Spy Shadow

Chapter 237 Lotus Exposed

Chapter 237 Lotus Exposed

"I just came back and I'm free today."

Today was his holiday, but Chu Lingyun couldn't take any time off. Since Lin Shi wanted to date him, he had time today.

"Okay, let's go to Li's Laoya tonight. We won't come back until we get drunk."

"No problem, see you tonight."

Chu Lingyun smiled and agreed. Li's Duck is a small shop, but his duck is very delicious and not expensive.

When they were in school, this was their favorite place to go when they had a break. It was suitable for their student consumption, where they could eat well and save money. Chu Lingyun had given Lin Shi a lot of money back then.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Lingyun called the unfamiliar number.

This was a public phone. Chu Lingyun was looking for someone named Niu, but the boss didn't know who it was. He said he would ask for him and call him back when he got the question.

When the call came, he didn't say anything. Chu Yuan wouldn't bother him if it wasn't an urgent matter, and he didn't ask any more questions. Chu Lingyun didn't know who was calling now.

But in his impression, no one he knew had the surname Niu.

The other party contacted him from a public phone again, and Chu Lingyun frowned.

"Chu Yuan, go check this public phone."

Chu Lingyun gave the order. Chu Yuan was still in the office. After receiving the order, he went out immediately without asking the reason.

After a while, Wang Sheng hurried over and brought twenty gold bars.

Nothing happened recently. The rickshaw company did collect some clues, but they were not too important. Wang Sheng screened them and reported the two that were suspicious.

Chu Lingyun didn't take a closer look at the two clues for the time being. He took ten gold bars and went directly to He Nian's office.

"Ling Yun, it's not okay to ask you to rest without resting."

I was very happy to see Chu Lingyun celebrating the New Year, but I didn't pay much attention to the gold bars. He knew the mission in Hangzhou, and he knew even more how successful Chu Lingyun was this time. He solved a troublesome case for them in just one day at Hangzhou station.

This was a huge shame for him and the Action Department.

The most important thing is to save Cai Zheng. He, Secretary Qi, and Cai Zheng are from the same place. In ancient terms, they are the township party.

Keeping Cai Zheng was equivalent to keeping the main force of their faction.

"Section Chief, I'm not tired after going out this time, so I don't need to rest."

Chu Lingyun smiled. He didn't have many classes every day at the police academy, and he rarely went out when he was stationed in Hangzhou, so he was really not tired.

When I came back, I took the first-class train again, which greatly relieved the fatigue of the journey.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Virgo if you have time." He Nian ran over to make a call and quickly put down the phone.

"Virgo happens to be free, I will take you to report to Virgo."

He Nian was very curious about how the case at Hangzhou Station was solved, but he had been notified that Chu Lingyun should report the matter to the director. He did not need to ask alone. He could just listen next to the report.

The two came to the office, and Secretary Qi was already waiting for them at the door.

"Section Chief He, Team Leader Chu."

Secretary Qi always had a harmless smile on his face, and he looked like a good old man. Chu Lingyun, who knew history, knew very well that this secretary had many tricks.

"Secretary Qi, how is Virgo feeling today?"

In the office, He Nian and Secretary Qi always address each other by title, and they treat each other like brothers in private.

"Virgo is in a good mood." Secretary Qi smiled and nodded, feeling confident about celebrating the New Year.

Virgo was in the office, and when he saw the three people coming in, a smile immediately appeared on his face, and he could tell that he was in a good mood.

"Happy New Year, please wait a moment, Ling Yun, please tell me more about the situation at Hangzhou Station."

The director was very interested in the process of solving the case and asked Chu Lingyun as soon as he came in.

"Go back to your seat..."

Chu Lingyun slowly told the case about the Hangzhou Station. He started investigating after he arrived, and then found out the clues about the chess club, and then found out the house Ren Cheng rented and the shop where he sold his things.

After conducting surveillance on the pawn shop, Ren Cheng was discovered and successfully arrested.

Just listening to his story, the case was not complicated, and even went very smoothly. This result made Virgo's face drop, and he directly cursed: "Cai Zhengzheng is just a loser. Ren Chengdu defected and didn't even investigate him. He only knew that the whole city If you are looking for someone, will you find him if he hides it?"

Cai Zheng did not perform well this time, and he completely fell into his own misunderstanding.

It is believed that since Ren Cheng defected, there will definitely be help from the Japanese, and as Ren Cheng is an intelligence officer, he will never use his phone to contact the Japanese directly.

As for the chess club, Ren Cheng has been there too many times. During the years in Hangzhou Station, Ren Cheng has been active in the chess club. He never thought that the chess club would become a target for Japanese spies.

The key points were not investigated, and their investigation direction was completely different. They simply wanted to mobilize people to find Ren Cheng, but there was no way this was possible.

Ren Cheng knows Hangzhou Station so well that he has many ways to avoid them.

Chu Lingyun did not comment on Cai Zheng, but said softly: "Ren Cheng is different from the Japanese spies who were instigated to rebel before. He was a Japanese who was threatened to defect to Japan. He did not really want to do anything for the Japanese, so he did not go to Japan after defecting. People there.”

Ren Cheng is actually very pitiful. He didn't really think about treason in his heart, but he just had no choice but to do it.

He was different from the traitors who were instigated to rebel in Nanjing. Those people all became slaves of money. No matter what the reason was for being instigated by the Japanese in the first place, they all served the Japanese willingly.

They deserve to die, but it's a pity that Ren Cheng won't survive either.

Regardless of the reason, he leaked information to the Japanese, which is a fact of treason.

Fortunately, he did not defect to the Japanese in the end, otherwise the losses at Hangzhou Station would be even greater.

"He was threatened by just one photo. Wouldn't our Military Intelligence Department investigate the truth? How little confidence does Ren Cheng have in us?"

Virgo snorted coldly, but Chu Lingyun, He Nian and Secretary Qi did not speak.

Need I say more? It’s not like everyone doesn’t understand your temperament, Virgo.

As long as there is suspicion on anyone, he will definitely be finished. The Japanese spy took such a photo specially, and the Japanese intelligence officer handed him a gold bar. If you see such a photo, you will not even do any investigation and directly order the execution. .

Virgo's attitude towards intelligence work has always been to cast doubt on someone once, let alone with such obvious evidence.

Seeing that no one answered, Virgo changed the subject: "Ling Yun, you did a good job, you didn't let me down."

"However, this incident shows that the Japanese spies have used all means to deal with us and benefit the people. They have reported it to the entire department. If someone is framed by the Japanese spies in the future and takes the initiative to report it, the department will conduct a detailed investigation to clear his name."

Virgo himself also understands that the way he acts makes many people worried.

But this method of the Japanese is really disgusting. This time it was Ren Cheng, but next time it might be someone else. This kind of thing has to be guarded against.

This order can reassure people who have fallen into the trap of Japanese spies. As long as they take the initiative to report it, Virgo will not directly believe the so-called photographic evidence and will conduct a detailed investigation.

In this way, the possibility of being framed by the Japanese can be reduced.

"Yes, Virgo."

Secretary Qi nodded. The Japanese did have many tricks. This time Ren Cheng was a little unjust. He was the first one and did not dare to take the initiative to report. In the end, the Japanese succeeded.

It’s unclear whether someone will believe Virgo’s words and take the initiative to report if something like this happens again.

"Ling Yun, you won't be rewarded immediately for your merits this time, do you have any objections?"

Virgo looked at Chu Lingyun and said slowly. Chu Lingyun stood up straight and looked straight: "It is natural to work for Virgo and to serve the party and the country. Ling Yun does not need any reward."

"It's good that you have such an awareness, but since you have made merit, there is no reason why you should not be rewarded. If you have other merits in the future, you will be rewarded together."

Virgo nodded with satisfaction. If it was like this before, he wouldn't say it in person. He could just say it in New Year greetings.

Now that he wants to take Chu Lingyun directly as his confidant, there are certain things that must be made clear, and he must say it himself.

"Ling Yun, don't go out recently. If you have to go out, take more people with you. The Japanese who are targeting you should have arrived in Nanjing, but we don't know how many people they came and where they are now."

Virgo warned again, and Chu Lingyun immediately replied: "Thank you very much for your concern, Virgo. I will definitely be more careful."

"Okay, you go back first and stay here to celebrate the New Year."

Virgo smiled, it was actually a kind of pride to be targeted by the Japanese and wanted to assassinate him.

It shows that Chu Lingyun hurt the Japanese, and the Japanese were unable to defeat Chu Lingyun, so they used assassination to destroy him.

Chu Lingyun left the office and He Nian immediately stood up straight.

"Happy New Year, have you found any suspects?" Virgo asked.

Virgo's temperament is never passive. This time the Japanese want to deal with Chu Lingyun and send people to Nanjing. He must fight back.

Protecting Chu Lingyun's safety is one thing, taking the initiative to find these Japanese is another.

After receiving the information from Rose, Virgo personally ordered He Nian to investigate.

Mainly for train stations and various entrances into the city. Japanese people coming from Shanghai are most likely to take the train.

Since they are action personnel, no matter how they disguise some characteristics, they cannot change them.

For example, he is young and strong, or he has military characteristics.

In the past few days, a group of people and a group of people from the second group have been sent to conduct surveillance at the train station and the entrance to the city. The train station has the largest number of people, and a whole team of people is there.

"We haven't found anything yet. There are too many people coming to Nanjing every day. I suspect that the Japanese spies infiltrate in batches, and individual people can easily be missed by us."

He Nian shook his head, his people really didn't notice.

The Virgo thought for a moment and then ordered: "In addition to keeping an eye on the places entering the city, major hotels should also check the status of the people staying in the city. In addition, let the police assist in secretly investigating people who have recently come to live in the city, whether they are visiting relatives. Whether you are a passer-by or not, everything needs to be verified.”


He accepted the order in the New Year, with a slightly bitter look on his face. Such an investigation is not easy. Nanjing is a big city with so many people and a larger floating population. It is impossible for the Operations Department alone to investigate so many people.

But he had no choice but to accept Virgo's order and had no possibility of objecting. Moreover, this time it was to protect Chu Lingyun and help him eliminate hidden dangers.

"Virgo, can I target roses? That would make it easier to find them."

He Nian asked in a low voice. Rose didn't send any new information, but gave them time to come to Nanjing. Due to Rose's confidentiality, the people watching at the train station did not have his photo.

In this case, Rose is likely to have entered the city with the Japanese operatives. If Rose can be found, the Japanese operatives can be found.


Virgo decisively refused. It is important to find the Japanese, but it is equally important to protect the rose.

This is an important chess piece that he finally penetrated into the enemy. This operation must not only destroy the enemy, but also retain the inside line of Rose.

So his mission for New Year's greetings was to only search, not take action.

Actions must be planned properly and must not cause harm to the roses.

"Yes, Virgo, I will investigate in detail and find these rats as soon as possible."

Ever since Chu Lingyun said that the Japanese are all mice, this word has spread everywhere. If the Japanese are mice, then they are cats catching mice.

No matter how much the mouse hides, it can't escape the cat's pursuit.

"Go, find them as soon as possible and eliminate hidden dangers."

Virgo nodded. This time, Virgo did not hand over the task to Chu Lingyun, but supervised it personally.

They are just a bunch of rats, and Virgo is confident that they will be found.

The biggest fear of such assassins is that they know nothing about them, and it is easy to block open and hidden arrows.

They now have the information sent by Rose and already know the other party's actions. The Japanese have actually failed half of the battle.

Now that Rose doesn't continue to pass on information, he will find these people himself.

Virgo himself is also an intelligence talent, so a case like this is nothing to him.

However, in the department, there are not many cases that the director can personally investigate, and some of them are major cases. This time, for Chu Lingyun, he actually took the lead in dealing with the Japanese, which is really rare for He Nian.

It's not Secretary Qi who wishes you a happy New Year. I haven't guessed everyone's real intention at this moment.

Chu Lingyun didn't know that Virgo was already helping him deal with the Japanese. After returning to the office, he continued to look through the two clues brought by Wang Sheng.

When the rickshaw driver pulls the rickshaw every day, he will meet all kinds of people. The two clues both happened several days ago.

The first clue was that someone picked up a guest in Lotus Lane. The man was taciturn and did not chat with the coachman. There was no suspicion at first, but the next day the coachman picked him up again near where the man got off the bus yesterday. The coachman was not recognized, but the coachman recognized him.

The coachman could remember him because the clothes he wore were the coachman's favorite style, so he paid special attention to him. This time he was wearing the same clothes again, and the coachman recognized him at a glance.

His destination was not Lotus Lane, but it was not far from Lotus Lane.

This made the driver pay some attention, and he took advantage of the opportunity of pulling the cart to secretly pay attention to him, but he was quickly thrown away and could not be found.

The driver felt that this person was suspicious and reported it to the manager Liu Chengzhu. Liu Chengzhu noticed this information and reported it to his nephew Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng also felt that this person was suspicious, so he reported it to Chu Lingyun.

Wang Sheng and the others were not intelligence officers and did not know much about it. Chu Lingyun could tell at a glance that this person deliberately got off the rickshaw near his destination so that no one knew where he was really going.

This person does have a problem. Most people think about getting as close to their destination as possible when taking a car, so as to save their legs.

Only intelligence personnel will deliberately get off the car at a distance to prevent being followed or leaking secrets, and then observe the surroundings, or make anti-tracking arrangements, and then go to their real destination.

Second update, thanks to Lou Jialuo for the 1,500 starting coin reward, and thanks to Eidi Shen 11 friends for the 100 starting coin reward. There is no update today, Xiaoyu will make some adjustments.

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