Spy Shadow

Chapter 907 Large Loans

"Live, I want to live."

Kuroda hurriedly shouted that he was beaten badly. The opponent had a samurai sword with the sharp tip pointed at his throat, so that he did not dare to make any move.

And he could feel the evil aura of these people. They had really killed people and would definitely dare to kill him.

"Take him away."

Takemoto said softly that this was not the place to talk. Inoue and several other people tied him up skillfully and took him into the car.

In an ordinary house, Takemoto was sitting on a chair, staring at Kuroda with fierce eyes.

The mission assigned to him by Ishihara Hiroshi must be completed. He has found seven old subordinates who are willing to follow him, including Inoue. Three of them were sent by him to continue searching. No matter where they are, as long as they are willing to continue working with him, they can be brought back.

The Shanghai Gendarmerie Headquarters is actually just one brigade, and the number of gendarmes will not be too many. After the defeat, the gendarmes were abolished. Takemoto is not confident in getting back too many of his former subordinates. He only needs fifty people who are willing to continue to follow him.

These fifty people are his foundation.

Just relying on these fifty people was not enough, he needed more informants, and those ronin who had nothing to do, stole all day long, and lived by bullying others came into his sight.

These people can serve as his periphery, and they are better informed.

Takemoto did not expect them to be completely loyal, but wanted them to be convinced. After Japan's defeat, many samurai who were poisoned by bushido committed suicide, and the remaining arrogant and stupid ones were educated by the United States to teach them to be good people in the next life.

Basically, no one alive today is too stupid.

Takemoto wants to subdue them with force, and then give them some sweetness, find an opportunity to scare the monkeys, and make these people obey his orders honestly.

Takemoto said nothing, while Kuroda looked at him carefully.

Kuroda is the leader of a group of ronin. Taking advantage of him being alone today, Takemoto decisively attacked him.

There are not many people in Kuroda, more than 20 people. Takemoto will not look for those with too many people at first. He will slowly gather these small organizations first, and finally attack the larger ones.

He doesn't need too many such people, hundreds to thousands are enough. If there are more, he is afraid of putting pressure on Ishihara Hiroshi and cannot support so many people.

There are at least a few thousand ronin activities in Tokyo now, and the rest will not waste food.

Keeping them is a hidden danger, Takemoto would not make such a stupid mistake.

"Sir, what do you want?"

Kuroda finally couldn't hold on any longer. He was really scared. Takemoto was a former commander. Even though he had been imprisoned for more than a year, he still carried that power.

"I want you to obey my orders absolutely, can you do it?" Takemoto said lightly.

"Yes, I can."

Kuroda nodded hurriedly, not to mention asking him to obey orders at this moment, even if he calls him daddy, he will accept it. It is important to save his life.

"You are very smart, but I still have a few requirements..."

Takemoto said slowly that he didn't believe in this kind of loyalty at all, but he didn't want them to obey sincerely. What he wanted was to completely suppress them and be obedient in the future.

His requirements were very strict. He asked Kuroda to lead his men to guard a fixed territory and not to cross the boundary. He must be informed of anything that happened in this area and could not make decisions without authorization. In addition, his men were also restricted. The number is now more than twenty, and in the future it will be up to thirty.

If he dared to recruit more people, Takemoto immediately dealt with him.

"Don't worry, I'll do it."

Kuroda nodded hurriedly, Takemoto stood up, suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at Kuroda's head.

Kuroda trembled and almost peed in fear. He had agreed, so why did the other party still want to kill him?

More importantly, the other party actually had a gun.

Americans have very strict management of guns. Citizens are not allowed to have guns. If they are discovered, it is basically a death penalty. This man is more ruthless than he thought, and he dares to carry a gun.

What Takemoto wants to do is different from Shuicheng Shun and others. Chu Lingyun gave him a batch of weapons, but don't use them if you can't use them. If something happens, contact Ishihara Hiroshi immediately, and don't go against the Americans.

Takemoto kept these in mind. He didn't use a gun when he took action just now. The gun he used now was to deter Kuroda.

"Remember what you said, here is five thousand yen. You take it first. If you do it well, you will get more rewards. If you don't do it well, this is the money to buy your life."

Behind him, Inoue immediately took out 5,000 yen, a thick pile, and placed it in front of Kuroda.

It has to be said that it is a miracle that the yen still exists. The Japanese have a very tough attitude towards the yen and must retain Japan's own currency. The Americans did not forcibly abolish the yen, but the exchange rate continued to fall.

One month after the war, one U.S. dollar could be exchanged for about fifteen yen. Now one U.S. dollar can be exchanged for thirty or forty yen. In one year, the Japanese yen has more than doubled in value and continues to depreciate.

Five thousand yen is actually less than two hundred US dollars, which is not a lot. Takemoto only paid two hundred dollars for Inoue's settlement fee.

Not only Inoue, but also those who are willing to come and follow him will each receive a settlement allowance of two hundred dollars and a monthly salary of fifteen dollars, which is much more than what they usually earn.

"Thank you, thank you, sir."

Kuroda grabbed the money with trembling hands. He didn't expect such a cruel person to return the money to him.

He's not stupid, he knows it's a sweet date, what he wants is that he doesn't dare to play tricks.

"Go back, I will send someone to contact you in the future."

Takemoto waved his hand, while Kuroda held the money tightly. He suddenly turned around after taking two steps, bent down and asked, "Sir, if something happens, how can we contact you?"

“You don’t need to contact me now, we’ll talk about it later.”

Takemoto shouted, his people have not arrived yet, and his strength is very weak at this time, and he will not let these people know where he is and his true identity.

When he has enough strength to conquer more people, he will let them know when the time comes.


Kuroda didn't dare to ask any more questions and left honestly. Takemoto's ferocity today scared him. Although he usually showed off his power and was good at bullying people, he immediately turned into a coward in front of a real ruthless person.

After conquering Kuroda, Takemoto did not stop.

Three days later, the number of old men willing to follow him increased to twenty-five. Takemoto once again subdued four groups of ronin. These four groups had a little more than thirty people each.

There was an accident when subduing the fifth group of people. He used his gun and killed several of the other party's people.

Takemoto hid and at the same time ordered his men to kill all the people in the group without leaving any one behind.

His men were soldiers. The selection of the military police was strict. They were very skilled and had guns. It was not difficult to kill these people. When things got serious, someone used guns in the city, and the police station was dispatched. The leader of the team was Yamaguchi.

At this time, Yamaguchi suddenly received an order, just show off and don't need to investigate carefully.

"Chu, I understand, don't worry, it's just a few Japanese who died, it's nothing."

Chu Lingyun was hosting a banquet for Thomas, and Takemoto was too impatient. In just a few days, he made successive moves and finally made a fuss.

However, Chu Lingyun did not object to his method. Everyone had a role to play. Takemoto's future tasks were in secret, and he needed to conquer more forces to serve him.

"Okay, thank you very much."

Chu Lingyun raised his glass. He treated Thomas to a Western meal. Thomas was very satisfied. He was very willing to do things for Chu Lingyun, but he was afraid that he would have nothing to do.

If he no longer plays a role on Chu Lingyun's side, Mike's side will be disappointed in him and will no longer be able to trust him so much.


Takemoto came to the teahouse, saw Chu Lingyun, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"I understand your intention in doing things, but don't be so impatient."

Chu Lingyun sighed. He understood Takemoto's thoughts. Others had been promoted. He wasted time in prison and wanted to make achievements as soon as possible for himself to see.

Haste makes waste. Chu Lingyun is not worried about the Americans. Let alone dozens of ronin dead, more will be fine. But if Takemoto is too impatient, it will easily bring danger to him. People are not tied pigs. It is easy to block an open spear but hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Takemoto lowered his head, like a child who made mistakes. Chu Lingyun smiled: "I understand your loyalty. You don't have to be strong to conquer them. Money plays a big role. You can change the method and find something unimportant to let them do first." Do it, give them money, and let them form dependence. During this period, there will definitely be smart people who deliberately defraud you of your money. Find a few and kill them. Take your time, boil the frogs in warm water, and gradually subdue them."

Takemoto raised his head sharply. He understood Ishihara Hiroshi's meaning: kindness first and then power.

What he did was to show authority first and then favor.

The order is different, and the results are naturally different. Ishihara Hiroshi's method is gentler and more effective. He is indeed a little anxious and has never thought about this.

In fact, this is not entirely his fault. The money Chu Lingyun gave him was limited. This method was good, but it was more expensive. He wanted to save more money.

"Don't worry about money. I'll give you another fifty thousand dollars, but don't exchange it for Japanese yen now. I'll exchange it later."

The yen will continue to depreciate, and the depreciation will be great, so there is no need to exchange for yen.

"Thank you Ishihara-kun."

Takemoto immediately kowtowed. He had given him 30,000 yuan before, and now he gave him 50,000 yuan, which is equivalent to 80,000 US dollars.

Excludes the money spent on radio stations and buying the company.

Ishihara Hiroshi gave him a lot.

At the current exchange rate, that's hundreds of thousands of yen.

He knew very well that Hiroshi Ishihara did not raise him alone, but there were many people raising him together, and there were many ways to use money. He didn't know how much money Hiroshi Ishihara still had, but after so much, Hiroshi Ishihara was still alive, he was sure A lot of money was spent.

He was very touched that he was willing to give him so much.

"Go and do your work. I will leave after a while. Use the radio to contact me in the future."

Chu Lingyun nodded slightly, Zhu Ben would not stay at the teahouse, and he would not come as often as Shuicheng Jun and others in the future. He was a secret person and tried not to show up.


Takemoto immediately accepted the order. It was easier to do things if he had money. He immediately changed his strategy and attacked multiple people at the same time, giving them benefits and letting them do some simple things. Chu Lingyun did not waste the money and asked them to find out what Chinese people there were in Japan. of collectibles, as well as useful traditional techniques.

These collectibles are easy to recycle now, but it will be difficult later.

The best way to recycle waste is to ask for it. If you don't know about Chu Lingyun, you won't suffer any loss.

As for the price of recycling, it is fine if it comes from formal channels. If it is snatched back from China when it is discovered, it is not as simple as being recycled.

It is possible that everything that was snatched back was covered in blood.

Chu Lingyun would never be soft on such people.

"Jihyo, where have you been for so long?"

About the Hosokawa family, Tomei asked cautiously. Tomotaka Hosokawa returned home last time and then disappeared for several months. Tomei Hosokawa asked about it, but there was no news.

Hiroshi Ishihara also disappeared.

He didn't dare to ask the Americans, so he could only wait at home. Fortunately, Jihyo's company was fine and developing very well. Nakano came back to report regularly.

"The Chinese don't particularly trust Ishihara Hiroshi and I. They took us back. Don't worry, as long as the company is fine, I will be fine."

Tomei Hosokawa really cared about this younger brother, but Chu Lingyun used excuses to cover it up. He would not be able to stay in Japan for a long time in the future, and he had to let them understand that he mainly wanted to be in China.

"Can't I let you stay?"

Tomei Hosokawa frowned, and Chu Lingyun smiled: "If I were in Japan, would they be so relieved and leave the entire company to us?"

Hosokawa Chirei was silent, his brother was right, Nakano had not encountered any suppression in the company, and even the Americans were very friendly to them.

They used the Chinese docks and warehouses, but the Americans never asked. There were other people who wanted to seize the docks, but the Americans just drove them away and ignored them.

But he understood that all this was brought back by his brother's loss of freedom.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll ask Nakano to come back later. I have something to tell him."

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, Hosokawa Tomei is not a war criminal. Although his nephew was led astray, he is still young and his mind has been changed again.

His little nephew is very smart and has good academic performance.

If he develops well, he might be very successful in the future. After all, he is a member of the Hosokawa family. Now that Hosokawa Tomotaka is back, he will have no problem supporting the family.

He will still be helping us in the future.

"Okay, I'll notify him right away."

Not long after, Nakano hurried back and knelt down in front of Chu Lingyun, while Hosokawa Tomei left the room and gave the space to them.

Nakano had met Jihyo before, but that was when he was a child, and he occasionally sent things with his father.

He knew that Ji Hyo had a deep resentment against the Marquis since he was a child. He believed that the Marquis had abandoned him and his mother, and eventually rebelled and went to China. He has not returned until now.

"Nakano, your family has been the steward of my Hosokawa family for generations. We have never treated you as outsiders. In our hearts, you and we only have different surnames."

Chu Lingyun said lightly, and Nakano immediately lowered his head: "Thank you young master for your recognition. I am willing to serve the Hosokawa family for life."

"This is not the past. Noble titles are gone, and there will never be any again. I would be very happy if you could live a better life. I will not stay at home. The company needs you to run for a long time. I am very confident about you. I will find a way to provide you with a commercial radio station. If anything happens in the future, please contact me through the radio station."

"Radio, can you get the radio?"

Nakano raised his head sharply. As the steward of a large family, he knew the role of the radio station very well.

The Hosokawa family used to have radio stations, more than one.

After Japan's defeat, all these radio stations were confiscated. Now it is very difficult to buy a legal radio station.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. Zhongye was very happy. He didn't expect that the young master was so energetic that he could even get a radio station.

Americans are very strict about these things. Let alone them, even some high-level departments have a hard time owning radio stations.

"One more thing, the company's shares are confidential. Not all of them are in my hands. I only have 10% of them. Don't tell anyone about this."

"You only have 10%?"

Nakano's eyes widened. No wonder their business was going so smoothly. The Americans even protected them. It turned out that the young master also worked for others.

It’s easy to guess who it’s for, it must be Americans, otherwise they wouldn’t be so helpful.

"Don't you think about it, we don't have to pay any money and the goods are delivered directly to us. How can there be such a cheap good thing in this world? It's only 10%."

The entire company belongs to Chu Lingyun, but there is no need to tell Zhong Ye.

This company is very important in Chu Lingyun's plan. In the future, he will acquire a large number of technology and other companies, and the scale will definitely not be small.

After you have more money, you should avoid having other ideas in the middle and jungle.

Even he only had 10%, so Nakano naturally didn't dare to think too much.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to have such a good relationship with Americans."

Nakano nodded unnaturally. The scale is not big now, but 10% is enough to cover the expenses of the Hosokawa family. If it develops in the future, 10% is not a small number.

"As long as you know it yourself, of my 10%, you can give half of it to the family every year. My brother doesn't know how to manage the business. Xiao Gu is still young and the family needs money."

"Yes, thank you young master."

Nakano immediately kowtowed. He had deep feelings for the Hosokawa family. His father was thinking about the Hosokawa family before he died, and so was he.

Although the young master did not grow up at home, he still thought about his family, which moved him very much.

With this money, the Hosokawa family will not have to worry about it in the future, and he will work harder.

"You keep a fifth as your reward."

One-fifth is equivalent to 2% of the total profit, which doesn’t sound like much, but in the future this company will be very big and it will not be a small number by then.

It doesn't matter if you give him 2% of the shares in the future. If you want the horse to run fast, you have to feed him some grass.

"Young Master, I don't need it." Nakano shook his head hurriedly.

"Just take it. I'm not at home, so I don't need that much. You can save the rest for me and use it when I come back later."

"Yes, young master."

Nakano's eyes were slightly red. It was true that the Marquis was still thinking about his young son before he died. Although the young master grew up outside, he has now come back to support the entire family.

"Work seriously from now on. If you have any trouble, please contact me at any time. I can receive a telegram."

Chu Lingyun said again that there is no need to worry about Zhongye's loyalty, at least not now, and we will talk about it in the future.

Takemoto will keep an eye on him from now on. If it's true betrayal, he can't afford the price.

In the future, Takemoto will be his Supervision Department, helping him monitor everything in Japan.

"Don't worry, I will do my job well and will never cause you any trouble."

Zhongye hurriedly promised that he was very stable, otherwise he would not be able to be a housekeeper. Chu Lingyun had nothing to worry about him and worked seriously. At least he would have a worry-free life in the future and he would be able to enjoy his old age in peace after retirement.

Nakano is in his forties. At this age, as long as he doesn't have any weird ideas, he can live a stable life.

In Hong Kong, Chu Lingyun got off the plane.

After this trip to Japan ended, Chu Lingyun did not return to the mainland, but came to Hong Kong first.

This is his first visit since the headquarters was moved to Hong Kong.

Xu Yi, wishing New Year greetings, Alchemist Yi Quan is at the airport.

"Ling Yun."

Seeing Chu Lingyun get off the plane, He Nian immediately waved his hands happily, and their car drove to the airport. Chu Company has this capability.

"Sir He, Sir Xu."

Chu Lingyun walked over and greeted him with a smile. He Nian grinned, shook his head and said: "Now that you are not in the Secrecy Bureau, and your level is not lower than mine, you don't need to call me sir anymore. Just call me Lao He."

"How is that possible? You are my old officer and leader. I should respect you."

Chu Lingyun's words made He Nian very happy. It was rare for Chu Lingyun to treat them like this now.

Chu Lingyun looked at the two of them carefully. He Nian was the oldest. He was a little older than Xu Yi. He was now in his early fifties and had gray hair on his temples.

Xu Yi is a little stronger than him, but not by much.

The two of them had been busy for so long, and suddenly it became a sinecure. They would definitely not be able to accept it for a while. Fortunately, Xu Yi knew that his official career was over when he left. He still wanted to go back during the New Year.

When Boss Dai died, his dream of going back was completely shattered, and he finally took his family home.


After they finished speaking, Fang Shiyi came over respectfully and glanced at Chu Yuan quietly.

Chu Yuan was also looking at him.

They are all Chu Lingyun's confidants. Fang Shiyi didn't know that Shi Yuanheng was Chu Lingyun before, but after knowing about it, he learned a lot about his boss.

Especially when He Nian is here, he often goes to He Nian's house to learn more.

The boss made great achievements when he was in charge of the military, but he was not the only one who did it. No matter how powerful one person is, he cannot achieve such results.

By the boss's side, in addition to the most famous military unit, there are also three of his closest confidants.

Zhao San, Shen Hanwen and Chu Yuan.

Zhao San is now the chief of the Fujian Station, and can also be regarded as the top secret agent of the military command. Needless to say, Shen Hanwen, although he is the deputy director, at the headquarters, at the lowest level, he is still the chief of the station.

Only Chu Yuan, who has reached the rank, has always been with the boss. When the boss left the army, the only person he took with him was him.

This shows the boss's trust in him.

Trust is trust, the boss is lurking, he understands the dangers lurking, and even parents, wives and children cannot say things that should not be said, let alone the confidants around him.

Chu Yuan also noticed Fang Shiyi.

He had pretended to be Hiroshi Ishihara before and had dealt with Fang Shiyi. He knew that he was the team leader and someone whom the team leader trusted. He had helped the boss a lot in Ishihara Trading Company.

After the team leader recovered and died, he still reused him and handed over Chu Company to him.

Chu Yuan didn't know if Fang Shiyi knew that the team leader and Ishihara Hiroshi were the same person. He probably knew it already. After all, he was too familiar with the team leader. If they were too familiar, even if they pretended to be different, they would still be discovered together.

Just like when he first contacted him, he immediately noticed a very familiar feeling on the team leader.

As soon as the team leader opened his mouth, he knew the identity of the team leader.

But Chu Yuan was not sure whether he knew the true identity of the team leader. He tended not to know. Keeping the identities of lurkers, especially important lurkers, secret was the first priority.

Just like him, he had followed the team leader for so long, and when he was recruited into the organization by Ke Gong, he still didn't know that the team leader had already joined the Red Party.

The two of them followed Chu Lingyun into the motorcade with their own thoughts.

This is Hong Kong, and the person in the same car with Chu Lingyun is Fang Shiyi, who happens to be on the road so that he can report to Chu Lingyun.

Chu Yuan was pulled into their car by He Nian and Xu Yi, and asked about Chu Yuan's current situation in Nanjing.

They know a little about the Secret Bureau, but they know very little about the Inspection Office.

Although these two old guys are in Hong Kong, they are always thinking about Nanjing.

"Boss, Chu's company is developing very well now. There is a lot of supply needed domestically. We have a large number of merchant ships. I recently ordered another batch to increase trade."

The foundation of Chu Company is Ishihara Trading Company. Ishihara Trading Company made its fortune through smuggling, and there must be many ships.

When the war was defeated, Ishihara Trading Company had thousands of ships, large and small, but some of the small ships had been eliminated, leaving more than 300 sea-going ships.

Sea-going ships are also large and small, and some of the ships are rented to others. The Chu Company itself only uses large ships, probably hundreds of them.

The ships provided to the inspection room are medium-sized ships of medium size. These ships are also facing elimination. Now they have to support so many people in the inspection room. They can be used temporarily without taking up the quota of Chu Company's own ships.

"What's the situation in Europe now?"

"It's post-war there, and everything is waiting to be done. The goods we shipped from Southeast Asia are very popular, but they are always squeezed out by people there. Fortunately, we found a few knights in Hong Kong, and they came forward. The current situation is still good. Calculate it.”

Chu's Company is a global trading company, not just limited to China.

There are routes all over the world, and hundreds of ships are simply not enough. Chu Lingyun and Fang Shiyi both attach great importance to safety, otherwise they would not replace them and eliminate them at the same time.

Some ships have been running for decades, and the risks are great. Losing some cargo is nothing, they don't want to hurt people's lives.

Once something happens at sea, it's basically impossible to come back.

Even if some compensation can be given, the person will be gone after all, and many families will be harmed by then.

"Don't be stingy when it's time to spend money. Not only the UK, but all countries are spreading money. Those people appear to be gentlemen on the surface, but secretly they are greedier than anyone else. There are also those bankers who should lend money and feed them."

Fang Shiyi is very good and has grown a lot, but he always has a small farmer mentality.

Chu's company was not short of money, so he didn't want to take out a loan. Later, Chu Lingyun forced him to find some banks for a loan.

It's a pity that he didn't borrow much.

"Their interest rates are very high. There is no need. We can now set up our own bank."

Fang Shiyi asked, the money from these banks is not free, you have money yourself, borrowing their money is equivalent to throwing away the interest in vain.

"Don't worry about the bank. The water inside is very deep. If you open a big bank, you will be blocked soon. Our focus is not on finance. Don't conflict with them for the time being. You have to put yourself in their shoes. If you get a loan, we are theirs." Customers, they will help us in the future. If something happens to us, they will not get their money back, and they will be more active than us."

Chu Lingyun taught him bit by bit. This was a rare opportunity to teach the alchemist Yi.

He must change his mind. There are many things that are difficult and impossible to say on the phone. Opening a bank is easy, but he will become enemies with these bankers.

You can never make enough money, but if the road is blocked, it will be difficult to make money again in the future.

"You mean, the interest is equivalent to the money to open a relationship?"

"That's right, I will take care of the loan later. Some banks lend more, and some banks lend less. But there is one thing, you will repay what you borrow."

Chu Lingyun nodded. Now is a good opportunity. If Japan takes a loan, the yen will continue to depreciate. Chu Lingyun doesn't know the specific extent, but it must be a lot.

There is also legal currency, even if it depreciates so much, it will not be as good as it will be in the future.

If you take a loan now, it will immediately turn into goods or dollars. If you pay it back in a few years, they will not lose money at all, but will make a lot of money.


Fang Shiyi responded that he would listen to Chu Lingyun's orders and obey them absolutely.

In the car behind, He Nian, Xu Yizheng and Chu Yuan were chatting and asked a lot of things, mostly about the inspection room.

The Inspection Office supervises the intelligence department. This is the power given to them by the old man.

Before coming out this time, Chu Lingyun had assigned a supervision task. The Secrecy Bureau, Central Command, and other intelligence agencies were all under their surveillance.

Anyone who dares to be dishonest will be dealt with right away.

The two of them didn't care about the Central Command and other departments. What they cared about most was the Secrecy Bureau.

They can imagine how uncomfortable Qi Limin is now. There is internal injustice, and Chu Lingyun is eyeing him from the outside. In addition, his own lack of ability and lack of control have greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of the Secrecy Bureau.

It is basically impossible for the Secrecy Bureau to be as outstanding as the military commander in the War of Resistance.

"Qi Limin is having a hard time."

He Nian sighed. He and Qi Limin were closer, but that relationship was not as good as the long-term trusting relationship between him and Chu Lingyun.

"This is his own choice. In fact, even without Ling Yun, it would be difficult for him to control it."

Xu Yi also sighed. Although Chu Lingyun supervised them, he never interfered in the internal affairs of the Secrecy Bureau after leaving.

Chu Lingyun's supervision was allowed by the old man and was essentially required. The intelligence department had great power and needed supervision.

Even if there is no supervision, Qi Limin still cannot control it. This is the reality.

"You are right to jump out. Where are Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen? Why doesn't Chu Lingyun take them away together? If they stay in the Secrecy Bureau, they will be targeted sooner or later."

He Nian took the initiative to ask. Chu Lingyun had many confidants, but these three were really the most caring.

Chu Yuan came out, while Ni Loach and Shen Hanwen were still in the secrecy bureau.

"The inspection room is too small to accommodate so many of us."

Chu Yuan smiled and said that the real reason for keeping them was very clear to Chu Yuan, which was to continue to contain Qi Limin and at the same time place their eyes in the Secrecy Bureau to help more comrades.

But he couldn't say that.

"That's right. It's hard to arrange for them to go out, so it's better to stay."

He Nian nodded, Shen Hanwen was okay, he was still a colonel, and had not been promoted to that key level yet, but it was about to happen, and Loach was really getting there.

The convoy arrived at Chu Lingyun's villa, which he bought a long time ago. Fang Shiyi had always arranged for people to clean it here, but the owner came back for the first time.

The villa is large and the environment is very good.

Alchemist Yi asked the chef to cook a sumptuous dinner, and everyone ate together.

The next morning, Chu Lingyun came out of Standard Chartered Bank, and the branch president personally sent him outside.

The president had received a task before. Chu's company was in good operating condition and he wanted to find a way to get them to borrow more money. However, Chu's company was not short of money and Fang Shiyi was not willing to borrow money at all.

Later, with Chu Lingyun's order, he reluctantly borrowed one hundred thousand pounds.

One hundred thousand is enough for what, it is not in line with Chu's company's worth.

He hadn't figured out how to make Fang Shiyi compromise, but he didn't expect that the big boss of Chu Company came and announced a big deal.

Using part of Chu Company's freighters as collateral for a one-time loan of two million pounds with a term of three years, he was extremely happy.

This is a big customer, a real big customer.

Although the pound depreciated during the war, one pound is now equivalent to almost 3.6 grams of gold, which is higher than the US dollar.

Two million pounds, 7.2 million grams of gold.

At this time, one pound was sixteen taels, and one gold bar was ten taels, about 312 grams. If two million pounds were exchanged for ten taels of yellow croaker, that would be more than 23,000 gold bars.

This is huge business for any bank.

"Mr. Chu, I wish us a happy cooperation."

The president smiled from ear to ear. This business had helped him a lot. The boss was more courageous and understood the role of money better.

If you're not short of money, you don't need a loan. Chu's company is still buying ships, and those ships are not cheap.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate. I will let General Manager Fang handle the follow-up matters. Thank you for your support."

Chu Lingyun took the initiative to reach out. This was not the first one. Soon he went to Citibank again.

Another loan order of five million US dollars was put out. Within a few days, Chu Lingyun had loaned out a total of US$20 million, and all the Chu Company could mortgage was mortgaged.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Fang Shiyi was stunned and stunned.

"Boss, why did we borrow so much?"

Returning to the villa, Fang Shiyi immediately asked, with such a large amount of money, the annual interest would be an astronomical figure. He knew that his boss was going to get a loan, but he really didn't expect that he would spend all his money.

"It doesn't matter, the money is in our hands, what are you afraid of?"

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. Once he got the money, he would have the capital to open a bank. He would start with small banks. When the time comes, these big banks would not only not stop him, but would also help.

Not only is his business going smoothly all over the world, at least it will be fine in these important countries.

There is a real problem, and the creditor is more anxious than he is.

"That's too much."

Alchemist Yi replied sarcastically, they simply don't need so much money now.

"Is it a lot? Not much at all. Next, you go and register a bank. Don't register it in Hong Kong, but register it in the United States. Try to convert the money into US dollars and gold. Then go to China and Japan and ask them for a loan. It will also take three years. You can borrow as much as you can within the period.”

Chu Lingyun smiled and said, Fang Shiyi was stunned, he still wants a loan?

He doesn't understand finance, and he doesn't know that money is the best thing that can make money. Chu Lingyun doesn't know about other currencies, but he knows about French currency and Japanese yen. I'm sorry if I don't take the opportunity to take a bite.

It is true that legal currency is related to people's livelihood, but the depreciation is not caused by him. After taking out a loan, he will buy a large amount of goods and turn them into commodities. What really makes the legal currency depreciate is the Kuomintang. They keep printing money, regardless of whether the GDP can Following up, he finally plundered the wealth of the people into his own hands.

"Yes, boss."

Fang Shiyi whispered back that he really didn't understand, but the boss had never made a mistake in his heart. Since the boss asked so, he just had to do it.

But with so much money, he was really trembling in his heart, fearing that something would go wrong.

News of Chu's company's large-scale loan spread quickly in the financial world. All the banks that Chu Lingyun went to for loans were full and very happy. Many medium or small banks regretted that such a large customer had gone earlier. It works just fine.

The news was also heard in China, and they came over before Fang Shiyi took the initiative to come to his door.

He also specifically relied on Ms. Song's connections, hoping that Chu Lingyun could take care of the business.

Anyone who comes is welcome, and the French currency has just devalued again. Originally, more than two thousand French currency could be exchanged for one U.S. dollar, but now it has become three thousand three for one U.S. dollar.

After learning the other party's intention, Chu Lingyun immediately agreed and directly announced that Fang Shiyi would borrow French currency equivalent to three million U.S. dollars, which was almost 10 billion French currency.

This is because they don't have that much money, and there are several banks. If they had money, Chu Lingyun would dare to lend it no matter how much.

A big customer, a super big customer, Fang Shiyi was completely speechless. Unfortunately, he was an employee and Chu Lingyun's subordinate. He didn't even dare to report to Mr. Ke. It was taboo to complain in private.

Chu Lingyun himself reported that Mr. Ke was not ignorant and understood what Chu Lingyun meant.

It is both profitable and beneficial, and he is worthy of Chu Lingyun.

Over in Japan, Chu Lingyun was also willing to lend them as much yen as they wanted, and the collateral was a Japanese pharmaceutical factory. With this collateral, all Japanese banks felt reassured.

This pharmaceutical factory has invested a lot of money, and it will never lose money. Now the pharmaceutical factory has started production, and the first batch of goods has been shipped out. Cars waiting to pick up the goods are waiting at the door of the pharmaceutical factory every day. No matter what the price, we need it when it is available.

Not only Japan wants it, but all parts of the world want it, and half of the production has to be sent to the United States.

"Ling Yun, you are crazy. You are really short of money. We both still have some, why did you borrow so much?"

He Nian and Xu Yi were shocked when they learned about Chu Lingyun's loan. They could not imagine that Chu Lingyun would borrow so much money. It was not a few thousand dollars, but tens of millions.

With so much money in front of you, it’s enough for a whole house, right?

"Sir, don't worry, it's okay."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. The two of them had more traditional ideas and could not understand their own behavior. However, Chu Lingyun knew that no matter how much he borrowed, he would not lose money at all. The more he borrowed, the more he would earn in the future.

As for their money mentioned in the New Year, Chu Lingyun really didn't care.

Chu Lingyun led them to make some money in Hong Kong, but their earnings were completely incomparable to Chu Lingyun. During the New Year, he took more than a dozen shipments of goods. It was not that he had no money, but he did not dare to invest too much at one time.

Xu Yi is better than him, but there are only twenty boats, and their boats are still rented.

Even if there is income every month, it is only tens of thousands of dollars at most, which is completely incomparable to Chu Lingyun's tens of millions of dollars in business.

"It's easy to get injured if you take such big steps."

Xu Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head. He also couldn't understand why he borrowed so much money when he was clearly not short of money. Chu Lingyun's current monthly interest was more than ten times more than their combined income.

Do you have too much money and no place to throw it away?

"Haha, Director Xu, you will know later."

Chu Lingyun laughed. French currency and Japanese yen will definitely not be lost. As for pounds and US dollars, he will try his best to exchange for gold or other goods reserves. This is not the key.

Next, Fang Shiyi will discover the benefits of borrowing so much money.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 500 starting coin reward, thank you to Wu Xiaoxiao for another 500 starting coin reward, thank you Sunshine_Xiaoyu for another 100 starting coin reward,

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