Spy Shadow

Chapter 1057 Rescue Plan

"Thank you, Deputy Chief Zheng, for the reminder. You should go back first."

Chen Mutu smiled and said to Zheng Guangtao that Deputy Chief Zheng deliberately betrayed his favor to let them know about it. If he wants to mobilize this person next, Deputy Chief Zheng will definitely cooperate.

With his cooperation, it would be impossible for this person to leave.

There is no war on the island now, but that doesn't mean it's completely peaceful.

After all, his level is not low. There are many ways to kill him without going to the sea. The test base is the most suitable.

Things often go wrong there.

When the time comes, he can be easily tricked to death by telling the people over there.

When it comes to tricking people, Chen Musu is not bad either.

"Yes, General Chen, I'm leaving first."

Zheng Guangtao left happily. The relationship between their director and Chen Mutu was unmatched by ordinary people, and Chen Mutu had always owed their director a favor, not that the director relied on him.

Now their director doesn't have to rely on anyone, not even the eldest son.

Chu Lingyun was recognized as the eldest son because of the special relationship between the two. They were brothers. This relationship was definitely unusual.

But more often than not, it is the eldest son who needs their director.

With this confidence, Zheng Guangtao is of course happy. Coming to Chen Mutu is like visiting relatives, no one will stop him at all.

Chen Shouquan personally sent him outside the gate. Who else has this kind of treatment?

"General Wang, this is your transfer order."

General Wang, who had previously cursed angrily and disdained the company of others, quickly received an order to go to the artillery testing base and serve as his deputy.


The transfer order came so suddenly that he didn't receive any notice and it was delivered directly to his office.

"This is a military order. If you have any questions, you can ask the staff. Now please report it immediately."

The person who came had a stiff tone. This person had offended someone and was being demoted now. He would not end well in the future. There was no need to give him a good look.


The person who came to notify was not inferior to him in rank. General Wang did not dare to refute. He sent the person in front of him away first, and then he used his own connections to inquire about the specific situation.

After seeing the person off, he immediately started making phone calls.

He has been in the military for many years and naturally has his own connections.

But the more he was beaten, the colder his heart became. Whether it was his superiors or close friends, many people hung up the phone without knowing what he said after hearing that he had directly dealt with it.

They must know what's going on, but they just don't tell themselves.

Finally, I had a close friend who told him in a cryptic way to accept the transfer immediately, keep a low profile when he goes to a new place, and stop talking nonsense. Money is good, but money will never be as important as life. Life is gone, so much money is needed. what?

After making the call, he sat in his office chair in a daze.

He understood what was going on.

What he complained about before was found out by others, and now he is nakedly retaliating against him.

He regretted in his heart that he shouldn't have been able to show off his power for a while.

"Assholes, all of them."

After the meeting, General Wang stood up and cursed. He was not scolding Chu Lingyun, but the more than thirty people who attended the meeting that day.

These people didn't have the guts to go against Chu Lingyun and others, but they went to sue themselves.


It's a pity that he doesn't know who it is. If he knows, he must make him look good.

After scolding for a while, he slumped back into his chair.

The transfer order has been issued and cannot be changed. He must report it on time, otherwise he cannot afford to be labeled as disobeying military orders.

Others are tougher than him, but he is like an egg in front of others.

The final result of an egg hitting a stone is that you will be shattered to pieces, and others will be fine.

Silently packing up his belongings in the office, he left soon after and went to report to his new unit honestly.

His friend's reminder was correct. Once the money was gone, it was gone. Who made him and Qi Limin get closer?

If he loses his life, everything will be lost.

The most important thing right now is to save lives.

His experience quickly spread to the ears of other people. All those who had been deprived of their hidden wealth felt cold in their hearts and complained. Is this why they were sent away?

The opponent is too strong and they have no way to resist.

As for joining forces to launch an attack, just look at the results of the last meeting.

They are all their own people. How do they know what General Wang said?

Without internal unity, it is impossible for them to achieve anything together.

Many people have become honest. They can make more money if they don't have it. They should keep a low profile in the future and don't put all their eggs in one basket. This time it is mainly Qi Limin's responsibility. These people hate Qi Limin even more. Many people will never be with Qi Limin again. any dealings.

That's all they can do. Even if they hate Qi Limin for bringing disaster to themselves, they can't take revenge on Qi Limin now.

However, Qi Limin became completely alone.

Chu Lingyun's goal was achieved. After this incident, no one dared to associate with Qi Limin again, including his relatives.

What Qi Limin wants to do in the future will become more difficult.

People within the Secrecy Bureau have no fighting spirit. They know very well that their director cannot protect themselves. How many people have they already killed because of the director?

Now only Qi Limin and a few of his close confidants are motivated.

"Have you discovered another batch? Arrange people immediately to expose them."

Zheng Guangtao received a report in the office, and the person who came to report was Fang Like.

They have never stopped sabotaging the Secrecy Bureau, but Zheng Guangtao did not report this matter to Chu Lingyun, which is not a good thing and there is no need to report it.

The director didn't know best.

Knowing is equivalent to his consent to do this. Zheng Guangtao is not that stupid. Like Ni Loach, he is not afraid of anything happening to him. The director and uncle can protect him, but the director must not let anything happen to him.


Fang immediately took the order, this time to find out a group of latent agents from the Secrecy Bureau in Fuzhou, two latent teams, totaling about twenty people.

There are not many of them, but one of them has dealings with bandits and has attracted the bandits in order to cause damage.

These bastards from the Secrecy Bureau are so bad that they can fight openly and openly on the battlefield, but they will do evil behind the scenes. The people in the inspection room look down upon them.

We are all Chinese. The more destruction you cause, the less trust the people will have in the Kuomintang.

How to counterattack in the future?

No matter what the current situation is, after all, there are still some people who hold on to the dream of counterattack and dream of going back one day.

There are also such people in the inspection room.

Fang immediately arranged for two people to leak the news.

No matter what method they use, they just need to leak this information to the Red Party. The people in the Inspection Office have many ways. The most direct way is to let the personnel in the Hainan Inspection Office leak it to the local people.

No need to show up, find someone somewhere else who can write, write a few more, and just throw them out.

It won't be long before these people are caught.

Chu Lingyun didn't know that Zheng Guangtao was causing trouble for the Secrecy Bureau, and if he knew, he wouldn't be able to stop it.

The more Zheng Guangtao does, the more the organization will benefit.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the two sleeper groups in Fuzhou to be captured by the organization. Not only were they captured, but their superiors were also pulled out. They pulled out the carrots and brought them out of the mud. In the end, more than a hundred spies were captured.

The bandit den was also wiped out.

The inspection office once again made meritorious deeds without Chu Lingyun's knowledge.

Time passed slowly and it was early April.

Zhong Hui finally got his transfer order, and he was transferred to the prison as deputy warden.

His military rank is lieutenant colonel. There is no problem in being the deputy warden. However, compared to Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen, his current military rank is much lower.

Every time he thinks of his original choice, Zhong Hui regrets it endlessly.

At first, he was fooled by lard and did not follow the team leader. Look at Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen. Not only have they passed the most important hurdle now, but they also have much more power than him.

Especially Loach, who was promoted early and is now qualified to take a further step.

He is now following the eldest son and will definitely be promoted in the future.

If Zhong Hui had not made some meritorious service and was promoted while stationed in Shanghai, he might not have had the chance to be promoted to lieutenant colonel. At most, he would have been a major.

This time he has the opportunity to follow the team leader again. Zhong Hui will work very hard and he will not let go of this opportunity.

It's a pity that Chu Lingyun didn't know that he was here at this time, and Loach didn't report it at all.

Loach will not tell anyone who is ready for one-time use.


In Hong Kong, two of Loach's former subordinates stood in front of him.

"Has the person been found?"

"I found it, but it's only a seven-part statue."

The two subordinates nodded. Now Ni Loach has his own reliable subordinates, especially his old subordinates at the Fujian Station. Last time he risked his life to release the family members of his old subordinates and then took them out. These people can be said to be completely devoted to Ni Loach.

They have broken away from the Fruit Party, and Ni Loach has arranged work for them. Now they only obey Ni Loach's orders.

"Take me to see it."

Ni Loach nodded slightly, and a three-pointed portrait was enough. He learned makeup from the team leader. Although the team leader always said it was makeup, Ni Loach always believed that this was disguise.

No one in the world can compare with the team leader's disguise skills.

Plus he helps with makeup, so we can achieve a very similar look.


The two took Loach to a dilapidated house, which belonged to a slum in Hong Kong. The three of them did not get out of the car, but waited quietly in the car.

"Stationmaster, he will come out to collect protection fees in a while. Basically, it will be at this fixed point."

Loach said nothing and looked at his watch.

Not long after, I saw a middle-aged man walking over with a dozen people.

Loach took out his telescope and observed carefully.

The old department can do things. This person is indeed very similar to General Shi. He is not as old as General Shi, but this is nothing. It is not necessary to find someone of the same age.

As long as the makeup artist is there, it's no problem at all.

The most important thing is that he has a similar body shape to General Shi.

General Shi's identity was unusual. If he was to be executed, the people above him would definitely ask for identification. If it was possible to take photos, it would have to be someone who looked like him.

"Find out his details for me."


Loach waved his hand and the three of them left again. He did not get out of the car from the beginning to the end.

He was busy with one thing during this time.

General and General Yi during the rescue.

According to the results of his investigation, it was determined that the two of them would be executed. The specific time was unclear, but it would not be too long.

Loach must be fully prepared before it is possible to rescue people.

General Shi's substitute was found, but General Yi didn't have one yet.

General Yi is ten years older than General Shi, and General Yi was arrested earlier. Now he is even more senile. He needs to find someone who is about the same age as him, has the same build, and looks similar. not easy.

It's hard to find someone, so Loach has given orders to his old subordinates to find people according to his requirements and show photos to trusted people.

His old branches are scattered all over the world, including Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia and other places.

But it’s best to look for it in the Chinese community.

It's a pity that Loach can't get domestic cooperation, otherwise it would be easier.

Investigate the details, and then coax and find a way to bring the person to Taiwan. Then he will no longer be able to make the decision.

There is also the matter of exchange.

It is not easy to change them. It must be done before execution and after identification.

When the time comes, gag them to complete the package swap.

It can be said that every step is not easy, and if you are not careful, you will be doomed.

But the biggest advantage of doing this is that after the death of the person, it can be concealed from the outside world. The loach will let people dispose of the body as soon as possible, destroying the corpse and eliminating traces.

Even if they don't take photos, Loach will let people take them.

If he doesn't look good with makeup, let Chu Yuan come back.

Chu Yuan is the best at learning makeup techniques, and it can be said that he has obtained 80% of the true inheritance from the team leader.

He would not ask the team leader to take action unless absolutely necessary.

Loach came to Hong Kong in secret, and he returned as quickly as he came. There are many old members in Hong Kong. Now they are scattered. They do nothing else but find people.

Most of them work in Chu Company or in departments related to Chu Company.

Ni Loach personally greeted Fang Shiyi and asked him to go there for his convenience.

It's easy for an alchemist to take such a trivial matter to show off his reputation.

In fact, Ni Loach also had doubts about Fang Shiyi's identity.

The main reason is that he knows Chu Lingyun too well, and it is very possible that Fang Shiyi is also from there, otherwise the team leader will not trust him so much and leave everything to him starting from Ishihara Trading Company.

Especially for the previous shipments, Fang Shiyi was almost entirely responsible.

If he is from there, it is easy to understand. When shipping goods, he also needs to supply them there.

During the Anti-Japanese War, a lot of smuggled goods did appear there, which confirmed this.

The team leader deliberately dragged other smugglers along, which was actually a cover-up.

Boss Dai doesn't know how to investigate in detail, and he can't do it. Even if he finds out, what will happen? Boss Dai is a person who values ​​money very seriously. As long as the team leader can help him make money, he will never say anything about it.

Besides, the team leader is no longer someone that Boss Dai can move whenever he wants.

"Director Zhao, I have established a foothold in the prison."

Back in Taipei, Loach immediately secretly summoned Zhong Hui. He gave Zhong Hui a sum of money so that he could quickly establish a good relationship with other colleagues in his new position, especially the warden.

The money given to him was quite a lot, twenty gold bars, which was enough for him to do this.

Even if he couldn't do this well, Ni Loach immediately destroyed him and blackmailed Bao Shengqun to do it.

"Well done."

Loach nodded in praise, and Zhong Hui was obedient. After a while, he asked in a low voice: "When can I see the team leader again?"

Loach's face suddenly darkened: "Why, don't you believe me?"

It is impossible for Zhong Hui to meet the team leader. He is the executor and knows his identity and must die. Loach does things as he pleases and does not care about justice and evil.

He only does things for Chu Lingyun, not for others.

"No, Director Zhao, don't get me wrong. I just haven't seen the team leader for a long time and miss him very much."

Zhong Hui hurriedly explained that in the early years, he was just like a loach, but he didn't dare to mention it now.

Among the people in their group back then, Shen Hanwen was probably the only one who dared to call him that.

Chu Yuan can, but Chu Yuan has respected Ni Loach from the beginning, and now he won't call him random nicknames.

"The team leader is very busy now. You know the team leader's temper. If things are done well, he will naturally see you."

Loach said calmly, and Zhong Hui nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, don't worry, I will definitely get things done."

Zhong Hui still had value, and Ni Yao encouraged him again.

After Zhong Hui left, Loach returned to his residence.

Lily is not here. He is not afraid of anything now. As long as he follows the team leader, he will be fine. As for power, it is all suffocated on a small island. Who cares?

Besides, Loach is not optimistic about the fruit party at all, so this island may not be able to be defended.

Zhong Hui did not go home and returned to prison.

Loach asked him to work hard during this period, build good relationships with his colleagues, and at the same time find out the personalities and hobbies of all prison members.

Zhong Hui is not the only person investigating this, Loach has already sent his own men to investigate.

His men are all from the combat team, so he can rest assured.

None of these people have anything to do with Qi Limin. They have been suppressed by Qi Limin for many years. As long as it is against the Secrecy Bureau or Qi Limin, they are more active than anyone else.

Sending them enough to let Zhong Hui inquire is just a test for him.

See if Zhong Hui is serious about his work.


When Zhong Hui came to the prison, the guard immediately stood up and said hello.

"Have you got a meal yet?"

Zhong Hui asked with a smile, and the jailer nodded hurriedly: "I've already eaten."

"Be careful when you are on duty and don't cause any trouble. You are holding serious criminals here."

"Don't worry, we will definitely pay attention."

There were two jailers, and they nodded together. Zhong Hui took out two packs of cigarettes, and the two immediately took them with smiles and kept thanking them.

This is the task assigned to him by Loach, to have a good relationship with every colleague, regardless of his status.

If he wanted to save people, Loach couldn't arrange for just Zhong Hui. He couldn't do it. He had to bribe more people to have any hope.

Not only to bribe, but also to have their handle.

This task is still done by the people from the combat team.

Zhong Hui walked around the prison cell, but he couldn't get into the innermost part.

Without Qi Limin's order, even the warden could not go in and talk to the people inside at will.

The person imprisoned inside at this time was General Shi.

General Shi graduated from the Military Academy earlier than Whampoa, studied abroad, and participated in many wars. No one thought that he would be an undercover agent. His capture was a huge loss to the organization.

Loach doesn't understand this, he doesn't need to understand, he just needs to save people.

General Yi was imprisoned in another prison cell, which was also heavily guarded.

General Yi trusted the wrong person, the informant surnamed Tang, and was eventually captured by the spies. At first, he did not believe that the person he trusted would betray him.

Time has passed slowly, and Qi Limin now lives in the Secrecy Bureau without returning home.

The Bureau of Secrecy is a military unit and no one can cause trouble in it.

His home is still occupied, but the last incident of confiscation of hidden property has passed. Those whose property was confiscated are still doing what they should do. After so much time, they have slowly accepted this fact.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to accept it or not.

After General Wang was transferred, he died in an accident during a test within a week. How he died was unknown to everyone.

They don't dare to make any changes now.

General Wang was thin-skinned. Even though he knew it was against him, he never thought of compromising and coming to apologize. In his opinion, he was not wrong at all, but Chu Lingyun and the others went too far.

As a result, lives were lost.

No one knows whether he regrets it, but other people are much more honest.

On the first day of May, Taipei was once again immersed in disappointment.

Hainan failed to hold on after all.

Now, except for a few remote areas, the Fruit Party only has Taiwan left. When the Red Party liberates those places, it will attack them next.

The only thing they are lucky about now is that the Red Party's navy is not strong. Without a strong navy, it is not easy to reach Taiwan.

But nothing is absolute, and many people have long lost confidence. At first, they believed that the Guo army would definitely win, and that they could even eliminate their opponents within a few months.

The results of it?

There are millions of troops in the sky, but they are the losers.

At Lin Shi's house, the couple was having dinner.

The child has gone to sleep.

The two opened a bottle of red wine to celebrate the liberation of Hainan.

"Lin Shi, Hainan has been liberated. When will we be able to liberate it?"

Xu Meijun looked forward to liberation, when she would be able to see her old friends and teachers again. After marrying Lin Shi, she had never seen these people again.

Don't even know their current situation.

"Hurry, we have to trust the organization."

Lin Shi smiled and replied that they were very happy to have Hainan liberated. Unfortunately, after arriving in Taipei, he still did not receive the order to activate it.

He is dormant now.

He couldn't even contact his comrades. He only had one emergency contact method in his hand, but this method couldn't be used unless it was a last resort, and it wasn't a last resort situation yet.

"I believe."

Xu Meijun nodded heavily. They were not the only ones celebrating, but also Yu Huaqiang and his wife.

Yu Huaqiang has a poor drinking capacity, but Cuihua has a good drinking capacity.

The two of them were also drinking wine.

Compared with Lin Shi, Yu Huaqiang is much happier. He has not lost contact with the organization and has been doing things for the organization.

"Yesterday they exposed another stronghold in Qingdao."

Yu Huaqiang said with a smile that he was in the inspection room and he knew best the current attitude of the inspection room towards the Secrecy Bureau. Anyway, he tried every means to cause trouble for them.

Even when Chu Lingyun came back, he didn't stop.

Because of them, the organization has caught thousands of potential spies of various types.

The Secrecy Bureau suffered huge losses.

"Great, your inspection office is simply working for the organization."

Cuihua replied with a smile. Yu Huaqiang was startled. Thinking of their constant leaks during this period, Cuihua seemed to be right.

"Actually, there are many problems within the Secrecy Bureau, and some information was deliberately leaked by them."

Yu Huaqiang smiled and nodded. He was the director and knew more things. Some things were indeed leaked by people from the Secrecy Bureau themselves.

They know who they leak it to, and those people will be in trouble.

There are many reasons for leaks. Some are due to factional discord and deliberately killing the people who stayed there. Some are just pure jealousy because they don't want others to make meritorious deeds.

There are also some smart people who seek refuge in the inspection office to avoid being liquidated by the inspection office in the future.

Due to various reasons, the Secrecy Bureau is now like a sieve. Anyway, it is very simple for the inspection office to know what they want to know, and some people take the initiative to report it.

Not to mention others, Yu Huaqiang has two informants from the Secrecy Bureau.

"They're dog eat dog."

Cuihua said angrily that she didn't like the Secrecy Bureau, it could be said that she hated it very much.

But she doesn't like the inspection room either, mainly because she doesn't like all fruit party members.

However, the Inspection Office is already the best department of the Fruit Party in her eyes, and it has been helping the organization to do things.

"drink wine."

Yu Huaqiang was stunned, and then picked up the wine glass. Cuihua said that dog bites dog, and he was in the inspection room. Didn't he scold him too?

His wife was like this, so he had no choice but to change the subject.

There was no celebration on Chu Lingyun's side. Ni Loach hadn't reported once in such a long time, so he knew that Ni Loach was going to go it alone this time.

Just like last time, he did it himself and anything that happened was his responsibility.

But this time is different from the last time. Last time, at least it happened for a reason, and there was an excuse that no one else could give. But this time something really happened, I guess Loach will have to suffer a little bit.

Chu Lingyun recognized Loach's ability very much, but this time things were different from before. It was completely normal for Chu Lingyun to be worried.

Progress on Loach's side has been rapid.

There were more than a hundred guards and jailers in the prison, and he inquired about everyone's situation.

The lustful one will start with women, the greedy one will give him money, and the gambler will control him by making a game.

There are people with no major flaws, but they are very few.

Don't worry about this kind of people. It's not like Loach wants to control everyone. There's no need for that.

Just control the people you need, not many, a dozen or so.

One of the most critical is the warden.

The warden's name was Du Boyong. He was a womanizer and had several concubines. He and Qi Limin were fellow villagers. Before Qi Limin returned, he sent him over to build this prison.

This prison is large and owned by the Bureau of Secrecy.

Du Boyong was not of high rank, he was a colonel. With the help of the prisoners, he made a lot of benefits and maintained three outer rooms.

But he is a henpecked man.

His wife is related to Qi Limin.

The usual tricks for people like him are not good, such as threatening him with matters related to his outer room. Small things are okay, but he doesn't dare to do such big things.

We must find another way to bring him down.

Throughout the day, Loach was in the office.

Soon a smile appeared on his face.

Du Boyong can make a fuss about his fear of his wife. Since he doesn't dare to do it, let his wife do it and control his wife, the result will be the same.

As for his side, he was framed and framed, a two-pronged approach.

Arrangements for other people have already begun, while Loach is concentrating on dealing with Du Boyong. As long as he is captured, the certainty of saving people this time will increase to 70%.

At the same time, Loach took precautions, that is, Qi Limin came to the scene in person.

If Qi Limin goes there in person and checks the identity of the witness, he may find something unusual.

Loach has never looked down upon Qi Limin. He can become the director of the Secrecy Bureau and has always been trusted by the old man. He is not an ordinary mediocre person.

This must be prevented, and you can make a fuss about it on the eldest son.

The eldest son is now the boss of the intelligence department. Before the execution, just think of a way to get him to pay attention to the matter and send yourself there.

As long as he is at the scene, there is a way to stop Qi Limin.

For such a big matter, he really needed to go to the scene to check it in person to avoid any accidents.

In addition to changing the civet cat for the prince, how to send the person out after changing the person is very important.

The person giving the gift must be someone who is absolutely reliable and will never betray them.

Loach has already thought of a candidate.

The only problem now is that General Yi's replacement has not yet been found.

However, General Shi's stand-in has already figured out all the basics. The stand-in came from a gangster background and is now a small boss. He has more than fifty thugs and more than a hundred young thugs under his command.

On weekdays, he makes a living by collecting protection fees.

There is no need to be polite to such a person because he wants to eat and drink, and does all kinds of evil. It is his fate that he can exchange his own life for the life of General Shi.

The double has been lured to Taiwan and is now being secretly imprisoned by Ni Loach.

People tortured him in different ways every day, with the purpose of paralyzing his nerves, especially his thoughts, and making him think that death was the best outcome and was liberation.

This way he won't have any resistance during the execution.

In order to avoid accidents, Loach will imitate several fake executions to paralyze him, so as to prevent him from struggling and being discovered by others after he is really replaced.

The substitute was indeed unlucky and met a loach.

There are really many ways for loach to harm people.

Five days later, the loach arrived in the Philippines.

Looking at the unkempt man in the prison, Loach smiled brightly.

This man looked exactly like General Yi, and he could be replaced without any makeup. His men searched everywhere and finally found someone who looked similar to General Yi.

Even better than Loach imagined.

This man is a prisoner, and not only that, he is also terminally ill and has little time left to live.

There is no need to treat him like a substitute for General Shi.

"You can't live, but if you help me die for someone, I can guarantee that your family will have enough food and clothing in the future."

Loach said lightly, the people here have been bribed by him a long time ago, and now he is the one talking to his own people.


The man inside nodded without thinking.

"Find a way to bring him out and let him see his family first."

Loach told the people around him to give him enough benefits. A person who was about to die would not care so much.

Besides, if he dares to go back on his word, all his family members will be killed.

Five days later, Loach returned to Taiwan, and the people around him wore masks and were secretly housed by him.

Loach reunited him with his family for a few days and left fifty gold bars in front of him.

As long as he is willing to sell his life, nothing will happen to his family. These fifty gold bars are enough for their future lives.

He was a criminal and a person who was about to die, but his life could be so valuable and bring so much benefit to his family. He had no regrets at all and followed Ni Loach to Taiwan honestly.

Just do whatever you ask him to do, including imitating his eyes and movements.

In the end, his voice was hoarse and he was unable to speak.

Loach made it clear to him that at this point, his life no longer belonged to him. If he followed his instructions honestly, his family would be able to live a better life because of him in the future.

If there is any change, not only will he die, but his family will follow him to reunite below.

It is his own choice whether to save his family or not.

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