Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 977: The filter is too heavy, he just thinks it's good

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All the scholars were happy.

You must know that they have just successfully jumped over the dragon gate one by one, it is the time when the spring breeze is complacent and high-spirited, and they are full of high pride and want to express.

Let's sing to sing our aspirations. Through poetry, we can express our feelings and aspirations and show our determination. This is also the best opportunity to show loyalty to the emperor and the court.

The lively scene fell silent for a while.

Shao Yunyun also recited in his heart, and soon composed a song in a law-abiding manner.

As usual, the little eunuchs collected the poems of others, and handed them over to the talented senior scholars of the Hanlin Academy to read them first, and then selected seven or eight excellent works to transcribe several copies, and presented them to the emperor and important ministers. , I want everyone present to listen and appreciate it together.

As for the masterpieces of the champion, second place, and tanhua, the original works were presented to the emperor immediately after they were finished, and they themselves came forward and knelt down.

This qualification of brushing their faces in public made the other jinshi envious, and they all cast envious or jealous eyes at the three of them.

Shao Yunyun is the number one scholar, the youngest and most handsome, and most importantly, the incident with the eldest Miss Tian family is too sensational. Without exception, he has of course received the most attention.

Also the most complicated.

In addition to envy and jealousy, there are also gloating, ridiculing, and waiting to watch the fun.

Shao Yunyun didn't care at all. After finishing his work, he put down his pen and quietly waited for the summons.

When the time limit came, the supervisor of li sang, and Shao Yunyun, the second place in the list, and Tan Hua, stood up and left their seats with their own works in both hands.

Emperor Qi Xuan took over the top three masterpieces presented by the little eunuch, and naturally he would take a few more glances at his champion, second place and third flower.

Against the background of the second place and the third flower, the champion is particularly handsome and handsome. Think about the splendid articles he has done, and look at how young he can still serve the country and the court for many years. Emperor Qi Xuan more satisfied.

Thinking of his resume again, he was born in a farm family, and it was not easy to pass the test step by step from a small village. From the side, we can see how smart and diligent he is.

Emperor Qi Xuan was even more satisfied, looking at Shao Yunyun with a much gentler look and a smile.

All the other courtiers and scholars who were also very concerned about Shao Yunyun saw this scene, and their mood became more complicated.

Those who are envious and jealous are even more envious, and those who gloat over misfortune wish that he was immediately cleaned up by Master Tian...

At this moment, Master Tian sat there with a sullen face and straight waist ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at Shao Yunyun coldly, and hated in his heart.

He looked calm on the surface, but his heart was already on pins and needles, and he was very embarrassed.

The more Emperor Qi Xuan was kind and satisfied with Shao Yunyun, the more their Tian family and his daughter became a joke!

With this layer of filters, Emperor Qi Xuan said immediately after seeing Shao Yunyun's work: "Okay!", nodded in satisfaction while watching, and laughed: "As expected of the first-ranking scholar appointed by me. , really talented! Come, come, you all have a look!"

In fact, Emperor Qi Xuan himself is not very clear about poetry. He is a layman. He can tell whether it is ordinary or excellent, but he cannot tell whether it is ordinary or excellent.

The filter is too heavy, he just thinks it's good!

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