The next day, Minglou arrived at Gao Feng's villa early in the morning, and waited in the living room until after ten o'clock, only to see Gao Feng slowly walking down from the second floor.

"Mr. Ming, I'm really sorry. I slept late last night, so I woke up a little later today."

After seeing Minglou sitting on the sofa in the living room, Gao Feng said with a smile.

"I was the one who disturbed Mr. Takahashi yesterday and delayed Mr. Takahashi's rest. I was embarrassed."

A smile appeared on Minglou's face - Rong said hurriedly.

Seeing the smile on Minglou's face, Gao Feng smiled and walked across to him and sat down, while Minglou hurriedly took out the completed share transfer contract from his leather bag and handed it over.

Gao Feng took a look at the contract, then picked up the pen and wrote his name on it.

After the writing was finished, Gao Feng said with a smile, "please Mr. Ming to wait for a while. I will bring Mr. Mingcheng out after breakfast."

Although Minglou was anxious, he wished that Gao Feng would go to No. 76 now, but he still smiled and said, "Okay, please Mr. Takahashi."

Gao Feng nodded, then walked to the dining table and sat down, while the nanny also came over with the food.

After having breakfast, Gao Feng and Minglou left the villa and went directly to No. 76.

At this time, on the 76th, in the interrogation room...

Mingcheng, who had been interrogated all night, was as pale as paper and his clothes were stained with blood. He weakly looked at Wang Manchun sitting across from him.

"Miss Wang, I'm telling the truth. I... I'm just greedy for money. I really didn't cooperate with the anti-Japanese elements..."

Ming Cheng said weakly.

Hearing Mingcheng's words, Wang Manchun sneered and said, "Acheng, do you think I will believe these words? What relationship do you have with the Ming family, others don't know about me! Although you are not the younger brother of Minglou and Mingjing, but They treat you like family all the time, how could you do something like that for a little money?"

"Tell me who your superiors are! Who are you connecting with, and where are the goods delivered!"

Wang Manchun shouted loudly.

On the other side, Mingcheng smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't know what you mean by superior, I just want to make some extra money. It's as simple as selling those drugs on the black market for a little money. Do you know how much? At least $100,000!"

"One hundred thousand dollars?"

Wang Manchun frowned slightly and was a little surprised.

I didn't expect to earn so much.

"Yeah, is 100,000 dollars a small amount of money? If I earn it a few times, it will be enough for me to eat and drink for the rest of my life."

Ming Cheng nodded weakly.

Looking at Mingcheng's appearance, Wang Manchun still felt that this matter was a bit strange. She was silent for a moment and finally looked at Mingcheng and said, "Mingcheng, I will ask you one last time, whether to say it or not!"

"I'm telling the truth, what do you want me to say..."

Ming Cheng smiled bitterly.

"Go and lift up the electric torture chair!"

Wang Manchun said to the interrogators.


The interrogators left in a hurry.

On the opposite side, when Mingcheng heard that Wang Manchun was going to use the electric chair, his heart trembled.

The electric torture chair can be said to be the most poisonous torture tool, which will make people wander between life and death, even if people who are not afraid of death have used the electric torture chair a few times and their organs are shuttled back and forth by the electric current, the feeling that life is not as good as death, No one can bear it!

"Miss Wang, Miss Wang, don't use electrocution. I'm telling the truth. You have to believe me. After you use electrocution, you will face my elder brother in the future. How will you explain it!"

Mingcheng begged loudly.

Wang Manchun, on the other hand, lowered his head and didn't even look at him.

Soon the electric torture chair was lifted up, and just when the interrogators were about to put Mingcheng on the electric torture chair, Feng Manna walked in from outside, she went directly to Wang Manchun and whispered: "Senior Wang, the hypocrite. Chief Ming and Masao Takahashi from the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce are here."

"What! Masao Takahashi is here!"

Wang Manchun's face changed slightly. She was not surprised that Minglou was here, but she was shocked that Takahashi Masao was also here!

What is he doing here?

"What is Masao Takahashi doing here?"

Wang Manchun asked with a frown.

"I don't know, but Masao Takahashi said he wanted to see you and is now in your office."

Feng Manna shook her head and said.

Wang Manchun nodded, she turned to look at Mingcheng who had been put on the electric torture chair, and then said, "Don't interrogate for now, wait until I get back."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

After speaking, he left the interrogation room.

Soon after arriving at the door of the office, Wang Manchun opened the door and walked in directly.

After entering, I saw Gao Feng and Ming Lou sitting on the sofa chatting about something.

Seeing Wang Manchun come in, Gao Feng stood up with a smile and said, "Miss Wang, I'm taking the liberty to disturb you this time."

"Hehe, what are you talking about, Mr. Takahashi? It's too late to be happy that Mr. Takahashi can come to me. How can I bother you?"

Wang Manchun laughed.

"Ha ha.."

Hearing Wang Manchun's words, Gao Feng couldn't help laughing.

While smiling, he said, "Miss Wang is really good at talking. I wonder if Miss Wang has time at noon? Can I invite you to dinner?"

0 ......

Ming Lou next to him frowned when he heard Gao Feng's words, and Wang Manchun was also stunned.

"What? Miss Wang doesn't have time?"

Seeing that Wang Manchun didn't speak, Gao Feng asked suspiciously.

"Uh, Mr. Takahashi, there is still something going on here on No. 76, I'm really sorry..."

Wang Manchun said.

Just now, Wang Manchun actually had the urge to agree, maybe because Minglou was still beside her, and finally she chose to refuse.

Wang Manchun's words made Gao Feng's face show a hint of frustration. He shook his head and said, "Well, we can only wait until Miss Wang has time."

"Um... Mr. Takahashi is here for something this time?"

Wang Manchun asked off topic.

"Oh... that's it. I heard Mr. Ming say that his subordinate Ming Cheng was brought to No. 76 by you. Please let him out, okay?"

Gao Feng asked.

"Release? Mr. Takahashi, Mingcheng has connections with the anti-Japanese elements. He buried the medicine in the Yunlong warehouse."

Wang Manchun said hurriedly.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Gao Feng, who was sitting across from him, smiled and said, "Hehe, you really misunderstood Miss Wang, Mr. Ming has already told me, in fact, Mr. Mingcheng's goods are indeed true. It was traded on the underground black market, not an anti-Japanese element, I can attest to this." Xiao.

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