Spy Shadow

Chapter 289 Ran away

Chapter 289 Ran away

Lin Peilun did not leave, he hid in the dark.

After a while, Ning Wancai, the chief of the inspection department, hurried to Xu Laogui's office.

Lin Peilun's eyes tightened. He didn't know what Ning Wancai was doing, but if he came here at this time, it was most likely that Old Ghost Xu asked him to investigate him.

After doing intelligence work for so long, Lin Peilun didn't take any chances and turned around and left.

He is not a red party member, and he has never done anything to offend Old Ghost Xu, but once an investigation is launched against him, it does not mean that he can hide away without any problems.

How did the Second Intelligence Group become useless? That's a lesson learned from the past. Once Old Ghost Xu becomes suspicious of someone, he would rather kill the wrong person than let him go.

He couldn't just sit there and wait for death, he had to save himself.

Fortunately, he had made a lot of money over the years, and the money he earned was enough to become a rich man. However, he knew that he could not stay in Nanjing, or even in China.

Otherwise, Old Ghost Xu will definitely try his best to get rid of him.

Telling his men to go out and investigate the clues, he hurried to the train station.

"Investigating Chief Lin?"

In Old Ghost Xu's office, Ning Wancai's eyes widened. He didn't expect that everyone was calling him and actually assigned him such a task.

Who doesn't know that Lin Peilun is the most trusted person of the director, and now he wants to investigate him?

"Yes, check his funds and whereabouts."

Old ghost Xu looked gloomy. He didn't want to doubt Lin Peilun. Lin Peilun's identity was too important.

But with so many coincidences, he had to investigate. If his intelligence section chief was a traitor, what else could he accomplish in the future?

"Yes, I understand." Ning Wancai responded in a low voice.

"Don't let anyone know about this matter. Investigate secretly. Report the results to me as soon as possible."

Old ghost Xu warned that Lin Peilun was the chief of the intelligence section after all, and the entire intelligence section was under his control. We must be cautious when investigating such people.

"Yes, I will report the results to you as soon as possible."

"Go ahead."

Old ghost Xu waved his hand, and Ning Wancai left quickly, preparing to investigate Lin Peilun.

Lin Peilun, who had returned home, immediately said to his wife: "Here are the train tickets. You two, mother-in-law, are leaving immediately. We will go to the French Concession in Shanghai first. I have a friend there. You go to his place and wait for me."

Lin Peilun said to his wife, who was startled and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? Why are we leaving?"

"Old ghost Xu doubts me. I know him too well. Even if there is no evidence, he will not let me go once he doubts me."

Lin Peilun said bitterly that there is no difference between being suspected in the intelligence department and getting into trouble.

He knew Old Ghost Xu very well, so calling Ning Wancai at this time could only be to check him out.

He hated Old Ghost Xu in his heart. He had been serving Old Ghost Xu for so many years, yet he didn't trust him and instead investigated him.

At the same time, he was also afraid that he would end up like Yan He and Tan Wenbo.

Lin Peilun's wife understood the seriousness of the matter, immediately packed her things and left with Lin Peilun.

After putting them on the train, Lin Peilun felt a lot more at ease.

He had some property in Nanjing and his house, which had to be disposed of as soon as possible. Instead of returning to the Party Affairs Investigation Office, he secretly contacted an acquaintance and disposed of the house and property at a low price.

Before dark, after getting the money, he drove out of Nanjing and dealt with everything in one day. Lin Peilun was a decisive person.

Early the next morning, Ning Wancai received bad news in the office.

"Missing, how is that possible?"

The people he sent to investigate Lin Peilun came back and told him that no one had seen Lin Peilun since yesterday.

Chief Lin told the Intelligence Division that he was going out to investigate the case, but no one knew where he went.

"Quick, go to his house."

Ning Wancai thought of something and hurried out. When he arrived at Lin Peilun's house, he was dumbfounded. Someone was moving furniture inside.

"What are you doing?"

Ning Wancai stepped forward to ask, and it took several people to figure out that Lin Peilun's house had been sold, and at a very cheap price.

The person who bought his house packed up his furniture and sold it to a junk dealer. This would be the junk dealer moving things.

"No one is allowed to move, seal this place immediately."

Ning Wancai yelled angrily. It was okay not to see Lin Peilun for a day, but the problem was serious when the house was sold.

Lin Peilun probably fled out of fear of crime.

As soon as he started investigating, Lin Peilun ran away. Even fools knew that there was something wrong with him. Ning Wancai hurriedly returned to the Party Affairs Investigation Office and reported to Old Ghost Xu.


After hearing this, Old Ghost Xu stood up and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the house has been sold. He must have run away."

Ning Wancai quickly replied that Lin Peilun was the section chief, the section chief of the Intelligence Section, and besides the director and deputy director of the Party Affairs Investigation Department, he had the most power.

No one thought that he would run away.

"Look for it, find it for me immediately, damn Lin Peilun, I knew it must be him."

Old ghost Xu roared angrily. Lin Peilun was able to run away, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

But it also made him more convinced of his guess that Lin Peilun relied on intelligence to sell money and make extra money.

He was blind to let Lin Peilun be the chief of the intelligence department and he has been doing it for so long.

Shi Haiyang, the Red Party traitor, must have leaked the secret to Lin Peilun, and the Red Party members who were under surveillance were able to escape because of Lin Peilun.

The red party's radio station was even more informed by Lin Peilun.

This time it seemed that he had arrested someone, but he deliberately injured the person, took him to the hospital, and then let the Red Party rescue him.

The traitor was found, but Old Ghost Xu was even more angry. He had been deceived so miserably, and he couldn't accept being deceived by the person he trusted the most.


When Zhao Zaili received the news, his first feeling was that he couldn't believe it.

How could Lin Peilun run away? In terms of status in the director's heart, Lin Peilun is still above him.

But Ning Wancai told him truthfully that Lin Peilun had disappeared and all his properties had been sold at a low price. If he hadn't gone quickly, the furniture in the house would have been emptied.

The entire Party Affairs Investigation Office immediately moved into action, blocking the train station and the city gate, and searching the city for Lin Peilun. Unfortunately, they acted too slowly, and Lin Peilun had already left the city.

In the afternoon, news of Lin Peilun's escape spread.

Bao Shengqun was stunned when he found out. The intelligence section chief actually ran away?

Soon, his heart became excited. Lin Peilun's escape was a bigger blow to Old Ghost Xu than the Red Party being rescued. When such an important person ran away, he smelled bad even if he didn't have shit.

And Old Ghost Xu is even more to blame.

Military Intelligence Department, Xu Yi hurried to the office.

He received the information about Lin Peilun's escape. When he received the information, his first reaction was not to believe it. It was false information.

Who is Lin Peilun, the third person in the Party Affairs Investigation Department? How could he run away?

His position is the same as his own, that of the head of the Intelligence Section, and he is deeply trusted by the director. Even if people like them make a small mistake, they will not take such extreme actions as running away.

Xu Yi went out of his way to confirm in person, and finally confirmed that Lin Peilun had really run away.

"Lin Peilun ran away?"

Virgo's eyes also widened, unable to believe that this was true.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office is their biggest competitor. The director knows the Party Affairs Investigation Office very well and knows that Lin Peilun has a high position there and is a capable person.

Such a person actually ran away?

"Yes, Virgo, I personally confirmed that he really ran away."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Virgo suddenly laughed, "Well done, great run away. This time Old Ghost Xu is going to be in bad luck. His trusted general is absconding in fear of crime. Let's see how he will explain to the Chairman."

"Immediately find out the reason why Lin Peilun escaped, and send people to search for Lin Peilun. We must catch him before the Party Affairs Investigation Department finds him."

The director immediately ordered that people who escaped from the Party Affairs Investigation Department should not feel too happy if they were caught by them.

He was not interested in whether Lin Peilun had any important information. He just wanted to disgust Old Ghost Xu. As long as Old Ghost Xu was unlucky, he would be inexplicably happy.

It is absolutely true that colleagues are enemies.

"Yes, Virgo."

Xu Yi left the office, everyone was happy. Old Ghost Xu probably couldn't laugh out loud. An important person like the head of the Intelligence Section ran away. Old Ghost Xu would feel uncomfortable this time.

Old ghost Xu really felt uncomfortable, even more disgusting than eating a fly.

There was no sign of Lin Peilun in the city at all. According to their investigation, after Lin Peilun left his place yesterday, he bought train tickets and sent his wife and children away.

After that, Lin Peilun quickly disposed of the family property and left the city that day.

If the person is not in the city, they can't find him even if they search all over Nanjing.

"You will go to Shanghai immediately and bring Lin Peilun back to me, life or death."

Old ghost Xu called Zhao Zaili to the office and said viciously. Zhao Zaili's heart tightened. The director had murderous intentions. Even if Lin Peilun was captured alive, he would definitely not survive when he came back.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad. He was not happy at all when Lin Peilun escaped. Instead, he was worried and sad.

Could it be that Lin Peilun was really a traitor, betraying the interests of the Party Intelligence Office for money and helping the Red Party?

In his impression, Lin Peilun was not such a person, but if not, why did he run away?

Zhao Zaili couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it. He would be able to ask all about it when he found Lin Peilun.

After leaving Xu Laogui's office, he immediately arranged for people to buy train tickets and take them to Shanghai to find Lin Peilun.

Lin Peilun ran away, but the intelligence department was still there.

Now that the Intelligence Department is in a mess for Old Ghost Xu, and even Lin Peilun is not trustworthy, who else in the Intelligence Department can be trusted?

But the Intelligence Section must exist. Now the Intelligence Section is panicking and must solve it as soon as possible.

Deputy section chief Jiang Wan was appointed section chief. Old Ghost Xu asked him to stabilize people's hearts as soon as possible. Jiang Wan's sudden promotion to section chief was a good thing, but he was not happy at all.

Lin Peilun ran away too suddenly, and now everyone is staring at the Intelligence Department.

Lin Peilun has been the section chief for many years, and Corey has his confidants everywhere. Who knows if there are people like Lin Peilun among these people.

He couldn't remove all these people, otherwise the intelligence department would be paralyzed immediately.

Next, he could only screen these people one by one and transfer them away, but all three team leaders were from Lin Peilun, and only one deputy team leader was from him.

Eighty percent of the captains below were appointed by Lin Peilun, and less than 20% of his people were appointed.

His own people are simply not enough to take over the entire intelligence department. He must do it slowly, dig out more talents from below and promote them, and gradually suppress all Lin Peilun's gang members.

These jobs are not that easy to do.

Xu Yi quickly found out that Lin Peilun fled to Shanghai.

The director immediately ordered him to go to Shanghai and catch Lin Peilun in front of the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

At the train station, Chen Shu and He Nian came to greet him.

"Chief Xu, welcome."

Seeing Xu Yi getting off the train, Chen Shu immediately stepped forward and held his hand enthusiastically.

Chen Shu's face was full of joy, but his heart was very depressed.

The two chiefs of the headquarters' intelligence section and operations section have all come to Shanghai. What is the director doing? Don't you trust them at the Shanghai station?

With these two great gods coming together, how can he carry out his work at the Shanghai station?

Just a New Year's greeting turned their Shanghai station into a helper, and now here comes Xu Yi.

There is nothing to do at Shanghai Station, just serve them both.

"Thank you, Station Master Chen."

Xu Yi said politely and immediately came to He Nian's side, while He Nian looked a little frowning.

Seeing that the seven-day period was about to expire, he had not yet found any way to sanction Deputy Chief Tang, and this operation might end in failure again.

This time, he will definitely be severely punished by Virgo.

"Chief He, I have good news for you. Before I came here, Virgo told me that I understand the difficulty of your task, so I have added seven more days to you, so that you can take your time and don't be in a hurry."

"Really?" He Nian blurted out.

"Of course, do I need to lie to you about this?"

Xu Yi smiled, and He Nian held his hand excitedly: "That's great, thank you, Section Chief Xu."

The mission gave him an extension of time. With the time, he wouldn't have to be so anxious. Maybe he could lure out Deputy Commander Tang in the next few days and complete the mission.

In the evening, Chen Shu held a banquet, and he and He Nian finally found out the reason why Xu Yi came to Shanghai.

Such a big thing happened next door. The dignified intelligence section chief ran away at will. No wonder even Xu Yi came.

"Catching Lin Peilun is a great achievement."

Chen Shu said quickly, his head spinning.

Lin Peilun is not Japanese. He only has information from the Party Investigation Department and the Red Party, which is not important to them. However, the significance of catching him is not the information, but the person.

Everyone here knows very well how much Virgo hates Old Ghost Xu.

If he helps Virgo vent his anger, Virgo will definitely remember his great contribution. What's more, Lin Peilun defected. If he is allowed to escape to the Japanese, it will really be their responsibility.

Chen Shu came to Shanghai Station thinking of making a career.

Shanghai Station is too small, and there are so many concessions here. It would be better to expand it into Shanghai District as soon as possible, so that he can naturally become the person in charge of Shanghai District.

Not only will the territory increase, but the number of subordinates will also increase.

Now that Chen Shu has Bai Yuan in hand, he has set his sights on Bai Yuan's contact person. However, Chen Shu has a big appetite and wants to catch bigger fish, so he has not touched him for the time being.

If Lin Peilun is caught again, he is likely to succeed in applying for Shanghai Station to be expanded into a district in the future.

Xu Yi and He Nian didn't want to be promoted. They had nothing to gain.

What they want is to consolidate their position. No matter who they are, their position will only be strong if they complete the task.

Especially Xu Yi, whose military rank was demoted to lieutenant colonel. If Lin Peilun can be successfully found and captured this time, Virgo will definitely restore his military rank.

The monthly ticket will add an update to Chapter 19. Thanks to book friend 20190628181412802 for the reward of 100 starting coins. The next chapter will be updated at 6pm tomorrow.

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