Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 956: Ask Qiao Hongxi for an account

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Qiao Hongxi became angry and sneered: "What's the hurry? Why don't you rely on them? Dog slaves, get out!"

Song Shi smiled and said, "Young Master Qiao should go with the villain to see our master and young lady, otherwise, it doesn't look good for the villain to go to the Hanlin Academy tomorrow with a bet to collect debts..."

These words were naturally taught to him by Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun.

When he said this, Qiao Hongxi froze.

"you dare!"

Song Shi smiled, why didn't he dare?

Paying off debts is justified!

Qiao Hongxi scolded a series of swear words in his heart, and gave Song Shi a fierce look: "Go!"

He dared not go.

Otherwise, if Song Shi really took that bet and went to the Hanlin Academy to ask him for a debt, how would he hold his head up in front of his colleagues in the future?

He is well-educated and talented, and there are many people who are secretly jealous and ostracized him.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun asked for a private room in a teahouse near the Hanlin Academy. The two were drinking tea and laughing.

When Qiao Hongxi came in and saw it, his anger rose again.

This lowly prostitute, she deserves it too!

"Young Master Qiao is here, please take a seat! I don't know when Young Master Qiao plans to honor the bet?"

Qiao Xuan is not the original owner, nor is she a prostitute who was restrained by many of the Qiao family before. Of course, she is not afraid of Qiao Hongxi's gloomy eyes and tense expression.

He wants her to see his face, and probably won't have a chance in the next life!

Hearing her mentioning this as soon as she opened her mouth, Qiao Hongxi sneered angrily: "What's the hurry? Haven't you seen Yin Zi?"

Qiao Xuan smiled and said, "I have seen it, but the money won by the bet with Mr. Qiao is not the same! This can be written clearly in black and white, Mr. Qiao should give some words. Otherwise, we can only go to the Hanlin Academy. Go for it."

"You!" Qiao Hongxi's face was even more ugly.

One thousand taels of silver, where is he going?

Now that he is working in the Hanlin Academy, his monthly salary is only 12 taels, and he can't make any extra money all year round. Every month, I have to hand in five taels to the public, and I can only have five taels left.

On weekdays, he had to buy some fine pen, ink, paper, inkstone, folding fans, jade pendants, sachets, hairpins, belts and other small items, and he had to save for a long time, all relying on his parents to subsidize him privately twice a year.

And he loves those delicate and beautiful little things. Every time he gets money, he must buy such beautiful things first, and from time to time there are various entertainments. Where does he have the money?

Moreover, a lowly concubine, dare to threaten him!

Even if there is this silver, he will never give it!


"It's just a joke, do you take it seriously? Don't forget ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm your brother! My parents will be back soon, you should think about how they will respond first!"

Qiao Hongxi snorted coldly.

There are no outsiders here, he is simply playing a rogue!

Qiao Xuan feels that the most inconvenient thing in this era is that there is no mobile phone that can record. This kind of person should be recorded!

So that the world can see this face.

Shao Yunyun said indifferently: "Even if Mrs. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao come to Beijing, what do they have to do with us? This letter of divorce was written by you, and all the seniors of Qiao's family have signed and signed it. If you don't recognize it, it doesn't make sense! You It makes no sense that Qiao Hongxi owes money and wants to default!"

Qiao Xuan smiled: "Why don't you choose, do you want us to go to the Hanlin Academy to find you to pay back the money, or go to Qiao's house to ask? Or, just sue the official?"

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