Spy Shadow

Chapter 582 Mitsui is disappointed

"Okay, no need for now."

Ishida replied, just one agent, his people are enough to handle it, even in the concession, he can still keep an eye on people and catch them.

Once the action team intervenes, they will have a share of the credit.

Ishida doesn’t want to share the credit with others.

This is the intelligence provided to him by the Chinese. There is no burden on him when he is arrested, and there must be problems. The Chinese will not give him an ordinary person with no problems.

Besides, he went to the dead mailbox and got the instructions.

Such tasks are easiest to perform without any burden.

After Ishida left, Mitsui made tea alone. Ishida found someone and wondered what was going on with Jiang Tengkong.

If Jiang Tengkong also finds it, then this time he can explain it to the chief section chief and do a better job than the Detective Division.

Damn Nayun, you designed to frame him and make him so passive.

Thinking of those fifty gold bars, his heart ached.

It's not that he doesn't like money, he prefers power to money, but there is no harm in having more money, and it might be able to save his life at some point.

Like this time, if Kuroda hadn't been fed, he would probably have been dismissed as the section chief.

In the public concession, Chen Shengfeng came to work normally. Three years ago, he was instigated to provide others with important information obtained in the bank.

He is a mid-level administrator of the bank and has access to some intelligence.

Before this, he had never thought that information could be exchanged for money.

Although the exchange is not much, at least it is a little extra money.

Yesterday he received a new task. If this task is completed, he will receive a reward of one thousand US dollars, which is the highest reward he has received in recent years.

However, this task was also the most difficult. Asking him to check the details of the exchange of French currency for Japanese yen required the most detailed information.

This task was not easy to complete. Fortunately, he only investigated their bank. If all the fruit parties in Shanghai had to investigate, he would not be able to complete such a task.

He didn't know what the online person was doing with such information, and he never asked about the role of information.

"Team leader, Chen Shengfeng has worked here since 1933. He is the department head of the bank. However, his family is not in Shanghai. It is very likely that he was a pawn arranged by the Fruit Party in advance."

"Keep an eye on him. His family is not here and find a way to install a bug in his home."

Ishida ordered that he had brought twenty elite agents. Even in the concession, it was enough to keep an eye on one person.

As long as he is targeted by them, Chen Shengfeng cannot escape.

"Yes, there is only one mother in his family, who is mainly responsible for washing and cooking. She goes out to buy groceries every day. There is no one at home at that time, so we can install a bug."

The subordinate responded, and Ishida nodded slightly: "There is no one in the bank at night, so find a way to get in and install a bug in his office."

Not only at home, but also at work. However, this eavesdropping device is not that easy to install. This bank is not small. If they want to eavesdrop, they cannot be too far away.

Let his subordinates take care of this, he doesn't have to worry about it.

Returning to the Special High School, Ishida immediately reported to Mitsui. He knew that Mitsui attached great importance to this case.

"He arrived in Shanghai so early. Which department will he be a latent agent?"

Mitsui had no doubts about Chen Shengfeng's identity. He had a dead mailbox and received the task of exchanging French currency for Japanese yen. This person was a latent agent.

For such a task, you can find out how many people exchanged French currency for Japanese yen, how much these people exchanged, and why they exchanged it.

Especially those who exchange large amounts are likely to be targeted by Chinese agents.

What does he want to do by exchanging a large amount of legal currency for Japanese yen?

The Japanese yen is only used in the Japanese-occupied areas. The currency in the concession is very chaotic. French currency, Japanese yen, US dollars, francs, and pounds sterling can all be used.

Chen Shengfeng arrived in Shanghai so early. It is possible that he was a latent agent in the concession. His previous main task was to spy on the concession.

Not only do the Chinese want their information, they also want it from other countries in the concession.

"It's still unclear about his true identity, but we are keeping an eye on the person, waiting for him to pass on the information, and waiting for his supervisor to get the information, so that we can follow the clues and find more of their people."

Ishida whispered, while Mitsui nodded happily: "That's right, keep an eye on him and don't make any mistakes."

Once a latent agent is targeted, the harvest can be expanded through him. Even a single agent is a grasshopper on a line. If you follow this line, you can catch more.

This time, they are likely to gain something big.


Ishida responded that he was keeping an eye on people, but Jiang Tengkong was not in a hurry. He went to the concession every day and ate and drank with some Qinggang disciples.

This is what the Chinese asked him to do, and then the Chinese will give him the credit.

As for Ishida, he just needs to keep an eye on it and doesn't need to worry about it. Since the Chinese know in advance and are prepared, Ishida is destined to not have a big harvest this time.

"Team leader, the intelligence team is taking action."

As soon as Jiang Tengkong came back, his confidant Shui Jin Gao Qiu came to report. Jiang Tengkong asked Shui Jin to keep an eye on the intelligence team. Not only was every move of the intelligence team under his nose, at least they couldn't hide any big moves from him.

"What action?" Jiang Tengkong asked while washing his face.

"They applied for bugs, and many people were not there. They probably really focused on people."

Mizujin whispered that competition is everywhere, the Special High School Division and the Detective Division are now competitors, and they are the same as the Intelligence Team.

Now they have received the same task and both want to make meritorious deeds.

"Find out who they are targeting."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Tengkong ordered, Ishida Xiaoshan has targeted someone so quickly, could he be a Chinese agent?

He knew Ishida very well, and Ishida was a very stable person. Since even the bugs were used, it was very likely that he had actually found someone important.

This matter needs to be reported, and it needs to be reported as soon as possible. We cannot wait for the results of the Shuijin investigation to come out before reporting.


Shui Jin took the order and waited until night. Jiang Tengkong went out quietly. Tian Pei quickly sent this information to Chu Lingyun.

"Rose is very clever."

After reading the telegram, Chu Lingyun smiled and said, Jiang Tengkong was always staring at Ishida, and similarly, Ishida was also staring at him.

In this way, every move of the two people was under Chu Lingyun's control.

"Rose doesn't know the existence of Catfish. Staring at him shows that she really did something with her heart."

Niluo smiled and said, what he most admired was the team leader's planning ability. The two most important departments of the special higher education course were all their people. Mitsui thought he wanted to make contributions, but little did he know that he was just a puppet on strings. The team leader wanted him to If he performs meritorious service, he will have merit; if he does not want to, he will not be able to touch his hair.

Only the team leader can do this to trick the enemy.

"Tell him to be careful and report any news at any time. Don't remind him or prepare him to take any unauthorized actions."

Jiang Tengkong is too proactive and must not be allowed to make any moves in private.

If he finds out that Ishida has arrested someone and wants to save them, he will do something bad instead.

"Okay, I'll send the report right away."

Loach responded that Jiang Tengkong received instructions from the Chinese the next day. Since the Chinese asked him not to make any changes, he should do whatever he should do.

Two days later, Chen Shengfeng was carefully sorting out the information in his office.

In the past two days, he had gathered almost all the information. For this information, he specially invited a supervisor with the same level as him to drink. After getting him drunk, he asked for useful information.

The information was obtained very smoothly. Although it was a bit of a risk, it was worth it.

He felt very good when he thought that after handing in this information, he would immediately receive a thousand dollars.

In the past, I always gave him 500 US dollars, and the most was only 200 US dollars. It was rare that I was generous and gave him 1,000 US dollars.

This much money is enough for him to live happily for a while.

"Director Chen, come to my office."

As soon as he compiled the information, he received a call from the manager. Carefully hiding the information, Chen Shengfeng came to the manager's office.

"Manager, are you looking for me?"

Chen Shengfeng stood in front of the desk and asked softly, while the manager looked directly at him.

"Director Chen, you didn't vote for Japan, did you?"

The manager asked suddenly. Chen Shengfeng was startled and shook his head hastily: "How is that possible? I hate traitors the most. It is impossible to vote for Japan."

"It's okay if you don't. Today the Chongqing headquarters suddenly asked about you and asked for your detailed information. Don't do anything stupid. You also know how Dangguo treats those traitors. He killed so many people not long ago. If it falls into their hands, no matter how much money you make, you won’t have the life to spend it.”

"Don't worry, I definitely didn't."

Chen Shengfeng hurriedly assured that he really did not vote for Japan, and that his boss was not Japanese, but American.

"Just be careful. If you do something wrong, I can't protect you."

The manager warned him and asked him to leave.

Back in the office, Chen Shengfeng's heart was still beating fast. Was he exposed?

Why did the headquarters suddenly ask for his information, and why did the manager say these things to him?

After finding out the information, Chen Sheng was full of worries until get off work.

He carefully put the information into the dead mailbox, but was still uneasy after returning.

If he knew the party's sanctions against traitors and he did not defect to Japan, but he was indeed providing intelligence to foreigners, could he really be discovered?

If he is discovered, the Fruit Party people will not spare him.

Fortunately, this mission has generous rewards. If he is really exposed, the best way for him to find a way to save himself is to escape and continue living anonymously somewhere else.

He understands foreign languages, is literate, and has saved a lot of money. He can go to Hong Kong to change his identity and start a new life. It must be that for a small person like him, the party is not worth investing so much in him and went to Hong Kong to sanction him. .

The information that Chen Shengfeng posted was quickly taken away by Ishida. After reading the content, he put it back again.

Next, he waited patiently to see who came to get the information, and then kept an eye on the person who got the information and arrested them.

Early the next morning, Chen Shengfeng got up early.

He had something on his mind and was particularly worried. When he went out, he carefully observed his surroundings.

Ishida's men are all elites, so naturally he can't find out.

He rode his bicycle to work. Halfway there, he suddenly turned into a small alley and carefully observed the outside. He wanted to know if anyone was following and monitoring him.

He found no one, but his actions were noticed by the Japanese. His counter-tracking actions further confirmed his identity as an agent.

Chen Shengfeng kept looking back along the way until he entered the bank, and quickly reported his situation to Ishida.

"He might have discovered something."

Ishida frowned. He knew that Chen Shengfeng was the only one he wanted to catch. There would be no big gains, but he had to do what he wanted to do.

"Team leader, what should we do?"

"You guys keep an eye on him and I'll go back and report."

Ishida hurried back to the special high school class and told Mitsui the situation. Mitsui stood up and walked back and forth.

Did Chen Shengfeng discover their surveillance?

It shouldn't be, his people are all elites and they won't be exposed so easily, and Chen Shengfeng doesn't act like a particularly powerful agent.

It's a pity that his office has not been installed with a bug, mainly because there is no suitable bug spot. This is a concession, and Chen Shengfeng works in a bank, so it is difficult to find a suitable place to monitor around.

He was hesitant about what to do next.

If Chen Shengfeng discovers them, he must close the net as soon as possible. Don't wait until the end of the bamboo basket to fetch water, and you will not be able to catch anything.

"Let's go, I'll go there myself."

After hesitating for a while, Mitsui couldn't make up his mind, so he simply followed Ishida to the concession and made arrangements accordingly.

When Chen Shengfeng arrived at work, he still had no intention of working.

Normally, after receiving his information, the upline will verify the authenticity of the information. Once the information is verified to be true, the money will be transferred to him, which usually takes three to five days.

Even if he wants to leave, he still needs to get the money.

His psychological quality was not strong. When he was frightened by the manager, he wanted to run away.

"Director Chen, are you okay?"

While he was thinking wildly in the office, one of Chen Shengfeng's subordinates came in and asked him in a low voice.

"I'm fine, what's wrong?"

"It's okay. When I passed by the manager's office today, I heard him on the phone, saying that he would take good care of you and would assign a task to keep you in the bank."

The words of his men made Chen Shengfeng's heart beat faster again.

"I understand, normal mission."

"That's good, I'm leaving."

When the subordinate left the office, Chen Shengfeng's heart jumped into his throat.

Who asked the manager to keep an eye on him and prevent him from leaving the bank?

Soon, a terrible name appeared in his mind.

Military rule.

The military commanders specifically punished traitors. During this period, they killed many traitors in Shanghai, at least dozens of them.

Not long ago, more than 20 traitors were punished by them and died miserably.

The military commander has always shown no mercy to traitors.

The manager was about to control him. Yes, they were a bank, but they also had armed forces. There were vaults in the bank and guards, and these guards had guns in their hands.

If he was really being watched by them, he would definitely not have a chance to escape.

He couldn't sit still and wait for death. He had to leave now before anyone arrived. As for the money exchanged for the information, he could go back and ask for it from his top line.

Chen Shengfeng hurriedly packed his things and calmed down his mood.

He smiled and went out. When someone asked him, he answered that he was going to the hall to do something. No one raised any suspicion. He arrived at the hall smoothly and then quickly went out.

He didn't dare to ride the bicycle for fear of being discovered.

When he arrived at the door, he immediately hailed a rickshaw and reported his home address.

"Section leader, team leader."

Mitsui arrived at the surveillance point and found that there were not many people here.

"Where are the people?"

"Chen Shengfeng came out just now and called a rickshaw, and the others followed."

"Where has he gone?" Mitsui asked immediately.

"I don't know. Our people are following, and news will probably come soon."

"Did he take anything when he went out?" Ishida suddenly asked.

"No, I didn't take anything." The subordinate shook his head.

Ishida frowned. Chen Shengfeng rode a bicycle when he came to work. He had a car. Even if he went out to do errands, there was no need to call a rickshaw.

Unless you have too much stuff to load in the car, you need a rickshaw to pull it.

Could it be that he has a lot to pick up?

That's not right. If there are many things, you can ride there, find a cart, or ask a rickshaw to pull him over. During work, he suddenly went out inexplicably like this, and Ishida had a bad feeling.

"Ring ring ring."

The phone rang, Ishida walked over quickly and answered the call immediately.

The extra-high school class has money, so they set up a phone number in the rented house to keep in touch, but this is not a dedicated line, and the confidentiality is much worse.

"Team leader, Chen Shengfeng returned home. The surveillance heard that he gave the old woman a sum of money so that she would not have to come again. Chen Shengfeng was rummaging through the boxes to pack his things. He might want to run away."

Ishida's expression changed and he immediately reported the situation to Mitsui.

"Keep an eye on them and arrest them immediately if they run away."

Mitsui decisively ordered that Chen Shengfeng must not let him escape. This was his recent hard-earned gain.

After hanging up the phone, Mitsui and Ishida hurriedly led people to Chen Shengfeng's home.

Chen Shengfeng packed up the gifts, mainly money and valuables. Clothes and other personal belongings must not be taken with him, as well as the house.

He bought this house and it was worth a lot of money.

He took the house deed and waited until the news passed. He would secretly come back and sell the house. It was urgent to escape now.

He did not defect to Japan, but he still leaked a lot of information.

After all, people like him are also traitors.

With a guilty conscience, he was afraid that someone would catch him or punish him.

There has always been a saying among the people that no matter how big other people's affairs are, they are trivial matters, no matter how small their own affairs are, they are all big matters. Chen Shengfeng did not dare to gamble, he had to run.

The Japanese agents monitoring him noticed him walking out carrying a large box.

Several people gestured to each other, preparing to arrest someone.

When Chen Shengfeng came to the intersection, there happened to be a rickshaw approaching in the distance, and he immediately waved.

When he was waving, the person passing by him suddenly moved, stepped forward and held him down, and then another person came. The two of them tightly controlled Chen Shengfeng's body, and a car immediately drove up to them.

This is a concession, and they must evacuate immediately after catching someone.

Once the police intervene, it is likely to cause complications.

"Section leader, team leader."

When Mitsui and Ishida arrived, the people from the intelligence team had completed the operation and the people were sent far away.

The team members who stayed and waited immediately reported the latest situation to them.

Chen Shengfeng really wanted to run away. Fortunately, they deployed enough people here to prevent him from escaping and successfully caught him.

"Let's go back."

Mitsui waved his hand, got in the car again, and the group quickly returned to the Super High School.

There are people handling the surveillance point here. We will not evacuate for the time being. We will wait until we ask for information and confirm the situation before evacuating.

In the car, Chen Shengfeng was surrounded by two people, with two guns pressed against his waist at the same time. He did not dare to breathe.

When passing the checkpoint, one of the team members went down to negotiate, and soon their car drove away from the concession.

When they arrived at their own territory, several Japanese agents relaxed a little.

"Where are the people?" Mitsui asked immediately after returning to the special high school class.

"Sent to the torture chamber."

"Ishida, come with me to the trial."

Mitsui greeted Ishida. This time he would come to interrogate himself. He had not caught a Chinese agent for a long time. This time was not only an explanation to the chief section chief, but also an achievement for him.

The dim torture room, the pungent smell of blood, and the horrific torture instruments made Chen Shengfeng tremble with fear. He didn't even notice that he had entered Japanese territory.

After being caught, his mind went blank, with only one thought in his mind.

It was over, he was completely over, and he was still caught.

Mitsui noticed his appearance when he came in. It would be easy for such a person to find out the result, but at the same time, the identity of this person might not be too important.

But it is not absolute. Among China's senior officials, there are also many who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Chen Shengfeng, which department do you belong to?"

Mitsui didn't say anything nonsense and interrogated him directly. Chen Shengfeng came back to his senses and trembled again when he saw Mitsui and the people around him.

He finally reacted. Are there people wearing Japanese military uniforms here?

"I am from the bank and I don't belong to anyone from any department."

Chen Shengfeng answered with a trembling voice. Mitsui's eyebrows twitched and he directly ordered someone to be tortured.

"I said, I said."

After a few whips, Chen Shengfeng couldn't bear it anymore and shouted to confess.

"I work for Mr. Eric. I provide him with information and he gives me money."

Chen Shengfeng explained everything honestly. The more he spoke, the tighter Mitsui's brows became. Ishida was equally surprised. Now he finally knew Chen Shengfeng's true identity.

Chen Shengfeng was a mole who was instigated by intelligence businessmen to rebel. He did not expect that the Chinese would give him such a person.

But if you think about it, you can understand that it is impossible for the Chinese to hand over their own people to him. Mole is also an intelligence agent, engaged in intelligence work, and he is also Chinese.

"He's dishonest. Hit me."

Mitsui said suddenly. After a lot of effort and planning for several days, what he caught turned out to be the mole of the intelligence merchant.

Although he is also an intelligence agent, he has nothing to do with Chinese agents.

This result made him extremely disappointed. He would definitely not be able to explain such a person to the chief section chief, or in other words, he would not have enough weight at all.

Under torture, Chen Shengfeng confessed again, saying that he was a Chinese agent and that his contact was Eric, but he did not know where Eric was.

He and Eric communicated through dead mailboxes and did not usually meet in person.

The reason why he wanted to run away was because he heard that someone was checking on him and asked the manager to control him. He ran away out of fear.

Mitsui's face was extremely ugly. He thought he had caught a Chinese agent, but he didn't expect it to be such a small role.

"Section Chief, he admitted that he is a Chinese agent, and the Chinese can also use foreigners for intelligence work."

Ishida suddenly said, Mitsui was stunned and immediately understood what Ishida meant.

The person they catch must be a Chinese agent, whether it is the military commander, the Central Commander-in-Chief, or the Red Party, as long as it is a Chinese agent.

Chen Shengfeng is obviously not. He is serving intelligence merchants.

As long as the intelligence businessman is designated as a Chinese agent, Chen Shengfeng's identity as a Chinese agent cannot be escaped.

Even if he is an unimportant chess piece or offline, as long as his identity is correct, it will be fine.

As for Eric, he is an American. It is not easy to catch him. It is understandable that he cannot be caught.

This is deception, but not entirely deception.

After all, Chen Shengfeng himself admitted that Eric was an agent of the military commander.

With such a confession, he can be identified.

"Let's do this first. Let him sign and sign, keep an eye on him, interrogate him every day, and beat him severely until he believes that he is a Chinese agent."

Mitsui sighed. Chen Shengfeng was a small character, but he couldn't be killed casually, otherwise the credit would be lost.

If you want to confirm his identity, you must improve his confession and let him admit it himself.

He was tortured every day, and if he dared to say anything else, he would be beaten extremely hard. As time went by, he no longer dared to deny it.

In addition, he has indeed been engaged in intelligence work. As long as he is correct, even if someone comes to review, there will be no flaws.

In the past, Mitsui would not take such credit, but not now. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat.

Action team, Shui Jin came to Jiang Tengkong's office.

"Team leader, the intelligence team has arrested someone. It is said that he has confessed."

"Recruited, so quickly? Is it a Chinese agent?"

Jiang Tengkong asked in surprise. He thought Ishida would keep an eye on him for a while, but he didn't expect that he would be arrested in just a few days.

There are two situations now. One is to keep an eye on the upline and there is no need to continue to keep an eye on him. The other is that an accident occurs and forces Ishida to take action.

"I don't know yet. I saw the section chief looked very ugly when he came out of the torture room."

Shui Jin shook his head. People from their action team couldn't inquire about the intelligence team's affairs.

"I understand, please go out first."

Jiang Tengkong was deep in thought, and the section chief looked bad, so it was unlikely that he was keeping an eye on the line. It was most likely an accident.

No matter what the accident is, as long as nothing happens to the Chinese people, it will be fine.

Since Ishida cannot make great achievements, the Chinese will not blame him.

In Yanzhou, Fang Shiyi only slept five hours a day and spent the rest of the time studying.

Ke Gong is very busy, but he will spare at least two hours every day to give him special training. Ke Gong seems to have opened a new door for him, letting him understand that the world of agents is so rich.

What he liked most were some of the cases Ke Gong told him.

There are both red party members and fruit party members.

Only then did he realize that the Fruit Party had also made a great contribution in fighting the Japanese agents. It was not what he thought. The Fruit Party was just a loser and would collapse when they encountered the Japanese.

"Ke Gong, you are here."

Fang Shiyi was reviewing the general knowledge he had learned today, and stood up immediately when he saw Ke Gong enter his room.

"Sit down."

Mr. Ke smiled and replied. The two sat down and Fang Shiyi concentrated on listening to what Mr. Ke would teach him today.

"I will tell you a few cases today..."

Mr. Ke started today's teaching. What Fang Shiyi didn't know was that most of the cases Mr. Ke talked about, especially the cases involving the Guo Party agents, were handled by Chu Lingyun.

Kunlun reported many cases to his hometown, and Mr. Ke has detailed information here.

What he was talking about today was the case of Chu Lingyun's arrest of Sima Lin.

Sima Lin disguised himself as the owner of a training school and infiltrated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, obtaining a large amount of important information. However, no matter how cunning a fox is, he cannot hide from an experienced hunter.

Chu Lingyun stared at him for a long time, and finally found him, and then found out that Deputy Chief Tang was hiding deeper.

When Mr. Ke was speaking, he did not mention Chu Lingyun's name and used a pseudonym instead. However, every time he told a case, two names would appear in his mind, Cyclonus 1 and Miss Qiu.

Telling more cases will allow Fang Shiyi to know more potential aspects that need attention.

Sometimes if you don't pay attention to a small detail, it will lead to disaster. Are the Japanese hiding enough? Most people don't see anything wrong with them at all, let alone think that they are Japanese.

But in the end, as long as they are caught, they will be exposed.

Time passed slowly, and Mr. Ke discovered that Fang Shiyi was also a good young man.

Although his understanding is not as good as Lin Shi's, he is better than the average person. After this study and special training, I believe he can protect himself better.

In the special high school class, Jiang Tengkong came to Mitsui's office.

Chen Shengfeng’s case was thoroughly found out, and he was indeed an intelligence businessman’s mole, not a real Chinese agent.

Mitsui did not blame Ishida. Chen Shengfeng was an intelligence agent after all, and Ishida was able to find him, which was a meritorious service.

Moreover, Ishida helped him come up with the idea to characterize Chen Shengfeng as a Chinese agent.

"Section Chief, we found a Chinese agent, who is from the military command."

Jiang Tengkong said excitedly that Chu Lingyun gave him a list two days ago and asked him to investigate. Two young leaders of the Youth Gang had been instigated by them to rebel, and they had provided intelligence once.

It wasn't too important information, but it was done anyway, and they were given a generous reward for it.

"Have you confirmed your identity?"

Mitsui was startled and asked hurriedly. He was not particularly satisfied with Ishida. Currently, Ishida is still trying to find it. He has confidence in Ishida. If he can find it once, he will definitely be able to find it again next time.

"It's confirmed, people from the Military Intelligence Group."

"War situation team?"

Mitsui's eyes widened, and he gradually became excited.

The war team was a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.

The most mysterious and most powerful Chinese spy organization in Shanghai is this combat team.

They had captured people from the war situation group before, but the war situation group at that time had just been established and the members were still mixed. It was far from being comparable to the current war situation group.

The most important thing is that Chu Lingyun is the leader of the war situation team.

If Chu Lingyun can be caught, no one can shake his position as section chief, and he may even have a chance to be promoted.

"Yes, I found two people this time. I sent people to sneak into their homes secretly and found the letters of appointment given to them by the war situation team."

"A letter of appointment?"

Mitsui couldn't sit still, Jiang Teng immediately took out the photo and asked Mitsui to see it.

They did not move the original letter of appointment. If it was moved, the other party would easily notice it. They took a photo, restored it to its original state, and put it back.

After seeing the words on the photo clearly, Mitsui patted the table excitedly.

"Okay, great, Jiang Teng, you have to keep an eye on them. If you can catch a big fish this time, I will give you credit and help you be promoted to colonel."

"Thank you, principal."

Jiang Tengkong lowered his head, but curled his lips. Mitsui's habit of painting cakes had not changed yet.

If you help him get promoted to colonel, I'm afraid Mitsui won't be able to sleep well in the future.

When the time comes, I will think of ways to deal with myself. Just listen to these words, don't take them seriously.

For a person like Mitsui, he will find a way to get rid of anyone who threatens him. Nagumo Noriko is a disciple of the chief section chief, so he will do something different.

Thank you to the leader of the alliance, Yi Xin Qiuyue, for once again rewarding me with 2,000 starting coins, and a guaranteed 8,000-word chapter. There will be an additional update today, but it will be later. Friends, you can read it tomorrow.

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