five minutes later..

In the Ming family villa.

dong dong..

There was a knock on the door.

"'s so late."

The nanny Axiang came to the door while talking, opened the door and saw Gao Feng standing at the door.

"You are... you are Masao Takahashi?!"

The nanny Ah Xiang exclaimed.

"Hehe, hello, I'm looking for Mr. Ming."

Gao Feng didn't care about the nanny's name, but said with a smile.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, the nanny A Xiang took a few steps back, then turned and ran away, looking afraid of Gao Feng.


Mingcheng and Minglou went downstairs.

"Mr. Takahashi, are you here so late?"

Minglou asked in a low voice.

"I have something to discuss with Mr. Ming. I am sorry to bother you."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"Where .. where, then let's go upstairs and talk to the study.."

"it is good.."

Gao Feng nodded with a smile, and the three of them went straight upstairs.

Arriving in the study room on the second floor, Minglou hurriedly and respectfully asked, "Minister, what task do you have?"

Gao Feng did not speak, but took out the paper in his pocket and handed it to Ming Lou.

Minglou took the paper, opened it and looked at it.

Then a dignified look appeared on his face.

As an intelligence officer, I knew what it was at first sight when I saw the content of this note!

It turned out to be a list of intelligence officers!

And so detailed!

Seeing Minglou stunned there, Gao Feng said, "These people who understand are Japanese spies hidden in the Red Party team. You are familiar with them. You can give them to them when the time comes."

Gao Feng did not directly state that Lou was a Red Party, but said that he was familiar with the party.

When he heard Gao Feng say that this list was from the Red Party, Ming Lou's face changed greatly! He lowered his head again and looked at it carefully!

12 spies!

There are 12 spies of the Japanese army in just one area, and the Red Party basically has no privacy!

"I see, Minister!"

Ming Lou nodded seriously.

"Well, okay, then if there's nothing else, I'll go first."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he turned and left the study.

After Gao Feng left, Minglou frowned and stood there in deep thought, while Mingcheng hesitated after seeing Minglou's appearance: "Brother, how did Gao Feng get this information?"

"How do I know! You go to Uncle Li immediately with the information, and give the information to Uncle Li."

Minglou said.

"Ah, well, I see."

Ming Lou took the note, put it in his pocket, and left quickly.


On the other side, in Zhuang Xiaoman's villa, Zhuang Xiaoman is sending a telegram in the secret room at the moment.

Soon the headquarters received the information sent by Zhuang Xiaoman, and the telegraph operator began to translate. After the translation was completed, the telegraph operator hurriedly took the information and went to the principal's residence not far away.

It was dark at this time. The principal had gone to sleep.

After hearing a knock on the door, he got up from the bed and walked to the door to open it.

"Principal, the telegram over there in Shanghai."

said the telegraph operator hastily.

Hearing that it was from Shanghai, the principal's face suddenly showed a dignified expression. He held Gao Feng very seriously. In order to prevent Gao Feng from being exposed, he even asked Gao Feng to meet him alone.

So after hearing the information from Shanghai Gao Feng, he hurriedly picked up the information and read it.

After seeing a series of lists on the intelligence, a trace of anger flashed in the principal's eyes!

Eight people!

The minimum is the rank of major! The highest even reached the Major General! It is a figure who leads an army!

If the information passed by Gao Feng is true, a major general's mutiny can cause heavy losses to the national army!

But has the news from Gao Feng been fake?

Thinking of this, the principal shouted to the guards outside: "Call the bureau over."


The guard nodded and hurried away.

Half an hour later, the bureau came to the principal's residence.

The principal didn't talk nonsense and directly handed the list to the bureau seat and said, "Now arrest these people immediately! Secretly arrest them, don't make any noise!"

The bureau was stunned for a moment. He reached out and took the note and glanced at it. When he saw the list above, he trembled in his heart and hurriedly said, "Yes!"

"Well, eight people! They are all mid-level and above generals of our army. What on earth did you, the director of the Statistics and Investigation Bureau of the Military Commission, do! If you can't do it, go to Shanghai for me and let Gao Feng be the director!"

The principal scolded the bureau.

Hearing the principal's words, the bureau's heart trembled again!

He really doesn't want to go to Shanghai!

"Don't worry, Principal, I will take care of it!"

The bureau hurriedly assured that...  

Hearing the assurance from the seat, the principal snorted coldly and then waved his hand.

The seat hurriedly turned and left.

the next day..

The military headquarters directly and secretly dispatched operatives to each army! After arriving at each army, the arrest immediately began!

The men were knocked out at home, at their own headquarters, and taken away in secret.

Not only on the side of the National Army, but also on the side of the Red Party!

Twelve spies were eradicated one by one! The action is faster than the national army, and it is also resolute!

The National Army is secretly arresting, while the Red Party is directly arresting!

three days later.

Inside the soil's office.

"What! Another lost contact?!"

Toi listened to the report below and said with wide eyes in disbelief.

The reporters below did not dare to speak, but just stood there with their heads bowed.

"What the .. what's going on here? Why? Why is the intelligence network in the entire East China region gone! What the heck is going on! Baga! Baga!"

Tufa cursed angrily.

After scolding, he gasped and asked, "Who are the superiors of these intelligence agents? Does anyone know their identities?"

"Report to the general! Previously, the person in charge of these people was Miss Kawashima Yoshiko."

The person reporting below said.

"What? It turned out to be Yoshiko Kawashima?"

Tu Fei's face sank.

"General, my subordinates are not lying, the direct leaders of these people are all Miss Kawashima Fangzi!"

Hearing the words of the person below, Tufa frowned and waved his hand.

After leaving there, he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples and started to think.

Yoshiko Kawashima rebelled?

If Doi had been tortured, he would still believe that this information came from Yoshiko Kawashima who couldn't stand the torture, but Yoshiko Kawashima's body only had a bullet hole in his forehead, and the rest of the body was intact, so it didn't look like he was being interrogated at all!

Therefore, Doi never believed that it was the information from Yoshiko Kawashima!

So who else is Yoshiko Kawashima?

Thinking of this, Tu Fei sighed deeply.

The leak of the military strategic map in the South China region has not been found out yet, and now this problem has appeared again!

Damn it! .

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