The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

"What do these things mean?"

Yoshikawa Yuya picked up the report on the table and looked at the old fox Inoue in confusion!

He was indeed not as professional as the old fox Inoue and others in this kind of agent work!

"According to Nakano-kun's action report, they arrived at Hongkou Railway Station at 3:21 in the afternoon, and then the train arrived at 4:10, and then the gunshots rang!" The old fox Inoue said, and then put another French Concession entrance registration report on it!

"And this registration report shows that Su Mu had already gone to the French Concession at 4:05!"

After saying this, Yamamoto Benlang on the other side couldn't help but frowned!

"This doesn't mean anything. Maybe Sumu got the news in advance, and then told them in advance so that they could open..."

Kameda Tsuruji, who was standing behind Yamamoto Benjiro, expressed a different opinion, but he shut up before he finished speaking!

"Haha, if the military intelligence knew the news in advance, why would they fire a warning shot and expose their position?" Inoue Old Fox chuckled, glanced at Kameda Tsuruji, and shook his head!

The Special High Section is such an idiot!

No wonder the arrest of the military intelligence failed several times!

"The last question, normal people don't need to register when going to the French Concession, why does this Sumu's registration record appear here?"

Yamamoto Benjiro looked at Inoue Old Fox and pointed to the registration record on the table!

After the Japanese occupied the Chinese area!

Although there were posts at the entrance to the French Concession!

But for most people!

Just conduct a body search and let the other party in!

Except for special time periods, there is no need to register!

This Sumu is just an ordinary police station employee!

He entered the French Concession but left a record!

This made Yamamoto Jiro wonder if the other party did it on purpose!

"Normal people don't need it, but if Sumu holds a special pass and doesn't want to be searched, then registration should be inevitable!" Inoue said, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at Nakano Osamu beside him!

After the latter was looked at, he immediately understood!

Special pass!


It's the ocean of sulfa business!

At this moment!

Nakano Osamu thought of Sumu coming to find him today!

"General Yoshikawa, I handled Susan's special pass for him. He went to the French Concession for an important mission!" At this moment, Nakano Osamu saw that Sumu was cleared of suspicion, and he stood up decisively!

We can't let this group of people from the Special High Section track us down!

If we continue to track us down!

His own sulfa business will be exposed!

For a moment!

In the huge field, with the voice of Nakano Osamu, Kameda Tsuruji and Yamamoto Benjiro could not help but fall silent!

The two looked at each other, and both knew that there was a problem between Nakano Osamu and Sumu!


After such an analysis by the old fox Inoue!

They had to admit it!

This Sumu was not suspected!

"In fact, there is another most important point, that is, the military control was able to escape this time because they knew the deployment of the gendarmerie!"

The old fox Inoue glanced at the people present, asked Nakano Osamu and others to open the action report, and his finger fell on the summary of the failure of the last mission!

Those people from the military control did not hesitate!

Escaped directly from the alley in the southeast corner!

Not worried at all!

On the other side of the alley, there were military police guarding!

Such certainty can only mean one thing!

That is, the person who tipped them off knew the temporary deployment location of the gendarmerie!

This is definitely not something that a small Sumu can do!


This Sumu has a search ability similar to that of a scanning eye!

Anyway, the old fox Inoue absolutely does not believe it!

For a moment!

After the analysis of the old fox Inoue, Yamamoto Benjiro, Yoshikawa Yuya, Colonel Nakano and others all frowned!

Originally thought that Sumu was an insider!

Now things have become more complicated!

"Commander Yoshikawa, this matter..."

"This matter ends here, and the subsequent investigation will be conducted by our gendarmerie special 1st section internal review!"

After looking at Colonel Nakano, Yoshikawa Yuya finally withstood the pressure of the Special High Section and directly chose to let Nakano Osamu conduct an internal review!

Looking at Yoshikawa

Yuya is like this, but Yamamoto Jiro is a little unwilling!

If the old fox Inoue's analysis is correct!

Then the traitor is very likely!

It is the captains of the gendarmerie!

But facing Yoshikawa Yuya, the emperor of Shanghai, Yamamoto Jiro can only temporarily give in!


The next day, French Concession

"Ah cut!"

Coming out of the hotel, Sumu sneezed. Last night, Sumu repeatedly thought about the action at the train station. The uneasiness in his heart directly led to insomnia!

"No, I must find a way to gain the trust of the little devils!"

Thinking of his current situation, Sumu still felt that it was not safe!

A small employee of the police station!

One day he will appear in a place where he should not appear!

I don't know how he died!


You must curry favor with Nakano Osamu, the powerful major!

"Sulfanilamide, you must find a way to get more sulfonamide!" Muttering in his heart, Sumu also strode towards the ocean merchant bank!

This time's sulfonamide business!

He had to urge Zhang Huqiang to get more sulfonamide!

After a while

"You're early!"

He looked at the time and found that Zhang Huqiang had not arrived yet. Sumu also sat down in a coffee shop nearby, silently waiting for Zhang Huqiang to arrive!

The channel for this sulfonamide business belongs to the other party!

He is responsible for bringing the money, and the other party is responsible for the communication channel!

This is also for insurance purposes!

"After sulfonamide, it should be penicillin, which is a really good thing!"

While sipping coffee, Sumu secretly thought about the next path!



Just as Sumu was thinking, the waiter on the side bumped into a burly man!

For a moment!

Listening to the other party's words, Sumu couldn't help but look over!

I saw a white-skinned Western man in a suit cursing, and then he was ready to walk to the table on the other side!

Su Mu didn't care at first, but the next moment, the other party's inner voice made the coffee in Su Mu's hand shake slightly!


After taking a breath of cold air, Su Mu's mind was forced to stabilize!

Then he silently glanced around, and then found a table within a range of five meters from the other party and sat down quietly!

At this moment, the ability to eavesdrop on the inner voice was pushed to the extreme!

After waiting for a while, a figure was seen sitting behind the Western man, and the inner voices of the two fell into Su Mu's ears without missing a word!

"Hiss! These two people are!"

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