Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 995: space to upgrade

Just plant a little in the backyard. Even if there is a problem, you can use the traces in the space after you come back.

This is a sleepy day, send me a pillow!

Qiao Xuan began to sense her senses. At present, there are about 300 acres of arable land in the entire space, but this number is not fixed. She can feel that the arable land in the space is increasing every day, but she doesn't know this. How long will this increase last?

According to the current calculation, in about ten days, it is estimated that it will be another three hundred acres.

If it lasts for a month or two, that would be great!

Qiao Xuan has already made a plan. At present, she has planted all the rice in the more than 300 acres.

Cultivation in the space is not the same as outside. There is no need to irrigate the whole field, just sow the seeds directly.

She bought rice seeds, and looked a little worried about such a vast field. If it is up to her to do it alone, even if it is just sowing rice seeds, it will be a very labor-intensive thing!

So Qiao Xuan tried to use her divine sense to sow seeds, but she was able to do it.

She was instantly overjoyed, the more than three hundred acres of rice were evenly sown in less than half an hour.

Concentrated and secretly felt, she could even feel that the rice seeds sown silently began to dig into the soil, began to brew germs, and accumulated strength to break out of the ground...

At night, she couldn't help but come in again to see that the more than 300 acres of rice had already seen a light and tender green! The rice seeds have germinated, and small buds like needlepoints have grown.

From a distance, it is light green, soft and lovely. So refreshing!

Qiao Xuan is full of joy!

As if I had seen the scene of a great harvest...

It is fertile and full of spiritual energy. There is no need to worry about pests and fickle weather. A bumper harvest is obvious and inevitable!

Qiao Xuan thought about it, and when she returned to the village, she would plant some of the various fruit trees and encircle an orchard. From now on, there are fresh fruits to eat anytime and anywhere throughout the year!

Or the kind that does not distinguish between North and South regions.

Qiao Xuan was thinking happily, and Shao Yunyun had already mentioned the matter of returning to his hometown to worship his ancestors with the master of the Hanlin Academy.

If Shao Yunyun mentioned this before, the master of the academy might have given some high-sounding reasons to refuse.

But now, he has to weigh up.

Who doesn't want to return home? Being the champion, the ultimate dream of scholars all over the world, to return to the hometown to worship ancestors, what a glorious sight, honor the ancestors, and the proud family!

The master of the academy didn't dare to refuse, but he didn't dare to agree too quickly—for fear of the Tian family's anger.

So he laughed and said vaguely ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that he needed to think about it, and would reply to Shao Yunyun in two days. After that, he assigned some work to Shao Yunyun, so that he could go back to his hometown to worship his ancestors after finishing the work.

Shao Yunyun responded.

The academy master also breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't refuse Shao Zhuangyuan's legitimate request, but he had already made things difficult and didn't let him get his wish too easily, so...the Tian family couldn't blame him.

Shao Yunyun and Qiao Xuan have not fought for the past few days, and did not take it seriously.

On this day, Qiao Xuan received an invitation, which was sent by Mrs. Lin Qi from the Hanlin Academy, inviting Qiao Xuan to gather tomorrow.

Qiao Xuan replied that she would definitely go.

Of course she was going. Shao Yunyun worked in the Hanlin Academy, with a large group of colleagues, and they were kind enough to invite the party. If she didn't go, she would be too out of place.

(End of this chapter)

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