Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 954: in various senses

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Because the stakes of taking risks are too great, either you will be amazing, or you will be famous, it all depends on the examiner's mind.

The only thing that is quite satisfactory, there are one or two bright spots that stand out a little, and the most important thing is that the examiner can't make mistakes, so you can be stable.

When it's time for the palace exam, you can play well.

Shao Yunyun took it seriously and kept it in mind. The most important thing is that after Mr. Yun Lao's training, his own hard work, and learning from so many valuable materials obtained from the Xie family, he has made rapid progress. What kind of article can be made into what kind of article.

After the small gathering, it was already afternoon to see Lu Min and Gu Zhiyou off.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun looked at each other at the same time, their eyes met, and they both laughed. In the still bright sunlight, the smiles of the two of them were as bright as ever.

"Ma'am, I'm really a jinshi!" Shao Yunyun hugged Qiao Xuan and put his hands on her shoulders, his black gem-like pupils shone with light: "I will do everything I promise you. , just wait and see."

The corners of Qiao Xuan's lips were raised high, the smile on her pretty face was brighter than the sun, and she was in high spirits.

She opened her lips and wanted to say something, but she didn't know which one to say, and in the end she just nodded at him with a smile, "Yeah".

Shao Yunyun smiled happily, hugged her in his arms, and felt a little dazed in his heart, he is... Really getting ahead! In every sense!

I am worthy of my parents, family and ancestors, and I am worthy of my hard work for so many years.

He doesn't care what position is arranged in the future. He thought about it, and then the lady would know that even if he became an official, she would still be the only one in his heart, and he would still not change his mind, and they should be a real husband and wife. She should, should not refuse again...

When the beautiful woman is in her arms, the fragrance of nephrite is warm, and the title of the golden list is again, Shao Yunyun is inexplicably proud...

In this world, no one is more fortunate than him!

This day is destined to be lively. Some people cry, some laugh and some go crazy. The selected list quickly spread all over the capital and is talked about by people.

That night, some families were happy and some were sad. A few people fell into a dream, full of confidence, and achieved good results in the palace exam. Some people shed tears, sighed and couldn't sleep, and said goodbye to my companions. Just waiting for the day to come back home in despair, maybe I can afford to fight again in three years, or maybe I'll just let it go.

It is so cruel to cross the single-plank bridge with thousands of troops.

As a rule, the palace exam will be held three days after the conference exam is released~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although this is also a very important exam, the whole atmosphere is completely different from that before the conference exam.

After all, even if it is the last place in the palace test, one can't get away with a single place, and most people know in their hearts, in this big competition of talents, where their level can be ranked in general.

Only those who are especially competitive, or those who were originally high-ranking players, will still have high fighting spirit and attempt to be a blockbuster in the palace exam.

Before the palace exam, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun decided to go to Qiao Hongxi to collect their debts.

gambling debt.

This debt must be demanded now, otherwise Shao Yunyun still has a lot of things to do when the palace exam is over. How can there be time to pay attention to him? And at that time, with the official body, it would be somewhat inconvenient to do this again.

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