Spy Shadow

Chapter 654 It will be over sooner or later

Chapter 654 It will be over sooner or later

Why did Esakiga get involved with Ishihara Trading Company again?

Before, Esakiga went to Ishihara Hiroshi. He and Ishida knew exactly what happened, but Ishihara Hiroshi didn't see him. Esakiga then went to find Takemoto. He didn't see anyone on the first day, but he went again the next day.

Could it be that he really met Takemoto and that Takemoto took him to Ishihara Hiroshi?

But how could Ezaki He have such capital? If he had, he wouldn't have been so panicked at the beginning.

There must be something going on here that he doesn't know about.

"Immediately go find out what he got from Ishihara Trading Company. Focus on investigating whether Esakiga saw Colonel Takemoto when he went to the military police station. By the way, check all his whereabouts in the past."

Jiang Tengkong ordered, and his men immediately took the order and left.

There is no surveillance in this era, and it is far less convenient to check the past whereabouts than in later generations, but they have their own methods.

Keep asking passers-by with photos, and give them some favors, such as a few cigarettes, a little candy, a few pieces of cloth, or cheap rouge and food, and you will be able to ask questions clearly.

Jiang Tengkong scattered his men and soon received various rewards.

The first thing is what Esakiga took from Ishihara Trading Company. This is not difficult to check. After he got the goods, he immediately went to the black market. He could find out by asking on the black market.

"Did you get the sulfonamide from Ishihara Trading Company?"

Jiang Tengkong's eyes widened. The sulfa in Ezaki He's hand actually came from Ishihara Trading Company?

It’s okay to buy other products if you have the money. After all, Ishihara Trading Company is a big company that opens its doors for business, but sulfonamides are in short supply and are controlled products.

When did Ezaki Ga and Toru Ishihara have such a good relationship that they gave him sulfa?

Even if the quantity is not too large, being able to get it is a skill.

Jiang Tengkong immediately took out the photo of Esakiga's account book and compared the time. The first time he got sulfonamide was not long after Nagumo arrived, that is, after Takemoto came to rescue Esakiga.

At that time, Esaki had just rescued the Chinese people in the slums for a few days.

What's the connection here?

Jiang Tengkong didn't know what was going on, but he had a hunch that this matter was probably not what Nayun thought. Esaki He was not a red party, but related to Ishihara Hiroshi.

It concerned Ishihara Hiroshi, and he didn't dare to make any changes.

"Team leader, we found out. Esakiga did not see Colonel Takemoto, and then he left alone. We inquired about the situation at the sentry at the Military Police Headquarters."

His subordinates came to report again. Didn't Esakiga see Takemoto?

Then why would Takemoto help him?

Jiang Tengkong became more and more confused, and at the same time he was more eager to know the truth.

"Team leader, on the day when Ezakiga didn't see Takemoto, Alchemist Yi of Ishihara Trading Company picked him up. We found out from a shop near Ishihara Trading Company that someone saw Alchemist Yi taking him into the business, and he was wrapped in a blanket. , changed into clean clothes when I came out."

These people in the action team have certain abilities. After they went out, they found out a lot about the situation.

Not long after the incident, Ishihara Trading Company became a large company that attracted attention, and various news continued to flow into Jiang Tengkong's hands.

Ezaki He did go to Ishihara Trading Company, but Jiang Tengkong still didn't find out what relationship he had with Ishihara Hiroshi.

However, he can be sure that there must have been no relationship between the two parties before, otherwise Esaki He would not be so panicked.

"Continue to investigate and find out what happened before he went to Ishihara Trading Company."

Jiang Tengkong ordered that he had no intention of reporting to Nanyun. Nanyun still believed that Esakiga had joined the Red Party. If he really attacked Esakiga again because of this, it would be better.


The subordinates took the order and continued to investigate outside. Jiang Tengkong made an appointment with Ishida Xiaoshan to meet outside.

"What Esakiga did is related to Ishihara Hiroshi?"

Ishida was surprised when he heard what Jiang Tengkong said. The case Nanyun was handed over to Jiang Teng, and he did not do any investigation.

"Yes, I always feel weird about this matter. Could it be that Ishihara Hiroshi asked him to rescue these common people?"

Jiang Tengkong frowned and nodded.

"No, if Ishihara Toru wants to do this, he has plenty of people. There is no need for Esaki He to go. Ishihara Toru has no shortage of people at hand. If he really wants to do good deeds and accumulate virtue, wouldn't it be better to go in his own name?"

Ishida shook his head. There were currently limited clues, and he didn't know what the reason was.

"I feel that Nayun's plan this time may come to nothing again."

Jiang Teng replied that after Nagumo came to the special high school, she was really restrained, especially when Takemoto suddenly appeared and forcibly took her to the military police headquarters.

When Takemoto made a fuss, Nagumo completely lost his prestige, which made their subordinates dare not have any second thoughts and follow them honestly.

A section chief without power cannot help them.

If you take refuge rashly, you will harm yourself.

"That's not right. With Tuhara's temperament, Nayun will definitely not let her go if she can't resolve the situation."

Ishida smiled and said, he is now attracting Nagumo's firepower, and Jiang Tengkong is the internal response. It is surprising that Nanyun can succeed. Now Nagumo is eyeing Ezaki Ga again, and he may be unlucky again.

Her life will be even harder next.

"That's right, Yamauchi has always wanted Esakiga's case. This woman is as motivated as Nagumo. Let her handle the case later."

Jiang Tengkong replied that there were many ways to lure Shannai into the trap. He was going to find a confidant and deliberately seek refuge with him, which would definitely lure Shannai into taking the bait.

As much as Yamauchi had shown reluctance before, she would not give up if given the chance.

The most important point is that she had just arrived in Shanghai not long ago and didn't know how scary Ishihara Hiroshi was.

Returning to the special high school class, my subordinates continued to report.

"Team leader, we found out that after leaving the Military Police Headquarters, Esaki He walked all the way to the public concession."

Esakiga didn't see Takemoto, and he wasn't at the military police headquarters. He would definitely go somewhere else.

The people from the action team took his photo and asked questions along the way.

Fortunately, not long ago, someone left an impression. After discovering that his direction was the concession, people from the action team went to the concession checkpoint to conduct an investigation.

There are so many people coming in and out of the concession every day that the checkpoint people can't remember everyone.

But Esakiga was different. He was in a strange state at the time. When the people at the checkpoint made things difficult for him, he gave the checkpoint sentry five yen.

Five yen is not a small amount to the Sentinels.

Because of this, he was remembered by the sentry. After the people from the action team gave him a favor, they immediately got the information they wanted.

"Find out what he did in the public concession."

Jiang Tengkong had a hunch that he would find the answer right away. Jiang Qihe went to the concession and had contact with him when he went to Ishihara Trading Company. Judging from the time, Jiang Qihe stayed for a while after entering the concession, and then was picked up by Fang Shiyi to the trading company. .

What on earth did he do during this period to be picked up by Fang Shiyi?

Fang Shiyi is Chinese, but he has a high status in Ishihara Trading Company. When Ishihara Hiroshi did not make a fortune, he entered the firm to work and won the trust of Ishihara Hiroshi.


The men continued to investigate and soon brought back the latest news.

"Ezakiga jumped into the river in the public concession?"

Jiang Tengkong was even more shocked. There was quite a stir when Jiang Tengkong jumped into the river. He was wearing bright clothes and looked like he belonged to a wealthy family. His jumping into the river attracted a lot of attention.

If there are many people who know, it will not be difficult for the action team to investigate.

Jiang Tengkong never expected that Jiang Qihe would commit suicide.

However, he could understand that Nayun would obviously not let him go. Unlike himself and Ishida, the two of them had the ability to protect themselves and could communicate with the headquarters independently.

Without evidence, Nan Yun did not dare to attack them.

He is a secretary who has fallen out of favor, and it is too easy to deal with him. If you find something wrong with him or ask him to do something, you can make him irrecoverable.

Jiang Qihe had family and did not dare to run away.

Use suicide to solve yourself, so as not to fall into the hands of Nanyun and die of torture.

Nagumo was punished so hard by Mitsui, and if Mitsui is gone, all the hatred will be on Ezaki Ga, and he will not be allowed to die well. Nagumo will definitely do such a thing.

If you die by suicide, it will be settled once and for all, and your family will not be harmed.

He finally understood why Ezaki He entered the Ishihara Trading Company wrapped in a blanket. He was picked up by Fang Shiyi after jumping into the river. But how did Ishihara Hiroshi know the river he jumped into, and why did he let him pass?

Although the specific reason is not known, it is obvious that Esakiga's jumping into the river gave him the opportunity to meet Ishihara Hiroshi.

Perhaps Ishihara Hiroshi felt compassion and was willing to help Esakiga.

With this antecedent, there is a reasonable explanation for Takemoto making a big fuss in the special high school class and arresting Nagumo.

He was acting on Ishihara Hiroshi's orders and came specifically to support Esakiga.

No wonder he was so bold and took Nan Yun away without any reason.

With Toru Ishihara here, there is really no need to worry. The Military Police Headquarters will not deal with him. If Ishihara Toru makes a statement, even the Chief Section Chief will want to save face.

As for the military department, headquarters, and Army Investigation Department, there will be no problems.

There are more or less Ishihara Hiroshi people there.

Nayun still doesn't know that the real person behind Esakiga is Ishihara Toru, and he actually wants to attack him.

"Get everyone back and stop the investigation."

Jiang Tengkong ordered that it concerned Ishihara Hiroshi and he could no longer investigate. If Ishihara Hiroshi knew about it, he would be the one who couldn't afford it.

"Team leader, why didn't you investigate? We will find out the reason soon."

His men were puzzled, but Jiang Tengkong shook his head: "We can't investigate any more. If we continue to investigate, we will be in trouble. Follow the order."


His subordinates didn't understand, but Jiang Tengkong had high prestige in the action team and his subordinates were willing to listen to him.

Those who disobey have been dealt with by him.

"Go and call Ergong."

Jiang Tengkong ordered that Ninomiya Zhixian was a member of his team. He was young and very clever.

"Team leader, you are looking for me."

Ninomiya arrived at the office soon. He was not tall and thin, but his body was very flexible.

"Give you a secret mission..."

Jiang Tengkong ordered in a low voice. Ergong kept nodding his head, becoming more and more surprised as he listened.

The team leader asked him to pretend to join Shizuka Yamauchi, but in fact he was an undercover agent of the action team.

"I've wronged you."

Jiang Tengkong finally bowed deeply to Ninomiya. Jiang Tengkong was also very skilled in the hypocrisy of the Japanese.

"Team leader, I am not wronged. It is my honor to do this for you."

Ergong bowed hurriedly, Jiang Tengkong smiled and nodded, then suddenly turned his face: "Baga ya road."


A loud slap made Ninomiya Zhixian spin in a circle. One side of his face quickly swelled up, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"Come here, drag Ergong down and beat him with military sticks."

Jiang Tengkong shouted angrily, and soon the person who had called Ergong entered the office again, dragged him to the yard, and beat him hard with a military stick.

These ten military sticks made Ergong unable to get up on the spot.

Jiang Tengkong did not let him suffer in vain. Not only would he treat his injuries, but he would also give him an additional reward of three hundred yen.

The movement of the action team alarmed many people. Many people looked over and didn't understand why Jiang Tengkong got so angry and beat his own people with military sticks.

Jiang Tengkong has always been a good old man, and it is rare to see him get so angry.

Yamauchi Shizuka also noticed it, and her heart moved slightly.

However, she did not act immediately. Instead, she asked someone to ask what happened and what Jiang Tengkong wanted to do with this person.

Ninomiya, who received a military stick, was carried to the infirmary for treatment.

"Team leader, I asked. The person who was beaten is called Ninomiya Zhixian. It is said that he made a mistake and made Jiang Tengkong angry. He slapped him in the office and then had someone hit him with a military stick."

"What mistake did you make?"

"I didn't ask, but Jiang Tengkong was so cruel that the Ten Army Club almost beat him to death. The doctor said he wouldn't be able to get out of bed for several days."

The subordinate sighed, even if he made a mistake, he didn't need to be punished like this in public.

But I can imagine that the mistake must be quite big, otherwise Jiang Tengkong wouldn't be so angry.

"Let's go to the infirmary."

Yamauchi Shizuka got up and came to the infirmary in the name of asking.

Everything for the Special High School Course must come from their logistics team. The Logistics Team of the Special High School Course has similar responsibilities to the General Affairs Section of each branch of the military command.

Ergong Zhen lay on the bed wiping away tears, he was really in pain.

Although it was a show, the pain was real. Fortunately, the brothers were careful when they struck, otherwise he would have suffered even more.

Yamauchi saw Ninomiya, one side of his face was swollen.

"What happened to him?" Yamauchi asked deliberately.

The team leader of the infirmary sighed: "I heard that I checked someone who shouldn't be checked. Team leader Jiang Teng was very angry. When he talked about him, he talked back. In the end, he was punished like this. Why should he contradict his boss?"

Who are the people who should not be investigated?

Yamauchi Shizuka did not continue to ask, but echoed: "Team leader Jiang Teng is too cruel. He should not treat his subordinates so cruelly."

"Team Leader Yamauchi, please send us the things we need as soon as possible, especially sulfa. We don't have much in stock. If someone needs it urgently, treatment may be delayed."

"Don't worry, I'll go shopping right away."

Yamauchi responded, did not continue to ask, and returned to his logistics team.

"Jiang Tengjun, what did this subordinate of yours commit that you punished him like this?"

Nanyun also knew about this and called specifically to inquire.

"Section Chief, he is disobedient. I asked him to investigate Esakiga, but he went to investigate Ishihara Trading Company. Do you think he should be beaten?"


Nan Yun was shocked. No wonder Jiang Tengkong was so angry. He deserved to be beaten or executed.

Is it possible for a small team member of his to investigate Ishihara Trading Company?

"Does Hiroshi Ishihara know?" Nanyun asked immediately.

"You probably don't know that I stopped him without investigating carefully. He still wanted to continue the investigation. If I don't hit him, who will I hit?"

"Good fight, don't let him investigate anymore."

Nayun breathed a sigh of relief. Just Takemoto would make her lose face. If Ishihara Hiroshi was offended, she might be beaten to death by him.

Knowing the reason, Nan Yun would only support Jiang Tengkong's actions.

If he fell into her hands, he would probably be executed.

"Hamada, go out and buy some of the best Chinese Jinchuang medicine, and then come back with some supplements."

Shizuka Yamauchi ordered that Hamada was her new subordinate in the logistics team, he was very discerning and obedient.


Hamada took the order and left. The infirmary was filled with mostly Western medicines. The Chinese medicine for sores was very effective in treating injuries caused by sticks. When combined with Western medicines, it could recover faster.

"Go deliver it to Ergong, just say I asked you to deliver it."

Hamada quickly came back with the medicine. This kind of golden sore medicine was not difficult to buy.


Ninomiya Shixian is just an ordinary team member with the rank of second lieutenant. Yamauchi is a major and the leader of the logistics team, so he still has some airs.

Send someone to take care of him first, and finally she comes forward, easily taking Ninomiya Zhixian under her command.

Jiang Tengkong beat him so hard, there must be resentment in his heart.

This is her opportunity, a perfect opportunity to place an informant in the action team.

She won't let it go.

"Hamada, thank you."

Seeing the gift from Hamada, Ninomiya couldn't get up, but still thanked him.

"You don't need to thank me, just thank our team leader."

Hamada was very discerning and saw Yamauchi's purpose, so he said this deliberately. Ninomiya immediately replied: "Please help me thank Team Leader Yamauchi."

Ninomiya was a little surprised. He cooperated with the team leader to stage a bitter plot, and then he took the initiative to complain in front of Yamauchi or his subordinates to attract his attention.

As long as she comes over, Ergonghui will take refuge.

Unexpectedly, before he took action, Yamauchi was more anxious than him and sent someone to show his kindness.

This is better and saves him a lot of steps.

The tasks assigned by the team leader will be easily completed.

"Team leader, he asked me to convey his gratitude to you."

After Hamada returned, he immediately went to report it. Yamauchi was very satisfied. After all, Ninomiya was a member of the action team. It was not convenient for her to visit directly and she would wait until he came home.

This kind of injury does not need to be in the infirmary for too long. After taking the medicine, you can go home to recover.

"Team leader, rose message."

In the war situation team, Ni Yao brought new messages, and Jiang Tengkong reported his investigation results.

Ezaki once committed suicide by jumping into a river and was interviewed by Toru Ishihara. He did not dare to continue the investigation and planned to use this incident to murder one of the helpers brought by Nagumo, Yamauchi Shizuka.

When Nanyun came to take office, she brought two people with her. After removing one, she was left with only one person available.

In this way, Nanyun will be more passive in the special high school, and there may even be a chance of being ignored by him and Ishida.

"It's a good idea. Just reply to him, agree with his actions, and let him follow his plan."

Chu Lingyun smiled. Jiang Tengkong was so cowardly that he didn't dare to investigate Shiyuan Trading Company.


Loach knew what was going on and accepted the order with a smile.

Although Mitsui was suddenly transferred, the Shanghai Special High School is still in the hands of their war situation team. Whatever they want Nanyun to do, Nanyun can do it.

If they don't agree, Nagumo can't do anything.

From the inside out, it's all theirs.

There are Jiang Tengkong and Ishida Xiaoshan inside. Nagumo's conspiracy to suppress one and win over the other is indeed a good one, but it was easily resolved by the team leader.

Let Catfish and Rose meet and form a military command team within the Super High School. It will be useless for Nanyun to do anything.

It's a pity that she still foolishly tried to win over Jiang Tengkong, and even used a honey trap, not knowing that she was destined to fail.

If he knew Jiang Tengkong's true hobbies, I wonder if Nanyun would be so embarrassed and angry that he would commit suicide.

"Team leader, Feiniao reported that Ding Mo and Li Zhiqun were investigating the instigators behind the protesting students. They suspected that they were the Red Party, but they found nothing."

Loach continued, don't rush to send the report, and go after the report.

"The Red Party is not stupid now. With such a big movement, they understand that the Japanese will definitely investigate, and if they don't find out, it is normal."

"Yes, they are all anti-Japanese forces, and I don't want anything to happen to them."

Loach nodded. He had no sense of right or wrong, but he had a bad temper.

He didn't feel that much about the conflict between the Fruit Party and the Red Party.

If there is an order, he will deal with the Red Party. If not, he will support the Red Party in doing so. After all, it is to attack the Japanese.

"We don't have to worry about other people's affairs. Just do your own thing. Where is Chu Yuan?" Chu Lingyun asked.

"I'll call him."

Loach immediately went out to call Chu Yuan and send a report.

"Team leader, are you looking for me?"

"How is the investigation into the Red Party matter going?"

"There are no clues. These red parties have hidden themselves too deeply. Now they don't trust us. It's very difficult to find them."

Chu Yuan shook his head. In fact, it was not that he had not found it. When he sent people to search outside, he still found some clues.

These clues are not big, but they are still clues. For example, a team member found out in a market town outside the city that someone had purchased a lot of food.

Ordinary families don’t need that much food, and they won’t buy so much at one time. This must be done in places with a lot of people.

There are people in the Loyalty and Salvation Army who are dedicated to providing food, and they do not need to buy it themselves. The rest are likely to be guerrillas of the Red Party.

He deliberately pretended not to see these clues to avoid actually finding out the whereabouts of the Red Party.

After finding out, if the team leader attacks them, with the team leader's ability and the cooperation of the Loyalty and Salvation Army, the Red Party will definitely not be an opponent.

It's not that he sympathizes with or approves of the Red Party, he just doesn't want to fight with the same room.

They are all forces against the Japanese, killing each other, and it is the Japanese who benefit in the end.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to disobey orders and did not investigate seriously.

"Forget it if it's not there. There's no need to investigate for the time being. There's no urging from the south side of the headquarters. Our focus is still on dealing with the Japanese."


Chu Yuan stood up straight and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, there was no need to investigate. Although he was passive and sabotaged, he had no subordinates. If they really found him, he would not be able to report it unless he killed someone to silence him.

He can't do this kind of thing, and he will be very conflicted when the time comes.

"Traitors have been showing up recently. Orders from the headquarters are expected to be issued soon. Make preparations first. Pick out some active ones and prepare for sanctions."


Chu Yuan likes punishing traitors and will go all out.

"Go ahead."

Although the establishment of Wang Chuhai's puppet government was a joke, it gave those traitors with ulterior motives a reason.

There have indeed been a lot of traitors showing up recently, and we should take a serious step to warn them.

Even if the headquarters does not issue an order, Chu Lingyun will apply to punish the traitor.

Even if they investigate intelligence and leave the sanction task to Shanghai District.

He didn't care about this little credit and gave Wang Yuemin more points to help him improve as soon as possible.

That night, Ninomiya Zhixian was carried home by the action team. He couldn't go to work now, so Jiang Tengkong gave him a seven-day holiday to let him reflect and reflect.

Early the next morning, Yamauchi took Hamada to the door of Ninomiya's house.

"Ninomiya Zhixian, are you at home?"

Hamada shouted as Yamauchi stood aside and waited patiently.

She wanted to ask Jiang Tengkong's situation as soon as possible.

"At home, the door is unlocked, come in."

Hearing Hamada's voice, Ninomiya immediately shouted that his house was not big and only had one bedroom. At this moment, he was lying on the bed, eating cold steamed buns.

It's inconvenient to get out of bed, and there's no one to take care of me, so I have to do this.

"Hamada, go buy some steamed buns and bring back some broth."

Yamauchi immediately ordered, and Hamada put down the fruit in his hand and left quickly.

"Team Leader Yamauchi, why are you here?"

Ninomiya looked at Yamauchi Shizuka in surprise and struggled to get up. This woman was very impatient. He thought that she would come to contact him after two days, but he did not expect that she would come here early this morning.

"Don't move. You haven't recovered from your injuries. Just lie down."

Yamauchi immediately stopped him and pretended to be caring: "Team Leader Jiang Teng is too cruel, isn't he? You have been with him for so long, and yet he treats you like this?"

Ergong didn't speak, but his eyes were a little moist, looking aggrieved.

"Why did he punish you?" Yamauchi took the opportunity to ask.

"I followed his instructions and went to investigate Esakiga's whereabouts. I found out that Esakiga had gone to see Takemoto of the Military Police Headquarters half a month ago."

"What's his relationship with Takemoto?" Yamauchi asked immediately.

Takemoto was the one who captured Nagumo. She had to ask clearly. For Ezaki Ga, Takemoto dared to capture Nagumo, and he would not be merciful to her.

"They had no relationship. Colonel Takemoto didn't see him. After that, he went to the public concession. When he knew that the section chief was here, he would definitely attack him. In despair, he jumped into the river and committed suicide."

"Jump into the river?"

Yamauchi was even more shocked. Did Esakiga commit suicide?

These are things she didn't know before. This time Laizhen came to the right place and asked for important information.

"Then what?"

"I don't know how Ishihara Hiroshi knew about his jumping into the river. Ishihara Hiroshi's secretary Fang Shiyi picked him up and then sent him home. I also found out that the sulfonamide in his hand came from Ishihara Trading Company."

Ergong followed Jiang Tengkong's instructions and told him everything Shanuchi wanted to know.

"Ishihara Trading Company?"

Yamauchi's brows twitched. Even if she had just arrived in Shanghai, she had heard the name of this company.

Ishihara Trading Company is too big, and she is in the logistics team. They buy some things from Ishihara Trading Company.

"Yes, I reported it to the team leader and wanted to continue the investigation, but the team leader stopped me. I wanted to raid Ishihara Trading Company in the name of checking for contraband, but the team leader slapped me and also asked someone to slap our army. stick."

The more Ergong talked, the more aggrieved he became, and he almost shed tears.

"You are right, the one who is wrong is Jiang Teng. Shiyuan Trading Company is not a small one. When I first arrived, I knew that they are the largest trading company in the empire in Shanghai."

Yamauchi nodded and said that her understanding was limited because she had never lived in Shanghai.

What's the use of a trading house, no matter how big it is?

The difference is that they still serve the empire. At most, they have a high-ranking master behind them.

However, Ezakiga is probably a Japanese person. Regardless of his background, Ishihara Trading Company would have committed a huge taboo if it dared to take in such a person.

If the evidence is found, no one can protect them.

Yamauchi still has this confidence. He is very clear about the attitude of domestic high-level officials towards the Red Party.

That means killing them all without leaving any room. There can be no Red Party in either China or Japan.

"Team Leader Yamauchi, can you understand me? I don't know how many benefits Jiang Tengkong got, but he did this to me."

Ninomiya finally shed tears and whimpered.

"Stop crying. I know your grievances. What else did you find out?"

Shanxin was ecstatic. She didn't expect such a big gain in Ninomiya. Esakiga was probably a member of the red party who joined Ishihara Trading Company.

In this case, Ishihara Trading Company may be a stronghold of the Red Party.

This is an absolutely major case. If she completes this case, her contribution will be enough to be promoted, and she can even replace Jiang Tengkong or Ishida as the leader of the action team or intelligence team.

Finding this case will allow the chief section chief to see her abilities even more.

"Ishihara Trading Company had sulfonamide and gave it to Ezakiga to sell on the black market. All the money earned was used to help those humble Chinese people. Sulfonamide is a controlled substance, and Ezakiga sold it on the black market. They all have problems. "

Ninomiya said fiercely, while Yamauchi kept nodding.

She had seen the account book and knew that Esakiga had sulfa.

It turned out that his sulfonamides came from Ishihara Trading Company, which was better and gave her the qualifications to investigate.

Although contraband is not under the control of their special high school, if these contraband fall into the hands of the Red Party, or the money sold is used to do things for the Red Party, then they have jurisdiction.

"You're right. The Shiyuan Trading Company is so big that it must have bribed Jiang Tengkong, so he protected it from your investigation. Jiang Tengkong deliberately injured you in anger so that you couldn't continue the investigation."

Yamauchi said, no wonder Jiang Tengkong was so ruthless and had such a purpose.

Ninomiya was stunned. Isn't this his line? Why did Yamauchi say it? What did he say next?

"Thank you, Captain Yamauchi, for your understanding."

Without having time to think about it, Ninomiya immediately thanked him. At this moment, Hamada came back from outside and brought delicious meat buns.

"Don't eat the steamed buns, eat the steamed buns first. I'll ask Hamada to bring you food later. Just give him a key. The door still needs to be locked. It's not safe to leave it open."

Yamauchi said with concern that she was looking for Ninomiya not only because she wanted information.

More importantly, he wanted to take the opportunity to conquer Ergong and make him his spy next to Jiang Tengkong.

So far, it's going very well.

"Thank you, Captain Yamauchi. It would be great if you came to be the leader of the action team."

Ninomiya choked back and replied, taking the bun and taking a bite. It was indeed much more delicious than iced steamed buns.

"Don't worry, there is a chance."

Yamauchi smiled and said that investigating this case would not only serve as a meritorious service, but also report Jiang Tengkong's collusion with the Red Party.

For such a crime, Jiang Tengkong must be severely punished or even executed.

Jiang Tengkong collapsed, and she was the leader of the operation team.

Yamauchi said goodbye and left one hundred yen for Ninomiya.

And told him that he would come over to see him again.

"Team leader, did he say anything?"

After coming out, Hamada asked immediately, and Yamauchi smiled proudly: "Yes, he told me everything he investigated. Jiang Tengkong is unpopular and will be finished sooner or later."

Guaranteed update, thank you for the 100 starting coin reward from Wolf Battle World, there will be an additional update today.

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