Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 963: when did you meet her

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

He won the champion and refused to be granted an official position and immediately returned to his hometown. Is he really willing? Don't talk about him, even Qiao Xuan is not reconciled!

Moreover, she didn't want him to regret it in the future.

"It's not us who did the wrong thing, why should we bear such mistakes! It's too early to say this, let's just watch it."

Shao Yunyun smiled: "Yeah, it's not there yet! Let's watch it! But every word I say comes from my heart."

Qiao Xuan felt a little sweet and a little sour in her heart, she gently shook his hand and said in a low voice, "Let's talk about it later, I, I can't bear your..."

She is also unwilling to let her be separated from him.

"That's good! In that case, I have nothing to fear!" Shao Yun embraced her.

Qiao Xuan laughed softly.

She suddenly called out again, "Ah!", stood up straight, and looked up at him: "That Miss Tian is the one you liked, right?"

Shao Yunyun vaguely felt that something was not good, but there should be nothing wrong with what he said. He nodded hesitantly: "Should... Right..."

"So, when did you meet her?"


"From the previous rumors, this Miss Tian must be a proud and conceited person. She can't just look at you from a distance and fall in love with you. I think something must have happened to interest her and make her feel very Something special. She saw that you were waiting for the exam, so she put those words out!"

"But how did you know her?"

Shao Yunyun: "..."

"I-I don't know either!"

Qiao Xuan obviously didn't believe it, her eyes became slightly resentful at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Shao Yun panicked, holding Qiao Xuan's hand tightly: "Miss, you believe me! How could I—"

He suddenly thought of the chance encounter in the pear orchard.

Qiao Xuan kept looking at him. Seeing that he stopped abruptly in the middle of his speech, she couldn't help but glared at him, feeling a bit of sourness in her heart for no reason, "You talk, keep talking."

Shao Yunyun had a splitting headache and could not laugh or cry, and said carefully: "Miss, don't be angry, I remembered, I should have seen her - but I didn't do anything! I just saw her!"

Qiao Xuan's eyes did not blink, and her expression couldn't be more clear: I don't believe it!

"I found a jinpa—"

"Why are you picking it up! You pick up this kind of thing too!"

"I'm not! I just think that if such a thing is picked up by people with bad intentions, it will inevitably be bad for other girls. At that time, we were having a party in Liyuan, and there were so many things to do in the examination. I was soft-hearted for a while! A pair of master servants disguised as men appeared to be looking for something, I..."

Shao Yunyun hurriedly said a series of words like a bean in a bamboo tube, UU reading www.uukanshu. com thanked him for speaking so smoothly.

It is smooth and smooth, and it is not made up at first glance.

"I only said two or three words to her master and servant! Really, I swear!"

"If I had known that I would cause such a big trouble, I shouldn't have meddled in my own business!"

"I shouldn't have given them back that handkerchief, it'll be burnt and destroyed later."

"Hey lady, don't be angry, don't be angry, this—this is all my guess, and it's not necessarily that Miss Tian is the pair of master and servant." He really didn't know.

Qiao Xuan felt a little unhappy in her heart, and pinched him: "Who told you to meddle in your own business? Besides this time, is there anything else?"

"No, no!" Shao Yunyun shook his head repeatedly.

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