Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 993: Get angry with his wife

"Well, the poor ghost of Xinshao, who doesn't know how to praise, is not worthy of our Shanshan."

"Exactly that."

Mrs. Tian was still angry, and after thinking about it, she said, "That Shao family can't move him. So, if you move that Qiao family, it's alright, right?"

Mrs. Tian was really unwilling to leave this matter like this for a year and a half.

So frustrating!

Mr. Tian pondered for a moment, then said: "The emperor will naturally not be able to intervene in matters between women. You should not interfere. Don't let people do too much."

"I'm relieved to have said that, Master!" Mrs. Tian smiled, "Don't worry, Master, I'm not that senseless!"

Mrs. Tian sneered in her heart, since the emperor still remembers the surname Shao at this moment, just leave him alone. But the emperor has a lot of noble people, how can he always remember this surname Shao? Why let him hang on for a while?

His daughter-in-law, surnamed Shao, is just a concubine, or a concubine who was cut off from her parents' family. It is conceivable that when she was in her parents' home, she would not be favored at all. Maybe she was taught what kind of temperament!

According to Mrs. Tian, ​​it was inevitable that she was useless, timid, stupid, ignorant and lacking in talent. It was simply too easy to tease and humiliate such a woman.

Some people are willing to do this for the Tian family, but where did she use her to come forward in person?

She came forward in person, but instead lifted up that Qiao Shi!

That Qiao Shi made a big embarrassment in front of the officials and family members, telling everyone to see a joke, let's see how the surnamed Shao was. Does the surnamed Shao have a light on his face?

Only then will he know how wrong he was! Only then will he know what he has lost if he doesn't marry Shanshan.

As his wife, Qiao's shameful appearance, how can he, the editor of the Hanlin Academy, gain a foothold in the capital!

The more Madam Tian thought about it, the more happy she became.

In the Shao mansion, Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan celebrated a little.

Both of them were at ease for the time being.

After knowing this, the Tian family would never dare to do anything for at least a year and a half.

A year and a half is enough to change a lot of things and make a lot of things.

"I will find an opportunity in a few days to explain to the bachelor of the Hanlin Academy that we will go back to our hometown to worship our ancestors, and we will just take care of everything at home!"

Qiao Xuan also agreed, "It's not about taking care of things at home!"

Those fields and other industries, Qiao Xuan was not so comfortable with it.

Although the Fang family and the others will take care of them, and the Lezheng family in the provincial capital will also help, you must know that those flowers, trees and fruit trees need her supernatural support!

The two discussed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the past few days, they will go shopping in the capital and buy some gifts to bring back.

Shao Yunyun has no objection.

So while Shao Yunyun was on duty at the Hanlin Academy, Qiao Xuan took Liqiu and Lixia around to buy various gifts for the family.

Because of the long distance, Qiao Xuan didn't buy too much, and most of them were light things.

It's a pity that snacks and cakes are not very easy to bring. Several delicious snacks can only be given up, and I bought some dried fruit and roasted seeds and nuts.

Qiao Xuan deliberately went to the medicine store again, she wanted to find ginseng, the live kind.

As long as you find it and plant it in the space, maybe there will be surprises?

Qiao Xuan already had a vague feeling in her heart, and felt that the space was not far from the upgrade.

(End of this chapter)

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