Spy Shadow

Chapter 743 Successful operation

Chapter 743 Successful operation

If you connect your fingers to your heart and pierce it, you can imagine the pain.

Not to mention, it would be even more painful if the nails were forcibly removed first.

Wu Sanbao's ten fingers were all bloody, and he kept letting out pitiful howls.

Zhao Menghan was very scared, but there was a sense of revenge in his eyes.

This idiot treated him like this back then. I can't imagine how he survived. Fortunately, he had a good boss who not only called the police but also found him and helped him get revenge.

Li Zhiqun was not here, and it was impossible for him to stay here while Wu Sanbao was being tortured.

For Ying Zuo, the fact that Taro Yagyu didn't kill anyone was a sign of face. He could understand that the employees wanted to vent their anger and set an example for the entire business.

Wu Sanbao himself did not do things satisfactorily and was caught by others. It is no one else's fault.

The only reason he could save his life was because of the gold bars.

Chen Zhanli stayed for a while and then went out. Xiao Lu wanted to continue watching, but unfortunately he saw the director leaving and had to follow him out.

"Director, why don't you watch it?"

"What's so good about it? Wu Sanbao is responsible for it. No matter how he treats others, they will treat him the same way now."

Chen Zhanli shook his head, Xiao Lu nodded slightly, then thought of something, and continued: "Director, I found out what happened. The person Wu Sanbao is targeting is a fake. It is a trap deliberately set by the military commander. The person we are targeting has been sent I went to verify it, but I feel it may be a fake file arranged by the military commander."

"Verify it clearly. If it's fake, don't keep an eye on it. You don't want to end up like Wu Sanbao, right?"

Chen Zhanli stared straight at Xiao Lu, who trembled violently.

He didn't want to suffer such a crime.

In fact, the first person they targeted was an employee of Xintian Commercial Bank, similar to the person Wu Sanbao arrested this time.

Their director didn't care about anything, so he went to report to Kubo.

Kubo is more cautious and is not allowed to arrest people without evidence.

Later, Lin Mengde was targeted, and the suspicion on him was heavier than the person he was targeting before. Xiao Lu focused on Lin Mengde, and the others just stared and paid no attention to it.

Looking at it now, they were really lucky. If they hadn't found Lin Mengde and continued to stare at those people, Wu Sanbao's fate might have happened to him.

It is most comfortable to follow the director, and you can avoid bad luck.

Wu Sanbao inside was stabbed awake again after falling into a coma.

The whip was beaten and the fingers were pricked. The executioner looked at Taro Yagyu and Zhao Menghan.

"There is also watering. I have to take him outside to water him. I can't change his clothes."

Zhao Menghan said angrily that he was washed with ice water on a cold day and almost froze him to death.

This feeling will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

The executioner had no choice but to pull Wu Sanbao out and poured several buckets of water on him. It hurt just now, but now he is cold. Wu Sanbao's consciousness was already a little blurry.

"Boss, thank you."

Seeing Wu Sanbao being executed, Zhao Menghan finally couldn't help it and cried to Hayakawa Ping.

Finally got my revenge.

"It's okay, let's go when it's over."

Hayakawa Hei smiled. The punishment he suffered was much harsher than this. He knew the pain of punishment very well.

But he managed to hold on, while neither Wu Sanbao nor Zhao Menghan could hold on.

Wu Sanbao just kept begging for mercy, and Grandpa even shouted out.

As soon as they left, Wu Sanbao's men hurriedly put him into new clothes and sent him to the hospital for treatment. In this regard, he was better than Zhao Menghan. Zhao Menghan almost died and it took two doses of sulfa to save him at the hospital.

Wu Sanbao also used sulfonamide to avoid infection, but he only used one.

In the war situation team, Loach quickly learned everything that happened on No. 76.

"Team leader, if Wu Sanbao is messed with like this, it will be difficult for him to be together with Li Zhiqun in the future."

Ni Loach said with a smile, anyone who suffered such torture would feel resentful. He helped Li Zhiqun diligently, and even if he arrested someone, it was because of Li Zhiqun's order.

The result was good. If something happened, Li Zhiqun's hair would not be injured. He would bear all the blame.

Not to mention that he is not an open-minded person, even if he is, such a thing will leave a knot in his heart.

"This can be exploited, but don't worry, the threat after No. 76 will be much reduced."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. No. 76 did all kinds of evil and was called the Devil's Cave. Now that there is a gap between Wu Sanbao and Li Zhiqun, it is extremely beneficial to them.

Taking advantage of this, you can slowly divide them or even get rid of them.

"But Zhongtong's losses are irreparable."

Loach sighed, they were very depressed when they talked about this. No matter who they were in the Zhongtong group, they were completely removed even if they reminded them.

If it hadn't been for their urgent reminders several times before, Zhongtong would have been gone long ago and wouldn't have been able to hold on until now.

"It's better without them."

Chu Lingyun looked unkind, couldn't support the wall with mud, was lurking behind enemy lines, and yet he even went to keep the dancers.

What's even more disgusting is that all his money came from corruption.

With people like this, it's only a matter of time before something happens to Zhongtong.

Wang Jialiang was severely punished by Wang Yuemin and transferred back to the headquarters because he spent money on dancers.

If Loach hadn't discovered these hidden dangers and allowed Wang Jialiang to act recklessly, the end of the Zhongtong today would be the same as that of the original military commanders, all of whom were in the Shanghai District.

The lessons learned this time show how correct Wang Yuemin's handling was.

It is a pity that Wang Jialiang failed to live up to his expectations and failed to save him in the end.

Li Zhiqun visited the hospital in person.

Wu Sanbao was lying on the bed, his hands wrapped like rice dumplings. The torture on his body was over, but that experience was really unbearable to recall.

Thinking of this incident, he felt a little more resentful toward Li Zhiqun.

He doesn't blame Zhao Menghan. They were out for revenge. He didn't blame them, and they didn't do anything to him.

He has never done more.

He blamed Li Zhiqun for not protecting him, not saving him, and allowing him to suffer such torture.

The reason why he arrested people was entirely for Li Zhiqun, and he did it only after receiving Li Zhiqun's order.

"How is your director doing?"

Li Zhiqun saw that Wu Sanbao had his eyes closed and did not talk to him. He asked the person next to him.

"The doctor said to rest well and everything will be fine."

The subordinates hurriedly replied, "This time the director has been punished by the boss. How many people can withstand this kind of punishment?"

"As long as it's okay, let him have a good rest and all expenses will be reimbursed."

Li Zhiqun knew that Wu Sanbao didn't have much money on hand, and he couldn't let him pay for this kind of thing. If he didn't even pay the medical expenses, Wu Sanbao would be even more sad.

"Thank you, director."

His subordinates hurriedly thanked him, Li Zhiqun arranged a few words, and then left.

Wu Sanbao was not asleep. He heard everything Li Zhiqun said. It was not Li Zhiqun who suffered. He said it in a relaxed manner.

He would rather not have these reimbursements than suffer such a pain, and he would have to spend money to suffer it.

At this moment, Wu Sanbao only thought about Li Zhiqun's failure to protect him, and never thought about how innocent the teachers and other people who were tortured to death by him were.

Not only did he suffer inhuman torture, he was eventually executed, and all his family property was confiscated.

He can do this to others, but others can't do this to him?

In Chongqing, Boss Dai returned to the office.

Old ghost Xu was severely scolded by the old man because of the Central Unification of Shanghai District, and he couldn't hold his head up in front of him now.

In particular, the military commander had reminded him, but Old Ghost Xu was arrogant and thought it was okay, and even called him to ridicule him.

The truth slapped him hard.

"Send a report to Ling Yun and ask him to find a way to transport more rubber."

Boss Dai told Secretary Qi that this was a new task given to him by the old man.

Large tracts of land were lost, and the industrial production capacity of the party government was severely damaged, but it had to produce. Now cars, aircraft and other military supplies are being produced in Liuzhou.

However, raw materials are in short supply, especially rubber.

Without rubber, cars would have no tires, not to mention that tires are consumables. Car tires on the battlefield often need to be replaced.

If the transportation line in Myanmar is safe, they will not be short of rubber, and the transportation there will be enough to support them.

Unfortunately, Japan now occupies Vietnam and often bombs this lifeline. Myanmar's transportation is no longer enough to support domestic development.

Necessities such as rubber are now in severe shortage.

The only one who can supplement them now is Chu Lingyun.

Kong Sanling didn't know these things at all, and he didn't know how much Chu Lingyun had contributed to the Anti-Japanese War, so he just wanted to seize his pharmaceutical factory.

Even if Boss Dai didn't block him, he wouldn't be able to do what he wanted.

Shanghai, War Situation Team, Ni Loach came to Chu Lingyun’s office with the latest telegram.

"Increase the transportation volume of rubber."

Chu Lingyun frowned. Rubber is not difficult. There are many in Southeast Asia. But now that Japan is blocking the transportation line of the sea and destroying the Myanmar-Yun Highway, it has become difficult for the Fruit Party to purchase rubber from there.

Purchasing from Southeast Asia, transporting to Shanghai, and then transporting from Shanghai to Changsha, such a big circle will waste more than just money.

Still have time and energy.

The Red Party does not have that big demand for rubber. They do not have a suitable processing plant and do not have such a large demand.

If the Red Party needs it, it would be more cost-effective to spare him this circle.

If we don’t want to spare any roads, we must open up the Guangzhou line.

Transporting from Guangzhou can save a lot of time than taking a detour to Shanghai.

The 21st Army is stationed in Guangzhou. There are no people from Chu Lingyun there, but fortunately, Xiwei has not left yet. Now he can be asked to cooperate and send some people from the literary club there.

After controlling Guangzhou, this line will be used exclusively to transport various materials from Southeast Asia in the future as a supplement to the Burma Cloud Line.

Chu Lingyun quickly received a call back from Nishio. This little thing was no problem at all. He was now an ally with Toru Ishihara, and he would naturally do whatever he could to help while he was still here.

As soon as Nishio took action, the news spread to Japan.

As the land minister, Saijo could not hide these arrangements from him.

"Nishio mobilized a brigade commander and three regiment commanders of the 21st Army?"

Okamura knelt down in front of Saijo. After receiving the news, Saijo immediately came to Okamura for discussion.

It is true that he is the Prime Minister of the Mainland, but Xiwei's transfer is a normal transfer. As long as the military headquarters and the base camp agree, he cannot stop it.

"Why did he suddenly attack the 21st Army?"

Saijo frowned. He really didn't like Nishio. This time he wanted to take Nishio down and let Okamura take over as commander-in-chief, but Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway.

Ishihara Hiroshi suddenly intervened and strongly supported Tian Junroku.

Tian Junliu had higher qualifications than Gangcun. Tian Junliu was the commander of the Central China Expeditionary Army, and Gangcun was the commander of the 11th Army under his command.

Before the formation of the 11th Army, Gangcun was only the division commander.

Tian Junliu's connections are even better than Gangcun.

Tian Junliu not only has good friends with many high-level officials, but also has a good relationship with Konoe. He also served as military attaché beside Yu Ren and won Yu Ren's trust.

Coupled with Touman's full support and Hiroshi Ishihara spending money to help him, Okamura had no power to fight back.

Nishio is willing to give up his position to Tian Junliu again. In this competition, Gangcun has no hope.

"It's not him, it's Ishihara Hiroshi."

Okamura snorted coldly, and Saijo's eyebrows furrowed. This matter must be related to Ishihara Hiroshi, and the people to be transferred are all members of Youzhai Literary Society.

"What is his purpose?"

"What else could it be? Smuggling."

Okamura was dissatisfied and said that he was a pure soldier, but Toru Ishihara was a worm in the empire.

For the sake of personal gain, regardless of the overall situation of the war, people who continue to transport various scarce supplies to the Chinese should be killed.

It is a pity that everyone from the emperor to the soldiers was deceived by Ishihara Toru.

“Smuggling of Southeast Asian resources.”

Saijo suddenly understood what Okamura meant. No wonder Ishihara Nimaru would evaluate him as a superior soldier. His strategic vision was indeed far inferior to those of the generals.

"What else could it be?"

Gangcun's face was very gloomy. This time he couldn't compete with Tian Junliu. He didn't know when the next time would be.

"We can't let them smuggle so rampantly."

Saijo then said that he was not really serving the country and the people. If so, he would have a bloody fight with Ishihara Hiroshi.

I simply don’t want to see Hiroshi Ishihara make more money and give them resistance.

"I have an idea."

Gangcun nodded, this matter cannot be left to Ishihara Hiroshi. Even if it is really smuggling, they have to do it themselves, sell it at a high price, and gain more wealth for themselves, so that they can compete with Tian Junliu and the others in the future.

"any solution?"

"There is an old saying in China: draw fire from the bottom of the cauldron, cancel the 21st Army, separate Guangzhou, and add it to the South China Army."

Okamura said slowly, and Saijo's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a good move. They can't stop Nishio's transfer, but they can adapt it from the overall situation so that Guangzhou no longer belongs to the dispatched troops. In this way, even if Tian Junliu takes over in the future, Guangzhou will not be under their control.

They still have Yagyu Trading Company now.

The scale of Yagyu Trading Company cannot be compared with Ishihara Trading Company. That is because it has not yet developed. Yagyu itself has smuggling channels with China. After taking over Guangzhou, Yagyu will be used to take this transportation line in the future to make money for them.

Before, they said that Ishihara Hiroshi had brought disaster to the country and the people, but now they did it themselves, and it immediately became justice.

"Good idea, I'll do it right away."

Saijo is the land minister, so it is not difficult to do such a thing, and he is good at talking. The military headquarters and the base camp are not willing to see the dispatched troops too strong.

Drawing Guangzhou into the South China Army will accomplish multiple things with one stone.

Chu Lingyun didn't know about Saijo's arrangement. When the time entered February, the sudden order from the base camp caught him off guard.

The 21st Army was abolished, and the original troops were divided into the South China Army and the 22nd Army. The 22nd Army was also under the jurisdiction of the South China Army.

In other words, they now have nothing to do with China's dispatched troops.

You don't need to look up Chu Lingyun to understand that this is Saijo and his friends deliberately causing trouble and destroying their own arrangements.

"Saijiao suggested to the base camp to separately draw the Guangzhou side into the South China Army."

Nishio quickly sent a telegram to tell Chu Lingyun the situation. Saijo was indeed not very smart. He seemed to be causing trouble for himself, and he was not the only one who offended him.

Ishihara Trading Company involves the interests of too many people.

Sure enough, Tian Junliu was very angry after knowing this, including Abe.

Ishihara Hiroshi is his biggest customer. The more Ishihara Hiroshi makes, the more he can make.

"Don't worry, it's just a little troublesome."

Chu Lingyun called back to Xiwei. Guangzhou was unavailable, and there were also coastal areas such as Guangxi. However, without his own people, it was very risky to rush to take goods.

Safety first, these goods should be shipped to Shanghai first and then transported to Chongqing.

Spending more time is better than losing all your money.

But soon, Chu Lingyun laughed out loud.

Saijo, this idiot, blocked the way for him to take goods from Guangzhou, and turned around and handed the task to Hayakawa Hei.

The same goes for Hayakawa Hei selling it. It doesn't matter if they make some money, as long as Guojun can get enough resources.

Besides, it’s not that I don’t sell it here.

Saijo did something even more abominable, asking Hayakawa Ping to lower prices and deliberately compete with them.

Self-righteous, but it is beneficial to the fruit party, as it can get much-needed things at a lower price.

It's fine now. Chu Lingyun doesn't need to worry about the rubber transportation. It's left to Hayakawa Hei. Once this matter is done, it will be easier for him to gain the trust of Saijo and others.

After more than a week of training, Wu Sanbao's injuries finally recovered.

However, the hand cannot do anything yet, and it will take a long time to wait for the hand to completely heal.

Wu Sanbao was recuperating at home and was not on the 76th.

Li Zhiqun still has to do what he should do. He is not someone who gives up easily. Chen Xiaoer has achieved such great achievements, which proves that his method is effective.

Damn Kubo, when he was talking about his achievements, he forgot about the person who came up with the solution.

Without his method, would Chen Xiaoer be able to make meritorious deeds?

Continuing to investigate and search, Li Zhiqun believed that he could find the real military reunification agent or the Red Party.

If he could get rid of the military-controlled Shanghai District, his contribution would be much greater than that of Chen Zhanli.

Everyone knows that the people of Zhongtong are nothing but trash, and there is no way to compare with the army.

However, this time Zhongtong still showed some strong bones. The operations section chief and three others did not surrender until death. Kubo was not so patient and executed them all.

Except for the four of them, all the others surrendered.

The four of them can be called heroes, and they finally saved Old Ghost Xu some face. If all the arrested people surrendered, he would not even be able to see anyone.

Time passed slowly, and it was another Spring Festival.

People here in Shanghai put up Spring Festival couplets and set off firecrackers to welcome the new year.

The same is true in Chongqing, but under the feasting and feasting, there are countless poor and hungry people who cannot have a full meal even during the Chinese New Year.

Yanzhou is the most lively place, and this year during the Chinese New Year, they can have a good meal of dumplings again.

Like last year, eat until you are full, eat until you are full, and feel free to eat as long as you can.

Taking a bite of the oily big meat dumplings has become the most delicious food in the hearts of countless people.

The fifth day after the new year is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Chu Lingyun came to Shiyuan Commercial Bank. During the Chinese New Year, all the Chinese employees of Shiyuan Commercial Bank were on holiday, but the Japanese employees did not have any holidays. They had to do whatever they were supposed to do.


Fang Shiyi came to the office. He had also not been home for several years. Others could take vacations, but he could not. Ishihara Trading Company had many things that he needed to deal with.

Especially when Toru Ishihara is away.

Even though he is a secretary, he has more power than the manager of a business bank. Everyone knows that he is the person the boss trusts most.

"Is the goods ready?"

Chu Lingyun asked, the first shipment of new year goods will be in these few days, and they will leave immediately after the rubber from Southeast Asia arrives.

"Get ready, there won't be much cargo this time."

Fang Shiyi nodded, mainly because he passed through a batch of goods a year ago, and now that the New Year has just passed, there really aren't many goods.

"You can go as many as you want."

The purpose of Chu Lingyun's taking the goods was not purely to make money, but mainly to meet the needs of the Fruit Party. Now they have a huge demand, and this time they have to deliver it to them as soon as possible.

Hayakawa Ping's side has begun to use the Guangzhou route to transport rubber and other supplies.

With the addition of our own side, Guodang will no longer be short of rubber resources in a short period of time. It is best to reserve some in case of emergencies.

This battle still has several years to fight.

Chu Lingyun came here at Youzhai Literary Society.

More than thirty club members are talking loudly inside. They are the best intelligence agents, and a lot of important information was leaked by them during the chat.


As soon as Chu Lingyun came in, everyone inside stood up and said hello.

"Yonekawa-kun, come to my office."

Chu Lingyun called someone's name, and a man in military uniform immediately stood up and followed Chu Lingyun into the office.

"Yonekawa-kun, the transfer order will come out soon, but now is not the time before. You need to pay more attention over there and keep a low profile for the time being."

Yonekawa was the brigade commander who was transferred to Guangzhou this time. He originally wanted him to guard the area so that the goods could be shipped easily. However, Saijo suddenly came and Nishio completely lost control of Guangzhou.

Even if Tian Junliu comes, that place is no longer under the jurisdiction of the dispatched army.

A real blow to the bottom of the cauldron.

The people have been sent there and cannot be changed now. The four people who went there this time will not be as convenient as here, but at least Chu Lingyun has a layout in Nanyang.

This layout will be established sooner or later, and it is not too early to start now.

Look at a few nails over there first.

"Don't worry, I understand. I will work seriously and won't cause trouble."

Yonekawa immediately lowered his head. Although there was a temporary accident, he became the brigade commander after all.

He was satisfied with the result.

"Very good. We're not afraid if something happens. No one can bully us at will."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. It was indeed not his territory there, but Saijo didn't dare to go too far.

He definitely wouldn't dare to frame him, that would completely break his face.

As long as no dirty tricks are used, Mi Chuan will be fine in Guangzhou. If they go there early, Chu Lingyun will increase their deployment in Nanyang in the future, which may be a good thing for them.

"I see."

Yonekawa bowed his head again. He was a member of the literary club, and most people would not specifically target him.

Targeting him alone provoked a counterattack from a group of people.

What's more, he is not alone. Two of the three captains who went this time are under his command. They have strong control.

They are natural allies, the kind that can be completely trusted. If we stick together, the brigade will soon be under their control.

They don't go alone, each of them will bring a few confidants to help them master the power as soon as possible.

After Yonekawa went out, the three captains came in together.

Chu Lingyun also told them that the literary society in Nanyang is not strong now, but after all, they are in Guangzhou and not in Southeast Asia, which is better.

Develop well first and wait for the opportunity.

In Tokyo, Tian Shunliu is making tea.

"Saijiao suddenly transferred Guangzhou away, which was deliberately cutting off Ishihara's financial path."

There was a man sitting in front of him, and there were not many people who could let him make tea himself.

"Hmph, it's just a small skill, that's all Saijo can do."

Tomitsu said coldly, everyone can understand Saijo's little thoughts, but it is a pity that the emperor and Konoe are now deceived by him.

His mouth really speaks.

The lack of a way to make money will have an impact on Ishihara Hiroshi, but the impact is not big. Now Ishihara Hiroshi can't force the goods to be sold in Guangzhou. After all, the relationship is not open, and accidents may happen at any time.

"It can be seen from this incident that he has not given up on Ishihara."

Tian Junliu nodded, and Saijo jumped up and down. If he didn't have such a great advantage this time, he might not be able to defeat them.

"So what if I didn't give up? I'll deal with him later."

Touman was also dissatisfied with Saijo's actions, but this time Tuhara was smart and did not interfere.

If Tu Yuan intervened, he would definitely be severely punished.

In fact, Tuhara had already intervened, and Hayakawa Hei had received his order to secretly do business with the Chinese and resell Nanyang's resources.

Hayakawa Ping couldn't use his name openly, which couldn't help him. He opened another business firm, and it was in Japan.

On the surface, this firm has nothing to do with him.

But in fact it was all taken care of by him.

"Sir, I'm almost done here. I estimate I can leave for China next month at the latest."

Tian Junliu lowered his head and said, in all aspects of operation, his appointment will be a matter of time. Nishio has long wanted to retire and will not occupy his position at all.

"That's good, let's implement this as soon as possible." Touman nodded.

"But there is some trouble over there by the river. Saijo and the others are unwilling to give up Itagaki. There are also many people in the base camp who support them and want Itagaki to stay in office."

"What do you mean, continue to tie you down?"

The head man frowned. This time, Tian Junliu and Hebian were involved in the operation. They jointly dispatched troops and continued to cooperate.

In this way, they can play a greater role, and it is most beneficial to Ishihara Hiroshi.

"The key is that Your Majesty doesn't want to pass by the river now."

Tian Junliu sighed. Saijo kept creating obstacles for them in this matter. Although he was fine, something happened over there by the river.

Hebian's qualifications are indeed a bit insufficient, and Saijo is now stuck with him and wants to keep Itagaki.

So far, Saijo is likely to succeed.

"If you don't go, you won't go, but you can't give them a free advantage. Isn't the riverside in Guandong? Give him a promotion in the Kwantung Army, bury a nail for them, and see if they feel uncomfortable."

Touman shook his head slightly. Hebian couldn't pass by. He didn't think that he had to let Hebian go.

There are many ways to deal with the enemy, and it doesn't have to be a fight to the death.

If you don’t go now, it doesn’t mean you won’t go in the future.

Hebian's lack of qualifications is his shortcoming, so let's improve his qualifications. There are several armies in the Kwantung Army. Let him be promoted to commander and stay in Kwantung first.

"That's not a bad idea."

Tian Shunliu's eyes lit up. Saijo and the others wanted to keep Itagaki, and it would be impossible without doing something.

Raise your head by the river and stay in Kanto first.

In this way, they have Itagaki on their side, and the river can also play a containment role on their side.

You have to suffer together and don't just try to take advantage.

"I'll send a report to Ishihara. You tell the riverside, don't be anxious and take your time."

Touman is indeed an old fox. He thought of countermeasures so quickly. His method is very good. Although it seems that he has taken a step back, in fact, they are still not at a loss.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun received a telegram from Touman.

Saijo deliberately made things worse, and Hebian couldn't do what he wanted, but Touma didn't make them feel better. He wanted to keep Itagaki and let them give up the Kanto Third Army.

Hebian is the division commander and is fully qualified to be promoted to commander of the Third Army.

Kanto is their base camp, just like Shanghai is Ishihara Hiroshi’s base camp.

There is an opponent in his base camp, and he is still in a high position. They will not have an easy time in the future.

As expected of his head full, he came up with countermeasures in a blink of an eye. If this was the case, he could keep Itagaki first, since he couldn't afford to make any trouble anyway.

The message was also received on this side of the river.

Saijo deliberately hindered him and made him unable to do what he wanted. Hebian was naturally annoyed. Fortunately, their strength was not weak. They couldn't be the chief of staff of the dispatched army, so it was a good choice to be the commander of the third army first.

However, he kept this account on Saijo.

Time came to March, and Japan finally released the appointment notice.

Nishio resigned and returned to China. Tian Junliu took over Nishio and became the commander-in-chief of the dispatched army. Tian Junliu came back to fight again. Some of his old subordinates were very happy.

The happiest people are the people in the literary club. What is the relationship between Tian Junliu and Ishihara Hiroshi? Who among them knows?

If one of their own comes to power, they will get more benefits in the future.

Immediately after Hebian received the appointment letter, he went to be the commander of the Third Army. Itagaki did not move and continued to be the chief of staff of the dispatched army.

This overt and covert fight has finally come to an end.

However, everyone familiar with the situation understood that Saijo and the others lost.

He didn't get the position of commander, so he kept Itagaki as the chief of staff, but lost the Third Army of Kantung.

Not to say that the defeat was a complete mess, at least it was very miserable.

This incident also made Saijo and the others pay more attention to Yagyu. They really need someone who can make money for them. If Ishihara Hiroshi can't make money and is willing to spend money, how can these relationships matter?

It is even less possible to block the road to Gangcun.

Shanghai, dock.

The warship slowly docked at the port, and the dock had already been emptied of people. Hiroshi Ishihara and several important local members in Shanghai were waiting for Tian Junliu to disembark.

This time Tian Junliu came, it was completely different from last time.

Last time, he left office and came to relax. He only stayed in Shanghai for a few days and continued to travel to other places. This time, he came back to take charge of the greatest power.

Maeda and Abe from the Liaison Department, Security Commander Yamashita, and Military Police Headquarters Commander Miyamoto were all there to greet them.

Yamashita and Miyamoto consciously stood behind Chu Lingyun.

"General Tian Jun."

After the boat stopped, Tian Junliu quickly got off the boat. Chu Lingyun greeted him with a smile, and he walked in front.

"Ha ha."

Tian Junliu was not polite to Chu Lingyun, he stretched out his hands enthusiastically and hugged Chu Lingyun.

It is impossible for Tian Junliu to do this if he is not someone close to him.

"General Tian Jun."

Others came forward to say hello, and Tian Junliu responded with a polite nod, not to mention a hug or a handshake.

Guaranteed today.

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