Gao Feng's words made Junko Muto feel a sense of relief!

Her eyes gradually brightened, she looked up at Gao Feng and said, "Well, Gaoqiao-kun, you are right, time will prove everything, we just need to be ourselves."

"Hehe, alright, let's eat quickly, after eating..."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he blinked at Junko Muto.

Suddenly Junko Muto blushed, she glanced at Gao Feng shyly, then lowered her head and started eating again.


The next day, Junko Muto rarely did not serve Gao Feng, but went directly to the orphanage.


The phone rang.

The nanny ran over to answer the phone, then hurried over.

"Mr. Takahashi, a gentleman named Minglou called, looking for - you."


Gao Feng hummed, then walked over to the phone and picked up the phone.

"Mr. Takahashi, I'm sorry to disturb you. I wonder if you have time at noon today? My sister and I would like to invite you to dinner?"

The voice of Minglou came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing Minglou's words, Gao Feng said with a smile, "Okay, where is noon?"

“Hui Lai Hotel..”


After speaking, the two hung up the phone.

Soon it was noon, and Gao Feng came to Huilai Hotel by car.

Stopping the car, Xiaohu hurriedly got out of the car, walked quickly to the back seat to open the door, and then Gao Feng got out of the car.

"Wait for me outside, get some food for yourself, don't run around, can you hear it clearly?"

"Understood, Mr. Takahashi."

Xiaohubei replied hurriedly.

Gao Feng nodded and then entered the hotel.

As soon as he entered the hotel, Mingcheng walked over. He hurriedly walked over to Gao Feng and bowed respectfully: "Mr. Takahashi, my elder brother and elder sister are already in the box, please..."

"OK, all right.."

Gao Feng nodded.

Then the two walked towards the second floor of the hotel one after the other.

Arriving at a box on the second floor, Mingcheng opened the door, Gao Feng walked in and saw Minglou and Mingjing in the box standing at the table and smiling at him, but one smiled naturally and the other was a bit far-fetched. ..

"Mr. Takahashi, you are here. Excuse me. Please take a seat.."

Ming Lou hurriedly said with a smile.

"Hehe, don't be so polite, everyone sit down."

Gao Feng sat down with a smile and said.

"Let me introduce, the person beside me is my eldest sister Mingjing, who is also the chairman of Mingshi."

After sitting down, Ming Lou explained with a smile.

"Hello Mr. Takahashi..."

"Hello, Ms. Mingjing. I've heard the name of Ms. Mingjing for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you this time."

"Mr. Takahashi's name is unknown all over Shanghai. I am far worse than Mr. Takahashi. By the way, why didn't Mr. Takahashi's lover come?"

"Oh.. She established an orphanage, and she's been busy with the orphanage recently, so I didn't call her. Besides, it's just a business matter. It's not appropriate to call her here."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Minglou and Mingjing looked at each other, and then Minglou hurriedly said, "Mr. Gaoqiao is right."

"Then let's make a long story short today, what chips do you have to make my heart move?"

Gao Feng said directly.

"Um.. Mr. Takahashi, we are willing to take out 30% of Ming's shares to get Mr. Takahashi's low-cost drugs, do you think?"

"Thirty percent?"

Gao Feng's face showed a hint of surprise.

Then he said: "Thirty percent of the shares is an incredible amount of wealth. You don't want a small amount of drugs, right?"

"Well, of course. Mr. Takahashi, we want to buy the medicines in your hands in large quantities and at low prices. As for the reason for buying medicines, we also want to sell them in Shanghai. You can’t even eat one with the Chamber of Commerce. We get the goods from you, you get 30% of the shares, and the money sold is equivalent to you get 30%, what do you think?”

Ming Lou smiled and nodded.

Hearing Minglou's words, Gao Feng frowned and thought.

After a while, he nodded and said, "Yes, but if you want to sell it, the price cannot be lower than the price sold by the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the medicines will be given to you at a low price, but not the original price. I will charge more for ordinary medicines. I will sell it to you at 15% of the original price, and as for the penicillin drug, I will sell it to you at 20% higher than the original price."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Hearing Gao Feng say penicillin, Minglou didn't say anything, and Mingjing next to him hurriedly said, "Yes!"

"Haha, didn't Ms. Mingjing think about it? Agree so quickly?"

Gao Feng asked with a strange expression.

As soon as he said his words, the box suddenly fell silent.

Mingjing also felt that he was a little rash.

"Er.. Mr. Takahashi, we've thought about all of this, if we all make money, now is a special period, and it's not easy to do any business, as long as we make money, we don't care whether we make more or less. already."

0 ... 0

Ming Lou explained with a smile.

"Okay, no need to explain, I said before, I'm just a businessman, I only care about making money and not making money, I don't think about other things, so let's take the share contract to Fenghe Chamber of Commerce tomorrow, After the contract is signed, you can send someone to pick up the goods at any branch of the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce, and if you are detained in the process of picking up the goods, report my name directly."

Gao Feng waved his hand and directly interrupted Ming Lou's explanation.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Takahashi, thank you, I'll give you a toast to Mr. Takahashi."

Minglou said and stood up with a glass of wine.

Gao Feng smiled and picked up the glass, then drank it.

After drinking, the two of them laughed heartily.

after an hour..

Accompanied by Minglou, Gao Feng left the Huilai Hotel, followed by the car at the door.

The car starts and drives away..

Inside the car, Xiaohubei asked, "Sir Gaoqiao, where are we going?"

"Let's go back."


Xiaohu nodded.

Soon the car arrived at the gate of the villa. Gao Feng did not go back to his villa, but went to the Zhuang Xiaoman villa next door.

After entering the villa, Zhuang Xiaoman's voice came over.

"Why are you here, President?"

"Go upstairs and talk..."

Gao Feng pointed upstairs and said. Small.

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