Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 967: Try it and see if you can stop it, you can't stop it

"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

Mrs. Qiao covered her mouth and laughed, raised her eyebrows and mocked: "I think you haven't figured out the situation yet, right? You don't want to? Oh, I don't have the right to speak here! The Tian family sees you, It's your blessing, or in other words, it's the blessing of both of you, why don't you understand?"

Shao Yun said coldly, "If I don't want to, what will happen to the Tian family?"

Madam Qiao's turbid eyes became sharp in vain, and she said gloomily, "You really don't want to?"

"I don't want to!"

"I can't help you!" Mrs. Qiao felt that it was unreasonable, and the Tian family was crazy, how could she like this kind of ignorant person.

"Girl Xuan is a member of our Qiao family. Oh, we are your elders. We are qualified to take care of this matter, and we have decided to take care of it."

"Don't talk about the severance book. Even if there is a severance book, so what? Even if girl Xuan has nothing to do with our family, we are still her clansmen, and it is only right and proper to take care of her business!"

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun: "..."

Failed, really failed! I didn't expect these people to be so shameless in order to curry favor with the Tian family.

She felt that she was really naive before, thinking that with the severance book in hand, and taking the opportunity to ruin the reputation of the Qiao family, it was equivalent to laying a beautiful foreshadowing, and she was not afraid of causing trouble for the Qiao family in the future.

At least not at a loss.

I didn't expect that they would do everything they could to take advantage of such a loophole.

Qiao Xuan had to admit defeat. Compared to being shameless, she still lost!

"What do you want to do?"

Madam Qiao sneered sneeringly: "Since you have been persuading you not to listen to you, toast, eat and punish you, then it's no wonder that we are being polite! Girl Xuan, you can go back and live with us for a while! "


"You dare!"

"Try to see if you can't stop it!" Madam Qiao was not afraid of Shao Yunyun's face changing, and said disdainfully: "In short, we have to take her away today. If you are serious about her, you will know what to do."

"If we are satisfied, we will naturally treat her well and give her back to you in the future. Otherwise, if something happens to her, it will be because she is arrogant and impulsive, and has nothing to do with others!"


Shao Yunyun was trembling with anger.

Qiao Xuan felt a chill in her heart.

When the clan opened its **** mouth, it was truly a man-eating monster.

As long as she is the daughter of the Qiao family, even if the Qiao family kills her, no one will report to the official, and the government will not be able to control it.

Shao Yun said coldly: "Do you want to use strength because of the large number of people? Oh, very good! Then, let's try it! Today's humiliation will definitely be repaid tenfold in the future!"

"If you really dare to do this, I will dare to go to the Shuntian Palace to file a complaint! Everyone knows the trouble! I won't do it if it's a big deal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you guys going to accompany me to stop the future?"

"If you have this determination, I will accompany you to the end!"

The Qiao family was silent for a while, frightened and frightened, and they were all frightened.

They are ruthless, and Shao Yunyun is more ruthless than them.

Shao Yunyun is not afraid that the fish will die and the net will be broken, but they are afraid!

For the sake of these two people, it would be worth the loss to pay the entire family.

Mrs. Qiao and her two sons even had some regrets, regretting that they should not have promised the big housekeeper of the Tian family and should not be involved in this matter.

How can you think that these two are crazy!

One is more difficult than the other.

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