"Headmaster, Gao Feng is already the youngest lieutenant general in our army. Wouldn't it be too ostentatious if he were to award the first-class National Light Medal?"

The bureau couldn't help but say.

"Just do as I say. He has paid so much for the party-state, and he should give it!"

The principal said directly.


Hearing that the principal did not hesitate at all, the bureau seat could only nod and say.

"Well, okay, you can arrange it now."


After speaking, the seat turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, I haven't asked you yet, what is going on in Shanghai this time?"

At this time, the principal stopped the seat and asked.

The corner of the bureau's mouth twitched, although he didn't want to say it, but after all, it was the principal's question, and he still told everything that happened when he arrived in Shanghai.

After listening to the bureau's talk about the Shanghai process, the principal frowned and asked, "Is there a problem with Wang Tianfeng?"

"Report to the principal. I thought about this when I was in the reeds. He should have no problem. If he has a problem, Minglou will not be unaware."

The bureau pondered for a while and said.

"If there is no problem, it means that there is a problem with this person's ability. Bureau seat... Shanghai is our top priority. Such incompetent people should be transferred back as soon as possible."

The principal warned.

"Yes, Principal, after I come back this time, I plan to transfer Wang Tianfeng back from Shanghai to serve as an instructor at the training base."

Bureau said.

"You can do it as you see fit."


After the bureau seat finished speaking, he left the principal's residence.

Soon after returning to the military headquarters, the bureau sent the principal's order to Gao Feng by telegram, and then he sent a message to Wang Tianfeng and Minglou respectively.

Zhuang Xiaoman, who was sitting in front of the telegraph machine, received the code from the bureau and handed it to Gao Feng. Gao Feng took the code, unlocked it with the codebook, and glanced at the content on it, then his face showed A smile.

Seeing the smile on Gao Feng's face, Zhuang Xiaoman asked, "It's done?"

"Well, it's done."

Gao Feng smiled and nodded.

"The above decided to set up a new department to be responsible for this aspect. The location is in Shanghai. I am the person in charge of this department. In addition, my military rank has also been promoted from major general to lieutenant general, and I was awarded the first-class National Light Medal."

"Lieutenant General! National Light Medal!"

Zhuang Xiaoman looked at Gao Feng with big eyes.


Gao Feng hummed.

"Then you are the youngest general, and the fifth to receive the Order of National Light!"

Zhuang Xiaoman looked at Gao Feng with admiration in his eyes.

After seeing Zhuang Xiaoman's eyes, Gao Feng directly waved his hand and said: "Okay, this matter is over, after a few days when the money is in place, we will find a way to get a horse to the West China area. Our peak and the Chamber of Commerce are now How many shipping routes are there?"

"There are nine now, and there is no problem in shipping them to Western China."

"That's good, it's getting late, I'll go first."

Gao Feng nodded and left the secret room directly.


At the same time... Wang Tianfeng's hiding spot, at this moment Wang Tianfeng looked at the information sent by the bureau, and he sat directly on the chair with a trace of fatigue in his eyes.

Guo Qiyun next to him saw Wang Tianfeng's appearance, he was silent for a moment and then said in a low voice, "Team leader, when will we withdraw?"

"Wait a few more days! I have a plan to complete! I have not failed, as long as this plan is successful, it can make up for all my previous failures!"

Wang Tianfeng stood up and said.

"Plan? But the team leader, the bureau has given an order to let us go back. How can we implement the plan if we no longer have Shanghai?"

Guo Qiyun asked with a frown.

"No.. The protagonist of this plan is not me, nor you.. I have to find someone again, someone who can be the protagonist!"

A sneer appeared on Wang's face here.

"Or. This plan is you and me..."

Hearing Wang Tianfeng's words, Guo Qiyun's face showed doubts.


In Minglou's villa, Minglou and Mingjing were sitting on the sofa in the living room chatting.

"The Ming family is now in the hands of the Japanese, and every night I... alas..."

Ming Jing frowned and sighed.

When Ming Lou next to him heard Ming Jing's words, he showed a wry smile on his face and then hurriedly said, "Sister, we are not forced to, it's alright, don't worry..."

"Don't worry, how can I be at ease? Now that the Ming family has been fully taken over by Feng and the Chamber of Commerce, I have no right to speak at all. I don't know what to do every day, by the way, or I will go to see how Mingtai is doing in a few days. ?"

Der Spiegel's eyes lit up when he said this.

"Okay, how about I make arrangements for tomorrow?"

Minglou said with a smile.

"Okay...I don't know if our Mingtai has lost weight, and how is the food there..."

Speaking of Mingtai, Mingjing began to worry again.

At this time, Ming Cheng hurriedly walked in from the outside.

"Big Brother, Big Sister..."

Entering the living room, Mingcheng shouted.

"Well, what's in such a hurry?"

Ming Lou asked with a frown.

"Brother, there is an urgent document on the puppet government that needs you to go and look at it."

Ming Cheng said in a low voice.

Hearing Mingcheng's words, Minglou frowned, and then he stood up impatiently and complained, "What urgent business is there this evening."

"Sister, let me go out."

"Okay, get out now.. I get angry when I think about the skin you're wearing now. No one in the family can give me peace of mind!"

Ming Jing waved his hand and said as if he were chasing away flies.

Minglou and Mingcheng looked at each other and left quickly.

After leaving the villa, the two got into the car.

"What's up?"

After getting into the car, Minglou asked with a frown.

"Brother, emergency information from the chief of the bureau."

Mingcheng in the driver's seat took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Minglou.

Minglou took the paper, opened it and glanced at it, his brows furrowed immediately.

"Brother, what information?"

Seeing the expression on Minglou's face, Mingcheng asked in doubt.

"A new department is about to be established above. The location of the department is in Shanghai. It is responsible for the task of transporting medicines and opening up the West China area!"

Minglou said in a deep voice.

"Responsible for transporting medicines? How can we have so many medicine escorts? Also set up a special department?"

Mingcheng asked.

Minglou did not answer Mingcheng's words, but continued to look at the information on the paper. When he saw half of it, he was completely stunned. .

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