Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 931: Prepare to deal with Joe's

Latest website: Shao Yunyun, Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou are not involved in these matters.

Although today's old emperor Qi Xuandi favors the Taoist people, and is addicted to alchemy to seek longevity, the imperial election is the top priority of the country.

These things are different from other things. If one is bad, it must be beheaded and exiled, and the nine clans will be wiped out.

If a dynasty is not corrupted to the core, the imperial examination examiners will not cause fraud at the feet of the emperor.

What's more, although Emperor Qi Xuan was addicted to seeking longevity, His Royal Highness was quite prudent and virtuous, and it was even less likely that anyone would dare to commit crimes against the wind.

Therefore, there is no need to repeat what others say, listening to some people exaggerate and talk nonsense.

You just need to stabilize your mind and answer the questions with peace of mind.

It's not a good thing to get involved in this kind of thing at such a time.

Xie Jingrong also reminded Shao Yunyun that in the capital city in the past few years, there have been many incidents of run-down dignitaries and little-known officials deceiving and deceiving money.

Shao Yunyun felt that, looking at the current situation, there must be no less things like this this year.

After settling down, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun were ready to deal with the Qiao family.

Deep down, Qiao Xuan didn't consider herself a member of the Qiao family at all, and she didn't want to be involved in the slightest bit of the Qiao family.

But she has such a scumbag father and family, this blood relationship can't be broken naturally, and it won't work if you don't deal with it.

If Shao Yunyun was awarded the jinshi, the Qiao family might not be willing to let them go easily at that time, so this must be done as soon as possible!

Otherwise, it must be a big trouble in the future.

If nothing is done, then the Qiao family will entangle them and hold on to it, and Shao Yunyun will ignore the Qiao family, which will inevitably lead to a loss of reputation.

It's not worth it to lose one's reputation and influence one's career for such a family.

After the two discussed it, they began to inquire about the Qiao family.

It's ridiculous, Qiao Xuan's scumbag originally said to send an introduction letter to Shao Yunyun, so that they could go to the capital with the letter to Qiao's house to seek help.

The results of it? The scumbag and Aunt Xing rolled into the bed, and he didn't get up when Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun left, so of course there was no such thing as the introduction letter.

If you count on him, the two of them will enter the capital, even if they don't even know which way the gate of Qiao's house opens!

Fortunately, the two of them were well prepared, so they asked Xie Jingrong to help him find out.

Know where Qiao's family is located and the condition of their home.

So, the two of them stared at the Qiao family secretly in Nafujin.

Follow Qiao Hongxi.

That is, Mrs. Qiao's direct son~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qiao Xuan's brother.

As for why they followed Qiao Hongxi, of course, it was because according to the information they provided from Xie Jingrong, this person was proud and conceited, thought he was talented and elegant, and was narrow-minded and jealous.

He is actually quite a jinshi.

Because Daddy Qiao's father was an earl after all, and when it came to his descendants, although the title was no longer there, the court was quite human and gave him grace, so Qiao Hongxi should have fallen off the list, and he was also given a jinshi.

But he didn't know it himself, he thought he was very talented, maybe the champion was not enough, and the third flower was qualified to compete, but unfortunately he was pushed out by the powerful and sued officials, so he reluctantly became a jinshi...

If you want to find fault, of course, it's best to pick such a person!

The luck of the two was not bad. After two days, the opportunity finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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