Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 951: You have some self-awareness

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

In the evening, Qiao Xuan deliberately stewed black chicken soup with red dates, ginkgo, lotus seeds, and Tianma, made beef wild mushroom dry pot, steamed river eel, made braised pork, and opened a small jar of fragrant Chongyang wine to accompany her. Shao Yunyun had a drink to congratulate him and make up his body by the way.

In the extremely tense environment of these nine days and nine nights, taking such a test that determines the direction of life, even a person with a high level of talent will be full of tension and nervousness.

After suffering such a torment, I have relaxed mentally at this moment, and no one does not feel tired and empty as if they have peeled off a layer of skin, but they should not make up for it.

The delicious and delicious food entered the mouth, and the stomach was ironed. Shao Yunyun looked at Qiao Xuan and suddenly felt very at ease and satisfied.

There is nothing more satisfying than the delicious food and home-cooked taste after a big competition! The family sits together, the lights are amiable, even if you say some gossip without meaning, it is a great satisfaction in the world.

The next day, Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou came to visit together.

Although the two of them had rested for a day, their complexion was still not very good.

The two greeted Qiao Xuan with smiles on their faces and called "Mrs. Sister-in-law!" Qiao Xuan still saw that both of them were a little uneasy, thinking that they were a little clueless about this subject.

She didn't say much about this kind of thing, she answered with a smile, left them for lunch, and watched them sit and talk with Shao Yunyun, so she went to prepare.

I don't know what the three of them talked about. After lunch, when the two of Lu Min left, the smiles on their faces deepened, and it seemed that they were in a much better mood.

Qiao Xuan couldn't help but gossip curiously and asked Shao Yunyun how they did in the exam?

Shao Yunyun laughed: "There should be no problem, but it depends on how the examiner judges!"

When Qiao Xuan heard the words, she said, "Hey!" "No, it depends on the examiner!"

This is also different from the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination has standard answers, scoring points, and step points. After the test, the results are basically known.

It will try but not. It depends on whether the article meets the appetite of the examiners and the examiners, and it all depends on luck.

However, if the article is written in a stable manner, then even the pickiest person will not be able to pick the wrong place. It is still possible to become a jinshi, but it is hard to say what the rank is.

Shao Yunyun rested at home for two days, then accompanied Qiao Xuan to go out for a walk.

At this time, there were quite a lot of parties among the candidates, but Shao Yunyun, Lu Min, and Gu Zhiyou were not very interested and did not go.

The two simply went for a walk around the suburbs of Beijing together. Shao Yunyun felt that it was rare that he had no time to worry about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naturally, he wanted to accompany his wife.

The two of them were not very lucky either. The capital was so big that they actually met that guy Qiao Hongxi again.

The two of them were speechless about this. They were planning to turn a blind eye and continue to go boating and enjoy the scenery. Who knew that Qiao Hongxi would not let them go, and walked forward with a sneer: "If you see me, you will leave. Is it because of a guilty conscience, huh!"

Qiao Xuan: "... Excuse me, who are you?"


Qiao Hongxi got angry again, looked at Shao Yunyun and sneered: "What's crazy? It's been released in a few days, how about it? Are you sure you can win?"

Shao Yunyun smiled: "I don't know."

"Ha!" Qiao Hongxi was even more proud: "You still have some self-knowledge!"

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