"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

"So, sorry!"

Butler Tian didn't seem to hear clearly, and didn't react at once.

"You, what did you say? Say it again!"

Shao Yunyun didn't speak again, just looked at Tian Da's housekeeper, his eyes were deep and calm.

His hand firmly held Qiao Xuan's hand.

Butler Tian's eyes subconsciously fell on the hands of the two of them, and he smiled coldly, his anger rose in vain.

He felt that he, and the Tian family, had been greatly humiliated.

"This is your choice? Master Zhuang Yuan, have you really figured it out?"

"It's not worth it."


Butler Tian Da felt that he was listening to a joke. That's right, he also felt that Shao Yunyun was unworthy, but it was not up to him to decide whether it was possible or not.

"Master Zhuang Yuan is not a fool, but he did something stupid unexpectedly. There is a saying that it is a poor and lowly husband and wife who grieves for everything. Don't you think that if your life is not smooth in the future, won't you regret your choice today?"

"When the time comes, it's too late for the champion to regret it!"

Shao Yunyun's expression remained the same, with a faint smile: "Thank you, Butler Tian, ​​for reminding me, but I'm really ashamed of this little boy's fate."

He didn't know about others, at least he couldn't enjoy it with peace of mind. Moreover, he was even more reluctant to leave the lady.

"Okay, very good! Since that's the case, the champion will wait. I hope the champion can sleep peacefully tonight, hehe!"

Butler Tian sneered, dropped a threat, and left without looking back.

Shao Yunyun narrowed his eyes slightly and held Qiao Xuan: "Don't worry, after tomorrow, everything will be spread out, and then we will leave the capital."

Qiao Xuan smiled and nodded.

When Tian Da's housekeeper hurried back to the mansion to resume his life, Tian Shanshan was also with her parents and refused to leave.

"Father, mother, this is my daughter's life-long event, and my daughter also wants to hear it."

Mrs. Tian and Mrs. Tian knew that she had always been smart and thoughtful, so they gave up.

Mrs. Tian was in a good mood and smiled: "How? Shao Yunyun agreed?"

Tian Shanshan's heart tightened slightly, she was not as confident as her mother.

If Shao Yunyun agrees, she will not go out today, she thinks the result may not be very good...

As it turns out, she was right.

Listening to the big housekeeper Tian, ​​the faces of the two husband and wife were extremely ugly.

"It's unreasonable to dare to humiliate my Tian family like this! Not worthy? Oh, he also knows that he is not worthy! Even so, he is not honest and obedient!"

"He, he is trying to make my Tian family lose face. Master, don't let him stay in the capital, get him to the most desolate and remote poor county where bandits are rampant, and tell him to be a poor county magistrate all his life, only then did he know My Tian family is not easy to mess with."

Master Tian was gloomy and silent.

A killing intent flashed across his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of course, not now.

Shao Yunyun is a champion after all. If he dies on the first day of the Qionglin Banquet, it will be too unlucky, and the emperor will definitely be angry no matter what.

However, at the Qionglin Banquet tomorrow, wouldn't he be a joke?

Tian Shanshan was so ashamed and angry that she stood up and gave her parents a salute.

The sharp fingernails clenched her palms tightly, and the stinging pain of seeing blood could not distract her from her anger.

She actually lost!

She was the daughter of the dignified Tian family, the favored niece of Concubine Meigui, and the most honored daughter of a famous family in the capital, but she lost to a humble little concubine.

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