Spy Shadow

Chapter 725 The real purpose

Chapter 725 The real purpose

It's good to go to the concession. The director will buy a lot of delicious food. I'm in for a treat today.

The director never eats alone, as long as he takes them with him, everyone gets a share of what he buys. This alone is much better than many other officers.

A group of people drove out in two cars. Those who couldn't get into the car rode their bicycles and followed closely behind.

Wu Sanbao stood in front of the window and noticed them going out, with disdain on his face.

Chen Xiaoer is afraid of death and has to take so many people with him every time he goes out.

In the public concession, Chen Zhanli was leading people to buy things. Almost all of the team members following him were holding paper bags with various delicacies inside.

Chen Zhanli held a candied haws in his hand, biting it as he walked, and everyone behind him held one.

Xiao Lu didn't eat. He and the two of him always paid attention to the surroundings. He was a competent bodyguard.

A person in front of them walked quickly past them. Xiao Lu was stunned for a moment, and then wiped his eyes.

After seeing clearly the appearance of the person passing by, his first reaction was to draw his gun.

It was only when I was empty that I remembered that the gun was still in the car.

You were not allowed to bring guns when entering the concession, but they had a way to bring them in concealed. Originally, Xiao Lu wanted to redistribute the guns after entering the concession, but Chen Zhanli refused.

They are here to make purchases, not to perform tasks. They can just put them in the car and take them when needed.

Provincial police found trouble.

"Director, Xu Haitian."

Xiao Lu hurriedly called out to Chen Zhanli, who suddenly turned around.

"Which Xu Haitian?"

"Xu Haitian from the Loyalty and National Salvation Army has just passed by. Xiao Li, hurry up and follow."

Xiao Lu didn't bother to explain too much and ordered two of his men to chase him on bicycles. Xiao Li and the others also saw the person just now and recognized Xu Haitian.

"Why is he here?"

Chen Zhanli asked, and Xiao Lu was startled. How could he know why Xu Haitian was here?

Xu Haitian is the platoon leader of the Loyalty and Salvation Army and Chen Zhanli's old superior. He has been captured before, and the people on No. 76 recognize him.

Most of the captured people were rescued, while those who truly rebelled were killed.

Afterwards, the Loyalty and Salvation Army did not want them and paid them dispatch fees to go home.

Loach secretly left a few behind and secretly arranged for them to train outside the city.

Those left behind are those whom Loach considers reliable and have reviewed and tested them.

Xu Haitian is one of them.

"Director, I don't know. He is from the Loyalty and Salvation Army. Weren't they dismissed?"

Xiao Lu replied that after these people were rescued, the Loyalty and Salvation Army did not want them and allowed them all to go home.

No. 76 knew about this. After Chen Shu joined, he took the initiative to leak many secrets of the military commander.

"Let's go over and have a look."

Chen Zhanli understood that someone sent by the captain had appeared, but he didn't expect it to be his old commander.

Not caring about buying anything, the group hurriedly followed.

Xu Haitian was not an agent, so he walked in directly without any anti-tracking actions.

Xu Haitian entered the teahouse's private room.

"Director, shall I call for support?"

Xiao Lu looked at Chen Zhanli, who glared at him: "He is alone. There are so many of us, do we need support?"

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Lu said nothing.

The director was right, there were thirty of them, and there was only one Xu Haitian, so there was no need to call anyone else.

"Keep an eye on him first and see what he does."

Chen Zhanli ordered, while Xiao Lu went to the car to get guns to distribute, and then ordered everyone to disperse and monitor from a hidden position.

Not long after, Xu Haitian walked out with a few people.

Xiao Lu's eyes widened when he saw the person coming out.

"Director, Zhao, Zhao San."

Xiao Lu said with a trembling voice, it was indeed Loach. They didn't have any photos of Chu Lingyun, but they had Loach. Ni Loach had taken many photos when he was in Wuhan before.

He didn't pay attention to keeping it secret, and by the time he noticed it, it was already too late.

After the Special High School took Chu Lingyun seriously, they also investigated the people around him, including photos of Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen, but not Chu Yuan's.

"Is it really him?"

Chen Zhanli was shocked. This was not an act.

He knew the plan, but he didn't expect that the captain came personally to make the bait. He thought the bait was Xu Haitian.

"Director, arresting people is a great achievement, a great achievement."

Xiao Lu's voice was trembling with excitement. Zhao San was the number one general around Chu Lingyun, and Chu Lingyun was not only the person the Japanese had to catch, but also their most wanted target No. 76.

"Okay, get ready for action."

Chen Zhanli hesitated, but still ordered according to the plan.

Just as his men were about to move, a patrol team came running with whistles blowing in the distance, and there was a car in front of them.

Xiao Lu Mai stepped back immediately.

"Mr. Lu, your Majesty has come to visit you, but you are welcome from afar."

Loach clasped his fists and saluted. Mr. Lu got out of the car and returned the salute with clasped fists and a smile.

"Boss Zhao, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you still look like you."

Mr. Lu laughed heartily. Zhao San was his God of Wealth and had given him many gifts before.

He knew Zhao San's identity, but it had nothing to do with him.

This is a concession, not Japanese territory.

As long as it can bring him benefits, he doesn't care who the other party is.

Today, Zhao San came to him specifically, saying that he had something to ask for, and the God of Wealth summoned him, so he would come right away.

He knew Zhao San's identity and deliberately brought many police officers with him to avoid being implicated by Zhao San.

In fact, it's okay even if he doesn't bring it, Ran Wu will remind him and make arrangements.

Loach makes the bait himself, which seems dangerous but is actually very safe.

There was no problem with the patrol. As for No. 76, his men would not shoot without Chen Zhanli's order.

He just wants Chen Zhanli to lead people to see him.

The bait is not big, how to attract Chen Shu to take the bait?


Ni Loach made a gesture of invitation, and Mr. Lu followed him into the teahouse.

"Director, I'm going to call right away and ask the brothers to come over."

Xiao Lu saw them entering and the patrolman was guarding the door, and immediately said to Chen Zhanli.

"What's it called? You idiot, this is a concession. Let's keep an eye on the people first and wait until the patrol is gone. If the patrol is here, it's useless no matter how many people you call. Without the patrol, don't we have enough people?"

Chen Zhanli scolded, Xiao Lu was stunned, the director's words seemed to make sense.

Unless there is a war, all the people from No. 76 will not be able to fight against the patrol.

Without patrols, they would be enough.

"let me see."

Chen Zhanli pretended to be thinking, and after a while he suddenly ordered: "Go and call Chen Shu and ask him to come over."

"Chen Shu, why are you calling him?"

Xiao Lu asked in a daze, "Zhao San has done a great job, a huge credit."

Even if you only catch him, it will be better than catching hundreds of Central Unification agents. If you catch people from the Military Unification War Information Group or Shanghai District through him, the credit will be even greater.

"He is a member of the military commander and has also been a station commander. He is more experienced. Zhao San is a big fish and there must be no mistakes."

"Understood, I'll make a call right now."

Xiao Lu suddenly understood, but the call was made somewhat reluctantly.

Zhao San made such a big contribution, but the director actually thought about Chen Shu, that young boy. Chen Shu didn't share the same mind with the director. Why should he think about him and share his credit for good things?

But his reason told him that the director was right to do so.

Chen Shu was stronger than them in both knowledge and ability. Zhao San was too important, so it was safer to let Chen Shu take the lead. The director did this out of consideration for the overall situation and to ensure that Zhao San would not escape.

Besides, he was the director of the department and could not be promoted, so it was nothing to give some credit to Chen Shu.

"Zhao San, are you sure it's Zhao San?"

On the 76th, Chen Shu couldn't sit still after receiving the call. He stood up and asked urgently.

"Chief Chen, please pay attention to the tone of your words. Can the person the director and I saw with our own eyes be wrong? There are many patrols here, and we can't arrest them. The director specifically asked me to inform you to come over. This is an order."

After Xiao Lu finished speaking, he hung up the phone unhappily.

He is the director of the department, and Chen Shu is just the section chief. Although they are not in the same department, at least he has a higher level than Chen Shu.

Chen Shu's questioning tone sounded like he was a subordinate.

This is No. 76, not the military commander. He is older than Chen Shu and has a higher rank than Chen Shu. Why does Chen Shu act so condescending?

With dissatisfaction, Xiao Lu returned to Chen Zhanli.

"Director, I have informed him."

"Okay, we'll wait."

Chen Zhanli nodded and informed Chen Shu that it was also part of the plan.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Shu looked excited.

Chen Xiaoer, a bastard, is not a very good person, but he is so lucky. When he goes out to buy something, he can meet Zhao San?

Every time Zhao San returned to the military command, he would bring a camera to laugh at him. This time he would finally fall into his hands and catch Zhao San. He would make it impossible for Zhao San to live or die.

If you don't torture him properly, it's hard to eliminate the hatred in your heart.

Chen Shu took the people and hurried to the concession.

As soon as Chen Shu left, Wu Sanbao noticed it.

Xiao Lu's people stared at him, but Wu Sanbao kept staring at Chen Shu. He wanted to see how long Chen Shu could persist in coming to them.

"Did you take a lot of people out?"

Wu Sanbao thought thoughtfully. Chen Shu was not the fearful person like Chen Xiaoer. Even if he took someone with him when he went out, he wouldn't take so many with him.

And he never goes far.

This time, he suddenly took so many people out. It was obvious that he was taking action, but I haven't heard of him having any clues recently. What kind of action was it?

Wu Sanbao couldn't figure it out and came back to report to Li Zhiqun.

"You can ask him when he comes back."

Li Zhiqun thought for a while and then ordered that no matter what Chen Shu did, he would ask clearly.

He didn't mean to cause trouble for Chen Shu. Chen Shu was no threat to him now. The level was not equal, the difference was too big.

If necessary, he could even help Chen Shu and increase their trust. This would allow Chen Shu to deal with Chen Xiaoer more confidently and allow him to get Chen Xiaoer's men earlier.

Chen Shu took about thirty people and rushed to the public concession.

Too many people were useless. This time it was not a fight, but arresting people. However, he calmed down on the way. Catching Zhao San was a great achievement, but if he caught Chu Lingyun through Zhao San this time, not only would the credit be greater, but also Let him take revenge here first.

With the great achievement of destroying the war situation team and even the Shanghai District, he has the qualifications to replace Chen Xiaoer.

As long as Chen Xiaoer dies, even if Kubo doesn't like him anymore, he will still be promoted and re-employed. This contribution is so great that Master Ying Zuo will definitely meet him personally.

Opportunity, this is his best opportunity and the rarest opportunity, the kind that will never happen again if he misses it.

At this moment, he didn't think about it at all. If Chen Zhanli hadn't informed him, would he have had such a chance?

Some people are like this. They never care about the good things others do to them, but they will remember the bad things in their hearts, and they will look at them like a wolf who is not familiar with them.

When Chen Shu took people to the place, the loach hadn't come out yet.


Walking up to Chen Zhanli, Chen Shu greeted him respectfully.

He finally understood that Chen Zhanli was really the kind of person who had great luck. If he didn't do anything, his achievements would fall from the sky.

If you meet Zhao San when you go out to buy something, who can you talk to for explanation?

"Chen Shu, you are my subordinate. As long as I am with you, you will always be. I know your bad habits in the past. I don't blame you, but you must change. I don't ask for much. When you work under me, you must treat your brothers We are sincere, and I will not allow anyone to take my brother’s life to fight for his own future.”

Chen Zhanli said slowly, and his words moved the people around Chen Shu even more.

Everyone can say it, the key is how to do it.

Chen Zhanli actually did this, and he didn't say anything to his brothers. He had been like this a long time ago. Now that he said such words, everyone was convinced.

If Chen Shu said that, many people would probably look down at their toes.

"You are right to teach me a lesson. It was my negligence before. I admit my mistake and I will do better in the future."

Chen Shu can bend and stretch, and grievances are nothing. He has endured greater grievances than this.

"As long as you realize your mistake, Xiao Lu, tell Chen Shu the situation. He has more experience and is smart. All subsequent actions will be led by Chen Shu."

Chen Zhanli nodded, and Chen Shu was startled. He was surprised that Chen Xiaoer could inform him.

Now you actually gave him the control of the action?

If it weren't for that slap, would he really be moved? Would a soldier die for his confidant? Chen Xiaoer and Chen are not very good and have no ability, but they really have nothing to say to their subordinates.

It seems that Chen Xiaoer is not useless. He can't reach the position of deputy director just by flattering him.

"Thank you, director. I will do my best to maximize this harvest."

Given the opportunity to catch Chu Lingyun, Chen Shu would definitely not let it go. He bowed his head and thanked her, and listened carefully to Xiao Lu's account of the situation.

On the phone just now, Xiao Lu didn't say that in detail.

The matter was not complicated. When they were purchasing for Lord Kubo, they accidentally discovered Xu Haitian, who had been rescued from No. 76.

They stared at Xu Haitian to see what he was doing, but unexpectedly he came to see Zhao San.

Zhao San was inviting someone. When Chen Shu didn't come, Xiao Lu had already found someone to inquire about it. The person who met Zhao San just now was Lu Wei, the chief inspector of the patrol house on Gordon Road in the public concession.

No. 76 had dealt with the Gordon Road Patrol Room. Twelve of Chen Zhanli’s loyal National Salvation Army men were first captured by the Gordon Road Patrol Room and later redeemed by Zhao San.

Zhao San did know Mr. Lu.

"That's right. I guess Zhao San came to General Inspector Lu to ask him for help. As for why Xu Haitian came, it's still unclear, but as long as we catch them, we can ask clearly."

Chen Shu nodded lightly. Zhao San and Lu Zongxun knew each other, so it was not surprising that they met.

Chen Shu was a little annoyed. If he had started this earlier, he would have just found a way to monitor Mr. Lu and waited patiently. Sooner or later, he would be able to find Zhao San.

But he just thought about it. It was not easy to monitor a general inspector for a long time, and it was in the concession.

Once discovered, let alone him, no one in 76 will be able to enter the concession properly.

"You mean, arrest people now?" Chen Zhanli asked.

"No, director, Zhao San is very important, but he is just Chu Lingyun's subordinate. Our real target is Chu Lingyun. If we keep an eye on Zhao San, we will definitely find Chu Lingyun. Director, I will personally lead people to keep an eye on Chu Lingyun this time. I will definitely find Chu Lingyun." Ling Yun."

Chen Shu shook his head. It is easy to catch Zhao San, but after catching Zhao San, if Zhao San does not confess, or if Chu Lingyun finds out, it will be difficult to catch Chu Lingyun.

He knew very well how cunning Chu Lingyun was.

He will not be impulsive and will achieve great results if he wants. Chen Shu's greedy problem has never changed.

"Okay, I said, you take the lead, you make the arrangements."

Chen Zhanli nodded and felt a little relieved in his heart. He was really afraid that Chen Shu would arrest the captain now regardless of him.

In fact, he was worrying too much.

Loach is afraid of death and always attaches great importance to its own safety.

Knowing that people from No. 76 were around, there was no way he could come alone.

In addition to General Lu's subordinates, hundreds of people from the combat team were lying in ambush nearby.

In addition, Ran Wu also has people with him who can provide support at any time.

It can be said that within the concession, as long as the Japanese did not launch a massive attack, nothing could be done to him.

If a fight really breaks out, Chen Zhanli will immediately take the people to evacuate, which will not really put him in danger.

"Thank you, director."

Chen Shu lowered his head and began to make arrangements.

He has sent people to all the surrounding intersections. Once Zhao San leaves, they will follow him to avoid being noticed by Zhao San.

He has enough people now.

Not long after the arrangement was completed, Loach and Mr. Lu walked out together. Mr. Lu smiled brightly, and it seemed that they were very satisfied with their exchange.

Mr. Lu left with his patrol officers, while Ni Yao got into the car with his men.

"Follow up."

Enemies were extremely jealous when they met. When he saw Loach, Chen Shu's eyes really turned red.

Well, Zhao San, today, this time it will finally fall into my hands.

Every time Ni Loach took people to visit him at Mengang, Chen Shu wanted to kill him, but he didn't dare to make any move. If he killed Ni Loach, he himself would also be finished.

Loach's car circled the road several times and finally entered a large yard.

Chen Shu immediately ordered people to keep an eye on the situation and sent people to investigate the situation here.

It was getting dark, Chen Shu had no intention of arresting anyone, and Chen Zhanli couldn't stand it any longer.

"Chen Shu, you stay here and keep an eye on me. I'll go back and report to Lord Kubo."

Chen Zhanli laughed, and Chen Shu immediately lowered his head: "Yes, director, don't worry, I will keep an eye on him."

"Director, let me stay too."

Xiao Lu was worried and jealous of this great achievement, so he took the initiative to stay here. Chen Zhanli waved his hand: "Okay, you can discuss it together if there is anything, but Chen Shu will take the lead."

After saying that, he took the people back to No. 76.

"Have you found Zhao San?"

Kubo was extremely shocked when he heard Chen Zhanli's report. He knew that the Special High School and the Army Intelligence Department had suffered heavy losses in Changsha and were now looking for Chu Lingyun all over the world.

If they, No. 76, can catch Chu Lingyun this time, they will be exposed in a big way.

"That's right. I was afraid that I wouldn't do well, so I left the action to Chen Shu. He is better than me in terms of action."

Chen Zhanli nodded, and Kubo was even more happy.

Knowing people well and making good use of them, Chen Shu obviously doesn't agree with him, but for the sake of mission and honor, he can still put aside his prejudice and reuse Chen Shu. This is Chen Zhanli's greatest advantage.

The person in charge doesn't need to be very capable, he just needs to know how to employ people.

"You're doing a good job. Please report any situation to me promptly."

Kubo warned that if he could catch Chu Lingyun this time and destroy the combat team and even the Shanghai area, no one in the empire's intelligence system could compare with him.

Whether it was the Special Higher Education Course, the Army Intelligence Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Intelligence Department, or the Naval Intelligence Department, they all suffered losses at the hands of Chu Lingyun.

Including them.

The person that so many people wanted to catch but failed to catch finally fell into his hands. This is a reflection of his ability.

If Chu Lingyun is caught, Nanyun will no longer be able to compete with him.

He will overwhelm Nagumo by a large margin.


Chen Zhanli took the order and put the delicacies bought from the concession on Kubo and asked him to taste it.

Seeing him like this, Kubo smiled again.

I really can’t forget to eat whatever I do.

But it doesn’t matter, what does it mean to eat, and how much can you eat?

Chen Zhanli is lucky. His luck is unparalleled. For such a lucky general, let alone this small amount, he will not care no matter how much he eats.

The two happily had a meal together. Chen Zhanli packed up his things, sent Kubo away and returned to the dormitory.

He is the deputy director and has changed his dormitory.

Today's dormitories are very large, with more than one room, and there are people dedicated to cleaning them.

Lying on the bed, he did not sleep.

He was worried about the captain's safety. This time the captain used his body as a bait, and Chen Shu had been fooled. If everything went well, Chen Shu would definitely die this time.

But the appearance of the captain is always a risk.

He was worried about something unexpected happening.

"Didn't you come back all night?"

Early the next morning, Wu Sanbao received a report from his subordinates that Chen Shu had not returned to No. 76 after going out yesterday.

Not only did he not come back, but the people he took out also didn't come back. There was also Chen Xiaoer who had gone out earlier than him. Although Chen Xiaoer came back, his confidant Xiao Lu did not.

Is Chen Shu going out related to Chen Zhanli?

What on earth is he doing?

Wu Sanbao was very curious, but he didn't know where Chen Shu was and it was impossible to ask.

"Check what Chen Shu did before going out. It's best to find out where he went and what mission he is performing now."

Wu Sanbao ordered, and his men immediately went out and kept investigating.

Not long after, news arrived to Wu Sanbao one by one.

Chen Shu answered a phone call before going out. This is not difficult to check. Li Zhiqun is the director. It is easy to check a phone number on No. 76.

The call came from the public concession. As early as Ding Mo's time, many calls on No. 76 were monitored and recorded.

It's monitoring in the computer room, not a bug installed in the phone. Ordinary people can't find it.

With Li Zhiqun taking over, this point still exists.

However, the scope of monitoring is not all. Kubo cannot monitor, and there are also the chief and deputy directors, and other places are covered by monitoring.

Wu Sanbao immediately called up the recording and stayed there after listening to the recording.

He didn't know what Chen Shu was doing yesterday, so he didn't pay attention to it and didn't think about checking the recording.

It's normal to take people out. Who would have thought that it would be like this?

"Director, what's wrong, Chen Xiaoer saw Zhao San and transferred Chen Shu over. He probably wanted Chen Shu to help him investigate the case."

Wu Sanbao hurried to Li Zhiqun's office, and Li Zhiqun's eyes widened instantly.

Chen Zhanli discovered Zhao San?

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't believe it, but if this happened to Chen Zhanli, it was possible.

Chen Zhanli keeps having bad luck, and his luck is truly unmatched.

"Director, that's Zhao San. We must find a way to snatch him over quickly, otherwise this great contribution will belong to Chen Xiaoer."

Wu Sanbao said anxiously, Zhao San is related to Chu Lingyun, who doesn't know that Chu Lingyun is the most serious concern of the Japanese intelligence system.

"Don't worry, let me think about it."

Li Zhiqun is suspicious by nature. The first thing he thought about was whether this was a trap, deliberately targeting him.

After all, that was how Ding Mo was driven away.

But he is different from Ding Mo. He will not inform the military commander, but he will take credit and seize the credit.

Even if Kubo finds out, as long as he catches someone, Kubo can't say anything, and then the credit will belong to him.

"Go immediately to find out where Chen Shu is, find Chen Shu, and determine whether he is targeting Zhao San."

After thinking for a while, Li Zhiqun decided to take action.

Regardless of whether Chen Shu and Chen Xiaoer were playing a trick, he would first investigate and confirm Zhao San's identity.

If it is confirmed, then this matter is not a trick, and he must get this credit.

If so, leave it alone and watch them act.


Wu Sanbao ran out excitedly. It doesn't matter if he takes credit. He doesn't take credit anywhere.

However, it is not easy to find Chen Shu. He only knows that Chen Shu answered the phone from the public concession, but does not know where it is.

But one thing is that many of Chen Xiaoer's men have gone out.

Someone has come back.

He immediately arranged for people to entertain those who came back from the banquet. Chen Xiaoer had no sense of confidentiality, and even if he had, he couldn't withstand their clichés.

If you can't treat guests, just throw money at them.

Use money to buy back the information.

The banquet did not go well, as Chen Zhanli's men did not agree.

Chen Siting had just died, and they didn't want to follow in his footsteps.

Without meeting, Wu Sanbao continued to send people to the door with gold bars. Finally, someone couldn't resist the temptation of gold bars and vaguely hinted at an address.

He didn't say the specific location, just a general direction.

Wu Sanbao can investigate if he has a general direction.

With his men, Wu Sanbao hurried to the public concession and conducted a thorough investigation. He was very careful not to let Chen Shu know that they were coming.

Wu Sanbao didn't know that far away from him, two people were secretly recording all the places Wu Sanbao had been. One person went back to report, and the other continued to monitor.


When they arrived at the surveillance point, their men called out to Xiao Lu. Xiao Lu knew that he was the person monitoring Wu Sanbao, so he took him out without saying anything.

"Director, Wu Sanbao is here."

"Tell me clearly, where are you from?"

"Are we here nearby?"

The subordinate whispered, and Xiao Lu's eyes froze. Could it be that Chen Shu really cheated and secretly leaked the secret?

But he had been keeping a close eye on Chen Shu. Chen Shu had no chance. Was it Chen Shu's men who reported the letter to Li Zhiqun when they went out?

"How did he find this?" Xiao Lu asked.

"Wu Sanbao sent someone to find the brother who came here yesterday. After meeting Wang Gouzi, he came straight here."

"Wang Gouzi, bastard."

Xiao Lu cursed bitterly that Wang Gouzi was not the person who initially followed Chen Zhanli, but the Central Unification agent they caught in Nanjing.

Unexpectedly, one of my own people leaked the secret again.

"You continue to keep an eye on Wu Sanbao. If he makes any move, report it immediately."

Xiao Lu told him to stay with Chen Shu and not go out. As for Wang Gouzi, he would deal with him later.

Now that Wu Sanbao is here, keep an eye on him first to see what he does. If it doesn't work, he will ask Chen Shu to arrest him immediately.

Chen Shu has the right to take the initiative, but in case of emergency, he also has the right to make decisions.

But I'm afraid it's impossible to hide it from Wu Sanbao. After all, they have people posted outside, and these people can't be evacuated.

"Director, found it."

In the afternoon, the team members came over to report the good news. They met Chen Xiaoer's men.

He was pretending to be a cigarette seller and shouting at an intersection.

This intersection is definitely not where Zhao San is, but both Chen Shu and Zhao San should be nearby.

"Continue to investigate, find Chen Shu, and find the place where they are stalking."

Wu Sanbao ordered that Chen Shu's lack of action until now proved that he had not arrested anyone. Li Zhiqun suspected that it was a trick, but Wu Sanbao did not.

He believed that Chen Xiaoer had really discovered Zhao San.

Chen Xiaoer's bullshit luck is unacceptable.

After finding the person, the subsequent investigation would be much easier. Wu Sanbao was not in a hurry and waited slowly. Finally, at night, Chen Shu's surveillance point was discovered.

The people at the surveillance point needed to eat and buy things. When they went out to buy food, they were stared at by Wu Sanbao.

Discovering the surveillance point, Wu Sanbao immediately looked for the place they were watching.

This is easier. The easiest place to see the surveillance point is where they monitor. However, Wu Sanbao could not see Zhao San until the next day.

Chen Shu didn't move, and neither did he.

On the 76th, Li Zhiqun was not idle. He was trying to find out the real situation. This matter might be a trap.

But I have to say that this bait is really tempting. Even if he has doubts, Li Zhiqun will try it.

"Section Chief, it's the same person who came out. Zhao San didn't come out."

The men came to report to Chen Shu that after Zhao San entered the house, he never came out again, but one person went out to buy groceries every day.

Xu Haitian, on the other hand, came out the next day and reported to the patrol room. They figured out the reason why Zhao San was looking for a way to patrol, and arranged Xu Haitian into the patrol room.

Xu Haitian is not important. He now has the status of a patrolman and is even more immobile. The most important thing is Zhao San.

Zhao San can't hide for too long. He is an important person around Chu Lingyun. If something happens to Chu Lingyun, he needs to be on call at any time.

Chen Shu understood that what he needed now was patience and not to be anxious.

"Team leader, Chen Shu is still staring."

In the war situation team, Ni Loach was reporting to Chu Lingyun. Chen Shu was staring blankly at an empty house. Even the people who went out to buy groceries were not from their war situation team.

They had dug a tunnel into that house a long time ago, and Loach immediately left through the tunnel after entering.

"Where's Li Zhiqun?"

Chu Lingyun looked up, and Loach immediately replied: "Li Zhiqun didn't go, but he found his confidant Wu Sanbao. It seems that Li Zhiqun has got the news and is waiting for Wu Sanbao to take action."

"Okay, keep staring."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly. Feiniao knew part of the plan, but not all of it.

He is the person No. 76 dreams of catching. If this matter goes wrong in Chen Shu's hands, one can imagine Kubo's anger.

And what would Kubo think if Chen Shu and Wu Sanbao met before the trouble?

Especially what happened to Ding Mo just now.

With Kubo's temper, Chen Shu would die, and Li Zhiqun would not be much better.

Chu Lingyun always maximizes profits when doing things, and one thing must achieve multiple different purposes.

Li Zhiqun is jealous of Kubo and has a hard time. Asuka will be better off and the threat from No. 76 will be minimized.

This is his true purpose.

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