Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 923: cherish each other

The latest website: When the weather gets warmer and warmer, the business of the Tangshui shop will definitely improve. This year, there are tapioca flour, Xueli fruit, and various fresh fruits such as dragon fruit and papaya, and the Xie family provides a certain amount of fresh fruit. Milk, this business is bound to get better and better.

Qiao Xuan couldn't take care of this matter, so Le Zhengxiao could only worry more.

Qiao Xuan went to see the dragon fruit and papaya planted at the end of last year again. Because the weather has been warm recently, the papaya has begun to sprout and grow leaves. The dragon fruit is green and looks very good.

There was no frost last winter, and they all survived the winter without a hitch.

Qiao Xuan applied another power to them to help them store up energy and vitality. After a while, they could germinate and grow leaves and blossom and bear fruit.

By the time she and Shao Yunyun came back from the capital, the papaya and dragon fruit should have been fruitful, right?

It is a pity that sugarcane and pineapple cannot be planted this year.

But that's all, whether lychee, longan, mango, etc. can bloom and bear fruit depends on this year. If it can be done this year, it can be planted on a large scale next year, and sugar cane and pineapple will be planted at that time.

Especially sugar cane, can also make sugar.

The system in her space wooden house can query the most advanced sugar-making process and related tools and equipment suitable for the modern era, which is another way to make money quickly!

Three days later, the caravan entering Beijing began to set off, and Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun took Lixia, Liqiu, and Songshi along with them.

In addition to them, there are also two friends Shao Yunyun made before, Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou. These two were also selected as candidates. Everyone happened to be traveling together, and they could take care of them when they arrived in the capital.

Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou already knew that Shao Yunyun was on good terms with the Lezheng family and the eldest son of the Xie family, and that the Shao family itself was quite rich. They were shocked at the time, but they never expected that they would be beside them. Hidden such a big guy!

After all, Shao Yunyun seems to be very low-key and not ostentatious at all.

The two were not jealous of Shao Yunyun, but admired him a lot, thinking that Shao Yunyun was really amazing. Not only does he have a good family background, he is also highly talented, and he is also humble and gentle, so it is impossible not to be admired.

They didn't flatter him because of Shao Yun's wealth. How they interacted with him in the past is still the same now.

Instead, they became more empathetic to each other.

It can be seen that Shao Yunyun's vision for making friends is very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, if Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun knew about Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou, they would regard Shao Yunyun as a well-known and low-key wealthy son, I am afraid that both of them will cry and laugh.

They have nothing to do with these words at all!

On the day they set off, Mrs. Lezheng, Le Zhengxiao and Xie Jingrong sent them off together. Mrs. Lezheng held Qiao Xuan's hand and couldn't bear to let go. While writing the letter, there is Lezheng's shop in the northwest. It is not too far from the capital, and it can always be helpful...

Qiao Xuan was moved and replied with a smile, asking her to take care of herself.

The caravan was led by a boss surnamed Tang.

When Boss Tang saw that Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun and his party were so much respected by the Lezheng family and the Xie family, they respected them even more. Everyone was polite and respectful to the several masters, and they wanted to treat them with respect. Offer it up like an ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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