Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 927: The more Qiao Xuan thinks, the more beautiful she becomes

The latest website: The largest three are only the size of a goose egg. Most are about the size of a duck egg. The other two were only a little bigger than small eggs.

But it doesn't matter, for Qiao Xuan, even if there is only a potato the size of a small egg, if she works for two years, she can make two acres!

A potato can be cut into several pieces when planted, as long as the pieces have buds on them.

Under the promotion of her wood-type ability, no matter how big or small this bud is, she can make it grow vigorously.

Now in front of her are sixteen potatoes of different sizes, and after cutting them into pieces, you can get about a hundred pieces. That is to have a hundred potatoes.

With supernatural powers and meticulous care, not to mention too many potatoes, a dozen or 20 large, healthy and plump potatoes can definitely be harvested.

Then next year, she will have a very large number of potato seeds.

Next year, it can be planted on a large scale.

At that time, you will be able to harvest a lot of potatoes and cook a lot of delicious dishes.

This is a great weapon to cope with famine. It can be used as a vegetable and a meal. It is easy to grow, and the yield is high without picking the land.

Like cassava, Qiao Xuan didn't plan to hide it, so she started to develop from Shaoding Village. Whoever is willing to plant it, all the families in this village, relatives and friends will provide 20 seeds for free each, and other villages want it. A penny a pound.

The more Qiao Xuan thought about it, the more beautiful it became, but Shao Yunyun looked confused.

His daughter-in-law looked very happy. She had received a lot of new crops in the past, but it was the first time she was so happy.

"Ma'am, is this potato good?"

Shao Yunyun asked with a smile.

Song Shi had already left, and there were only the two of them in the room.

Qiao Xuan said in her heart that of course it was very, very good, but she couldn't say it, it seemed that she knew too much. Some things can be inferred to be "seen from the book", but it is impossible to see everything from the book, and it can't be said in too much detail.

Qiao Xuan also came back to her senses, she seemed a little too happy...

It seems that this person still can not get carried away.

She smiled and said: "The things I haven't seen, of course, are good things! This time I found something new myself, so I'm naturally happier! It's called Western yam, and I think it's similar to our taro, but look The way the little boss eats today is not the same as our taro. I don’t know if we can grow live fruit in our house! Hey, I really want to try it now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s a pity that there are too few seeds, so keep it!”

Only then did Shao Yunyun understand, and he thought too, that the new species discovered with his own eyes was of course different from the one who had been found by others.

No wonder his wife is so happy!

Shao Yunyun then smiled and said: "Since this is also a taro, I think it will be the same as ours, and it will definitely be able to grow and live."

He added, "I think there are quite a few of them. If the lady wants to try it, it's okay to try two."

"No, no!" Qiao Xuan waved her hands again and again, "I can't taste this, I have to keep it for planting! In autumn, I will reap much, much better!"

There are only sixteen, where would you be willing to try it? Even if I miss hot and sour shredded potatoes, three fresh grounds, dried potatoes, braised pork with potatoes, stewed chicken with potatoes, potato cakes, fried potato chips, etc., I can't bear to try them.

It hurts to hear Shao Yunyun say that.

(End of this chapter)

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