Not only that..

The other train next to this train is full of golden figures!

Seeing this.. Gao Feng's heart instantly understood!

The train with the words "51" written on it is actually not the real 51. Although it is heavily guarded, it looks a lot like it. In fact, it is a bait, and the real 51 is another ordinary train without anyone guarding it!

good bold..

To be honest, Gao Feng really admires Nakajima Seiko. If he didn't have eagle eyes, he might have been deceived by the other party.

At that time, Naruko Nakajima was a little more ruthless, and he installed a bomb in the train, and then detonated the bomb directly!

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared on Gao Feng's face!

At this time, Mingtai and Yu Manli have come to the ticket gate.~.

Seeing that the two were about to get into the car, Gao Feng quickened his pace and walked to Mingtai's side in a few seconds. Then before the other party could react, he directly put his arms around the other party's neck and laughed loudly: "Haha, under the tree, why did you run here--"

Ming Tai, who was hugged by Gao Feng's shoulders, stopped and looked at Gao Feng in astonishment, while Yu Manli next to him also frowned at the person who came over suddenly.

In just one second.. Mingtai reacted, frowning and whispering: "I'm sorry, you recognized the wrong person."

"Under the tree, stop joking, I'm my brother-in-law, okay. Follow me. Your sister is waiting for you over there."

Gao Feng continued with a smile.

But his hand around Ming Tai's shoulder lightly tapped on Ming Tai's shoulder unintentionally.

Feeling the click frequency of the hand on the shoulder, Ming Tai's face changed slightly, and then said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, my sister is really here?"

"Well, here we go, it's in that train, alright, I'll go over first, you and your siblings hurry up and come over."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he let go of Mingtai, then turned and left.

Looking at Gao Feng's figure, Ming Tai reached out and held Yu Manli, gave her a look and followed.

at the same time..

In a building not far away, Naruko Nakajima and Yunzi Nanzuo stood on the second floor, looking down with binoculars in their hands.

"Did you find anything unusual?"

Nan Zuo Yunzi put down the telescope in his hand and asked.

Nakajima Naruko frowned and shook his head and said, "Not yet.. Are you sure that the people on the train will not be endangered?"

"Cuckoo, no. How could they know that the two cars were swapped, and the real car was full of our secret whistleblowers and camouflaged personnel. After getting in the car, as long as they made a slight movement, they would be discovered.. In fact, I Still looking forward to them getting in the real car and getting caught.."

Nan Zuo Yunzi said with a smile.

Hearing Yunzi Nanzao's words, Naruko Nakajima was silent for a moment, then nodded and said nothing.

"Hey, there is a situation!"

At this time, Nan Zuo Yunzi said suddenly.

Hearing Yunzi Nanzao's words, Naruko Nakajima hurriedly picked up the telescope and looked over there!


"Sir, please show your ticket."

At the train ticket gate, a uniformed conductor stood at the entrance of the carriage to stop Gao Feng who was about to get on the train and said with a smile.

"Baga! Do you know who I am?"

Gao Feng's face changed and he cursed loudly.

"Sorry sir, please show your ticket! You can't get on the bus without a ticket!"

The conductor still said with a smile.


As soon as the words fell, Gao Feng slapped him directly!

A crisp slap sounded! The smile on the conductor's face instantly froze, and behind Gao Feng, Ming Tai and Yu Manli were also stunned!

Although I don't know who this person is, from the time he passed the Morse code to himself, Mingtai has regarded him as his teammate!

But what happened to his mysterious teammate?

Is it so flamboyant?

Instructor Wang Tianfeng has always taught them to keep a low profile when performing tasks!

Isn't it too high-profile to be exposed?

pop.. pop..

At this time, two slaps!

"Bastard! Laozi made your car to look at you, you goddamn Chinese! Baga! How dare you ask Laozi for a ticket!"

Gao Feng cursed loudly while slapping the conductor.

The conductor who had been slapped several times also reacted at this moment, he was not a conductor at all, but a person in a special high class!

Angered, he wanted to take out the gun hidden in his waist and directly kill this arrogant and domineering guy, but this would expose himself!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

So he could only take two steps back and cover his face with his hands and hurriedly said, "Sir, I'm Japanese, I'm Japanese..."

Gao Feng, who was about to raise his arm and swipe over again, was stunned when he heard the other party's words, and said with some doubts: "Nani, it turns out to be an imperial person? How can you be a conductor when you are an imperial person?"

"Sir, I'm really from the Empire..."

The conductor hurriedly repeated it in Japanese.

Hearing the conductor's words, Gao Feng put his hand down and said apologetically, "Haha, it turned out to be from the Empire, I'm really sorry..."

Saying that, Gao Feng reached out to hold the conductor's hand and hurriedly bent over.

The conductor withdrew his hand and said with a far-fetched smile on his face, "It's okay.. I'm often mistaken."


After speaking, he raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth that was fanned out by Gao Feng with the back of his hand.

He didn't notice that there was a very small amount of white powder on the back of his hand, and some of the powder got into his nose as he wiped the corners of his mouth.

"I'm so sorry, this is my ticket, please check."

Gao Feng hurriedly took out the ticket and handed it to the conductor.

The conductor took the ticket and glanced at it, and then there was a gleam in his eyes!

All the tickets of this car have some small and imperceptible marks. If there is no ticket with that mark, then there must be something wrong with the person holding the ticket!

He quietly returned the ticket to Gao Feng, and the conductor smiled and said, "Sir, please collect your ticket."

"Well, thank you, I'm really sorry just now."

Gao Feng took the ticket and said apologetically.

After that, he got into the car.

At this time, Mingtai and Yu Manli also came over, and they consciously handed the ticket to the conductor.

The conductor took the ticket and glanced at it, and then his eyes flashed again!

Two more questions!

"This is your ticket."

The conductor handed the ticket to Mingtai.

Mingtai took the ticket and nodded to the conductor, then pulled Yu Manli onto the train.

After the two got on the train, the conductor put his hand behind him and made a hidden gesture.

Not far away, Yunzi Nanzao and Naruko Nakajima, who were holding binoculars, were shocked when they saw the action!

The target has appeared! Small.

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