Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 982: Qiao Xuan didn't dare to gamble, and couldn't afford to gamble

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The emperor valued him too much, and he was a little confused himself.

But in this case, the Ministry of Officials will never send him out of Beijing.

"Madam, I will find an opportunity to ask to return to my hometown to worship my ancestors, you..." Shao Yunyun smiled bitterly to himself, and finally said cruelly: "After we go back, you can stay in the village!"

There is nothing missing at home now, and it is not far from the bustling provincial capital. She can buy whatever she wants.

Everyone in the family treats her well, and even if he is not there, no one will bully her.

The county magistrate Qiao will return to Beijing soon. No matter who the new magistrate is, who knows her identity and knows that she is working in the capital, as long as she is not an idiot, she will never make things difficult for her.

It is more likely that it will be convenient.

She will be more free and happy at home.

Qiao Xuan was stunned.

Staying in the village, not short of money, having a harmonious family, agreeing to a house, going to the mountains if you want to go to the mountains, and going to the city if you want to go into the city, this is exactly her ideal pastoral life.

Couldn't be more perfect!

But now and then, this was not what she was after.

"You want to separate from me?"

"That was not what I meant--"

"You are!" Qiao Xuan seemed a little sad and aggrieved: "You were admitted to the top spot, received the emperor's reward, and you still have to stay in the capital to be an official, but you want to drive me back, as for yourself, stay in the capital Enjoying happiness in this flowery world! Maybe even hugging each other, concubines and concubines one after another. After a few years, I even have a lot of concubines and concubines! Ugh... "

Qiao Xuan was half-truth and half-truth—and he joked with him more and more, but as she talked, I don’t know which sentence touched my heart, and she really felt a little sad, worried and sad, her eyes were hot, and her voice was also quiet. With choking.

Isn't that what happened!

How about the old saying? A husband is a husband within ten feet of his husband!

These thousands of miles are separated, and it is in the world of Vanity Fair, which is full of material desires like the capital. Even if he keeps himself clean and sticks to his love, can he really resist the long river of time and the pollution of the environment like a big dye vat?

Qiao Xuan didn't dare to gamble, and couldn't afford to gamble.

She was not so upright and felt that she should trust him, so she didn't make any active efforts. That won't work.

Humans are social animals and are greatly affected by the environment.

How many people stick to their original intentions at the beginning, but have changed over time?

This is not entirely his personal reasons, environmental factors cannot be ignored.

Being by his side and not being there are completely two effects.

As soon as he said let her go back to her hometown, he understood his intention. He was afraid that she would be hurt and wronged if she stayed in the capital, but it was impossible for her to stay in the village.

Not to mention that she has supernatural powers to protect her, no one can easily hurt her, and even if she doesn't, she won't leave.

Qiao Xuan's humming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shao Yunyun was terrified, and she was distressed and anxious to explain: "No no! Madam, you misunderstood, that's not what I meant!"

"I heard it was woohoo!"

"Really not! I'm afraid you'll be wronged!"

"I won't feel wronged if you take a concubine?"

"I don't have a concubine!"

"Then what about your concubine in the future?"


"Thousands of miles away, can't I see it! Someone else must send you? If the emperor pity you and no one will serve you and reward you?"

Shao Yunyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How is it possible! The emperor is in charge of all kinds of opportunities, how can he manage such things!"

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