Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 909: a little regret

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The more I thought about it, the more I became agitated, and the more I was reluctant to let go.

Shao Yunyun lowered his head, his chin brushed against Qiao Xuan's hairline, and the soft hair brushed over the skin with a tingling tenderness. Both were heartbroken.


Shao Yunyun whispered softly, and couldn't help lowering his head and leaning over to kiss her gently on the face.

The cool and soft touch made Qiao Xuan startled, she broke free from his embrace with a low "Ah!" and took a step back subconsciously.

Shao Yunyun opened his hand and wanted to hug her, stopped halfway, and took it back.

I'm sorry, why didn't you just kiss her a few times?

Qiao Xuan was very confused. She didn't mean to reject her, but she wasn't ready yet. I don't know if he will misunderstand and be sad...

Qiao Xuan was a little worried and couldn't help but secretly glanced at Shao Yunyun quickly.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be angry, Qiao Xuan was a little relieved, and even more regretful.

"Cough, yes, you received the letter from the shopkeeper Qin yesterday that you brought for me. Did you only come today?"

Qiao Xuan was speechless and tried to break the embarrassment.

"Well," Shao Yunyun cooperated with her, nodded and said, "I'm worried that they will join forces to bully you."

Qiao Xuan smiled and raised her eyes to look at him, with a bit of slyness in her shining black eyes: "Just worry about this?"

Shao Yunyun also smiled, "No, I'm still worried that the Yang family will regret it. What should I do if I fight for my wife?"

Qiao Xuan's heart was sweet, the water in her eyes was so bright that her smile became more gentle: "No one can take it away! Who cares about his Yang family and Zhang family, what does it have to do with us? For us, it means nothing. Strangers involved!"

At such a time, it is natural to take the opportunity to express a statement and express a position.

She and the Yang family had never met. From the moment of the marriage to the termination of the marriage, her client seemed like an outsider, and no one had asked her opinion or cared about her opinion.

It would be very unfair to her if she was mixed with the Yang family.

Shao Yunyun wouldn't be so confused, but he was still sincerely happy to hear Qiao Xuan say it himself.

"That's exactly what the lady said! Let's go home tomorrow, shall we?"


The two smiled at each other.

Shao Yunyun couldn't help but stretched out his arms to embrace her again, "Let's rest early..."

The next day, the mother and son of the county magistrate left.

Both of them didn't look very good when they left, and they tacitly stopped looking at Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun, as if Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were very annoying.

Madam Tang angrily said: "This Qiao family is really deceiving! I can see it clearly, hehe, this is deliberately inviting us to come, and it is said that it is a guest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, it is not at ease! What are you trying to show off?"

"My son is Tanhualang, a mere Jie Yuan, what is there to show off!"

"Besides, this marriage was clearly resolved by their own making a joke at the beginning, but now it's so ugly!"

"Xi'er, mother must find you a very good marriage, one thousand times ten thousand times better than this Qiao family!"

The county magistrate Yang smiled: "Mother, don't get angry, it's not worth it. As for the child's marriage, the mother is in charge. The mother must be good for the child."

Mrs. Tang smiled with satisfaction: "That's natural, if my mother is not good for you, who is good for you!"

She couldn't help stepping on Qiao Xuan again: "Then Miss Qiao has no discipline at all, sharp teeth and sharp mouth, so it's not good at first glance, my mother doesn't look down on that kind of thing anyway!"

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