Spy Shadow

Chapter 918 Attacking from within

Chapter 918 Attacking Internally

"You are right. Takemoto can help us supervise these Japanese people very well. You continue to let him investigate and find all these nasty liars first, and then let him do other things."

Mike nodded, and after thinking about it, decided to give Takemoto this chance.

But we have to continue to see his performance. Mike will not decide to reuse him in such a short period of time.

"Yes, General."

Davis accepted the order happily. No matter how much Takemoto did, he could not be promoted. All the credit belongs to them.

What surprised him most was that Takemoto didn't do anything to find out so much money.

He interrogated each person carefully. They didn't know exactly how much money they had, but they still knew the approximate amount. Davis checked and everything was correct.

This shows that even if Takemoto makes a move, he will only get some loose money at most, which is nothing compared to millions of dollars.

Davis would not object to such a thing at all, and could even take the initiative to reward them.

Time passed slowly, and less than ten days after Wen Hanwu arrived in Hainan, news came out that he had died suddenly.

The cause of death was acclimatization and dysentery, and he eventually died unfortunately.

Everyone who knew how he died knew clearly.

What's ridiculous is that he is also the head of the medical team.

In Wuhan, Yu Jiangdong learned about the death of Wen Hanwu and sat in silence in his office for a long time.

He believed that Wen Hanwu was framed, but the director did not find out the truth and actually sent him out.

He even suspected that Wen Hanwu was killed by the director.

How could such a director work for him? Yu Jiangdong was a little frustrated.

Zhou Gaohao hasn't come out yet, but Qi Limin has already relaxed a lot. Xu Yuanfei did not continue to investigate Zhou Gaohao. It would be a waste of time to investigate. They all ran away and no one was found.

There was no physical evidence, only one insider knew that they had met, and Zhou Gaohao admitted it himself, so there was nothing that could be done against him.

Chu Lingyun has been paying attention to the Secrecy Bureau and understands that Zhou Gaohao is okay for the time being.

The investigation against Zhongtong is still ongoing.

Verifying foreign wealth is an extremely offending task. Chu Lingyun specially asked them to work at the garrison. Anyway, there are only a few of them, so it is much safer to have the garrison to protect them.

With the request for assistance from the inspection office and the order from the eldest son, the garrison troops in various places cooperated very well.

"Team leader, Ye Feng and the others are buying our people everywhere. I guess some people have been bribed by them."

Chu Yuan came over to report that Ye Feng's little moves couldn't be hidden from them, and he didn't think he could hide it.

There wasn't much they could do, and they didn't want the Inspection Office to take advantage of so many people below them, so they had no choice but to take risks and ensnare one by one.

Minimize impact.

If few people are found out, these handles will be useless. Without senior leaders, Ye Feng can abandon them at any time and recruit newbies.

"It's okay, continue the investigation and let them report the results."

Chu Lingyun smiled and shook his head. He was not surprised by Ye Feng's reaction, but the inspection office had good treatment and bonuses, so Ye Feng just helped him with the screening.

Eliminate the unqualified ones and slowly purify the team.

As for the periphery, you can have as much as you want. Once they get their investigation results, Chu Lingyun can tell if there is anything fishy inside.

It was impossible to hide it from him.


Chu Yuan left to send reports to various places. The investigation took a while. He would report the investigation during this period first and continue the investigation with the rest.

"Director Weng."

Xiao Wu was in the office and immediately stood up when he saw Weng Zixing coming in. Weng Zixing nodded to him and opened the door directly and went inside.

Xiao Wu sat down again, and his life was very comfortable during this period.

The only regret is that the code in front of the director has not been cancelled.

But compared to before, it was like the sky and the earth.

In the past, they were transparent people in the Inspectorate. Not to mention filial piety, no one looked at him seriously. It was a little better when they arrived at the Intelligence Department, but they were limited to the Intelligence Department.

When you come to the telecommunications office, it's completely different.

Not to mention Xiao Jing's hand is soft, at least it is much stronger than before. The money he collects every month now is many times higher than his salary, and he is the person closest to the director, especially in the Telecommunications Department, even the section chiefs Don't dare to offend him.

"Director Bao."

Bao Shengqun is in the office. There have been a lot of messages exchanged recently, many of which require him to review and then report them to Ye Feng.

Mainly due to reports from various places, the inspection office suddenly attacked them, and with the support of the eldest son behind them, the various places were busy dealing with it and had no time to do anything else.

"Director Weng is here. Please sit down for a while while I review these messages to the bureau chief."

Bao Shengqun raised his head. It was not the first time that Weng Zixing came here. He came here often, usually every two or three days at most.

"It's okay, you go ahead and do your work."

Weng Zixing sat down by himself, Xiao Wu was very discerning, came in to make tea for them, and then went to his desk outside the door to watch.

Ten minutes later, Bao Shengqun walked out.

"What's the matter, scowl?"

"It's not just about the things in the inspection room. Many of my subordinates came to me and said that the inspection room was investigating them. Not only did they check their bank accounts, they also asked all their relatives and neighbors, and even some places where they often go. The local government also conducted inquiries, and the inspection office asked them to do things like this, which delayed the chairman's important work. Who can take this responsibility?"

Weng Zixing was very dissatisfied. Chu Lingyun was personally investigating the Zhongtong headquarters. Even in Zhongtong, no one dared to ignore him.

The investigation against Zhongtong is very detailed. Even if they hide the money in advance, it will be useless. The people in the inspection room will trace the traces to the end.

Especially for money that has been deposited in the bank, even if you withdraw it, you will be asked where the money came from and where it was used. Many people deliberately use borrowing to excuse it, but Weng Zixing understands that such a poor excuse cannot be hidden from the governor. Room rounds.

"Director Weng, didn't I tell you that there is no need to worry at all? You all care too much. The law does not hold the public accountable. Why did the chairman limit the scope of the investigation? He just didn't want to make the matter bigger. He needs us to do something, and at the same time, he needs us to do something. I’m not at ease, and I deliberately made this happen. Don’t worry, as long as the problem is not big, nothing will happen. If there is a problem, it will definitely be a big one. Being found out by the inspection room is not a bad thing.”

Bao Shengqun comforted him with a smile, while Weng Zixing frowned. Bao Shengqun did say this, but he still couldn't feel at ease because he was afraid of big things.

"What is a big deal? What is a small salary enough to do these days? Who is not the breadwinner of the family, but just talking about this legal currency? What was it like at the beginning of the year, and what is it like now? Can't the whole family starve to death just by relying on the salary?"

The legal currency has devalued again, very sharply.

The bank has already let the news out that after the year, the exchange rate of legal currency to US dollars will drop three times again.

In other words, the money that could buy three buns at the beginning can only buy one now.

In fact, it is more than that, and the purchasing power of the private sector has declined even more.

"As long as you understand, the chairman also understands, so don't worry."

Bao Shengqun smiled and shook his head. People from the Telecommunications Department also approached him, but there was relatively little response. The Telecommunications Department was not responsible for intelligence and operations, nor for supervision and general affairs, so it had the least amount of money.

There aren't many places where they can make money.

It doesn't matter if you get a little.

"I just don't worry about that. It's Chu Lingyun who is checking us personally this time. His subordinate Chu Yuan has borrowed a group of old troops from the military commander and is moving around. I guess the relationship between the military commander and us has been exposed by others now."

Weng Zixing sighed, there were only three departments in the inspection office, and they were scattered across the country, so there was a serious shortage of manpower.

Chu Yuan investigated the Central Government and asked Qi Limin to borrow someone.

The Secrecy Bureau and Zhongtong were naturally at odds, so Qi Limin readily agreed and gave him a lot of people.

"Qi Limin is short-sighted. Do you really think that just because we are not feeling well, they will be fine? After checking us, will they be able to escape? Don't worry, you will have a chance to take revenge in the future."

Bao Shengqun advised that now the inspection office is using people from the Secrecy Bureau to investigate them. It won't be long before the inspection office comes to them for help and investigates the Secrecy Bureau.

This is good, no one wants to do anything serious, just fight among themselves.

"If you are incapable of benefiting the people, you might as well be a fisherman."

Weng Zixing deeply agreed, hesitated, and finally said: "When it comes to being greedy for money, my men are pretty good, but a few of them have committed more serious crimes. They confessed to me and I hope I can save their lives."

This was the main purpose of Weng Zi's visit. If his subordinates hadn't taken the initiative to tell him, he would have never known that his subordinates would go so far.

It is understandable that even he felt it was too much. He did not dare to report to Ye Feng at will, so he thought of Bao Shengqun and came to Bao Shengqun to learn from Bao Shengqun.

"Relatively heavy, how much does it weigh?" Bao Shengqun looked at him.

"The family of a man who was killed and took credit for his crime has never given up the appeal. I checked the original evidence and found it was seriously insufficient." Weng Zixing said with a bitter smile.

"Stupid, why don't you completely solve the hidden dangers." Bao Shengqun shook his head. This kind of thing must be done cleanly.

"He killed more than one person and couldn't clean them up."

Weng Zixing sighed, Bao Shengqun was speechless. There were more than one. How many people had he killed? Did his promotion come from this?

If this was the case, no one could protect him if he was found out. No wonder he would take the initiative to confess to Weng Zixing. If he confessed, he might survive, but if he didn't, he would surely die.

"what about others?"

"There is someone who likes to have concubines."

Weng Zixing continued, and Bao Shengqun frowned. What's the matter? If the party strictly prohibits taking concubines, how many people dare to commit crimes now?

"Take a break now."

"He took in more than one and gave birth to several children." Weng Zixing smiled bitterly again.

Bao Shengqun was stunned. There was more than one, more than three, right?

One or two are easy to deal with, but so many are really troublesome. He can't just divorce if he wants. They have to agree and they have children.

As for killing and silencing him, it is even more undesirable. After all, she is the mother of his child.

"What do you do to protect such a person?"

Bao Shengqun asked angrily, "It's your own fault. Fortunately, concubinage is not a capital crime. The most you can do is be dismissed from public service."

He was just a deputy section chief, and he took a lot of money from others, otherwise he wouldn't be able to support so many people.

Seeing Bao Shengqun looking at him, Weng Zixing continued: "He received black money, helped others arrest people, and then let others steal their property. He has killed more than a dozen people."

Bao Shengqun was completely speechless. Wasn't this the Lord who was struck by lightning and died a good death?

"Director Weng, don't worry about these things. You can't control them. Don't worry, they can't hide it from the inspection room. They will definitely find out. These gangsters are too lawless."

Bao Shengqun said calmly that he was really angry. Although the Intelligence Department had changed two directors, more than half of the people were from his old department when he was in the Intelligence Department.

It's possible that his old team was involved.

"I don't want to care about it, but one of them is my confidant, and the other has given me a lot."

Weng Zixing sighed, if it wasn't for him, he would be too lazy to care about these nonsense. If he didn't, first of all, he would not be able to protect his confidants, and secondly, it would be troublesome for them to bite him out.

The old man said he wouldn't investigate them, but that didn't mean it would be fine if someone else confessed to them.

"You want to intercede with the inspector's office? But Chu Lingyun and I don't know each other, and there is no way."

Bao Shengqun finally understood what he meant. He couldn't rely on the Zhongtong side, and Weng Zixing wanted to gain connections in the inspection room to save the lives of these men.

But he didn't know anyone in the inspection room, let alone the higher-ups.

Director Zheng was already at odds with them, and what's more, this time the matter involved the eldest son and Chen Mutu, and he couldn't even talk to these two people.

"I know, there's nothing I can do about it. Brother Bao, you have a lot of ideas. Give me some ideas. At least let me know who I can go to."

Weng Zixing sighed helplessly. He was from Ye Feng. When Old Ghost Xu was there, things were not as good as he wanted. Ye Feng got better after he got up, and his personal connections were not strong.

He took over the Intelligence Service even shorter, and now he can't find anyone if he wants to.

Bao Shengqun has been in the intelligence agency for a longer time, and he is very close to Xu Laogui and Er Chen. He knows many more important people than he does.

"Director Weng, to be honest, the other people are fine. I really don't know who to turn to for their matters. Finding powerful people requires too much money, which they can't afford, and ordinary people can't help. It's difficult. .”

Bao Shengqun shook his head. In fact, he had a suitable candidate in mind, but there was no need to tell them.

As for what they committed, they are innocent, so there is no need to protect them.

Protecting them is a blasphemy to those innocent people who died in vain and disrespect to the people.

"Forget it, I'll think of something else."

Weng Zixing stood up. He was a little disappointed that he could not ask Bao Shengqun what he wanted.

But this matter is indeed difficult. People come prepared. Who makes them weak? If they have never done this before, why do they need to worry?

They are not afraid of slanted shadows if their bodies are upright, but their bodies are not upright and their minds are even more upright.

In the inspection room, Chu Lingyun was in the conference room, and the three section chiefs and Chu Yuan were all there.

This was a business meeting, and Zheng Guangtao didn't have anything to do with it, but he insisted on coming over and pretending to be studying, forcing the head of the internal affairs team Fang Like to follow him.

The other section chiefs and team leaders are all here, so what’s the point if he doesn’t come?

Chu Lingyun and the others wanted to talk about business, and Zheng Guangtao had a stronger relationship than him, so Fang Like had no choice but to do the chore of serving tea and pouring water.

Fortunately, this is the job of their internal affairs team, and there is no shame in serving the director.

"Director, the problem in Chongqing is not small, but Chengdu and Xi'an are much better."

Mai Hua first reported that what Chu Lingyun was looking at now was what was reported in these places.

Twelve people were found to have problems in Chongqing, three of them serious problems. Only four were found in Xi'an and Chengdu combined, two at each station, and none of them were major problems.

With such a report, you don’t need to guess the reason.

"Where are the other stations?"

Chu Lingyun didn't say anything clearly and continued to ask. In the area that Mai Hua was responsible for, only three places found more problems, and the rest were very few.

There may be three or four more, or even none at all. They are all minor problems.

"Go to these three places in person and bring back their evidence."

Chu Lingyun ordered that they only have the right to investigate, not to deal with it. How to deal with it ultimately depends on the old man's mood.

Based on Chu Lingyun's understanding of the old man, these people who have committed serious problems are probably going to die.

But there are too few now, especially those places where no major problems have been found. If they are fine, then there is a problem in the inspection room.

His people were corrupted.

With such good conditions in the Inspection Office, I didn't expect that there would be people pulled into the trap, let alone such a large number. The dividends from the Inspection Office were quite large, so how much could Ye Feng give them even if they were roped in?

Aren't these one or two people? Don't these people understand the principle of long-lasting water?

Chu Lingyun was very disappointed with them.

Don't be afraid of being roped in. It depends on the extent of being roped in. He will not be able to continue the investigation and needs someone to help him verify it.

Fu Junhu's side was not much better, only four stations were normal, and the rest had few problems.

On Jia Changguo's side, eight of the dozen or so verification stations had serious problems.

The people on Jia Changguo's side were chosen by Chu Lingyun himself, which gave Chu Lingyun some comfort. At least the people he chose were more likely to withstand the test.

"Let's go, bring the evidence back as soon as possible, and pay attention to safety."

Three hours later, Chu Lingyun announced that the meeting was adjourned. This meeting was considered a relatively long one.

"Yes, Director."

The three of them stood up and took the order. After they went out, Chu Yuan began to report.

"The problems at the Central Unification Headquarters are more serious. Currently, 17 people have been found to have major problems and 69 have minor problems."

Seventeen plus sixty-nine, eighty-six.

This is still a preliminary investigation, and there will be more if more details are added.

With so many problems, Ye Feng is probably in big trouble this time.

Even if the old man didn't want to deal with him, seeing so many problems, he would probably be so angry that he wanted to eat people.

This is an intelligence department, and it can't be justified that it's so bad.

"Collect the evidence and I'll report it together later."

Chu Lingyun nodded lightly. He shouldn't worry about Chu Yuan. Chu Lingyun had to screen the problem persons found by others to see if they were any of his comrades.

Serious problems, especially those who commit murder and arson, are basically not our own people.

The main thing is to sift through small problems.


Chu Lingyun came to Director Zheng, who was already sitting on the sofa waiting.

"Ling Yun is here, sit down quickly."

Director Zheng smiled and waved. The inspection office was very busy recently, but what the inspection office did did not have much to do with him. The eldest son took charge personally, so he did not interfere.

Even if there is no eldest son, he still supports Zha Zhongtong 100%.

During the previous military unification, they had a lot of friction with the Central Unification, and now their relationship is even worse.

"Director, there are quite a few problems in the inspection office. I would like to ask you for a favor and investigate them."

Chu Lingyun explained the purpose of his visit. He could not investigate those who had been roped in, and he did not have a manager to investigate, but Director Zheng could. The Second Office was not only their inspection department, but also many other departments.

Such as Military Intelligence.

The Military Intelligence Bureau is expanding, and one, two, and three bureaus have been established one after another, each responsible for a certain area.

"Verify what?"

Zheng Guangtao didn't come to report. He didn't know what was going on, so he asked curiously.

"Ye Feng attacked my people. Many of them were taken away by him. Verify their situation and we will deal with them as soon as possible."

After Chu Lingyun explained clearly, Director Zheng immediately sat up straight.

Winning over people from the opponent's side is a basic activity for everyone, and the inspection office is also doing it, which is to install spies.

But you don’t need too many eyeliners, just a few. This time it was clearly Ye Feng who targeted a large number of people in the inspection room. What did he want to do? I wonder if this was a screening ordered by the chairman himself?

"Okay, leave this matter to me and I'll take care of it for you right away."

Director Zheng understands the seriousness of the matter. If people inside are attracted by others, that is rebellion. What they want to do will only get the opposite result.

These traitors must be eliminated as soon as possible.

"Thank you, Director."

Chu Lingyun didn't ask who he wanted to investigate, or even said the scope of the investigation.

There was a problem with him and Chu Yuan in the inspection room. As long as Director Zheng was not stupid, it would be impossible to investigate them.

Now they are cooperating very well. Once they are discovered, it will not only affect the relationship, but also his financial path.

The inspection office's business has always been sponsored by Chu Lingyun. Zheng Guangtao only receives and sells goods. He is the one who supplies the goods and the ship is also his. Without him, he will immediately return to his original shape.

It is not easy to rent or buy a ship, not to mention that they do not have good purchase channels and cannot achieve satisfactory prices.

If you don't do it well, you might lose money.

Director Zheng sent Chu Lingyun off in person, feeling emotional in his heart.

Chu Lingyun was a magnanimous person, and he actually asked him to inspect the inspection room without any restrictions.

If it were him, even if there was an internal problem, he wouldn't want others to investigate it. It would be great if he could investigate it himself. Chu Lingyun handed it over to him without hesitation. This was a great trust in him.

At the same time, it proves that Chu Lingyun is not afraid of investigation, has a clear conscience, and will not protect his subordinates who make mistakes.

If he were to investigate, these people would definitely be severely punished.

Time passed by slowly, and soon it was the end of the month.

Jia Changguo, Mai Hua and others returned separately and brought back a large amount of evidence. Chu Lingyun gave these things to the eldest son first and reported them together later.

The eldest son is in command, so it is safest to let him go.

Director Zheng also investigated quickly. The people in the inspection room were not agents, and they had clear goals. It was not difficult to investigate them. The problems with these people were quickly found out. Some were bribed by outsiders, and some were hired by the inspectors. The person who checked the room fell into the water.

Whoever it is, punish them severely.

Inspection room conference room, everyone is there.

Including people assigned to various places, they were also called back for meetings. The end of the year was here. This was the first end of the year after the establishment of their inspection office. Chu Lingyun specially used a small auditorium for the meeting.

There were not many people, so everyone sat near the front.

People in the audience were talking happily. Zheng Guangtao, that big mouth, had already let out the news about welfare distribution on New Year's Day. It is said that there were a lot of welfare distributions this time. There will be more distributions this time, and there will definitely be another distribution at the end of the year. That time More.

Everyone is very happy and can have a good year this year.

As for salary, no one in the inspection office cares at all now. That little money is enough for what, not to mention the depreciation of value so much.

The salary will be increased after the new year, but no matter how much the salary is increased, it will not depreciate as fast. The people in the inspection office have long ago not cared about that small amount of salary.

How good their director is, he always gives cash to them and never gives them legal currency.

"All rise."

When Chu Lingyun led Chu Yuan into the auditorium, Zheng Guangtao shouted hurriedly.

Chu Lingyun sat in the center, with Chu Yuan on his left and Zheng Guangtao on his right.

Zheng Guangtao is young, but he is the nephew of Director Zheng, and everyone must give him this face.

"Team Leader Zheng, let's talk about this year's New Year's Day benefits first."

Unlike usual, Chu Lingyun did not hold a meeting immediately, but asked Zheng Guangtao to announce the benefits first.

Everyone knows that there are benefits, but they don’t know the specific content of the benefits. Even Zheng Guangtao doesn’t know. He only got the welfare distribution plan today.


Zheng Guangtao stood up happily, then sat down and began to read out the specific contents of this year's New Year's Day benefits.

Everyone in the audience listened carefully. These benefits concern every one of them.

"Business in our inspection office is good this year. During the New Year's Day, each section chief and team leader can receive 500 yuan, and the rest will receive 300 yuan each."

Zheng Guangtao quickly finished talking about the cash rewards. Regardless of whether they are section chiefs, deputy section chiefs, or team leaders and deputy team leaders, they will be treated equally this time. They are all 500. They have a lot of benefits themselves, so they are not given too much this time.

Ordinary team members are different. The bonus they usually receive is only about 100 yuan. Sometimes it is less than 100 yuan, and sometimes it is more than 100 yuan. This time, 300 yuan was paid, which is equivalent to giving them three more months. benefits.

It's New Year's Day. It's three hundred now. Wouldn't it be five hundred during the Chinese New Year?

There will definitely be more people celebrating the New Year than usual.

This treatment is simply too good.

"Everyone has one stone of rice, ten catties of pigs, sheep and beef, thirty catties of eggs, and fifty catties of lard."

After talking about cash, Zheng Guangtao talked about physical rewards. After Japan's defeat, food prices dropped somewhat, but they were still not cheap. One stone of rice was worth a lot of money.

Not to mention there’s so much meat and eggs, and lard.

These all add up to a lot of money.

"Why don't you thank our director?"

After Zheng Guangtao finished reading, he immediately said something. The audience immediately burst into laughter, and everyone shouted words of thanks.

They are really happy. Who in other departments can give out benefits on New Year's Day and give out so much?

That's their inspection room.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard over the past six months. Let me tell you now, there will still be more at the end of the year, just a little more. From now on, there will be more every year, and it will increase every year."

Chu Lingyun pressed her hands, and the audience cheered again.

"The benefits are good, and they are for you to do things. I hope you cherish them. Unfortunately, some people just don't cherish them. The people whose names I read came out."

Just as Chu Lingyun finished speaking, many soldiers ran in from outside, more than a hundred people, all holding guns.

The people in the inspection room don't have guns, and they won't be able to bring them in today.

Except for Chu Yuan and Zheng Guangtao, no one else knew what was going on. Jia Changguo and the others looked at Chu Lingyun in shock.


Chu Lingyun began to call out, and the body of the first person called suddenly trembled. He did not get up, and the soldiers on the side, led by Zheng Guangtao, lifted him out.

He was the one who was dragged into the water by Ye Feng.

Chu Lingyun continued to call names, and soon twenty-three people were mentioned. Chu Lingyun then closed the book.

These twenty-three were all people who accepted bribes from Zhongtong to help them hide the truth.

In some places, two people went into the water together, and in other places, one person was pulled into the water. If someone is pulled into the water, it will have an impact on their investigation.

There are also some places where the outsiders have been roped in and hidden from them.

If you don't do well, you can improve it. If you don't have the ability, you can come back and do other work. But Chu Lingyun will not let anyone get paid.

"Director, I know I was wrong. Please give me a chance."

One person suddenly knelt down and cried bitterly. When he was taken out, he knew that he had done something wrong and there was nothing left to chance.

He regretted that the Central Government gave him 500 yuan. Was his head squeezed by the door? Why did he receive this money?

If you look at the New Year's Day benefits, there are almost so many, not to mention the New Year benefits.

A typical example is picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

"Director, I was wrong. I was really wrong."

One person slapped himself repeatedly, and more than one person begged for mercy. Most of the people were begging for mercy.

Everyone immediately understood from their appearance that they had done something wrong and were caught by the director.

"Take it away and wait for disposal."

Chu Lingyun did not show any mercy. No matter how they begged for mercy, they still had them all taken away. When everyone was taken away, Chu Lingyun continued: "Team Leader Zheng, take out their benefits this time and distribute them equally to everyone. brother."

"Yes, Director."

Zheng Guangtao immediately responded, "Twenty-three people only cost a few thousand oceans. Including physical goods, they only cost a little more than 10,000, which is not much money."

When divided among others, each person actually only has a few dozen yuan.

However, these dozens of dollars were obtained for nothing. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then cheered again, thanking Chu Lingyun for his generosity.

Some people are still thinking, why not catch more, so that they can get more.


Chu Lingyun suddenly shouted, and the scene fell silent. His prestige in the inspection room was completely established this time.

The inspection room belongs to him. If he says east, no one dares to go west. No one will dare to ignore his orders in the future.

"I know that brothers' salaries are not enough, so I have increased your benefits. Our benefits are not bad, they can be said to be the best. If you are not satisfied, please ask for a transfer as soon as possible. I will never stop you from getting rich, but in my case, take mine If you ask for money from others, you will be severely punished.”

These twenty-three people must be severely punished, and the most severe punishment awaits them.

Let other people in the inspection room be alert and alert to whether they can accept the price of betrayal.

It’s not that there are no connections here, and it’s useless if there are. There is also the eldest young master above. They have been asked to go to the eldest son to smoothen the relationship and see if they can survive.

If the eldest son disagrees, no one can escape.

"Yes, Director."

Everyone said in unison, the inspection office is so good, why should we collect money from others?

Completely incomprehensible.

"Very good, let's start with the commendation now."

Chu Lingyun finally started the formal meeting. The inspection office had not been established for a long time, but everyone performed well, especially Jia Changguo, who performed the best and received an additional reward of a sixth-class Yunhui Medal and a thousand oceans.

This medal made him extremely happy.

The second-ranked person was not the two section chiefs Mai Hua and Fu Junhu, nor Chu Yuan. He and Chu Yuan would not participate in such a reward.

The second place is Zheng Guangtao.

Since he took over, he has managed the small treasury of the inspection office very well. If he had not been deceived that time, it can be said to be very good. This time he alone received a reward of eight hundred oceans.

After Chu Lingyun returned to Nanjing, Qi Limin and Ye Feng both sent some apology gifts to Director Zheng. The money was not much, 10,000 yuan each. Chu Lingyun did not let Zheng Guangtao be responsible for the remaining more than 10,000 yuan, and left it to the small treasury. Fill.

Director Zheng is equivalent to no loss and is extremely satisfied with this.

This little money is nothing, but since Qi Limin and Ye Feng gave away money, they didn't give away more, and the effect of giving money was greatly reduced.

Both of them are greedy and reluctant to give away more.

Next is Mai Hua. He has performed really well during this period. He received a reward of 500 yuan alone. He was so happy that he could not open his mouth from ear to ear. He now owes a lot of debt and urgently needs dividends to help him pay off the debt.

Mai Hua calculated that with this reward, he would be able to pay off all his debts in less than half a year.

He bought his big house with the money he deserved. He is confident and is not afraid of investigation at all.

"After the meeting, everyone goes to Team Leader Zheng to get your things. Remember, don't be in a hurry."

Chu Lingyun stood up. The meeting was not long. Except for those who were arrested, everyone else was in high spirits and kept praising their director.

"Director, is the inspection office going too far? It's only New Year's Day and there are so many divisions?"

The director of the Second Military Intelligence Bureau came over to complain. Director Zheng raised his head and glanced at him: "You can also set up a small treasury like Chu Lingyun and distribute dividends to your subordinates. I have absolutely no objection."

"I'm not him, how can I have so much money?"

The director of the Second Military Intelligence Bureau shrank his head. Even if he had money, there was no need to throw it away like this. Chu Lingyun had so much money that he couldn't compare.

The one-time loan amounted to tens of millions of dollars, which was completely beyond his imagination.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, my deputy director Tan Shu, can you transfer him?"

This director came to complain. He was at odds with Deputy Director Tan Shu and wanted to drive Tan Shu away. Director Zheng frowned, then nodded and said, "I will consider it."

Tan Shu was the one who took refuge in him. He was quite obedient, but he was not considered a confidant.

The second bureau was to stay in Nanjing and control the intelligence department.

The first bureau was sent to Chongqing. Director Zheng wanted to continue to expand the military intelligence team and let them compete with the Secrecy Bureau.

Director Zheng still recognized Tan Shu's ability. The second bureau could not accommodate him and would find a way to transfer him and establish a new branch in the future.

The more branches there are, the greater his power.

The Military Intelligence Bureau was established late and is not as large as the Central Command and the Security Bureau. Although it is said to be a bureau, it is actually similar to a branch of the Security Bureau.

"Director, have you chosen someone for me?"

Not long after he left, Chu Lingyun came over. He came to ask for someone.

There are not many people in the inspection room. More than 20 people were arrested this time. They must be replenished as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the investigation of Zhongtong.

"You've made your choice, go get them."

Director Zheng immediately smiled when he saw Chu Lingyun. This time to recruit new personnel, Chu Lingyun still gave him the power to select people.

But this time Chu Lingyun made a request. He didn’t want wine bags and rice bags, he didn’t want them from related households, and he didn’t want them if they didn’t have outstanding characteristics.

I can give you personnel rights, but you can't give me anything too bad.

Chu Lingyun was not greedy for power and gave the personnel power to himself. Needless to say, Director Zheng could not give it to someone like before. Many of the more than 20 people arrested this time were arranged by him before.

Director Zheng was very angry and ignored anyone who asked for mercy. Who made him lose such a big face?

"Thank you, Director."

Chu Lingyun smiled and thanked him. He caught twenty-three, and added not twenty-three, but fifty.

The inspection office has such a heavy task, and less than 200 people are really not enough. This time Director Zheng took the opportunity to ask Chu Lingyun for some more people.

The Inspection Office is becoming more and more important to him now. Whether it is financial resources or ability, the Inspection Office is the leader in his second department. Supporting the Inspection Office is to enhance his own abilities.

He and Chu Lingyun are in the honeymoon period now, and these are all trivial matters.

The newcomers arrived quickly. Director Zheng took great care this time and selected elite soldiers and generals, and even agents transferred from the Military Intelligence Bureau.

He knew that Chu Lingyun needed agents.

Chu Lingyun didn't show any pretense. He took them all in and arranged their work immediately. The verification of Zhongtong must be completed before the year, and time is very tight now.

"Secretary, the person named Chu will not give us a way to survive at all."

Not long after the people in the inspection room were arrested, they got the news. Weng Zixing hurriedly came to Ye Feng's office to cry. It was not only the people in the inspection room who were arrested, but also the people they had roped in.

There were more, more than sixty were caught.

The Inspection Office is not afraid of civil strife, but also wants to clear out these people who have been attracted by them, which really makes Wengzi angry.

Everyone has made great contributions to the Kuo Party, and they have endured so much hard work during the War of Resistance. What’s wrong with turning a blind eye? Hello, I’m hello, everyone, isn’t it good to make a fortune together, and you have to target them?

The inspection office should not have been established. They are an intelligence department, and now there is an additional department to supervise them. What does this mean?

"I see."

Ye Feng was very upset. He also received the news that Weng Zixing received earlier than Weng Zixing.

What the inspection office did seemed to be an internal matter, but in fact it was a warning to them. Chu Lingyun was equivalent to telling them, I know your little tricks are useless. If you dare to win over, I will deal with it.

Win over one and I'll get rid of the other.

Not all the people they roped in were discovered. There were two or three who slipped through the net, but what was the use of such a small number of people?

Now I am too scared to contact them.

"Secretary, you have to think of a way. Once they collect the evidence, they will definitely attack us."

Weng Zixing said anxiously that he had conducted a self-examination and found that the problems in the Intelligence Department were also very serious. If they were really found out by the Inspection Office, they would be miserable.

"I will find a way, you go out first."

Ye Feng waved his hand and asked him to think of a solution. What good solution did he have?

It’s not that I haven’t done it, I’ve done it, but it’s useless.

The key this time is still with the old man. It seems that the old man needs to find a way to clear things up.

Zhongtong felt uncomfortable, but the Secrecy Bureau was happy.

Chu Yuan borrowed a total of eighty people from the Intelligence Division, Supervision Division, and Operations Division of the Secrecy Bureau to launch a detailed investigation into the people at the Central Unification Headquarters. Not all of these people were from the War Situation Group, and all the people knew about their investigation results.

There are really many problems with the Central Unification.

When the old man finds out, it will be enough for Ye Feng to drink a pot.

"Director, I'm going out first."

After Gao Zheng reported to Shen Hanwen, he left carefully.

His director was in a bad mood, or rather in a bad mood.

Gao Zheng was recruited by Chu Yuan and participated in the investigation. He would come back and report every day. Shen Hanwen became more and more anxious and angry as he listened. Chu Yuan was so unreliable. Why not call him for such a good thing?

In fact, he knew that Chu Yuan couldn't recruit him if his rank was too high, and Qi Limin wouldn't agree if he actually recruited him. He could borrow an ordinary person, but what was the purpose of loaning out the deputy director? Is it joint handling of cases?

Thank you Sunshine_Xiaoyu once again rewarded me with 100 starting coins. There is still about 300 monthly tickets left to reach 3000. If I get it today, I will add an update today. If I get it tomorrow, I will add an update tomorrow. There will definitely be more. Xiaoyu will continue to write and work hard. Thank you friends for your support.

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