Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 915: That's not virtuous

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"But don't care who is following, in the end she's just a maid, clumsy, but she can't do it. The capital is nowhere else, it's going to be a joke! You don't want to see him being made fun of!"

Qiao Xuan wanted to laugh when she saw Madam Qiao's pretence, "Madam must have come up with a good idea for us, right?"

Mrs. Qiao asked her to be neither soft nor hard. She sneered slightly: "That's natural. After all, we are your elders, so naturally we should plan for you."

Madam Qiao winked.

Soon, Ling mama brought up a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old beauty with a bee-waisted, slender-shouldered, charming and graceful appearance.

"Greet ma'am!"

As soon as the beauty opened her mouth, she was soft and soft, intriguing, and she was charming and charming.

An apricot-colored shirt lined with a slender waist and a grip, which was particularly moving.

Qiao Xuan understood in an instant.

Without waiting for Madam Qiao to speak, she smiled and said, "Is this beauty the maid and concubine that Madam prepared for my husband? Madam is really interested!"

Mrs. Qiao's brows were a little smug, and she chuckled: "Since you are so clear, I don't need to say more, this Ginkgo girl is the most gentle, considerate and considerate, and you can rest assured that she is waiting for you! "

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun didn't tell Qiao County magistrate and Mrs. Qiao that she would also follow her to Beijing. At this moment, Qiao Xuan still didn't plan to say anything. Wen Yan smiled and said, "What if I don't agree?"

"That's not virtuous," Mrs. Qiao sneered: "Shao Yunyun treats you well, you are not happy, are you? You don't think about it, he is Xie Yuan, if there is a great fortune in the future, it is even more unlikely that there will be fewer people around. What is a ginkgo in this mere amount of money now? I can't stand it anymore? Then there will be more when it can't stand it in the future!"

"Compared with other origins, this ginkgo was given by your mother's family. It's better than others to be with you! Now, do you know that you have the benefits of your mother's family?"

"After the woman's family leaves the cabinet, when the son has not yet grown up and has a great future to rely on, who can he rely on instead of his mother's family? As long as the mother's family is there, your husband can't threaten you no matter how successful he is and how many concubines he has. Status, only then can the tide rise and the husband and wife be honored! Otherwise, just wait to be neglected!"

"Qiao Xuan, do you understand now?"

Mrs. Qiao was a little proud and in a very relaxed mood.

What if Qiao Xuan hated her again? Still not to compromise, not to rely on the Qiao family?

Otherwise, she is rootless duckweed!

"I understand," Qiao Xuan smiled. "But I still don't want to listen to Madam's advice. Madam, don't waste your time!"

"Qiao Xuan, you really don't know what's wrong!"

"It's my own business!"

"You! Alright~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I'll wait. I'll see what happens when you fall to the ground!"

Qiao Xuan smiled: "Then just wait. What you can't do doesn't mean others can't do it. The sins you've suffered, you turn your head and want to impose them on me, Mrs. Qiao, you played well. Abacus!"

"Since this Ginkgo girl is so good, why don't you leave it to your sister to take her to her husband's house as a concubine when she leaves the cabinet!"

"To shut up!"

Madam Qiao was furious and glared at Qiao Xuan.

How can Qiao Xuan be compared with her daughter? Naturally, her daughter could not suffer such grievances!

"It doesn't matter what you said, Ling mama, send Ginkgo to the master's study, and let Ginkgo take care of the second uncle!"

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