Spy Shadow

Chapter 700 An unexpected gain

Chapter 700 Unexpected Gain

There will never be a shortage of people like Mr. Wang, now or in the future.

After hearing the report from their men, the three young masters were furious and ran out with their guards.

The guards around them were the most powerful, and they all carried guns. Mr. Hou even took out his gun.


When they arrived at the place, Mr. Hou first shot into the air, while Mr. Wang shouted: "Go back, they don't dare to make a move. I'll see who dares to make a move."

Prince Wang's defeated shrimp soldiers and crab generals suddenly had a backbone when they saw the three of them. Many people stopped running. However, in this moment, more than 20 local gangsters had been arrested by the police.

They were quite honest. After being caught, they squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands to avoid suffering.

A cold light appeared in Shen Hanwen's eyes. He didn't want to shoot, mainly because he didn't want to disturb the wedding over there. Unexpectedly, the other party was brave enough to shoot first.

It was impossible not to be alarmed.

"You are so brave. Do you know who I am? You dare to stop my people?"

Prince Wang walked over and immediately asked fiercely.

They are used to running rampant, no one dares to attack them casually.

"Wang Sheng, arrest them."

Shen Hanwen shouted loudly, and Wang Sheng immediately picked up the tin trumpet and shouted, arresting everyone at the scene, including these three young masters.

"If you rebel, I will kill them."

Prince Wang also took out his gun, and the guards around him took out their guns at the same time. Shen Hanwen suddenly raised his hand, and the machine gun on the roof of the car immediately made a clicking sound.

"The three of them left me alive, and the others don't matter whether they live or die."

Shen Hanwen gave the order. Prince Wang and the others cannot die yet, and their confessions are needed. The lawsuit in this case will definitely go to the old man.

He wasn't afraid when he got there. These people openly wanted to rob people and resisted arrest with weapons, saying that they were being punished.

"Da da da."

Machine guns and rifles fired at the same time, with fierce gunfire, and the scene was filled with howls of ghosts and wolves.

The three young masters were the key targets, and the machine gun did not dare to be pointed at them. Captain Shen said they must survive.

The other gangsters and ordinary guards were in bad luck. They didn't run away when the backstage came, and now they were all targets.

They stood very densely, and the result was predictable.

The fierce gunfire caused an instant silence in the Lin family compound.

"Quickly, go check what's going on?"

Zhang Mingzhen shouted, he didn't need to shout, Loach knew what was going on, if Shen Hanwen took action, the people over there must have fired first.

Otherwise, Shen Hanwen will only arrest people but not shoot.

Such dense gunfire must be from their machine guns, and there was indeed a single gunshot at the beginning.

There were many soldiers at the scene. You could tell by the sound of gunfire that this was not a machine gun, but a heavy machine gun. How could there be such a huge firepower in the city? Could it be that the Japanese had invaded?

The latter is absolutely impossible. The Japanese are really at the gate, and none of them can come to the wedding.

"Teacher, there are some blind people, my people are dealing with them."

Chu Lingyun whispered back to Zhang Mingzhen, who looked at him in surprise.

He really didn't know that someone wanted to steal his bride.

He usually doesn't pay attention to these things, and he has been busy with Lin Shi's marriage during this time. He is completely unaware of what is happening outside.

"Is everything going to be okay?" Zhang Mingzhen nodded and asked.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Chu Lingyun replied that Zhang Mingzhen trusted his ability very much. Hearing what he said, his heart suddenly calmed down.

"It's okay, the wedding continues."

As if to verify Zhang Ming's truth, as soon as he finished speaking, the gunshots outside stopped.

"Don't worry, everyone, everything will be fine."

Lin Shi also shouted. Although the gunfire could be heard, he could still tell from the gunfire that he was a little far away from them.

In the open space almost two miles away from the Lin family compound, people were lying on the ground in various shapes. The ground was stained red with blood. The three young masters had long lost their initial arrogance and were all lying on the ground shivering.

There was even a water stain under Mr. Hou's body.

When they were arrested, the three of them did not dare to make any move, let alone say harsh words.

"take away."

Shen Hanwen waved his hand and left Wang Sheng to clean up the scene while he led his people back to Juntong.

If the dead ones are dead, Wang Sheng will directly have them loaded into the car. If they are not dead, they will also be loaded into the car.

There is no need to keep these evils in mind, as they will die early and be reborn early.

As for the corpse, he is the police chief, so he naturally has a place to deal with it.

It didn't take long for him to clean up the people at the scene. Even the blood stains on the ground were washed and buried. No artillery was used, and the scene was much easier to clean up.

Even the warhead was taken away by Wang Sheng.

If people who don't know pass by here, they will never think that a large-scale gun battle just happened here.

After being brought back to the military command, the three young masters finally regained their composure.

The three were taken into a torture chamber and restrained on chairs without being hung up.

Shen Hanwen was too lazy to interrogate them alone. They were just three young men and not spies. He really wasn't that interested.

"Do you know who my father is? Let me go quickly and let Director Dai come and apologize."

Mr. Yang reacted first and shouted loudly. Shen Hanwen looked strange.

Where did he get the courage to speak like this?

"I'm warning you, even if you are Director Dai, you must be respectful in front of my father. My father's words can block your logistics and military supplies."

Mr. Yang continued to shout, and Shen Hanwen couldn't help but ask: "Who told you that our boss Dai had such an attitude when he saw your father?"

"My dad said that."

Mr. Yang replied in a daze, and Shen Hanwen was completely stunned. Minister Yang was still a deputy, but just a lieutenant general. How dare he say such a thing?

Are you bragging to no end? There is no sense of propriety at all?

The Loyalty and National Salvation Army needs logistical support, but Boss Dai is responsible for the bulk of the preparations. Minister Yang will not be unaware of this.

Don't say you don't need him, even if you really do, how dare you kill the boss?

"When did your father say that?"

Shen Hanwen was energetic. This was a good thing. He asked for something useful. Although it was not a great achievement, if he reported it to Boss Dai, the man named Yang would definitely die.

Among the three, his status is the more important.

"Last time I had a drink with General Liu and the others, General Liu said that your military commander went too far and arrested his people. My father said that at that time."

Mr. Yang really thought that the other party was intimidated by him, so he said proudly.

Okay, another one.

Shen Hanwen continued the interrogation, and after Master Yang revealed everything, he immediately took the confession to greet the New Year.

This matter must be reported as soon as possible. Boss Dai will not let them off easily this time.


After reading the confession, He Nian yelled angrily and immediately took Shen Hanwen to Boss Dai's office to report the matter in a more elaborate manner.

Boss Dai's nose was so angry that he came to the torture room to inquire.

Mr. Yang didn't know how much trouble he had caused, so he thought he was here to let them go. He kept shouting, asking Boss Dai to apologize quickly, otherwise he would be left with nothing to eat this time.

No need to ask, Boss Dai knew that what he said must be the truth.

"Hit me, hit me hard."

Boss Dai didn't bother to ask. With their attitude, it would be worth beating them to death.

The three of them did not expect that Boss Dai came over not to apologize, but to torture them. After a few whips, the three of them cried and begged for mercy.

Boss Dai ignored them at all and asked them to fight for a while before talking.

"Hello, how's your investigation going?"

Back in the office, Boss Dai called Xu Yi again. Xu Yi, He Nian and Shen Hanwen were standing in front of the desk.

"You can arrest people at any time." He Nian replied.

Arresting people at any time means that the evidence is conclusive. These people have many problems. With the existing evidence in their hands, they can arrest people for interrogation first.

"What about you?" Boss Dai asked Xiang Xu Yi again.

"Same, if you give the order, I will arrest them."

Boss Dai looked at Shen Hanwen again. They were investigating Minister Yang, the one who made him the most angry.

"Boss Dai, we have no problem."

Shen Hanwen hurriedly replied that he was not qualified to directly ask to see Boss Dai, but it was not impossible to meet him.

If it's really urgent, he can report it beyond the next level.

Shen Hanwen's level is not low. If he stayed in the operations department, he would at least be a section chief.

"Come on, follow me to the seat."

Boss Dai stood up. Since he was fully prepared, there was no need to wait any longer.

He has captured three young masters here and tortured them. The other side will know about it soon and cannot give them too much time to react.

As soon as Lin Shi's wedding ended, Boss Dai had already received an arrest order.

The three of them accompanied Boss Dai to meet the old man with evidence.

The old man didn't finish reading the evidence, so he angrily cursed Niang Xipi, and even threw the documents in his hand everywhere.

Catch them, they must be caught, and they will be severely punished without mercy.

Lin Shi's side was full of guests.

Zhang Mingzhen and Chu Lingyun sat at the main table. They were qualified.

"Ling Yun, what's going on?"

Zhang Mingzhen asked in a low voice. Although the previous gunfire disappeared quickly, Zhang Mingzhen understood that it must be related to Chu Lingyun.

In other words, it has something to do with Lin Shi.

"There were several people who proposed marriage to Judge Xu's family before. Their sons were dissatisfied with Judge Xu's choice of Lin Shi and wanted to cause trouble."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, as if talking about something trivial.

"Trouble, what's the trouble?"

Zhang Mingzhen's eyebrows twitched. The person who could propose marriage to Judge Xu's family was definitely not an ordinary family.

Zhang Mingzhen's wife has a very good relationship with Mrs. Xu, so she naturally understands that Judge Xu did not want to use his daughter to form a marriage, but really cared about his daughter.

Judge Xu never considers those with poor character.

There were more than three families rejected by Judge Xu.

"Take away my sister-in-law and beat up Lin Shi."

Chu Lingyun replied softly, and Zhang Ming was so shocked that he almost didn't stand up.

It turned out to be a bride-stealing act?

Are these people so courageous? They dare to snatch Judge Xu's daughter and even beat up Lin Shi?

"Did you know beforehand?"

Zhang Mingzhen asked, he was not stupid, the whole process of welcoming the bride was very smooth, and those gunshots appeared at the end. Without the gunshots, they would not even know that someone wanted to steal the bride.

"I know, don't worry, teacher, I've made proper arrangements and everything will be fine."

"Which ones are they?"

Zhang Mingzhen asked again. He was worried that Chu Lingyun would cause trouble for him. The person who dared to come to snatch his bride was definitely not an ordinary family.

"The mastermind of the Wang family in the Ministry of Transportation, the Hou family in the Legislative Department, and the Yang family in the Logistics Department."

Chu Lingyun didn't hide anything and said a few names lightly.

Zhang Mingzhen was frightened when he heard this. No one of them had a background inferior to his, or even better than his. With these families united together, no wonder they would dare to do such a crazy thing.

"I fired the gun, will everything be okay?" Zhang Mingzhen asked worriedly.

He knew that Chu Lingyun and Lin Shi had a very good relationship. Since he knew this, he would never let these people bully Lin Shi. However, if these families worked together, it would be difficult for Chu Lingyun to handle it.

Zhang Mingzhen still underestimated the military commanders, or in other words, they were often at the top and naturally looked down upon others.

The current military command is not the military intelligence department of the past.

Especially after they made many meritorious services and showed their important value, the old man paid more and more attention to military unification, and Boss Dai won the old man's trust, far beyond what others could compare with.

Everyone is saying that the military commander is the Jin Yiwei, why don't they think about how powerful the Jin Yiwei was back then.

"Teacher, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Chu Lingyun smiled, but Zhang Mingzhen still frowned. He didn't want to see anything happen to Lin Shi, let alone Chu Lingyun.

These are his two most proud students.

"No, I'd better say hello first and tell these families so that they don't cause trouble for you."

Zhang Mingzhen remembered it after he finished speaking, and Chu Lingyun quietly held him back.

"Teacher, it's not necessary. There won't be any of these places in the future."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and Zhang Mingzhen turned around in shock.

What does it mean?

"You know me, I am never reckless, let alone fight an unprepared battle."

Chu Lingyun smiled and did not explain too much. There was no need.

Shen Hanwen should arrest people. Now he is arresting the young ones, and then he will arrest the old ones.

People who are targeted by military commanders still want to die well?

"Okay, it's okay."

Zhang Mingzhen sat up straight, feeling a little scared in his heart. These were three important senior officials, not ordinary people.

Chu Lingyun was just the deputy director of the military command, so he just wiped out these three families in an understatement?

If the military commander, Boss Dai, takes action personally, what kind of person can withstand it?

"Team leader, Boss Dai went to the committee in person. Director Xu, Director He and Shen Hanwen have already gone to arrest people in batches."

Loach ran over and whispered in Chu Lingyun's ear.

"Why so fast?"

Chu Lingyun frowned. Normally, it would take two days to touch these old ones. After all, he started a little late and was slightly insufficient.

"Shen Hanwen said that Mr. Yang confessed that Boss Dai was afraid of his father. Boss Dai was so angry that he went directly to file a complaint. The chairman of the committee was very angry and ordered his arrest on the spot."

Loach explained in a low voice, and Chu Lingyun smiled, that's it.

If this is enough, his father will be even more unlucky. Not only will he be arrested, but he may also be punished by Boss Dai.

Boss Dai’s mind is indeed not big.

"If you have any follow-up news, please tell me in time."

Chu Lingyun ordered that the wedding banquet had already begun. Zhang Mingzhen did not ask in detail, but greeted the people at the head table to start the banquet together.

Lin Shi had been busy and had no idea what was going on.

Outside, the military commanders were attacking everywhere.

Xu Yi, He Nian went out in person and brought people to the door.

Minister Wang was arrested first and his home was immediately searched.

Director Hou was in the work unit and was directly taken away by He Nian. Moreover, he was tied up and took away without saving any face.

Minister Yang was even worse. Boss Dai personally took Shen Hanwen there to arrest him.

In front of his subordinates, Boss Dai slapped him several times.

Didn't I say I was afraid of you?

Didn’t I say that I should be respectful when I see you?

Boss Dai used practical actions to tell others that this was impossible.

Three important figures were arrested by the military commander on the same day. This was a big deal and spread quickly.

Many people in the Lin family compound received the news.

They didn't know what was going on, but they knew that it was the military commander who took action, and many people looked at Chu Lingyun.

Zhang Mingzhen also received the news, and his eyes almost popped out.

Three people were arrested in just one meal?

This is not their son, but them themselves. Who is not full of energy and related to him?

If the military commanders took action, they must have obtained the approval of the Chairman, otherwise they would not dare to do so.

Now that the chairman agrees, these three people have basically no chance of survival.

Zhang Mingzhen knew best that the downfall of the three families was actually because their sons wanted to steal their bride. It seemed that Lin Shi was targeted, but it was Chu Lingyun who took action.

He really didn't expect that Chu Lingyun was so powerful now.

The three big shots caught them as fast as they wanted, and they acted so fast, showing no mercy at all.

"Teacher, I'll go over first."

After the wedding banquet was over, Chu Lingyun's mission was not over yet. He still had to help Lin Shi to prevent others from causing too much trouble.

As a door god, he could not leave until Lin Shi rested.

"Go ahead."

Zhang Mingzhen looked at Chu Lingyun with a somewhat complicated look. It can be imagined that after this incident spreads, everyone's eyes will change when they look at Juntong in the future.

The army has become so powerful that it has indeed exceeded many people's expectations.

However, the reputation of military commanders will be even worse. Who wants to have such a sharp sword hanging above their head? They will have more enemies and more people who are hostile to them.

But this incident will indeed help the military commander become famous, and no one will look down on them anymore.

Lin Shi knew nothing, but Judge Xu got the wind.

Even if it was just to show off, some people had to go through trial before they could be dealt with, and that was Judge Xu's home court at that time.

Three important people were arrested, all of whom had proposed marriage to his family.

Coupled with the gunshots from the Lin family, Judge Xu instinctively sensed something was wrong.

He is not a fool. How could this happen by chance?

He immediately sent someone to inquire, and he heard that before the three big shots, their sons had been arrested by the military commander, and the place of arrest was near Lin's house.

No matter how stupid Judge Xu is, he still understands that this matter really has something to do with him.

In other words, it has something to do with Lin Shi.

Soon, Judge Xu threw the cup angrily. It was not difficult to find out why the three young men were arrested. Although they kept their operation secret, many people knew about it.

After asking carefully, they soon found out their purpose.

He actually wanted to snatch his daughter away and make her their daughter-in-law. He also said a lot of dirty words and simply didn't take him seriously.

These people deserve to be killed.

But Chu Lingyun's power frightened him at the same time.

The three big shots were arrested as soon as they asked. This was still Chu Lingyun, not Boss Dai.

He didn't know that Chu Lingyun had a very special status in the military command, with a very high level. Although his position was just that of deputy director, he had extremely strong connections in the military command.

His business is the military commander's business, and Chu Lingyun is fully capable of mobilizing everything about the military commander.

In the military prison, Xu Yi, New Year's greetings, and Boss Dai personally interrogated.

The identities of the three people are unusual, and they must have complete evidence to leave others speechless. However, the existing evidence is enough for them to drink a pot, and the confession is just for them to take the initiative to confess.

When the three of them entered the military headquarters, they were very harsh and kept shouting Boss Dai's name.

After being whipped, and with the evidence and witnesses placed in front of them, the three of them were speechless and confessed honestly.

It is not difficult to find witnesses. There are many people who have been harmed by them, including many in Chongqing. The military commander has already found more than 20 people, and everyone has a victim.

"I'm recruiting fishermen and farmers. I want to work with my colleagues. Give me a good time."

Deputy Minister Yang drooped his head. Boss Dai wanted to punish him and he was very harsh. He was covered in blood. He had always been pampered and pampered. How had he ever suffered such a crime?

He would rather die now than continue to suffer punishment.

"You want to have fun, do you think it's possible?"

Boss Dai snorted coldly and used him as a stepping stone to brag. How could Boss Dai make him happy?

"I admit that I have done things for the Japanese."

Vice Minister Yang suddenly said that he just wanted to die now and did not want to be tortured.

The man surnamed Dai had too many ways of torturing people, and now that he had enough evidence, and he was the one the old man agreed to arrest, he thought that everything he had done was exposed, so he simply admitted it.

"I thought you wouldn't tell me until you died. Make it clear."

Boss Dai was overjoyed, his expression did not change at all, and he asked in a loud voice.

Vice Minister Yang gave up everything he had done.

He did do things for the Japanese, mainly providing the army's logistics situation, which was important confidential information. The Japanese could infer a lot of useful information through logistics supplies.

He didn't offer it many times, just twice.

"General Liu is the matchmaker. I don't know exactly who he gave the information to. He gave me fifty gold bars every time."

Fifty gold bars at a time is a lot, but Vice Minister Yang has a lot of power and can make a lot of money. It really shouldn't be done to trap himself in just a hundred gold bars.

Vice Minister Yang himself admitted that he usually did a lot of bad things and made a lot of money.

No matter which matter is found out, it will be a dead end.

In this case, he might as well find a way to make more money. Maybe the Japanese will soon conquer Chongqing, and he will become a hero of the Japanese side and continue to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Even if the Japanese don't come over, if he has enough money, he can retreat to Hong Kong or the United States at any time and continue to be a rich man.

You can't go to Europe, where the fighting is even worse.

No matter what happened, with more money, he could clear up more connections in the future. Unexpectedly, the military commander took action so quickly this time, and he was caught without a chance to react.

"Any more?"

Boss Dai continued to ask. This was definitely an unexpected surprise. He didn't expect to catch such a big fish by solving the subsequent troubles for Chu Lingyun.

"No more. I really only provided it twice, but these two times, I gave them all the detailed records in recent years."

Vice Minister Yang replied weakly.

"Did your son participate?" Boss Dai suddenly asked.

"No, fishermen and farmers, it won't harm my wife and children. This is something I did myself and has nothing to do with them."

Vice Minister Yang raised his head. It was because the military commander acted too quickly. Their guards were not allowed to escape, and no one had time to report the news.

A few people ran out first, but they were all hooligans.

How dare those guards leave their master.

After arresting the person, Boss Dai immediately ordered the action, so that they were arrested and sent to the military command without receiving the news.

Deputy Minister Yang still didn't know that the disaster this time was all because of his precious son, not because of his exposure at all, but his son, who was far away from him at this time, was grunting and licking his wounds in the cell.

"Sign and stamp."

After getting the confession, Boss Dai ordered people to secretly monitor General Liu, and immediately went to the old man's camp to catch corruption and catch the spy. This also involved another general. He could only arrest people with the authorization of the old man.

With Vice Minister Yang's confession, General Liu is completely finished.

"He also betrayed confidential information?"

After reading the confession, the old man asked in shock. After the three were arrested, their family and friends began to use their strength to find connections everywhere.

In just this moment, three waves of people came to plead for them, which annoyed the old man.

Before the old man's heart softened, Boss Dai gave him a bombshell.

You can still compromise on other things, and there is no problem in sparing your life, but when it comes to the Japanese, it is treason and surrender to the enemy. No matter who he is, there is no hope of survival.

"That's right, the Japanese know all about the logistical supplies we provide to the armies."

"Damn it, even if I kill him a thousand times, it won't matter."

The old man said angrily, holding back his anger and reading all the words.

"Arrest people, arrest them immediately."

The old man threw the confession aside, and Boss Dai bent slightly: "Commissioner, I'm worried that the Japanese are always monitoring General Liu's movements, and want to find the Japanese who are in contact with him first, so that none of them can escape. "

Arresting people directly can vent your anger, but it is equally easy for the Japanese to escape.

Boss Dai now wants to gain more and catch the Japanese this time.

In Chongqing, they haven't caught any Japanese spies for a while recently. Unexpectedly, these spies were even more ruthless and targeted high-level officials directly.

And they succeeded and got the important information they wanted.

"That's fine. You have full authority to handle this case. No matter who is involved, they will all be severely punished."

The old man relaxed. Rather than venting his anger, catching more Japanese spies was more important.

Just as Boss Dai lowered his head, the old man suddenly said: "I suspect that the matter in Liuzhou is related to them. You can investigate this matter by the way."


"Find out how my whereabouts in Liuzhou were leaked, who told the Japanese, and who in Liuzhou reported the letter to the Japanese."

"Yes." Boss Dai took the order.

This time he made a great contribution, but he didn't expect to get himself into a little trouble.

The Liuzhou the old man mentioned was what happened in Liuzhou at the end of February. Because of the war, the old man went to Liuzhou in person to hold a high-level military meeting.

As a result, shortly after he arrived in Liuzhou, a fleet of Japanese aircraft flew over.

The old man was awakened from his nap and hid in an air-raid shelter. The bombers knew his location and took turns bombing, dropping a large number of aerial bombs.

The old man was fine, but after counting, a total of twelve people in the guard team were injured.

The old man was furious and ordered all ministries to investigate closely to find out how the secret was leaked.

The military commander is naturally responsible, but the incident happened in Liuzhou, which is not the military commander's territory. The old man understood that he only asked the military commander to help investigate and did not give them the case.

What happened on the 22nd of last month has only been a month and two days since today.

Returning to Juntong, Boss Dai immediately called Xu Yi.

The chairman of the committee has temporarily added a new task. Boss Dai is not in a hurry. It is best to find out the best. If he really can't find it, the old man will not blame him.

Boss Dai didn't even know that the old man went to Liuzhou, and the level of confidentiality was very high.

The leak of his whereabouts was due to the high-level military officials. This time they happened to find Deputy Minister Yang and General Liu, so he was asked to investigate accordingly.

General Liu has a very high level and serves in the General Staff Department. He has the opportunity to have access to such top secrets.

Now that he has been bribed by the Japanese, it is really possible that he leaked this matter, and General Liu also went to Liuzhou to participate in this combat meeting.

He is the most suspected now.

"Monitor General Liu's every move and watch him to death. This is the commission's order. We must find the Japanese who are in contact with him."


Xu Yi accepted the order excitedly.

He had just learned that helping Chu Lingyun catch someone this time had unexpected surprises.

More than one traitor in the top ranks was found.

Chu Lingyun is indeed a lucky general.

At this time, Chu Lingyun was acting as the door god, guarding the bridal chamber and not letting anyone in to cause trouble.

With him guarding them, those students would naturally not dare to make mistakes.

However, Lin Shi inside was also a little embarrassed, and Xu Meijun kept her head covered, lowered her head and rubbed her hands, not daring to say a word.

I'm married and have a family, but there's still a shameful hurdle to pass tonight.

Although her mother had been teaching her a few days ago, at this moment, she just felt like a deer bumping into each other, and she had forgotten everything her mother had said to her.

"Beautiful Lord."

Lin Shi lifted Xu Meijun's hijab, revealing her beautiful and red face, but only her forehead could be seen, her head was too low.

"After a drink, let's take a rest."

Lin Shi said softly, and Xu Meijun nodded slightly. If Lin Shi hadn't been paying attention to her all the time, he might not have been able to detect her movements.

After drinking a glass of wine, Lin Shi turned off the light and went to bed, leaving only the red candle burning.

After noticing that the lights were out, Chu Lingyun left and ordered Niyi to lead his people to stay far away to prevent others from running over and causing trouble at this time.

"Ling Yun, are you back?"

When he returned to the military command, it was already very late. Seeing that many lights in the Intelligence Department and Operations Department were on, Chu Lingyun immediately came to the New Year's Office.

"Director, what's going on now?"

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to ask. In the afternoon, he heard that the military commander had taken action. The interrogation was probably over by now.

"The three families are all in the prison, neat and tidy, but the boss learned something during the interrogation. The man named Yang provided intelligence to the Japanese, and he recruited another big fish. Xu Yi is watching over there."

The only people who knew about this incident were Boss Dai, Secretary Qi, Xu Yi and He Nian.

Others don't know.

General Liu would definitely be alert if Vice Minister Yang was arrested, but this time three families were arrested at the same time, and there was a reason. General Liu would not be so quick to confirm that Vice Minister Yang was arrested for colluding with the Japanese.

After all, Deputy Minister Yang only sold out information and had no contact with the Japanese.

"Have you provided information to the Japanese?"

Chu Lingyun was a little surprised, but He Nian nodded and continued: "You came back just in time. Boss Dai hasn't left yet. He has told you to go see him immediately after you come back."

"Okay, I'll go there first."

Boss Dai summoned Chu Lingyun and he had to go. He Nian did not follow him. Boss Dai had something to tell Chu Lingyun alone, so there was no need for him to go there.

I went and waited at the door. I might as well have been in the office.


When Chu Lingyun entered the office, Boss Dai hadn't left yet.

Today, many people came to him and asked what was going on with the three families. Not only did some people come to the old man to plead for mercy, but some also filed complaints against their military commanders.

They said they were acting recklessly and arresting people at random.

"The man surnamed Yang will tell you something important. I need your cooperation."

Boss Dai didn't talk nonsense. Deputy Minister Yang confessed to General Liu, but General Liu didn't know about it.

If he knew, he would definitely run away. It would be almost impossible to catch the spy again.

Now we must stabilize General Liu and make him believe that Minister Yang was arrested because of the child, so that he will not escape immediately, and may even discuss countermeasures with his spy liaison.

To do all this well, Chu Lingyun's cooperation is really needed.

"Boss, you just give the order."

Chu Lingyun replied that Boss Dai was very satisfied with his attitude.

"This matter requires you to stand up and admit that it was you who attacked the three families for Lin Shi. No matter how many people scold you or how many people plead for mercy, you must not let go."

"Isn't that how it is?"

Chu Lingyun smiled and said that he was the one who did it in the beginning, but now he just doesn't need the military commander's name and needs him to handle it.

Chu Lingyun already understood what Boss Dai meant.

Showing weakness to the enemy, making the enemy really think that they are venting their anger for personal reasons, and giving them hope of rescuing these three people, it is a pity that they still don't understand the military commander.

"That's not the case originally." Boss Dai glared at Chu Lingyun, and then smiled: "We have evidence to act, but now we want to deliberately act like there is insufficient evidence. Don't worry, I believe Judge Xu will definitely cooperate. "

This matter also involves Judge Xu, so he must cooperate.

If someone wants to steal his precious daughter, if he does nothing, will he still be a man?

You don't even need to say hello about this matter, Judge Xu will do what the military commander wants to do.

"Don't worry, boss, I know what to do."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Such cooperation required him to withstand some pressure, but these pressures were nothing to him.

"Do you have any ideas about the case?" Boss Dai suddenly asked.


Chu Lingyun immediately replied that he understood what Boss Dai meant. Although Boss Dai personally tried out the spies, they were the military commanders he captured after all.

This case, strictly speaking, is a follow-up to his case and can be attributed to him.

This time they are two big figures, very important figures, and they must have made great contributions.

But Chu Lingyun really doesn't need such credit. Boss Dai hasn't personally handled a case for a long time, so let him have a good time handling the case.

"Okay, you have a share in the case. When the case is concluded, I will personally petition the committee to take credit for you."

Boss Dai said happily, Chu Lingyun is still so sensible.

He really wanted to handle General Liu's case personally.

The two people in front of them have made great achievements. If the Liuzhou leak case is discovered, they will gain a lot of honor from the Chairman.

He didn't want to give up on such a case, so it would be best to handle it personally.

"Thank you boss."

Chu Lingyun left wisely, and he really didn't care at all about the pressure that would follow.

The next morning, Lin Shi found out what happened yesterday and hurriedly called Chu Lingyun.

Someone actually wanted to steal the bride, and without his knowledge, Chu Lingyun arranged everything for him. Not only did he catch the three people who were stealing the bride, but they even took away their nest.

The fathers of these three people are not ordinary people, and Chu Lingyun must be under tremendous pressure.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Chu Lingyun comforted him a few words, then hung up the phone with a smile. Lin Shi would go to Xu's house today, and Judge Xu would probably discuss countermeasures with him.

Chu Lingyun's guess was correct. As soon as Lin Shi arrived at Xu's house, he was taken into the study by Judge Xu.

Judge Xu looked serious. Although the three people were arrested by the military commanders, their relatives, friends, disciples and former officials were outside running for them.

Even people from his side came to plead for mercy and begged to let them go.

If a child is ignorant and can be taught a lesson, how can he attack an adult?

People in the military command go too far and will not die well in the future.

Judge Xu was under a lot of pressure. The matter was related to Lin Shi, and he needed to discuss it with Lin Shi.

"I called Ling Yun and he admitted that he did it. He said that he would not let anyone bully me and reassured me that he could withstand the pressure."

Lin Shi said honestly that he was really moved when Chu Lingyun said these words.

In fact, in addition to Lin Shi's personal reasons, there are also reasons for his identity.

Once Lin Shi is successfully kidnapped, Lin Shi will not be able to keep his current position, let alone be promoted.

His business will also be robbed completely.

Lin Shi's accident had a great impact on the organization. Chu Lingyun couldn't let this happen to him, not to mention that they still had such a good relationship.

"This classmate of yours is really interesting to you."

Judge Xu sighed, let alone classmates, no matter how close the relationship is, who would dare to offend so many important people at once for other people?

This was no ordinary offence, arresting people directly and forging a big feud.

Once someone escapes, they will definitely fight back and retaliate desperately.

"Father-in-law, is this serious?"

Lin Shi asked worriedly, and Judge Xu shook his head slightly: "It depends on how much evidence the military commander has about them. I know that these three people usually do dirty things. The top beam is not straight and the bottom beam is crooked. The more they do, the child will be better." How dare you be so arrogant."

"From the current point of view, the military commander must have some evidence, otherwise the chairman will not agree to their arrest. Now that they have arrested the person, the matter will not be easy. Even if there is a lot of pressure, as long as the chairman does not let go, it will be fine."

The key is still whether the old man is willing to let them go.

If the old man relents, he will naturally not be able to continue arresting people. The military command is originally the gun in the old man's hand. If he dares to be disobedient, the old man will immediately remove the gun and rebuild it.

"What's going on with the Chairman now?" Lin Shi asked.

"I asked someone to inquire, and it's okay so far. The military commander came to the door with evidence. The chairman will not change the order so quickly. It just depends on when he hands over Minister Wang and Director Hou to us."

Judge Xu is talking about us, not him and Lin Shi, but the court.

If they hand it over soon and let them try it, they will not let these three people go. And on his side, even if the person who is presiding over the trial is not Judge Xu, he will still have a way to convict the three people.

Judge Xu did not mention Minister Yang because he was going to court-martial and was not responsible for him.

Even if he is not responsible, Judge Xu still has the connections to convict him. After all, this is his territory.

What I'm afraid of is that they haven't been arrested for a long time, and there is evidence. If we don't hand it over to them for trial and let it go on for a long time, any changes may happen.

The trial and conviction are final and there will be no future troubles.

"The next three days are the most important."

Lin Shi nodded slightly, understanding what his father-in-law meant.

Thank you to the league leader Yi Xin Qiuyue for another 2,000 starting coin reward, and thank you to Pipitu for another 2,000 starting coin reward. The bottom line is 10,000 words. There will be an additional update tonight, and the update time will be around 0:4:00.

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