Spy Shadow

Chapter 224 The Director is Mighty

Chapter 224 The Director is Mighty

Tu Fang is wearing the wolf's clothing of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and he can indeed deal with the police, but if he lets the suspect go because of this, he will be in big trouble.

At this time, many of his team members were checking outside. There were only ten people around them, and there were more than thirty policemen. If the police hadn't dared to do anything to them, Wang Sheng alone would have captured them.

"Are your guns fire sticks? Raise your guns and obey Commander Chu's orders."

Wang Sheng suddenly shouted, he was talking about his subordinates. Many policemen immediately raised their guns and fired more guns at them.

Especially the tears that the police sergeant had just stopped falling again due to excitement.

Their director's backend was the Military Intelligence Department, and everyone knew this. This time he reported to the director, but there was no hope. After all, the director didn't ask last time.

Unexpectedly, the director not only came in person, but also brought his backstage.

With so many people and so many guns, we are determined to help him seek justice.

Although the new director was young and many people in the bureau were unconvinced, he later became convinced and only regarded the new director as a follower. He who is his confidant will die. The director treated him like this, and he would risk his life to repay him.

There are many police officers who feel the same way as the police chief and are grateful and admire Wang Sheng.

Their new director can do it. They have invited so many people and brought so many guns for this matter. This is to help them out, and there is no room left.

Don't worry about following such a director.

Wang Sheng didn't know that his subordinates misunderstood. He didn't invite Chief Chu. How could he ask Chief Chu to take the lead in everything?

Although the building of the police station here is not big, the yard is not small. They often seize some people's goods and there is no room to store them in the small yard.

Chu Lingyun led two teams, plus the police, they had more than a hundred guns and even machine guns. Tu Fang suddenly lost the confidence he had just now.

If they dare to act rashly because of the dense crowd of people, each of these people can shoot them into pieces, let alone a machine gun.

The people who were slaughtering didn't dare to move now, and they all turned back to look at their captain.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Tu Fang hurriedly shouted and looked at Chu Lingyun.

In the past few days, he was at the police station and heard the policemen discussing that their new director had a strong background and was a big shot in the Military Intelligence Department.

However, he didn't care that the Party Affairs Investigation Department and the Military Intelligence Department were at odds with each other, and he was not afraid of the Military Intelligence Department.

Moreover, even the Military Intelligence Department would not dare to sabotage the mission he performed.

The chief of the police station is even less likely to stand up for these ordinary police officers and offend their Party Affairs Investigation Department.

But the development of things completely surprised him. Not only did the new director of the branch come, but so many plainclothes came with so many weapons. These plainclothes were probably from the Military Intelligence Department.

"But a brother from Military Intelligence?"

Tu Fang continued to shout that no matter how bad their relationship with the Military Intelligence Agency was, they were both intelligence agencies, and they looked the same to outsiders.

"Chu Lingyun, leader of the Fourth Operation Team of the Military Intelligence Division, I now order you to put down your weapons immediately."

Chu Lingyun said coldly that his purpose was to capture Tu Fang alive, and he must be captured alive.

He would not shoot unless he had to. The current situation was unfavorable and he had to control the situation first.

He was really from the Military Intelligence Department, and he was a team leader who was higher than him.

"Team Leader Chu, there was a misunderstanding. We were performing official duties, and the police refused to cooperate and made trouble, so we gave them a lesson. Don't worry, I will send them to the hospital now."

At this moment, Tu Fang really thought that Chu Lingyun was standing up for the police station.

A good man doesn't want to suffer immediate losses. The opponent's strength is obviously capable of crushing them. He can only compromise first and then complain after going back. Even if it is the Military Intelligence Office, if their operation is ruined, they will have to suffer.

The sergeant was so happy that he immediately led people to carry his brother, regardless of the many guns pointed at him. His brother could not delay any longer, otherwise he would really die.

Chu Lingyun's heart moved slightly. The other party had obviously misunderstood. This was good. As long as Tu Fang didn't know that he was here to catch him, his resistance would not be so strong.

"Put down the gun first."

Chu Lingyun shouted coldly, while Tu Fang showed hesitation. With a gun, they could resist, but without a gun, they could only be slaughtered.

"Team Leader Chu, I really want to do it again..."

"I will count to three and put down the gun, otherwise I will shoot you without mercy."

Chu Lingyun suddenly interrupted him and shouted harshly. There was a sound of bullets being loaded. Now, if anyone's gun goes off, it will lead to tragedy.

Tu Fang swallowed his saliva, and his men were even more frightened and trembling. The opposite side was too scary. There were so many guns and machine guns. If there was a real fight, their bullets might be destroyed before they were fired.

All the people in the Party Affairs Investigation Department looked at their captain.


Chu Lingyun began to shout, and beads of sweat appeared on Tu Fang's forehead. He believed that the other party did not dare to shoot. Even though he was the leader of the Military Intelligence Department, if he was killed during the mission, he would be finished.


Chu Lingyun raised his hand, and Tu Fang felt his heart beating out of his chest. He had guessed that Chu Lingyun wouldn't shoot, but he didn't dare to bet. He was betting on his own life.

Life is so good now, wouldn't it be a big loss if he died here unjustly?

Even if the superiors punish them, even if they are killed, they will not be able to survive.

"Don't, don't, put the gun down, put the gun down."

Seeing that Chu Lingyun wanted to shout again, Tu Fang hurriedly shouted, and his men felt relieved. Everyone immediately put down their guns. Shen Hanwen immediately led his men forward and fired all their guns.

Chu Lingyun led the people and walked directly to Tu Fang.

"Team Leader Chu, there's a misunderstanding. I'll call my superiors immediately and ask them to communicate with you."

Tu Fang said carefully, thinking in his heart that since the Military Intelligence Office sabotaged their operation in such a big way, they must be sued severely this time.

As for this young team leader, I'm afraid he won't be in his position for long.

"Take it."

How could Chu Lingyun give him a chance to call? With an order, the team members around him immediately stepped forward and controlled Tu Fang tightly. Tu Fang could not move his whole body and shouted, but his mouth was immediately gagged.

"I've taken your captain away. If you have anything to do, please report it to the Military Intelligence Office."

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, he waved his hand and led his men to leave.

If you successfully catch someone, you need to go back immediately. This is a task assigned by Virgo. Virgo is still waiting and cannot be delayed.

There were valid reasons for arresting Tu and releasing him, but the other people in the Party Investigation Department could not move. However, without their captain and going through such a battle, it was impossible for the other people in the Party Investigation Department to continue to perform their tasks seriously.

The Party Affairs Investigation Department will definitely be in chaos for a while, at least it will be difficult for the dock side to continue their mission.

If the Red Party failed to notify the three comrades in time and they took the waterway, they would still have a chance to sneak in in the next two days.

The people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department watched helplessly as their captain was taken away, and no one dared to stop him.

Chu Lingyun came and left quickly. After catching someone, he left immediately without any hesitation.

Wang Sheng couldn't leave and had to preside over the situation. As for the people in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, they had guns pointed at them and they didn't dare to move.

The injured brother was sent to the hospital, but unfortunately the dead brother could never open his eyes again.

"Director, what should we do with these people?"

The police chief came to Wang Sheng and said bitterly that according to his thoughts, he wanted to put these people to death, but he understood that the chief could not do this.

"Don't worry about them. Let's settle our brothers first."

Wang Sheng said softly, others didn't know what was going on, but he knew very well that he did not call Chief Chu. After Chief Chu arrived, he arrested the person and left. It was not like he came specifically to stand up for him.

Besides, this kind of thing would not happen like this. Doing so would simply cause conflicts and would not end well.

Someone as smart as Chief Chu can never be so stupid.

Chief Chu's visit this time was more likely for other reasons. Chief Chu didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to ask. He just needed to cooperate honestly.


The police chief responded loudly, and hurried to the hospital with a few people to check on the condition of his previous brother.

Wang Sheng ignored the people in the Party Affairs Investigation Department and returned to the branch with his subordinates.

When no one pointed a gun at them, the people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department ran to make phone calls and reported the situation here to their superiors.

The people in the Party Affairs Investigation Department had the same idea. The people in the Military Intelligence Department deliberately came to help the police and embarrass them.

Now that the captain has been captured and the group is leaderless, they can't make any decisions but report it.

However, the mood of the Party Affairs Investigation Department and the police were completely different at this time. The people in the Party Affairs Investigation Department were no longer arrogant. No matter what the police did, they did not dare to ask questions.

As for the police, they will all feel proud.

The new director is powerful enough and powerful enough to know that they are being bullied and immediately come to vent their anger.

He directly captured the person with the highest position on the other side, who was worthy of being the chief of the Military Intelligence Department.

Such a director is worth following. Following such a director, they feel more at ease. This is a good director who dares to stand up for his brothers. He is much stronger than the previous Wang Zhengxian.

What happened at the dock quickly spread to the branch. Especially after Wang Sheng returned, everyone he brought with him was spitting and telling the people around him about the danger just now.

That scene is absolutely rare.

As they spread the word, everyone in the branch soon knew what had just happened, and many people in other branches and the main bureau also knew about it.

Many police officers, especially those at the grassroots level, envy the Fifth Precinct.

With such a director, the Fifth Precinct will be less angry after that, but their director will only make money. The comparison is too far.

Chu Lingyun had no idea that arresting people would have such an impact on the police.

It doesn't matter if you know. Whatever is good for Wang Sheng is good for him. He will not object, let alone explain.

Some senior police officers were sneering at this moment.

The Military Intelligence Department is powerful, but if the Party Affairs Investigation Department is demolished like this and they are still performing their tasks normally, Wang Sheng's backstage may be in big trouble this time.

Many people are still waiting to see Wang Sheng's backstage misfortune. Then they can attack Wang Shengqun and make Wang Sheng, the director, step down.

Back at the Military Intelligence Office, Liang Yu had already escorted the postman back and was interrogating him.

He Nian is also here. This is a case that Virgo personally ordered, and he must follow it at all times.

"Ling Yun is back, is he Tu Fang?"

Hearing that Chu Lingyun was back, He Nian immediately came to his interrogation room.

"Section Chief, it's him." Chu Lingyun nodded.

"Very good."

With Tu Fang captured alive and Tu Fang on the line, the task assigned by Virgo was basically completed, and his heart was completely at ease.

Although Secretary Qi didn't tell him the reason, He Nian was not stupid. Virgo usually never interfered in the case. There must be a reason for this abnormality.

Tu Fang is from the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and combined with the previous questioning from the director, He Nian probably guessed the reason.

He is not stupid. A fool cannot be the section chief. The director directly ordered the arrest. This was again targeting the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

So as soon as Chu Lingyun came back, he immediately came to participate in the interrogation of Tu Fang.

Tu Fang is a key figure, so we must first pry his mouth open.

Seeing himself being taken to the torture room, Tu Fang finally understood that something was wrong. The other party did not seem to be helping the police station, but was coming for him.

It's a pity that he understood it a little late. If he had known earlier, he would never be able to make his men put down their weapons, which would lead to him being captured.

"Tu Fang, Captain Tu, you are very good at business. While receiving a salary from the Party Affairs Investigation Department, you are also receiving remuneration from the Japanese. Tell me, when were you incited to rebel by the Japanese, and what information did you provide them?"

Chu Lingyun came to Tu Fang and asked softly. After speaking, he asked someone to take off the thing that blocked his mouth.

"Team Leader Chu, I don't understand what you mean."

Tu Fang immediately denied it after he could speak, but his heart was already cold. How did the people in the Military Intelligence Department know that he was serving the Japanese?

If he is arrested because of a conflict with the police, as long as he does not die, he can blame the Military Intelligence Department and make them suffer.

But if he was caught doing something for the Japanese, no one could save him this time.

"Don't you admit it's useful? Let me tell you, Zhang Huihao, who collected the money for you, and your upline were all arrested by us. The information you sent out this time is in our hands, even if you don't admit it , can also prove your guilt."

Chu Lingyun said coldly, Zhang Huihao was indeed arrested, and Chu Yuan sent people there.

Catching him is very simple, the easiest one.

When he arrived at the Military Intelligence Office, he admitted everything before the interrogation began. He was just helping his cousin Tu Fang collect money, and he didn't get a cent of the money.

Tu Fang's upline postman was indeed arrested, but the upline's boss, the boss of the glasses shop, has not been arrested yet. The interrogation has always been false and true, and it is impossible to tell Tu Fang the real situation.

Tu Fang's heart sank again. The Military Intelligence Office had discovered so much and even arrested his supervisor?

But he understands better that he must never admit it. Once he admits it, it will only lead to death.

"Team Leader Chu, Zhang Huihao is my cousin. I don't know what you mean by collecting money, and I don't have anyone on the line. I was wronged. You deliberately framed me for the police."

Tu Fang kept complaining, but Chu Lingyun stopped talking nonsense with him and directly let him be tortured.

Thanks to Yixin Qiuyue for the 2,000 starting coin reward, and to Xia Zhihong for the 1,500 starting coin reward. Xiaoyu thanks you for your support. Second update, more to come.

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