Spy Shadow

Chapter 404 The guards come to power


Chu Lingyun took the order. He knew what was going on best and asked him to investigate. The result would definitely be reported as he thought.

After leaving the office, Xu Yi immediately said to Chu Lingyun: "Chief Chu, we must find out the truth. Rundong cannot die in vain. I always feel that something is wrong with this matter."

As expected of the head of the Intelligence Section, he noticed the problem.

But no matter how hard he thought, he would never guess that it was the person in front of him who was leading all of this.

"Don't worry, Section Chief Xu, I will try my best to investigate."

Chu Lingyun replied softly, while Xu Yi sighed: "I feel most at ease if you go and investigate. If you can't find out the truth, no one there can."

In terms of investigating cases, even Xu Yi admitted that he was not as good as Chu Lingyun.

Chu Lingyun nodded: "I may ask the people in the Intelligence Department later. Could you please make it easier for Section Chief Xu."

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter who you ask. If they dare not cooperate, I will break their legs."

Xu Yi immediately assured that Chu Lingyun's purpose in questioning was to check and fill in the gaps to see if there were any flaws. If there were any, make them up in time.

A small restaurant in the French Concession in Shanghai.

"Brother Zhang, I told the people at the academy and they agree that you can work in the academy. You can go to the academy with me."

Yu Liang tried his best to persuade Zhang Acheng and a few people from the Neon Club to escape and immediately went to Shanghai.

When I arrived in Shanghai, I contacted Yu Liang.

Only then did Yu Liang know that such a big thing had happened in Nanjing again, and that the entire Neon Club had been taken down by the Military Intelligence Department.

Yu Liang reported the situation to the dean, and Ouchi Sanchang took the matter seriously.

The establishment of Neon Club is actually due to Tongwen Academy.

Their leader is from Tongwen Academy. The club has attracted many people in Nanjing who are loyal to the empire. These people are not needed now, but when the empire really reaches Nanjing, these people will play a great role.

He didn't expect that the Neon Club would be gone before the war even started.

For this reason, he specially met with Zhang Acheng and asked about the specific situation.

Zhang Acheng met Ouchi Sanchang for the first time and chatted for a full hour, but Ouchi Sanchang did not invite him. Zhang Acheng kept Chu Lingyun's instructions in mind and left directly after the chat.

"As long as you live well in the academy, I have some business connections here, so I won't starve to death."

Zhang Acheng smiled. If he was introduced by Yu Liang at this time, he would indeed be able to enter Tongwen Academy.

But at best, I just do odd jobs, which are neither taken seriously nor come into contact with important information.

Only then did Zhang Acheng realize that the section chief was far-sighted.

Joining Tongwen Academy at this time seems to have penetrated into the enemy, but it is actually more passive.

When he shows his value and is actively invited by Tongwen Academy, he will not only have a higher status, but also have real access to the information he wants.

"Okay, Brother Zhang, you are the most powerful I know. No matter where I am, I won't be able to trouble you."

Yu Liang was very disappointed and forced a smile.

Tongwen Academy is very good, but he came late and didn't have a complete rapport with many people there.

Unlike Brother Zhang, who saved his life several times and was the person he trusted most.

If Brother Zhang could be with him in the academy, he believed he would be happier.

Time passed slowly, and Xu Rundong's body had long been taken away by his family and sent back to his hometown for burial. People in this era pay attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots.

As long as conditions permit, they will generally be buried in ancestral graves.

Seven days later, Chu Lingyun reported the investigation results to the director.

Li Zaiping is himself, not a Japanese disguise. Through his past, secret investigations in the Northeast, and other members of the Korean royal family found, Li Zaiping's identity was confirmed.

Li Zaiping's pistol and grenades were bought on the black market. People on the black market saw him the day before the incident. Chu Lingyun found the black market dealer who sold the gun, and the whole group was arrested.

They admitted that they sold the weapons to Li Zaiping at a high price and taught Li Zaiping how to use these weapons.

In other words, Li Zaiping did not know how to use guns and grenades before, and he learned these temporarily.

As for the money to buy the gun, Chu Lingyun also found out the source. The money the Japanese gave to Li Zaiping to buy information was misappropriated by him.

Section Chief Wu confirmed that the Japanese wanted to buy a large amount of useful information. Li Zaiping found two remaining gold bars and more than 100 yuan in his home. He had no money himself, so the money could only be given to him by the Japanese.

Comparing the prices of guns sold on the black market, it can be judged that the Japanese gave him a total of three gold bars.

After Virgo learned about it, he was speechless.

Xu Rundong was so unlucky that a novice who had just picked up a gun shot him to death. That's right, they were so close at the time, and even a novice could hit someone in this situation.

Chu Lingyun also found out the reason why Li Zaiping bought the gun.

According to a detailed investigation of Li Zaiping's previous whereabouts, it was found that he had visited several fortune tellers, and a fortune telling book was found in his home.

Among them, the page in the basement has the deepest creases, indicating that he has been reading it.

Then Chu Lingyun found out that when Li Zaiping was having dinner a few days ago, he met a fortune teller who said that he would suffer a bloody disaster, but Li Zaiping did not believe it and did not give the fortune teller any money.

After the fortune teller left, I don’t know why he went to the fortune teller stall many times and asked them to read his fortune.

"Virgin, I have the responsibility for this case. In order to catch the people in the Neon Club, I withdrew the people who were monitoring Li Zaiping. As a result, these mistakes were made."

After Chu Lingyun finished his report, he took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"What does it have to do with you?"

The director groaned dissatisfied: "You are helping the Intelligence Bureau investigate the case, and the case is not yours. Besides, those people in the Neon Club should be arrested, and you need to use this matter to let Zhang Acheng break into Shanghai. You are not wrong, wrong It was Xu Rundong who actually withdrew his people as soon as your men withdrew. If someone had been keeping an eye on Li Zaiping and discovered that something was wrong with him, this result would not have happened."

"Xu Rundong, he is destined to suffer this calamity."

As expected of Chu Lingyun, he found out the truth so quickly.

Xu Rundong met a fortune teller who told him that he would be in danger of death, but he didn't believe it. However, after he bought a book and checked it out, and visited several fortune tellers, he became convinced.

Because the people in the Intelligence Department were not monitoring him, they were unable to detect his changes in time.

Chu Lingyun had come to report to the director about Zhang Acheng's matter before. Although Tongwen Academy was a school, it was also a Japanese intelligence agency.

Chu Lingyun took precautions and made arrangements early. Virgo was very happy to break into their people.

As for why Li Zaiping bought a gun, he probably really believed that he was in trouble.

He bought guns and grenades for self-protection. He used the intelligence money given by the Japanese. Knowing that the Japanese could not do business, he wanted to run away.

Before running away, he even informed Section Chief Wu to stop serving the Japanese. It seemed that he actually hated the Japanese.

The whole thing was like this. Xu Rundong was unlucky and met the frightened Li Zaiping. He brought so many people upstairs. Li Zaiping thought it was his disaster and took action first.

In the end, Xu Rundong was beaten to death, and Li Zaiping himself also died.

The truth of the case came to light. After the results came out, the Military Intelligence Office was talking about it. Xu Rundong died unjustly, but it was also his own fault. If he had not despised Li Zaiping and not kept surveillance, such a result would not have happened. .

If you conduct surveillance, you will definitely find that Li Zaiping purchased pistols and grenades.

Knowing that Li Zaiping had weapons on him, Xu Rundong could not run out carelessly and eventually die.

Lee Jae-pyeong's status as a member of the Korean royal family was ultimately exploited by the Japanese.

Ishihara Zongjiu was very angry when he learned that Li Zaiping had died, not because of Li Zaiping, but because he had not yet received the information from Section Chief Wu.

In addition, the three gold bars were lost like this, which made him feel a little sad.

Li Zaiping could not die in vain. He quickly used the media to accuse the Chinese of forcing the Korean royal family to death. Some people who did not know the truth began to condemn China.

Some North Koreans, in particular, were very angry.

The Military Intelligence Office produced evidence to prove that Li Zaiping was engaged in intelligence activities, and also explained that it was not Li Zaiping who they forced to death, but Li Zaiping who shot one of their men first and then committed suicide with a grenade.

Chu Lingyun did not interfere in the fights in the media.

Fortunately, this time it was to help the Ministry of Foreign Affairs handle the matter. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stood up and spoke up, and finally suppressed the public opinion.

On the other hand, Old Ghost Xu from the Party Affairs Investigation Department was very happy to know that the Military Intelligence Department accidentally lost a team leader.

A team leader on his side had just been beaten to death by the Red Party, and a team leader from the Military Intelligence Department had also died. This was the best, as it only saved losses on his side.

Time passed slowly, and on June 4th, the news that Konoe Takemo formed a cabinet quickly spread around the world.

The Konoe family is Japan's top nobility, and many people are optimistic about Konoe Takemo this time, especially the military, who want to get the support they need.

In Nanjing, after the old man received the news, he immediately remembered the report written by Chu Lingyun.

This young man had said before that Takemo Konoe would take over as prime minister within three months at the latest, and he was indeed right. Today, even within a month, Kuro Kobayashi resigned.

He took out Chu Lingyun's report again and read it carefully.

"Someone is coming."

After reading it once, the old man shouted, and someone immediately came to his side.

"Find out for me the recently deciphered coded message by the Codex Inspection and Interpretation Office."

The old man ordered that in addition to the Military Intelligence Department, the old man also had a department dedicated to deciphering secret messages, called the Secret Message Inspection and Interpretation Institute.

The director is Wen Yubo. This is a secret department. Wen Yubo's external position is the director of the Communications Department of the Ministry of Transport.

The secret messages decrypted by the secret code inspection department are mainly the secret messages of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Wen Yubo has good abilities and has uncovered a lot of intelligence, but these are mainly Japanese diplomatic intelligence, not much involving the military.

Several file bags were quickly found, all with top secret written on them.

After reading it once, the old man shook his head again.

There have been no obvious changes in Japan's foreign policy recently, which shows that they have not thought about war. If they really wanted to invade China, they would not be so diplomatically calm.

Western countries have great interests in China. If they fail to appease these countries, will Japan be afraid of attracting global attention?

Whether before or now, the old man has strong illusions about the Western powers.

Chu Lingyun's report was put back again.

In Shanghai, Lao Hu got off the boat and stared at this bustling city.

This will be the place where he works from now on. The level of danger here is no less than that of Nanjing, or even more.

In Nanjing, they only need to be careful of the Party Affairs Investigation Office, and here, there are not only people from the Party Affairs Investigation Office, but also Japanese, French, British, Americans, etc.

They all regard the Red Party as a scourge. If any force discovers it, they will come to arrest them.

Be even more careful when working here.

"Secretary Wang."

Lao Hu met his direct boss, Secretary Wang from Shanghai.

"Comrade Hu, welcome to Shanghai."

Secretary Wang and Lao Hu held hands tightly and said happily, Lao Hu is an experienced old comrade who did very well when he was in Nanjing.

If he had not been arrested by the Party Affairs Investigation Office, he would not have been transferred back to his hometown.

This time it was Secretary Wang who took the initiative to ask Lao Hu to work in Shanghai.

The situation in Shanghai is more complicated and requires many comrades with struggle experience like Lao Hu.

"Thank you, Secretary Wang. What will be my job in the future?"

Lao Hu asked, and Secretary Wang smiled: "You, you asked for a job as soon as you arrived in Shanghai. You are really a restless person."

After sitting down, Secretary Wang said: "From now on, your workplace will be in the French Concession. You have to find a suitable cover-up job there, but it cannot be the same as in Nanjing."

Lao Hu had worked in Nanjing, and he left in such a hurry that he didn't take care of the aftermath.

If anyone who has seen him finds him here, it will be very detrimental to him.

It is necessary to change the job.

"I understand, don't worry, I will find a new job soon."

"Okay, when you find a job, send me a message and I will contact you again."

Secretary Wang ordered that they met outside when Lao Hu had just arrived. Lao Hu did not know where Secretary Wang lived.

This is also for safety. After Lao Hu is stable, Secretary Wang, as his direct leader, will let Lao Hu know his location.


Lao Hu took the order. He understood that work cannot be rushed. Laying a good foundation first and ensuring safety are the most important things.

Time passed by slowly, the weather got hotter and hotter, and the time soon came to the end of June.

There is peace in the country, and only the Northeast is crying.

In the special high school class, Jiang Tengkong was sitting in the office, looking through documents boredly.

After he was injured last time, he took the initiative to resign. Mitsui Amu did not refuse and agreed to his resignation as the action team leader. After he recovered from the injury, he was assigned to the logistics team as the deputy team leader.

Mitsui Amu wanted to transfer his confidant in Northeast China to serve as the leader of the action team, but was rejected by the chief section chief.

Lieutenant Colonel Masahiko Tengzhong of the Shanghai Military Police was transferred to the Special High School Course to serve as the leader of the action team.

Tengzhong Masahiko was originally a special agent instructor. He had temporarily left the special high school course because he made a mistake. This time, the chief section chief brought him back.

Masahiko Tengzhong was very happy to return to the special high school class. After taking over as the team leader, he made drastic changes in personnel.

Jiang Tengkong's confidants were all removed by him and replaced with his people.

His confidant was dismissed from his post, and Jiang Tengkong's status in the Special High School became even lower. However, he was not depressed at all. It was not easy to save his life safely this time.

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