Spy Shadow

Chapter 544 Investigating Ishihara

Chapter 544 Investigating Ishihara

Hiroshi Takeda went to meet Shusaku Takemoto again?

It seemed that he was a little anxious and wanted to go to Takemoto to inquire about the situation, but why did Takemoto go to see Commander Matsumoto so quickly?

"Find out what Takemoto is doing, and send me the results of Hiroshi Ishihara's investigation."

"Ishihara Hiroshi hasn't found out yet..."

"Send as many as you find."

Ishida interrupted his men's answer. The investigation against Ishihara Hiroshi has just begun, and not much has been found so far.


The subordinates nodded and accepted the order, and soon came to Ishida's office with Ishihara Hiroshi's investigation results.

There is really not much content, mainly some basic information about Ishihara Hiroshi.

Ishihara Hiroshi was from Kyoto. His father passed away when he could not remember. His mother quickly remarried but did not take him with her.

When he was young, he lived with his grandparents. It was precisely because of this family that he and Tomotaka Hosokawa had such a good relationship in elementary school.

He can't sit still and wait for death. He must take the initiative and perform many meritorious deeds to let the old man see his value.

Xu Lin raised his head and looked at Bao Shengqun with red eyes. Bao Shengqun would not tell him even if he said there was nothing he could do.

Mr. Ke took out a document containing two topographic maps.

"Funds, equipment, weapons, personnel, I want them all."

It is very likely that these two maps were written by the same person.

If he really does that, no matter how many people he has, they will definitely die.

"I will give you the things, but you must make great achievements for me within three months at most. If you dare to fool me with ordinary things, I will ask you for it."

The information is very simple, and there is no information after arriving in China.

But if you think about it carefully, this is normal.

"Brother Xu, you think too highly of me. I don't have any good ideas. Besides, this kind of thing is very difficult. You have to have the right time, right place, right people, and everything, and I'm not in Shanghai. There's no way, no way."

Even if the number of people is small, the energy of these people together cannot be underestimated.

There is only one condition: to achieve results, and achieve results that can be achieved.

Old Ghost Xu's face was gloomy. Xu Lin stood in front of him with his head lowered and did not dare to speak.

Mr. Ke won't care about this. The better the comrades hide, the better it will be for them.

"Takemoto was investigating Takeda Hiroshi and found something?"

He and his son speak Japanese very well and are helpful to the organization.

Xu Lin continued to pour wine and drank, and after a while he was very drunk. Bao Shengqun called his secretary and guards, and together they sent him back to his residence.

"Xu Lin, tell me what kind of support you want, I'll give it to you, but I have one request, which is to do some beautiful things for me."

There are two topographic maps, one provided by the War Situation Group of the Military Intelligence Division and the other from Cyclonus 1.

He's in the intelligence unit, that's his job.

At this time, Ishida was a little envious of Jiang Tengkong. In the action team, it was very easy not to investigate so many clues.

Mr. Ke considered Yuan Yida's suggestion. Even if Pan Youbo was unwilling to join the organization, just blowing up the Hongkou warehouse was a great achievement.

In this case, it is better to take advantage of the opportunity to get more benefits.

Takemoto reciprocated and raided a large number of Ishihara's competitors.

Later, Ishihara Hiroshi met Takemoto and helped Takemoto be promoted from major to lieutenant colonel and became director of the intelligence department.

Ishida is in the office, and most of the people in the action team are busy outside. Newly discovered clues are gathering at him.

The old man personally sat in Wuhan and directed the battle. Some people persuaded him to leave so as not to be in danger, but the old man gave him a severe scolding.

Xu Lin gritted his teeth and said that he knew Old Ghost Xu's character. Now was not the time for him to refuse. Refusal was useless. Old Ghost Xu would forcefully give him orders.

When Tomotaka Hosokawa's mother passed away, Toru Ishihara accompanied him to take care of the funeral.

Not only can he give instructions to his superiors, but he can also control the situation.

Although the Chinese may have kidnapped family members and forced them to submit, what if they had instigated rebellion long ago and waited for today?

Ishida will investigate everything that is possible.

Hosokawa Tomotaka came forward for him and met General Matsumoto, General Tian Jun and others.

Some things about Hiroshi Ishihara were found out again.

Takeda Hiroshi now has Takemoto to investigate, and Pan Youbo has more people to investigate, including his son-in-law, his family, and people who have been in contact with him many times.

Tomotaka Hosokawa is fine, and Hiroshi Ishihara will certainly not be a problem.

Pan Youbo completed the mission and came back alive, which is indeed surprising, but this result is the best. These heavy artillery were finally destroyed. Yuan Yida did a very good job this time.

In addition, Ishihara Hiroshi has a good relationship with many military officers, including Takemoto, Shimakura of the headquarters, Shun Mizuro of the Army Military Academy, and Ikegami of the Aviation Department.

Later, it was Ishihara Hiroshi who was doing small business. During the Shanghai War, he was so courageous that he bribed the guards and swallowed the goods of several Chinese warehouses.

Such an achievement is definitely a great achievement, a great achievement, no less powerful than directly wiping out an entire opponent's regiment on the frontal battlefield.

Early the next morning, Xu Lin came to the General Affairs Department. He wanted a lot of things.

These officers are neither high nor low in rank, but they have basically received help from Toru Ishihara.

If possible, they can be drawn into the organization's camp.

This number is still expanding, and the business scale of Ishihara Trading Company is indeed not small.

They grew up together since childhood, and this relationship is truly unmatched by others.

In terms of funds, Virgo did not have any obstacles this time and directly granted them 100,000 oceans. It was oceans and not legal tender. In addition, he also asked Xu Lin to select thirty elites.

Xu Lin was called back to Wuhan by Xu Laogui. After the fall of Anqing, the Wuhan War officially started. The Japanese army kept advancing, but the Guo Party set up obstacles along the line to prevent them from advancing easily.

Bao Shengqun received him and gave him various weapons, including sniper rifles and mortars.

"Thank you, Virgo." Xu Lin thanked him hurriedly.

Hiroshi Ishihara is a capable and ambitious man.

Mr. Ke looked at the map carefully and quickly smiled.

No wonder he was able to get up, this man could have succeeded even without Hosokawa Tomotaka helping him.

Secretly assassinating a few Japanese officers or traitors would not work. Old Ghost Xu blocked his escape route and told him clearly not to fool him with trivial matters.

"Brother Bao, you have a lot of ideas. Do you have any good ideas to help me get through this difficulty?"

Closing the file, Mr. Ke placed the file in a top-secret safe. Without his permission, no one could open such a safe, and no one could see the contents inside.

Bao Shengqun smiled, and Xu Lin smiled bitterly: "I would rather not do it now. Don't you know that in the enemy-occupied area, I was frightened every day and couldn't sleep well, for fear that while I was sleeping, the door would suddenly be knocked open by the Japanese, and I would become a Prisoner below the rank.”

Ishida did not have any doubts about Ishihara Hiroshi’s identity.

The two pictures were different. Kuangbiao 1's was more detailed and marked the location of the heavy artillery. He didn't know the specific mission, but he was smart enough to guess that the purpose of investigating the warehouse was for these heavy artillery.

These should be reported to the Chinese, but Mitsui should also remind them.

The actual controller of Yusai Bunsha, with Tomataka Hosokawa as its president, is Toru Ishihara. Ishida knows that the two have a very good relationship, and Tomotaka Hosokawa is Ishihara Toru's biggest backer.

Tomataka Hosokawa was coming to China and invited Toru Ishihara to accompany him. Ishihara Toru was unable to go due to work reasons. Half a year later, he came to China to look for Tomitaka Hosokawa.

Ishihara Hiroshi has a good relationship with Americans, and many of his businesses are with Americans, but his background in the United States has not been found out.

There must be protection for them.

When a national crisis strikes, as the supreme commander, he should stay on the front lines instead of seeking safety in the rear.

"Brother Xu, you got your wish and became the district chief. How can you still find it difficult to get promoted?"

Bao Shengqun has never done any lurking work, but he has heard a lot about it.

There are no large-scale battles at this time, but small-scale battles continue.

The old man's attitude towards him and Dai Yunong is now obviously different.

Investigating three people does not mean investigating only three of them.

Pan Youbo's family was sent to Chongqing. Yuan Yida suggested that they could try to make contact with their family. Pan Youbo was not the kind of traitor who worked wholeheartedly for the Japanese. He made great achievements this time and was a hero.

Yuan Yida obtained the topographic map from them and the Military Intelligence Department. After receiving it, he had someone pick it up and send it back to Yanzhou. He just received it today.

He is a capable person.

Hiroshi Takeda is from the Military Police Headquarters. If something happened to him and the Special High School Division found out about him, the Military Police Headquarters would be very passive, but it would be different if they found out by themselves.

But where did he get the news about the heavy artillery, and how did he check it so clearly?

Xu Lin responded loudly, and Old Ghost Xu finally let him go.

"Keep checking, don't relax on these things, everyone, please do your best."

"Yes, Virgo, don't worry, within three months, we will definitely achieve great results."

"It's really not easy in enemy-occupied territory."

Old Ghost Xu threatened that he was indeed stimulated by the Military Intelligence Office. During this period, the Military Intelligence Office not only sanctioned many traitors, but also did such a big thing.

In the Battle of Shanghai, a million-strong army had never defeated the Japanese. The hundreds of men he had at hand would not even make a splash if they fought hard.

Ishida was surprised to see the report from his subordinates, but he didn't expect Takemoto to also check Takeda Hiroshi.

Ishida ordered that he really had a lot of things to check now. Takeda Hiroshi, Pan Youbo, and Ishihara Hiroshi were the three of them.

Anyway, as long as he knows it, the map needs to be kept, but other information is not necessary.

Ishida first reported about Takemoto. Mitsui was not surprised. He had already guessed it. General Matsumoto would definitely not object, but this must be Ishihara Toru's intention.

Old ghost Xu really spent a lot of money on Xu Linci. He is in urgent need of credit to change the old man's impression of him. Currently, the only one who can do this is Xu Lin.

In Yanzhou, Mr. Ke opened the message sent by Yuan Yida.

If you want money, give money, if you want people, give something.

Radios, explosives, telescopes, bugs and other equipment are all available.

After drinking half of the wine, Xu Lin's eyes turned slightly red and he couldn't help but complain.

Old ghost Xu said slowly, while Xu Lin felt bitter in his heart.

Seeing him losing his temper, no one dared to persuade him.

All those lurking on enemy territory deserve respect.

This is Ishida's evaluation of Ishihara Hiroshi. He is courageous, good at seizing opportunities, and has investment vision. He is an excellent investor and investor.

The Military Intelligence Office has been publicizing the Hongkou warehouse explosion in the past few days. This incident is their fault. As everyone knows, this time it was all done by the Red Party.

Whether Jiang Tengkong has any achievements or not has nothing to do with him. Unlike him, he can't find any useful clues, can't make achievements, and can't explain to Mitsui.

"Okay, you make a detailed list, and I will give you all the ones that are suitable."

He didn't go to college and worked alone.

"Yes, the Military Intelligence Department has made so many achievements. Virgo wants me to help him regain his face and make great achievements, but I don't know what to do at all. How can I make great achievements?"

"Forget it, you still see clearly. It's right not to go to the Intelligence Department. It's difficult these days."

Even if Er Chen saves his life, Old Ghost Xu will have to keep his tail between his legs from now on.

Great achievements are not that easy. If you want great achievements, you must make big moves. He is currently very weak in penetrating the Japanese. He has many subordinates, but he cannot act recklessly with the Japanese.

"Brother Bao, I'm in trouble right now."

"Section Chief, Shusaku Takemoto is investigating Takeda Hiroshi, probably on orders from General Matsumoto."

Although the two maps are different, the content is very similar. Excluding the information about heavy artillery and some edge locations, they are almost identical.

Beyond that, he crossed out the source of the map.

In the evening, at a restaurant, Xu Lin took Bao Shengqun to drink together to drown his sorrows.

Wuhan, Party Affairs Investigation Division.

Shanghai, super high school.

If these two maps fall into the eyes of a caring person, it is easy to guess what they are. Without knowing who provided them, it is impossible to make a judgment.

Because the price of his goods is lower than others, he has captured a large amount of the market. Currently, there are at least hundreds of merchants cooperating with Ishihara Trading Company.

Now that Old Ghost Xu's life is getting harder and harder, it is a good time for him to take revenge. Once Old Ghost Xu loses his position as director, the people he offended can kill him.

Both his grandparents passed away when he was in middle school. After that, he lived alone, relying on the savings left by his grandparents to barely finish high school.

After being silent for a while, Bao Shengqun replied, lurking in the enemy's territory, not to mention the dangers, the daily psychological pressure is a kind of torture.

Ishihara Trading Company expanded again, and Ishihara Hiroshi was indeed good at doing business, becoming the largest private Japanese trading firm in Shanghai.

Bao Shengqun kept shaking his head, and Xu Lin was a little disappointed. He also understood that asking Bao Shengqun for advice was a case of emergency medical treatment. He didn't know what to do in Shanghai, let alone others.

He understood that Old Ghost Xu was stimulated by what happened in the Military Intelligence Department and blew up the Hongkou Warehouse, killing and injuring hundreds of Japanese soldiers and destroying their heavy artillery.

Relying on these goods, he established Ishihara Trading Company and continued to grow and develop.

Doesn't letting Xu Lin make a great contribution mean that he has done a great favor to Old Ghost Xu?

Xu Lin poured himself a full glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp.

"In addition, I investigated Ishihara Hiroshi of Ishihara Trading Company. This person is not simple..."

"Who asked you to investigate Ishihara Hiroshi?"

Mitsui suddenly raised his head and asked sternly. His piercing eyes made Ishida startled.

The second update, the guaranteed update is completed. Thanks to my friends who voted for the monthly ticket red envelope. You are the first person to vote for Xiaoyu. I will add another chapter later to express my gratitude.

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