Spy Shadow

Chapter 547 Becoming a laughing stock

Chapter 547 Becoming a laughingstock

The office of the Special Higher Education Action Team.

Jiang Tengkong was arranging a task. He received an order to cooperate with the intelligence team to find Jasmine and Lin Guorui. He had obtained the photos of the two of them and was sent to expedite cleaning of dozens of them. With the photos, more manpower could be mobilized. Find someone.

"One team is in charge of the public concession, mobilize the Green Gang gangsters inside, and ask them to help find people. If they find one, they will be given 200 yuan. If they find both, they will be given 500 yuan."

"The second team is responsible for the French Concession and also needs to mobilize more manpower."

"The third team is responsible for the urban area. The third team has a very heavy task. All the police and gangsters must be used. I have only one request. We must find these two people as quickly as possible."

After Jiang Tengkou announced the order, he looked at everyone: "If there is any situation, report it to me immediately and keep it confidential."

Ishida found out the real culprit, but the consulate took away the credit. Mitsui told Jiang Tengkong that he would never allow such a mistake.


The three captains shouted together, and the operations department started to move. Ishida led the rest of the intelligence team to continue investigating new clues.

In addition to theaters, HSBC should also pay attention. According to Ishida's investigation, Takemoto went to HSBC because Takeda Hiroshi had been there many times.

The suspicion on Takeda Hiroshi has increased.

In the wartime intelligence team, Chu Lingyun received messages from Rose and Catfish.

This is an important situation and Catfish must report it in time.

"Who is Lin Guorui?"

Chu Lingyun was a little confused. Neither he nor Shanghai Station had this character. As for Catfish's speculation, Lin Guorui first instigated Pan Youbo and then used the theater's leading actress to instigate Takeda Hiroshi. It was completely nonsense.

Pan Youbo was not incited to rebel, otherwise Shanghai Station would not have to kidnap his family.

As for Takeda Hiroshi, there is no trace.

"I don't know. Do you want me to go check it out?"

Loach was also full of doubts. None of them had heard of Lin Guorui who suddenly popped up.

"No, just report it to the superiors and ask if Lin Guorui is one of ours."

Chu Lingyun shook his head. To be on the safe side, it was best to ask about this matter. Now in Shanghai, it was not only them and Wang Yuemin, but also Yuan Yida who was hiding in the dark.

In addition, the Red Party should also ask.

Chu Lingyun can contact the Red Party directly, so he can do it himself this time.

Soon, the Wuhan headquarters responded.

Secretary Qi personally sent the report, and the director instructed that Lin Guorui was not one of their own, and they didn't know who he was.

At night, Chu Lingyun came to the safe house alone, carefully untied the bomb fuse and took out the radio.

As long as the radio is placed in the house, it is difficult to find an absolutely safe place.

All the arrangements are of no use to those who are careful.

Take Loach for example. He will never make a move easily without checking every place he sees ten or eight times and seeing all the tiny cracks.

"Didi didi."

The radio signal instantly penetrated the void and spread in all directions.

"Mr. Ke, secret message No. 11."

On the Yanzhou side, the telegraph operator who received the signal immediately wrote down all the passwords. This was a message to them, marked No. 11.

"Lin Guorui?"

After translating the message, Ke Gong's head was full of questions. Lin Guorui was not one of their people. Why did Kuangbiao 1 suddenly ask about this person?

There is no such person in Yuan Yida, and Ke Gong knows this very well.

Mr. Ke wrote a reply in person, stating that there was no such person.

After receiving the call back, Chu Lingyun returned to his residence.

Lin Guorui was not a member of the Red Party, nor was he from the Military Intelligence Department. As for the Party Affairs Investigation Department, Chu Lingyun didn't even think about it. This incident had nothing to do with him. Takeda Hiroshi didn't look like he had been instigated. Lin Guorui was just an ordinary person. people.

Ishida made a mistake in his own investigation and thought he had found his person, so he was very proud of it.

Let him investigate slowly. Yuan Yida has probably already dealt with the aftermath. No matter how they investigate, they will not be able to find anything useful.

"found it?"

In the afternoon of the next day, Jiang Tengkong received good news. In the French Concession, a gangster said he had seen these two people.

In the concession, they could not arrest people blatantly, so Jiang Tengkong asked people to change into plain clothes and personally lead the team to the concession.

He received a reply from Chu Lingyun in the morning, saying that Lin Guorui was not one of their people.

With confidence in his heart, he is now extremely active. This action is just for Mitsui to see.

"Team leader, is anyone inside?"

Jiang Tengkong quickly arrived at the place. This was a building area, mostly occupied by tenants. Lin Guorui lived on the fourth floor of the innermost building. It was a very simple small house.

So far, only Lin Guorui has been found, not Jasmine.

Lin Guorui is the most critical. If you can find him, you will naturally find Jasmine.

"How many people are inside?" Jiang Tengkong asked.

"Two, one male and one female, but the woman is not Jasmine."

His subordinates quickly replied that more than 20 people from the action team were surrounded here, all armed with weapons. Lin Guorui was unable to fly this time.

"You guys keep an eye on it first, I'll report to the team leader." Jiang Tengkong ordered.

"Team leader, someone is looking for Lin Guorui."

As soon as Jiang Tengkong finished speaking, his subordinates reported immediately. Jiang Tengkong immediately looked over. He was now at the surveillance point. After the people from the Special High School found this place, they established a surveillance point first.

A man was knocking on Lin Guorui's door.

After a while, Lin Guorui opened the door, said a few words to the house, and then went downstairs with the man.

"Keep an eye on them, I'll make a call."

The Japanese were also unable to call dedicated lines in the concession, so Jiang Tengkong had no choice but to call a public phone.

This is not safe, but he doesn't have to say it explicitly, he can use code words.

"Section Chief, we found the woods, but there was someone in the woods. The man sawed a sapling and went out."

Jiang Tengkong whispered on the phone that the forest was Lin Guorui. Someone came to find him, and he left with that person.

Mitsui immediately understood what he meant. Jiang Tengkong found the person. Now the person was going out and asked him what to do.

"The forest belongs to us. He can't let him take anything away. Bring them back."

Mitsui ordered decisively and found Lin Guorui. Watching Lin Guorui might yield unexpected results.

But at this time, the Chinese have just made a big move and blew up the Hongkou warehouse. They will definitely be extremely careful, and dormancy is more likely at this time.

If they stay dormant long enough, it will be useless no matter how hard they stare.

Moreover, Mitsui does not have that much time to wait, and must explain to his superiors as soon as possible.


Jiang Tengkong received the order and immediately called all his men over:

"Be prepared to take action. When arresting people, you cannot give them any room to resist, and you must prevent them from taking poison."

Nowadays, the agents of the Fruit Party have improved a lot, and their lurking agents will also have poison hidden in their collars.

If he really couldn't run away, he would rather commit suicide by taking poison than suffer the torture. "

This must be prevented.

Lin Guorui was two people, Jiang Tengkong dispatched 16 people, and the remaining eight people arrested the women in the house.

There are three people on the other side, and each of them dispatches an average of eight people to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Lin Guorui was chatting and laughing with his companions. Before they could walk out of the alley, four people suddenly appeared in pairs and held them down instantly.

The supporting team members nearby took action immediately, and Lin Guorui and his companions caught it without any effort.

"Team leader, there is no poison on them, only this."

The captain came over with two daggers, both of them had them on them. The daggers were very sharp and had been cut.

"take away."

This is a concession, not a place for interrogation. Jiang Tengkong immediately ordered the people to be escorted back to the Special High School. The team that arrested the woman acted smoothly. They deceived the door and quickly captured the woman.

Leaving a few team members to clean the scene and look for new clues, Jiang Tengkong quickly returned to the Special High School with his team.

This is a concession, and they are in trouble when patrolled.

Lin Guorui was taken to the torture room. As he was hung up, he kept moaning "wuwu".

His mouth was blocked and he couldn't speak.

Mitsui and Ishida were all present, knowing that Jiang Tengkong had found the person and successfully captured him. Mitsui was very happy, and Jiang Tengkong did not disappoint him.

Lin Guorui's face was full of horror. The instruments in the torture room were too scary. He had never seen such a place before, and his body was shaking violently.

"Let him talk."

Mitsui did not expect Lin Guorui to be so frightened, so Jiang Tengkong went over and personally tore off the tape blocking Lin Guorui's mouth.

"Who are you and why are you arresting me?"

Lin Guorui's voice was trembling, and it could be seen that he was severely frightened, but his words were clear enough to be understood.

"what's your name?"

Mitsui stared straight at Lin Guorui. Lin Guorui's reaction at this time was a normal reaction for ordinary people, but he might also be pretending on purpose.

These fruit party agents are very good at acting and want to deceive them and make them fall into the trap.

Pan Youbo had previously deceived the defenders and doctors and escaped.

This is a special high school, not a warehouse or a hospital, so tricks like Lin Guorui's are useless.

"My name is Lin Feng."

Lin Guorui replied carefully, and Mitsui's face tightened: "Hit me."

If he dares to be dishonest, then he will be beaten until he is honest. After a few whips, Lin Guorui kept wailing and was willing to confess.

"My name is Lin Guorui."

He finally told his real name, and Ishida asked: "When did you join the Military Intelligence Service, and when did you instigate Pan Youbo's rebellion? Where is Jasmine?"

"What military intelligence department? I don't know. Who is Pan Youbo?"

Lin Guorui's eyes widened. He didn't understand why the Japanese asked him that.

He rented a house in Xinghua Lane and didn't live there for a long time. He didn't usually have contact with the neighbors and didn't know Pan Youbo.

However, he knew that the other party was Japanese. When he came to the special high school, he saw sentries wearing Japanese military uniforms. There were many Japanese words here.

"If you're not honest, keep fighting."

Mitsui's eyes widened, and the person next to him immediately whipped up a whip. This whip had barbs, and the skin could be peeled off with one blow.

Ordinary people cannot bear a whip.

"I said it, I said it all."

After three whips came down, Lin Guorui kept wailing, expressing his willingness to confess.

According to his confession, he joined the Military Intelligence Service three years ago. Pan Youbo was the one who instigated the rebellion two years ago. But when asked about his supervisor and mission, he couldn't tell. He was whipped a few times and said that his supervisor was the one he had just found. His man's name is Xu Lunji.

As for Jasmine, he sold her to a Hangzhou kiln and is still there now.

Did Lin Guorui sell Jasmine?

Ishida looked at Mitsui, who also had a look of disbelief on his face.

Shouldn't they be using Jasmine to control Takeda Hiroshi? Why would they sell her?

"Section Chief, I'll ask people from Hangzhou to verify it right away."

Ishida left in a hurry. Jasmine was the key to identifying Takeda Hiroshi, but she was sold to a brothel. Is this possible?

"Why did you sell her?"

Jiang Tengkong asked, and Lin Guorui cried and said, "I was just lying to her. After I defrauded her of all her money, she was no longer useful. I had enough fun, so I sold her."

"What is her relationship with Takeda Hiroshi?"

Mitsui suddenly asked, and Lin Guorui was stunned: "Who is Takeda Hiroshi?"

Doesn’t Lin Guorui know Hiroshi Takeda?

Either he was lying or he was really ignorant. Mitsui gradually had a bad feeling in his heart.

Lin Guorui's behavior just now didn't look like he was lying.

Especially for Jasmine, if Lin Guorui was an agent, he would not be able to sell Jasmine into a brothel.

If Jasmine is really found in the brothel, they may have arrested the wrong person. Lin Guorui is not a Fruit Party agent, but a pure scumbag.

"Jiang Teng, if you continue to interrogate him, he deserves to be tortured."

Mitsui ordered that he should carefully observe Lin Guorui's answers and expressions to try to find loopholes.

Next, Lin Guorui suffered a lot. He was subjected to the tiger bench, nail removal, finger pricking, and branding irons, and various torture instruments were used on him. In the end, he asked what he said, but what he said was wrong, and he kept begging for mercy.

Not long after, Lin Guorui was dying and fell into coma several times.

"Sergeant, we can't fight anymore, he can't hold on anymore."

Lin Guorui was very weak and could not withstand so much punishment. If he continued to be beaten, he would probably be beaten to death on the spot.

"Take him down, treat his injuries, and take Xu Lunji with him."

Xu Lunji was the one who found Lin Guorui, and he was also what Lin Guorui called his "upline".

He was no better than Lin Guorui. He would ask and say whatever he asked after a few whips, but his answers to key questions were obviously lies.

On the other hand, he made it very clear about Jasmine.

Lin Guorui was really just playing for fun, but this little girl Jasmine took it seriously, and since Jasmine had so little savings, Lin Guorui pretended to be a rich young man and approached him in order to defraud money.

Jasmine ran out and asked Lin Guorui to marry him. How could Lin Guorui actually marry him? After defrauding Jasmine of all her money, he sold her in Hangzhou for two hundred oceans.

Jasmine is an opera singer, has a pretty face, a good figure, and is not too old. If they were not in a hurry to sell, they could sell it for more.

Jasmine was sold by them both, and Xu Lunji knew it very well.

The woman in Lin Guorui's house was the woman he hooked up with again. Lin Guorui was good-looking and could easily deceive these little girls. He has deceived many women over the years.

When he came back this time, he didn't dare to live in the city, and deliberately hid in the concession. The money he defrauded from Jasmine and the money he got from selling her was almost spent by them.

Recently, they are discussing to sell the girl next to Lin Guorui. She is not as good looking as Jasmine, but she can still make some money, at least enough for their current life.

Ishida came back, and his face was livid after hearing Xu Lunji's confession. Both of them were scum, and Ishida valued love the most, especially love.

If his lover was alive, the two of them would have had a child.

Damn Lin Guorui, he must die.

"Put it down."

Xu Lunji was also beaten half to death, and the last person to be interrogated was the captured girl.

This girl's family was of average condition and she worked outside. She believed Lin Guorui's words and ran away with him. She had no idea that Lin Guorui planned to sell her.

Lin Guorui was never in Shanghai when he sold these deceived women, either in Suzhou or Hangzhou. He had already sold three deceived women.

Relying on the money earned from selling women, he eats, drinks and has fun without doing any serious work.

Even the gangsters look down on people like him.

This little gangster is just holding a knife and fighting to get by, but he is purely deceiving people, and he is deceiving women.

"Team leader, we heard back from Hangzhou. They did find Jasmine. Jasmine is in the brothel and she looks miserable. They took her out and are sending her to Shanghai."

When his subordinates came to report, Ishida looked at Mitsui.

Jasmine was really sold, which meant that the two gangsters in front of him were not the agents he thought. Takeda Hiroshi was not caught because of Jasmine.

Otherwise, Chinese agents would never be able to sell jasmine into a brothel.

Either kill it or protect it.

"When people arrive, we'll investigate carefully."

Mitsui had a sullen face, leaving these words behind and left the torture room.

I thought I had found a new clue, which could not only find Pan Youbo through Lin Guorui's line, but also capture Takeda Hiroshi.

You can even catch more Fruit Party agents and expand your harvest.

Unexpectedly, I finally heard about a human tragedy and saw how bad some people can be.

Unfortunately, this is not the result Mitsui wanted.

Back in the office, Mitsui was so angry that he threw a lot of things.

Because the consulate was taking credit, he reported this matter to the headquarters, but now it was a farce. How should he report this result?

General Tian Jun came back specially to investigate the bombing case. Now that the case is like this, once General Tian Jun asks, what should he explain?

General Tian Jun would not withdraw him directly, but as long as he said a word, the section chief would never spare him.

"Trash, all trash."

Mitsui cursed, and Jiang Tengkong, who walked to the door, immediately stood there.

He came to ask what the action team would do next.

Hearing that Mitsui was angry, Jiang Tengkong stepped back sensibly. He would be a fool to go in at this time, just looking for scolding.

Even though he didn't make a mistake, this time it was Ultra High School's fault.

After venting his anger, Mitsui sat on a chair, rubbing his head and worrying.

If he didn't report it, he would be wrong if he made a mistake in the investigation. He could just adjust the direction and continue the investigation. But he happened to report it, and now he is riding a tiger with difficulty.

"Jiang Teng, come to my office."

As soon as Jiang Tengkong arrived at his office, the phone rang. It was Mitsui. Jiang Tengkong was helpless, so he hung up the phone, calmed down and returned to Mitsui's office.

After being scolded, he probably won't be able to run away.

"Here you go, sit down."

Jiang Tengkong was very surprised that Mitsui didn't get angry and was very polite. He pulled him to sit down at a tea table and looked at each other.

"Section Chief, this was an accident. Team Leader Ishida is very careful. It is not easy to find this."

Jiang Tengkong persuaded in a low voice. He was very aware of Mitsui's efforts just now.

But he didn't really plead for Ishida anymore. The underlying meaning was that this matter was done by Ishida and had nothing to do with him.

He just helped find someone, and he found someone.

"I know, Ishida did a good job, and so did you."

Mitsui nodded slightly. He understood that Ishida had done a good job and found out so many clues. Jasmine had not been sent back yet, but as long as it was confirmed that Jasmine was really sold, those two people were definitely not agents.

As for their confession, Mitsui couldn't stand the lies.

Real agents may provide false information in order to avoid suffering, but they will not lie to this extent. Such confessions will only make them suffer more.

"Thank you, section chief, for understanding."

"I asked you to come because you have a lot of ideas. To be honest, I have reported this matter. It must not end like this. Is there any way to confirm the identity of the two agents?"

Mitsui said softly that he was asking Jiang Tengkong for advice in order to make up for this loophole.

The true identity of the two people must not be reported, otherwise the superiors will laugh out loud and question his ability to work.

"I understand what you mean. It's easy to confirm their identities. Just write a new confession, have them sign it, and let Jasmine bite them to death. They are agents. Jasmine hates Lin Ruiguo so much that she will definitely cooperate and kill them later. Get rid of it secretly to avoid future troubles."

Jiang Tengkong replied, it's not like this kind of thing has never been done before. Which intelligence department doesn't have souls who died unjustly?

Lin Guorui and Xu Lunji deserved to die, but Jasmine was a pity.

"I know, but things are not that simple. There is another person involved, Takeda Hiroshi."

Mitsui told him about the investigation of Takeda Hiroshi, and Jiang Tengkong quickly frowned.

These three are key, but even more important is Takeda Hiroshi.

Mitsui reported that Takeda Hiroshi was involved in the case. It is easy to establish their identity, but it is difficult to confirm Takeda Hiroshi.

Takeda Hiroshi is the deputy captain of the Lieutenant Colonel and a member of the Military Police Headquarters. Without irrefutable evidence, the Military Police Headquarters will not give up.

"Professor, this is a bit difficult to handle."

Jiang Tengkong smiled bitterly, framed Takeda Hiroshi, the three of them couldn't let them die so casually.

Now is a critical moment. If no one can be found, the Military Police Headquarters will not agree if we rely only on a few confessions.

This time was different from the last time Hoshino was framed.

The murder of Hoshino was originally done by the Mitsui Joint Military Police and people from the headquarters. The Special High School does not require any evidence, as long as it can be justified.

No one stood up for Hoshino, so his death was in vain, but Hiroshi Takeda had someone to stand up for him.

"I know, so I'm looking for you. You always have the most ideas. Can you help me think of a solution this time?"

Mitsui was in a dilemma. Takeda Hiroshi was not Hoshino. Behind him was not only the Military Police Headquarters, but also Ishihara Toru.

Mitsui will not take action easily until he is absolutely sure.

He had no idea, so he thought of Jiang Tengkong.

Jiang Tengkong was very smart and good at doing things, so he asked him to help as a consultant to see if there was any way to involve Takeda Hiroshi and let him escape.

"Director, I really don't have any good ideas, but I do have a stupid way."

Jiang Tengkong sighed helplessly, no wonder Mitsui had such a good attitude. At this time, he would rather Mitsui curse people than give him such a difficult problem.

This thing is really not that easy to do.

"What stupid idea?" Mitsui immediately sat up straight.

"Takeda Hiroshi was not involved in the case. We cannot forcefully frame it, otherwise the Military Police Command will not agree. This is a matter of the Military Police Command's face."

"Then we will find a way to involve Takeda Hiroshi. Lin Guorui must be a Chinese agent. He sold Jasmine. Jasmine hated him. And Takeda Hiroshi obviously likes Jasmine. We let Jasmine seek help from Takeda Hiroshi and Takeda. Hao helps her get revenge."

Jiang Tengkong replied, while Mitsui frowned: "We can't let Jasmine know the real situation, otherwise it will be easy to expose the secret."

Jasmine is an uncontrollable factor. Once she finds out, she will definitely tell everything when others come to interrogate her.

They will be in even more trouble by then.

"This is simple. Wasn't Jasmine brought back? Let's put on a show for Jasmine and let her overhear the conversation between us and Lin Guorui. When Lin Guorui admits that he is an agent of the Fruit Party, Jasmine will believe it."

"This method is feasible, but how can Takeda Hiroshi be involved in the case?" Mitsui asked.

Jiang Tengkong took his time and said slowly: "Let her overhear that Lin Guorui agrees to cooperate with us and identify Takeda Hiroshi so that he can survive. Then we agree to Lin Guorui to execute Jasmine to help him solve his worries."

"Jasmine must be scared. We are trying to find a way to guide her so that she thinks only Takeda Hiroshi can save her, and then we are trying to find a way for the two to meet."

"When the time comes, Jasmine will regard Takeda Hiroshi as a life-saving straw and will definitely seek help from Takeda Hiroshi."

Mitsui's eyes lit up. He was indeed right to find Jiang Tengkong. He had a good idea.

Jasmine is just an ordinary woman and doesn't think so much.

Once she found Takeda Hiroshi, Takeda Hiroshi knew very well that he himself was a suspect. If someone identified him, it would be very dangerous. Whether it was for self-protection or for Jasmine, he would definitely find a way to find out the reason.

As long as he comes out to investigate on his own, he won't be able to tell clearly when the time comes.

"Let's discuss it again and see if there are any loopholes, especially Takeda Hiroshi's reaction. If he takes the initiative to confess to the Military Police Headquarters after knowing about it, we will fall short of the success and cause big trouble."

This big trouble is not only caused by the Military Police Headquarters, but also by Toru Ishihara.

Chu Lingyun's control over human nature is indeed very strong. When facing his own interests, people like Mitsui will not consider the relationship between Takeda Hiroshi and him at all, but will only think about himself.

"Okay." Jiang Tengkong nodded.

Jasmine is the key, Lin Guorui must die, and he must die in the hands of Takeda Hiroshi.

In this way, they not only confirmed Lin Guorui's identity as agent, but also made it difficult for Takeda Hiroshi to defend himself.

There is a loophole here.

That's why Lin Guorui was an agent, so why didn't he kill Jasmine instead of selling her to a brothel.

Regarding this point, he and Jiang Tengkong patched it up.

Lin Guorui was greedy for money. Jasmine was so beautiful that it could be sold for a good price. He secretly sold Jasmine to Hangzhou, thinking that no one would find out.

Women were strictly guarded in the brothel. Jasmine did not know his true identity before. Moreover, after Lin Guorui came back, he neither lived in the same place nor changed his identity. Even if Jasmine escaped, she would not be able to find him.

Lin Guorui did this. He was mainly worried about the people in the theater, so he changed his name to Lin Feng and entered the concession to live.

There are traces of his life, and Mitsui is not afraid of others verifying them.

As for Takeda Hiroshi, Lin Guorui discovered that he went to the theater many times, took the initiative to contact Takeda Hiroshi, and successfully instigated him to rebel.

The process of instigating rebellion must not be left to Lin Guorui. The confession he made up is purely an insult to people's intelligence.

Jiang Tengkong designed a lie for him.

If you want to instigate a person, you only need to have his leverage, or money, beauty, power, interest, etc.

Takeda Hiroshi likes Jasmine very much, which is his weakness. As a relative of Jasmine, Lin Guorui deliberately approached Takeda Hiroshi and promised to help him get the girl.

Later, I deliberately tricked Takeda Hiroshi and learned some little secrets.

Takeda Hiroshi is not an agent, so it is normal for someone to trick him into saying something.

These secrets are harmless and Mitsui can easily find them out, but if Hiroshi Takeda leaks the secrets, it will be very troublesome if the Military Police Headquarters knows about them.

Lin Guorui did not reveal his identity at this time, but gave Hiroshi Takeda some money.

And he secretly took photos of Takeda Hiroshi collecting money.

The photos were in Military Intelligence and not on his body.

This is easy to explain. Such an important clue cannot be placed on an agent and will definitely be sent to the headquarters.

After that, it’s a cliche plot.

After Lin Guorui got enough evidence, he admitted his identity to Takeda Hiroshi and asked Takeda Hiroshi to work for them and provide intelligence.

For these lies, Mitsui and Jiang Tengkong racked their brains.

Another problem arises here. If Pan Youbo is the one who was instigated by Lin Guorui, there is no need for Takeda Hiroshi to go to the warehouse to inquire about the location of the heavy artillery.

In fact, it was Chu Lingyun who deliberately guided Takeda Hiroshi to inquire about heavy artillery.

The purpose is to determine the specific location of the heavy artillery so that Yuan Yida can make accurate arrangements.

If he hadn't known that the heavy artillery was guarded by the Zhongcun Squadron, Yuan Yida would not have been able to find Pan Youbo. There were so many defenders in the warehouse, and Pan Youbo was not the only one delivering food. If he found the wrong person, his actions would go in the opposite direction.

Except for Pan Youbo, no other food delivery person could get close to the heavy artillery warehouse.

For this reason, Mitsui specially called Ishida to discuss countermeasures together.

The three cobblers supported Zhuge Liang, and the three discussed it until night, and finally hammered out a plan of action.

This action was purely to help Mitsui restore his face and image.

Otherwise, if Lin Guorui's true situation is reported, he will become the biggest laughing stock.

In addition, Mitsui really wanted to deal with Takeda Hiroshi and took the opportunity to do it.

"Jiang Teng, Ishida, you have worked hard this time."

After deducing the action plan several times and coming up with countermeasures for all the accidents they could think of, Mitsui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Section Chief, you are serious. We are your people, Chief, and it is natural for us to serve you." Jiang Tengkong immediately lowered his head.

Jiang Tengkong is very good at talking and makes Mitsui feel very comfortable every time.

"Section Chief, your business is my business, I will definitely handle it well this time."

Ishida's eloquence is not as good as Jiang Tengkong, but Ishida is the intelligence team leader who was personally transferred and trained by Mitsui.

Ishida was just the leader of a lurking operation before. Not only was lurking work dangerous, but he also only had a few subordinates.

It was Mitsui who fully praised him and made him the most important intelligence team leader of Shanghai Special Higher Education Course.

I am very reassured about Ishida Mitsui. Facts have proved that Ishida really takes him as his priority and thinks about him in everything.

"Very good. We will cooperate sincerely in the future. I believe that Shanghai's special higher education courses will get better and better in the future."

Mitsui said with confidence. That night, the detailed action plan they discussed came to Chu Lingyun, not one copy, but two copies.

Yesterday, the second chapter was guaranteed, and the monthly ticket will add an update to the 28th chapter. Xiaoyu continues to work on the manuscript, and there is still a big chapter of 8,000 words.

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