"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

"Absurd! I don't know what to say!"

The two men's words and attitudes were more rude than the other, which completely angered the two masters of the Qiao family. The brothers signed and signed with anger and cold faces. When the couple comes back, I, the eldest brother, must ask them carefully!"

Shao Yunyun quickly took the divorce book and browsed it.

Qiao Xuan calmly smiled and said, "Oh, then feel free to ask. If it's convenient, you might as well let me know their answers. I also really want to know how they have taught their children over the years."

The two elders were stunned, as if surprised by Qiao Xuan's thick skin.

Madam Qiao was irritated, "Get out! Get out!"

Shao Yunyun pulled Qiao Xuan: "Let's go."

Qiao Xuan nodded and followed him without looking back.

Everyone in the Qiao family was still very angry. You scolded Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun for being unreasonable, and then you criticized Qiao County magistrate and Mrs. Qiao for how they taught me? How to teach such an anti-bone girl, it's a shame!

Mrs. Qiao Er suddenly smiled at Qiao Hongxi: "By the way, Hongxi, you looked like you knew them when you first came in. Have you seen them before?"

Mrs. Qiao also remembered: "Yes, Hongxi, how did you meet them?"

Qiao Hongxi was a little embarrassed. How could he be so embarrassed to say that he was humiliated by Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun face to face? Then he said vaguely: "I met those two people on the street before, and they bumped into them. As a result, the wicked people complained first and scolded me."

"I thought at the time that those two were not good things, and they were really good!"

Mrs. Qiao showed disgust: "A cheap bone is a cheap bone! It's cheap and stupid. I was worried that they would entangle our family, but now it's easy!"

"If you dare to come to the door again in the future, instruct the concierge, you don't have to come to report, just beat him away!"

Everyone agreed.

Mr. Qiao said again: "Mother, that Shao Yunyun's stupid appearance must not be expected by the jinshi. After the Spring Festival, they will naturally leave the capital, and I'm afraid there will be no chance to come again in the future. Yes, on the clan side, I don't need to talk about it... What do you think?"

Removal of clan membership is not a trivial matter, and the reason must be reported to the clan.

Although the Qiao family can speak well in the clan, and wanting to expel Qiao Xuan from the clan is just a matter of going through the motions.

It's not a good thing for the Qiao family to raise such a naughty daughter~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Madam Qiao thought for a while, then nodded: "That's it, it's cheaper for her!"

Besides, as soon as Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun came out of the gate of Qiao's house, they fell into Shao Yunyun's arms and began to cry. They cried and cried, looked up at the gate of Qiao's mansion, and then fell into Shao Yunyun's arms and cried.

Shao Yunyun looked indignant, patted her gently, and comforted her in a low voice from time to time.

This Liuzhi Hutong is a relatively lively hutong with a lot of residents, and there are also many small traders and merchants who often walk through the streets and sell their goods.

There is fun to watch, where would anyone not like to watch it?

Several servants who were in charge of small households and who went out to run errands couldn't help but gathered around and whispered curiously.

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