Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 912: Someone must be watching in the dark

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The next day, the house was still lively, but Qiao Xuan was busy.

She had to quickly raise the tea seeds.

The weather is still quite cold at the moment, but the chill in the air has gradually weakened. Although spring has not yet come, the breath of spring is gradually approaching.

Qiao Xuan also had to accompany Shao Yunyun to Beijing. There was no time, so she could only hurry up and raise seedlings. There are supernatural blessings and catalysis, and it is expected that nothing will happen.

By the end of February and the beginning of March, she and Shao Yunyun had already left Shaoding Village. At that time, Steward Mu and Ding Erzhu sent people to transplant the tea saplings, which was just right.

In addition to the tea tree seedlings to be raised, the planting of roses, Chinese roses, red and blue flowers, pomegranate flowers, and red osmanthus can also be prepared.

Qiao Xuan went to Xin Provincial City and asked Le Zhengxiao to help buy these kinds of seedlings. These kinds of flowers are all good flowers for making lipsticks, so the quantities required are very large.

This year's flower field Qiao Xuan plans to expand another 200 acres.

These seedlings only need to be transported to the village before she and Shao Yunyun leave home. She uses the wood-type ability to protect the seedlings in advance, and Yang Xiaoni, Taotao and the others can hire people to plant them slowly.

Now there are 52 beehives in total. When the 200 acres of flowers and trees bloom, more beeswax is needed to make lipstick, and the beeswax produced by 52 beehives may not be enough.

When the grass is growing and the warblers are flying and the flowers are blooming this spring, it is necessary to continue to separate the beehives.

Fortunately, Qiao Xuan had taught Taotao and Shao Saburo before, so they could share it at home.

Without Xiao Qi and herself, Qiao Xuan repeatedly told them not to go into the mountains to find ready-made wild bee hives, it would not be safe.

There are fifty-two beehives at home, not every one of them can be divided, but it is no problem to divide a dozen or so.

Qiao Xuan explained to them again, if the beeswax is really not enough, then forget it.

Those flowers will be wasted when they are wasted, and beeswax cannot be purchased externally.

Qiao Xuan didn't dare to underestimate the wisdom of the people of the time. The thing about making lipstick will gradually spread, and it won't last long.

But the big house of the Shao family now has a high status in Shaoding Village because of the school and donation of family land. In addition to the identity of Shao Yunyun and the relationship with the provincial capital Lezheng family and Xie family, no one has the courage to be so blatant. calculation.

But there must be someone watching in the dark.

If you are known to buy beeswax, you will not be able to think of anything by the shape of the lipstick.

Qiao Xuan still wants to monopolize for a few more years and make a fortune!

The cassava will also be planted about 200 acres this year, which is very easy and can be directly cut. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The rest is to take care of the herbs and fruit trees in the garden.

The papayas and dragon fruits that were planted years ago around the provincial capital can be seen before leaving.

It is a pity that sugarcane, pineapple, etc. are too late for large-scale planting this year. Without Qiao Xuan's ability, even if Le Zhengxiao helped to transport a large number of seedlings from the south, the things that came out might not survive, and even if they survived, they might not grow well.

In the blink of an eye, the fifteenth day of the first month passed.

After the lively Lantern Festival, the breath of spring is stronger, and the sun has been very warm for several days. The more industrious people have already started to prepare the land and started to carry the manure into the fields.

Xiaoqi, Ding Jinshan, and the others, they all set out in the county town on the first day of the second lunar month. After the provincial capital met the counties, they headed north on the third day of the second lunar month.

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