"Gao Feng?"

Nantian Yoko was taken aback for a moment, she thought for a moment and then shook her head.

"Well, okay, I see."

"Then Miss Kawashima, I'll leave first."

Yoko Nantian turned around and left.

After Yoko Nantian left, Yoshiko Kawashima stood up with a thoughtful expression on her face.

When he came here this time, his teacher, General Doi, gave her a piece of information in private, and the name of this piece of information was Gao Feng!

There are spies on the Japanese side at the headquarters of the National Army. The spy obtained information from the headquarters that when the Shanghai Military Intelligence Station of the National Army was still there, it was this Gao Feng who destroyed the Japanese army's intelligence network in Shanghai!

That time was the heaviest loss of Japanese intelligence personnel!

In addition, the previous head of the special high school was also killed by Gao Feng, and this time Shiro Kawashima is very likely to be his hand!

So Tu Fei ordered her to find this Gao Feng when she came to Shanghai this time!

"Gao Feng.. Masao Takahashi.. a bit interesting.."

After thinking for a long time, Kawashima Fangzi suddenly said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Three days later, the banquet was held at Muto Masao's villa!

The banquet was originally planned to be held in the consulate. Later, Gao Feng discussed with Junko Muto and bought a villa directly for Masao Muto!

The villa is very big, and the interior is decorated. It is more suitable for banquets than the consulate, so Muto Masao did not hesitate to change the banquet to the villa.

Inside the villa at this time.

Masao Muto was dressed in casual clothes, and the guests who came to congratulate him with a glass of wine in his hand were talking.

"Consul Muto is really envious..."

"Haha, I wish I had the fate of Consul Muto. This villa is really big. It's like the palace of His Majesty the Emperor. It would be great if I could stay here for one night."

"Ha ha.."

There was envy, compliment and a hint of jealousy in everyone's tone.

Hearing what everyone said, Masao Muto laughed out loud.

Maybe in the eyes of others, he is relying on his daughter to live in such a house, but what if he relies on his daughter?

Takahashi Masao has neither father nor mother, he is his wife's father, and he is equivalent to his father, so he feels nothing.

"Mr. Muto..."

Then a voice sounded.

After hearing the sound, Muto turned his head and saw a young man approaching.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao Tu is here, welcome, welcome..."

Masao Muto said with a smile.

"It's an honor for Xiao to be able to attend Consul Muto's banquet."

Xiao Tu said hurriedly.

"Well, whatever, don't be so restrained today."

Masao Muto smiled and patted Xiao Tu's shoulder.


At this moment, Junko Muto's voice came from the direction of the door.

"Junko, Takahashi, you guys are here..."

Masao Muto turned his head to look at Gao Feng and Junko Muto who were walking side by side from the door and said with a smile.


Gao Feng lowered his head and shouted.

"Hehe, by the way, let me introduce, this is Xiao Tu, because Goro Matsushita is missing, so Mr. Xiao Tu is now my right-hand man."

Masao Muto introduced with a smile.

Hearing the introduction of Masao Muto, Junko Muto just smiled and nodded at Xiao Tu, but Gao Feng looked at Xiao Tu more.

Because in his eagle-eyed state, Xiao Tu's body exudes a golden light at this moment!

Obviously someone with a different identity!

"Mr. Xiao Tu is a **** person?"

Gao Feng asked with a frown.

"Yes, Mr. Takahashi, I am a foreigner, but I studied in Japan before, I like Japan very much, and I agree with the culture and ideas there."

Xiao Tu hurriedly nodded and said.

Opposite Gao Feng nodded and said nothing.

"You are all young people, you can talk more, I still have things to go over first."

Masao Muto said at this time.

"Okay, father..."

"Okay, Consul Muto."

Gao Feng and the others nodded hurriedly, and then Masao Muto was walking towards another group of people not far away.

After Masao Muto left, Gao Feng also nodded to Xiao Tu, then led Junko Muto to the other side.

Looking at Gao Feng who was leaving, Xiao Tu, who was standing there, frowned slightly.

Soon all the guests of the banquet will arrive, and the banquet will begin!

In the living room of the villa there is music with Japanese elements, everyone is dancing with their female companions, and some are gathering in twos and threes to chat.

Among the group of people, Gao Feng was chatting with a smile with the captain of the Military Police Corps, Matsushijiro, and several other officers.

At this time, Yoko Nantian and Yoshiko Kawashima walked towards them not far away.

"Long time no see, Mr. Takahashi."

After coming to Gao Feng's side, Yoko Nantian took the lead and said with a smile.

Hearing the voice Gao Feng looked towards Nantian Yoko, and then his eyes fell on Kawashima Fangzi next to him.

"Haha, it's been a long time since Mr. Nantian, who is the lady beside you?"

Gao Feng asked with a smile.

"Mr. Takahashi, my name is Yoshiko Kawashima."

Before Yoko Nantian could speak, Yoshiko Kawashima was the first to introduce herself.

"Oh...it's Miss Kawashima, it's a pleasure to meet, it's a pleasure to meet..."

Gao Feng smiled and stretched out his hand.

Yoshiko Kawashima also stretched out his hand, and the two held hands together.

Then Kawashima Yoshiko wanted to withdraw her hand but couldn't let go, which made her look at Gao Feng with some resentment.

And Gao Feng pretended to have reacted, smiled and let go of his hand and said, "Hehe, I'm really sorry, just because Miss Kawashima is so beautiful, so I forgot to let go just now.."

Hearing Gao Feng's words, the surrounding officers burst into laughter, and Kawashima Yoshiko lowered his head with a blushing face.

"By the way, Head Nantian is really sorry. I always wanted to find an opportunity to apologize to Head Nantian. I was so impulsive that day. I slapped you. I'm really sorry."

Gao Feng thought of something again at this time, and turned to look at Yoko Nantian and said sincerely.

When the officers next to him heard Gao Feng's words, they looked at Yoko Nantian in surprise. They didn't know that Gao Feng had beaten Yoko Nantian.

Under the gazes of so many people, Yoko Nantian blushed, then lowered his head and said, "Mr. Takahashi's lesson that day was right, it's all Yoko Nantian's fault..."

"Hehe, how can it be the fault of the head of Nantian? It's my fault. I am here to bow and apologize to the head of Nantian."

Gao Feng was about to bow when he finished speaking.

But at this time, a group of Japanese officers around hurriedly stopped him.

"Hehe, Mr. Takahashi, there's no need to bow, it's not a big deal."

"Yes, Nantian teacher just said that it was her fault."

"Mr. Takahashi, we are men, how can we admit mistakes to women.".

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