortunate person to marry a Master Jie Yuan, and the two seem to be a good match... "

Madam Tang immediately changed her face.

If it weren't for the fact that this old woman is still loyal and solves problems for herself, she would have reprimanded her long ago.

Qiao Wei cried and made trouble at Madam Qiao, insisting that she clean up and rectify Qiao Xuan to vent her anger.

Originally, Qiao Wei was planning to go back to the mansion, so she brought someone to fight over. But I didn't expect Shao Yunyun to come.

She would never admit that once Shao Yunyun came, she would not dare to be so blatant and unscrupulous.

Madam Qiao was also disappointed.

The slap Qiao Xuan slapped on Qiao Wei's face in public was also slapped on the face of her mother-in-law. But it was Qiao Wei who was wrong, and she couldn't even find the place on the spot.

Forget it, and let her fight herself in front of Madam Tang.

She knew her daughter's temper, and she expected that she would not forgive Qiao Xuan if she closed the door after returning to the house. And without outsiders, how to clean up Qiao Xuan, isn't it easy?

As long as she pretended she didn't know anything at first, and comforted her with a few words afterward, it was enough to deal with it in front of her husband.

Who knows, that Shao Yunyun actually came!

Mrs. Qiao sneered, no matter who came, the more Shao Yunyun cared about Qiao Xuan, the more unacceptable the ambiguity between Qiao Xuan and Yang county magistrate - oh, no ambiguity? What does it matter? She said yes, then yes.

Anyway, as long as Shao Yunyun believes that it is enough!

Besides, this is only the first step, she also prepared a big gift bag for Qiao Xuan!

"You can go back and have a good rest. You don't have to go to Qiao Xuan at this time. Don't worry, my mother will vent her anger for you. Wait a minute, my mother will keep you comfortable!"

Mrs. Qiao talked about it, and just then persuaded Qiao Wei.

That evening, the county magistrate Qiao had to entertain her son-in-law and Lord Yang. Mrs. Qiao hosted a banquet to greet Mrs. Tang, but Qiao Wei did not show up. She said that she was unwell, so she did not come.

So Mrs. Qiao told Qiao Xuan to take good care of Mrs. Tang during the dinner, she went to see Qiao Wei, and by the way, took Qiao Kou with her.

Qiao Xuan responded with a smile.

Madam Tang was immediately displeased~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I thought to myself, why are all the Qiao family so unreliable? Madam Qiao walked away as the mistress of the house and let Qiao Xuan accompany her. What is this?

Facing Qiao Xuan, Mrs. Tang was stunned and lost her appetite.

After sitting for a while, Madam Tang got up and went back to rest.

Madam Qiao left, while Madam Ling was still here. Seeing this, she smiled at Qiao Xuan, "Second Miss, why don't you give Madam Tang a gift."

This is the way of hospitality.

Qiao Xuan took a deep look at Ling mama, thought for a while, and figured out a little taste.

She actually didn't mind whether to send Mrs. Tang or not, but Mammy Ling's request, even though she didn't know what Mammy Ling's idea was, it would definitely not be a good thing.

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