Half an hour later, the car arrived at the orphanage,

Gao Feng got out of the car and entered the orphanage, and then Gao Feng heard a burst of laughter from children, mixed with the voices of adults.

Following the voice Gao Feng came to the yard, and then saw Cheng Jinyun and Muto Junko in the pile of children, while the surrounding children were running back and forth with joy.

Just like the first time Gao Feng came, when the running children saw Gao Feng and the kimono on Gao Feng's body, they were all stunned, and then swarmed behind Cheng Jinyun and Junko Muto to hide. Eyes filled with fear.

All that war can bring is that these children are so frightened when they see people in kimonos!

Seeing that the children were so frightened, Cheng Jinyun and Junko Muto didn't bother to say hello to Gao Feng, but hurriedly bent down and started to appease the children.

After being busy for a while to comfort the child, Junko Muto walked over and said with some anger, "Takahashi-kun, don't wear a kimono when you come next time, it will scare the child."

"Okay.. I'll wear something else next time."

Gao Feng said hurriedly.

"Hello Mr. Takahashi..."

At this time, Cheng Jinyun also came over and said hello to Gao Feng~.

"Well, Miss Cheng is good."

Gao Feng smiled and nodded.

"Takahashi-kun, why did you come here so early today-?"

Junko Muto asked at this time.

"Oh, I just came over from the consulate. My father said that in half a month, the soldiers of the Empire will completely occupy the French Concession. This area will become the military strategic office area of ​​the Empire, so we may have to move to other places."

Gao Feng said.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Junko Muto and Cheng Jinyun both changed their expressions.

"Ah! What about the orphanage?"

Junko Muto asked anxiously.

Cheng Jinyun next to her didn't speak. What she was worried about was what to do with the comrades of the Red Party!

When the French Concession still existed, when they assassinated their targets, exposed their identities and other dangerous things, they would all take refuge in the French Concession. Now that the French Concession is also occupied by the Japanese army, there is really no safe place in Shanghai!

"Hehe, Junzi, don't worry, orphanages can be built anywhere. I'll arrange for someone to find a new place in the public area in the past few days, find a place several times larger than this, and put all the orphanages there. together."

Gao Feng smiled and comforted.

"Well, ok.. what about us? Are we moving too?"

Junko Muto smiled and nodded, then asked what he thought of.

"Well, we're moving too. I'll arrange for someone to find a place to live later."

Gao Feng laughed.

"Okay, Takahashi-kun, when the orphanage is found, you should take me to see it first, okay?"

Junko Muto nodded and said again.

"Okay, I know. I'll be the first to inform you when I find the place, which will definitely satisfy you."

Gao Feng assured.

When he came to the orphanage this time, Gao Feng actually wanted to tell Cheng Jinyun the news and let Cheng Jinyun inform their Red Party. Now that the goal has been achieved, Gao Feng did not stay in the villa for too long, but directly told Junko Muto and Cheng Jinyun. After two sentences, he left the orphanage.

After leaving the orphanage, Gao Feng returned to the Summit Chamber of Commerce headquarters by car.

At the headquarters, Gao Feng came to Zhuang Xiaoman's office, pushed the door and walked in.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Gao Feng coming in, Zhuang Xiaoman asked suspiciously.

Gao Feng walked to the sofa next to him and sat down and then repeated what Muto Masao told him.

After finishing the story, Gao Feng changed his sitting position and then said: The French Concession is going to be turned into a military strategic office area. It is definitely not possible to transport goods here. These days our headquarters and residence have been moved to the public sector. The cow finds all the places. "

"Okay, these problems are not big, they can be solved in two days."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said.

"By the way, you also find a place for Junko's orphanage. It's bigger and quieter."

Gao Feng thought of something and said again.

"Well, I see."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.


Two days later...

Zhuang Xiaoman found the residence, the office address of the headquarters, the transportation terminal of the cargo channel and the location of the orphanage.

Coincidentally, Zhuang Xiaoman chose to live next door to the Minglou family, Gao Feng's villa is to the right of Minglou villa, and Zhuang Xiaoman's own villa is to the right of Gao Feng's villa.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

After choosing the place, Gao told Junko Muto the news, and then took Junko Muto to the new location of the orphanage.

The new location, a church in the suburbs, is large and the buildings are not damaged.

So when Junko Muto saw the new location of the orphanage, she was very satisfied and could not wait to move the children over immediately.

the other side..

In the special high class, because Yoko Nantian discovered the secret of Yoshiko Kawashima last time, although she behaved the same as before, she already had a great opinion about Yoshiko Kawashima in her heart!

Just like what Gao Feng said!

Now her status was obtained through all her hard work. Before, Gao Feng only threatened her to scare her into that, but now Yoshiko Kawashima has started to act, so that Yoshiko Kawashima was regarded as an idol before. She is very unacceptable.

. . . 0

"Senior Nantian, Miss Kawashima asked you to come to her office."

A member of the special high school came over and said.

"Well, I see."

Nantian Yoko nodded.

It took a moment for her to stand up and leave her office.

dong dong..

"Come in."

After hearing the sound, Yoko Nantian pushed the door and walked in.

"Senior Nantian, is there any news over there during this time?"

After seeing Yoko Nantian coming in, Yoshiko Kawashima lowered her head and continued to look at the document before asking.

"No. Miss Kawashima."

Yoko Nantian shook his head and said directly.

"Well, I see, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to. The French Concession will be cancelled in a few days, and the place where they put the drugs will definitely be moved. You send someone to watch and watch them choose the location. where is it?"

Yoshiko Kawashima nodded, then thought of something and spoke again.

"Hey! I know Miss Kawashima."

Yoko Nantian said.

"Okay, then you can arrange it now."


Yoko Nantian nodded and left the office.

After leaving the office, Yoko Nantian began to arrange for people to pay close attention to the place where the medicine was stored. Small.

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