"Nongmen Spring Warmth: There is a Little Lucky Wife at Home Novel( Find the latest chapter!

The man himself was greatly surprised, and then surprised and delighted!

Everyone in the Hanlin Academy was in an uproar.

Because everyone knows very well that if we look at it normally, it will never be his turn to be promoted this time!

There is no shortage of smart people in the world, so far, what is there that everyone can't understand?

Tian family.

This must be Master Tian's advice!

Sure enough, the Tian family still did not intend to let Shao Yunyun go.

Others don't regret it very much, they made a mistake, they all blamed themselves for not being brave enough, and it turned out that such a stupid thing was cheap in vain!

However, doing this kind of thing is never fun.

Since the Tian family is happy to see someone bullying and making things difficult for Shao Yunyun, they are not afraid of anything if they bully him, and they can please the Tian family, so why not do it?

As a result, the work assigned to Shao Yunyun also became tricky.

Shao Yunyun did not resist at all, and all the good-tempered took over.

Someone who has some way of doing things in the censor's desk, they simply impeach Shao Yunyun.

He has corrupt conduct, disrespectful elders, ignorant of upbringing rules, deceitful behavior, and the heart of a villain. He has completely disgraced the scholars of the world, and has failed the emperor's encouragement and consolation. He is not worthy of being an official at all!

It is absolutely impossible to talk about the Tian family, so we can only make a fuss from the Qiao family. The impeacher thinks he has found the right path and is quite complacent.

It should be noted that the most important thing for a scholar is to have both ability and political integrity, and to have flawless conduct. Once you are labeled as morally corrupt and you are really hammered, your life is basically over!

Not to mention the number one scholar in kenke, even a virtuous and respected scholar, he would fall from the cloud to the abyss overnight.

As soon as this memorial was published, countless people were paying attention to the excitement, both openly and secretly.

If in the past, a small editor of the Hanlin Academy was involved, it would not attract the attention of the courtiers.

To be honest, no one would be so idle and bored to impeach a small editor.

However, when the Tian family was involved here, it was different.

There are also some ministers who are quite disdainful in their hearts, and feel that the Tian family is a bit too bullying.

The oolong about recruiting a son-in-law was completely made by the Tian family unilaterally. What does it have to do with Shao Bianxiu?

On the contrary, Shao Bianxiu would rather have his future blocked than abandon his wife, which is quite admirable.

The emperor personally came forward to make peace, and Lord Tian drank with Shao Bianxiu again in front of the emperor and said that he would reveal it. In the end, how long did it take? Less than twenty days!

Start counting!

Master Tian is also a little too crazy. So complacent and stupid - does he really think that this matter has nothing to do with the Tian family on the surface, but in fact it has nothing to do with the Tian family, so he won't be involved in the slightest?

Just wait and see, what is the attitude of the emperor on this matter?

As everyone knows ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shao Yunyun is waiting for this time!

What is the petty fight in the Hanlin Academy?

At most, they quarreled and were scolded by their superiors.

What can be compared to the excitement of going to court?

In this way, it can be considered that the relationship with the Qiao family has been completely cut off, and it has also made the Tian family a little more sober.

After this time, the Tian family dared to secretly engage in such small actions in a short period of time, so he would accept them.

Shao Yunyun was impeached, Emperor Qi Xuan was extremely unhappy!

He has a very thick filter for his new champion. This young man is talented and learned. It is not easy to go from a poor boy to a champion. He is diligent and hardworking.

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